A Drackon Christmas

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A Drackon Christmas Page 10

by Maia Starr

  "Me? Creatures of Earth are no match for me,” I said in a boastful tone. She laughed.

  She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then walked to the car. I walked toward the forest. I didn't want to turn into a dragon form until I was deep within the trees.

  I watched as her vehicle pulled out onto the lane and then down the isolated dirt road. It was hard for me to watch her go out of sight. I really did worry when being separated from her. I did not know if we were somehow followed out here, or could be ambushed at any moment. But I did not want us to live as prisoners either. She needed to go to the market to get food for our comfort, and I did not want to limit her. I wanted to make this the best Christmas that she had ever had.

  “Now what was this about presents? Gifts?” I said to myself. My walk into the forest would do double duty. I could get a game hen in less than five minutes or a good rabbit. But what would take some time was making the jewelry that I planned to make for her as gifts. That would require hunting for the perfect stones. I had already seen the spoons inside of the cabin that would melt easily in my fire in order to make a necklace. But I needed the pendant. I knew that this area of the Earth had white moonstones. I shifted into dragon form and flew into the air. I stayed low flying between large tree trunks until I came across a running creek. It was here that I could gather polished stones. And to my astonishment there was plenty of fish; this would make for a perfect meal for tonight, easier than having to find and scare out game from the brushes.

  I caught three large fish and put them on a large rock on the bank. Then I waded through the water. I searched and searched and finally found the perfect round white stone. It was perfect. Now I just had to get back to the cabin and work on my gifts before she got home. I grabbed my goods and flew back to the tree line of the forest. Then I shifted out of dragon form and walked across the snowfield.

  Once I had the fish in the cold storage box she called a refrigerator, I took one spoon and took it outside behind the cabin. I looked around and laid it inside a can. There was no one in sight, so I drew my breath and allowed the fire from within to shoot out of me into the can until I had melted silver. Then I could play with this liquid and mold it into the necklace for my lovely Noelle.

  Chapter 17

  Noelle Evergreen

  Never in my wildest dreams did I think my Christmas miracle would come true. Because of everything that happened and now that we were on the run, I sort of gave up on Christmas. But Gavonn was not going to let me abandon my dreams. I had lived in the city for so long that I forgot what a country Christmas could be like. It was better. Brown thing through the forest to find your own tree was an amazing experience. Having the love of your life be so strong that he could carry it with one arm over his shoulder was impressive and sexy as hell. We could make our gifts for each other. As soon as he got the tree, I begin to gather items from the forest to decorate the cabin with as well as the tree. This was how it was originally done. It was better than just going to the store and buying stuff. This meant more. This was beautiful.

  I returned from the market and found Gavonn building a fire in the fireplace.

  “You are just in time. I was about to start to worry,” he said with the wink.

  “Help me with the bags, Mr. Strong,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain,” he said saluting me.

  “How was your trip to the market? Find what you need?” he asked.

  “I did. I even found string lights for the Christmas tree and red ribbon to tie bows on the branches,” I said smiling.

  “Sounds fantastic. You will have to show me how it is done,” he said.

  “I can't wait. We can do it after dinner. Speaking of, how was your forest plunger?” I asked not wanting to tell him that they had fresh chicken breast easily available at the market.

  “It was good. I found a nearby creek and caught three very large fish. They are in your cold storage,” he said with a proud smile.

  “Fish? Perfect. At least we don't have to pluck fish,” I said thankful that he found something simpler. “I have fresh root vegetables as well. We could put it all in a giant baking pan and put it in the oven.

  “I like the sound of that,” he said as he put the bags on the table.

  “I also have another surprise,” I said reaching into one of the bags and pulling out two bottles. I set them on the table.

  “What is that?” he asked.

  “It is brandy. It is the preferred drink around this time of year. It goes well in hot drinks like hot chocolate,coffee, and hot cider,” I said.

  He looked at me confused. He opened it and sniffed it. “This is a very strong smell.”

  “It is like wine,” I said.

  “Oh, in that case, I love it,” he said as he understood that this was an alcoholic beverage. He took a swig from the bottle. He smiled. “Good.”

  I laughed.

  “Come on, help me put these things away and I can start on dinner.”

  The evening progressed in a way that I thought was magical. We had our roasted fish feast and hot brandy drinks in front of the fireplace. It was romantic, and we were having an excellent time. When we were done, I grabbed the ribbon and began to cut small strips of about the same size.

  “Now it is time to trim the tree,” I said to him.

  “Why? Do you think it is too big for the space? I think it fits perfectly,” he said looking at it. I burst out into laughter. I was rolling on the rug in front of the fireplace.

  “No, silly. Trimming the tree means we decorate it. That is the term for it,” I said standing up to my feet.

  I opened the box of string lights and plugged it into an outlet. The small red lights twinkled. It was beautiful. It reminded me of the red Victorian scene that was in the department store window that I had seen before many weeks ago. It seemed like ages ago. I thought it was strange that I was now living that Victorian Christmas scene in real life.

  “Stand on that side of the tree, and I will stand on this side. I am going to hand you the string of lights, and we are going to wrap it all the way up the tree starting from the bottom,” I said to him.

  “Oh, I see. Teamwork. I will let you be the captain, and I will be the lieutenant,” he joked.

  “I like the sound of that. I can order you around,” I said.

  “And I will gladly listen and obey,” he said in a seductive tone with his voice getting husky and full of desire. I had to admit that the Christmas surroundings that we were creating were turning me on, as well as the amount of brandy that I had already drank.

  We handed each other the lights over and over until he was circling them around the top, where I could not reach. It was very useful to have his tall height and arms that were long and stretched to the top of the tree.

  “How did I do?” he put his hands up in the air as he looked at the tree.

  “You did it perfectly. It is beautiful. I love it,” I said as I clapped my hands together.

  “Do I get a reward?” he said looking at me.

  “Yes, you do,” I said as I walked to him. I got up on my tiptoes and reached to kiss him. My lips pressed against his soft lips. I could taste the brandy on his breath. His large hands moved to my lower back and then around my ass. He moaned into my mouth. I felt the moisture a growing between my thighs. I had to pull myself away, or we would never get done with the tree.

  “Now the ribbon,” I said jumping away from him and skipping to the rug in front of the fireplace. He groaned in disappointment that I pulled away from the kiss.

  I grabbed the stack of cut ribbon and carried it over to the tree. I laid it on the table.

  “Here, I will show you. It is very easy,” I said as I grabbed one piece of ribbon. I looped it around the edge of a tree branch and tied it into a bow. “That is it. Easy enough,” I said.

  He grabbed a piece of ribbon and wrapped it around the edge of a tree branch and tied it into a bow. “Easy,” he said.

  I laughed. “So we just tie them around th
e tree, all the way up. Just spread them out a bit,” I said. Then together we tied red ribbon on to the Christmas tree. I refilled our hot brandy, and we slowly sipped from it between tying the ribbons.

  “I don't think I have ever taken part in helping with the decor during the holiday festivities on Mooreah. I can see how this is quite fun and calming,” I said.

  “Yes, it is. I find it to be so much fun. But it's even more fun when you have someone to share it with,” I said, looking at him as I tied the last ribbon onto the tree.

  “It is beautiful,” he said stepping back.

  “Yes, it is. Usually, the top of the tree is reserved for a star, or a big ribbon. But I couldn’t find anything like that in the market,” I said.

  “But it is still the most beautiful tree I have ever seen.” I looked at him and smiled.

  “Then maybe we can go into the forest tomorrow and forage for our tree topper,” he said.

  “I think that is a wonderful idea,” I said, putting my arms around his neck and hanging off of him.

  “Well, the tree is done. What can we do with our time next?” he said.

  “I have an idea,” I said as I ran my hands down his strong shoulders and over his broad chest until they were on his six-pack abs. But I didn't stop there. I lowered myself onto my knees. He moaned as I unzipped the tight synthetic material of his derets. I pushed my hand inside of them and pulled out his hard cock. Then I licked the tip of it.

  “Oh fuck that feels good,” he moaned.

  I moaned as I licked the tip over and over, swirling my tongue around it. He shifted his weight from one foot to another. I liked making him squirm. It was about time because I had been behaving like a wild banshee when he would touch me. I wanted to make this powerful dragon whimper under my touch.

  I clamped both of my hands on his cock. He growled. Good, that was a start. I continued licking up and down like a popsicle. My hands moved slowly up and down on his cock while my mouth worked. He was moving around. His hands pushed into my red hair. He was groaning loudly. I looked up at him. He was looking down at me. His bright teeth were biting his bottom lip so hard I thought he might draw blood.

  I looked back at my work. I moved my hands and pushed his cock into my mouth, only an inch or two. It was all that I could do. He was too large for my delicate mouth. But he did not seem to mind.

  “Oh yes. Shit, that feels good,” he said as I pushed his cock in and out of my mouth. I was moving slowly. But then I moved faster and faster. His groans grew louder and louder. Then I stopped.

  He looked at me in shock as I got to my feet. “I don’t want you to cum yet. That won’t be fun for me,” I said.

  “Then what do you want me to do?” he asked.

  I grabbed his hand and moved him away from the Christmas tree. I moved him to the living room rug in the large space there.


  “What?” he asked.

  “I want you to shift to weredragon form. I want the dragon to make love to me,” I said.

  “Are you sure about that? I don’t know my own strength. What if I hurt you?”

  “You won’t,” I said.

  “If it’s what you want. I will do it,” he said.

  I watched as he peeled his clothes off. He stood naked in front of me with his hard cock sticking up proudly.

  Then in a flash, he shifted into the weredragon. Large silver wings pushed out behind him, spreading wide. Hard dragon scales in a beautiful metallic color appeared on his chest. They looked like shiny jewels.

  “You are beautiful, Gavonn,” I said.

  “Not as beautiful as you are, Noelle. Now come to me,” he said with a growl.

  I smiled and walked to him. I placed my hands on his hard scales. I rubbed over them, up and down, kissing them and licking them. I wanted him, the dragon.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Yes, you know that I do,” I said.

  “I want to see you,” he said. He grabbed me and quickly turned me around. I squealed and laughed.

  My back pressed against his hard scales. He grabbed my hands over my head and put them around his neck. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my ass. His hands roamed from my hands down my arms slowly until they were cupping my breasts. I moaned. This felt damn good.

  He grabbed the hem of my red sweater and pulled it up over my head. My breasts bounced as they were let free of the fabric. Then he moaned as he cupped them again and pinched my nipples between his fingers.

  He kissed my neck as he did so, and I got chills down my body.

  His large hand shoved into my jeans. “Oh, yes,” I moaned.

  The tip of his large finger moved over my clitoris. He pressed it moving it from side to side. I was wiggling against his hard scales. I could feel them on the skin of my back. It felt good to have his dragon scales against me.

  Then hands pushed my jeans over my hips. I helped and took them off the rest of the way. Now I was naked like him. I turned and faced him. His large wings were spread out. The silver glistened in the lights.

  “You want the dragon?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do. Always and forever,” I said.

  “I like the sound of forever,” he said. Then he kissed me. His large hands pressed on my small back and pulled me to him. My breasts pressed against his hard dragon scales. They felt good and warm against my nipples. I kissed him hungrily.

  Then he stopped kissing me. He dropped to his knees. I let out a delightful laugh. He was doing what I did to him. I knew his game.

  He looked up at me and smiled. He grabbed my thigh and picked it up, laying it across his forearm. Then he licked my wet center.

  “Oh… yes. Gavonn that feels wonderful,” I said.

  He licked me with his long alien tongue. At this vantage point, I could stare at his large dragon silver wings. I had an alien weredragon between my legs, licking me. It was a surreal and fantastic experience. I was surrounded by all things Christmas and the weredragon of my dreams was making love to me while shifted into dragon form. I could not have asked for a better Christmas miracle.

  “I’m going to cum. I’m going to release,” I said putting my hands on his shoulders trying to steady myself as the waves of tremors hit me. I climaxed in his mouth. He growled a low guttural growl.

  He stood up and picked me up before I knew what was happening. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I was still cumming. His large wings flapped a few times. We moved a good three feet in the air. I was astounded by what was happening.

  His hands went around my waist. He picked me up like nothing. Then I felt the tip of his cock enter me. I groaned. He slowly lowered me down on it, inch by inch. Finally, he was all the way inside of me. He looked at me and smiled.

  I sighed. My hands went to his stiff dragon scales. I could not stop touching them.

  He flew over the wall. I felt my back press against it. Gavonn’s hands moved to my ass, and he picked me up, holding me steadily. Then he moved his hips, swaying them. His cock moved in and out of me. He flapped his wings intermittently in order to keep us up in the air.

  “Oh yes! Yes!” I was screaming. I was in an uproar from all of it. I was being fucked in the air by this weredragon warrior. I could watch his wings flap. It was overwhelming all of my senses. I put my hands around his neck and hung on. I let him have complete control. He groaned and grunted as he fucked me.

  “Yes, my dragon lover. Fuck me hard,” I said over and over.

  “Yes, Noelle,” he whispered as he kissed my mouth.

  “I’m going to cum!” I screamed out. He continued moving faster and faster. His cock slid in and out of me with ease; I was so damn wet. Then I suddenly released. “Oh!” I trembled. He growled again. The growl was deeper. He was in dragon form, and it reverberated from every wall. It was a terrifying sound, and I loved it.

  “I’m going to release,” he groaned.

  “Yes, I want you to, my dragon,” I whispered, barely able to hold myself together.

  “Fuck, fuck,” he moaned. Then I felt his warm sticky juices flow through me.

  He slowly lowered us to the floor. He kissed my neck and my mouth over and over again. My feet touched the floor.

  I looked at him. His brown alien eyes looked at me with desire.

  “That was spectacular,” I said.

  “I thought you might like that,” he said.

  “I do. I want to do that at least once a week, if not more,” I said.

  He laughed. “Yes, Captain, whatever you say, I will obey.”

  We finally pulled apart. I felt weak, like I had just put my body through a rigorous workout. He stepped away from me, and I watched as he shifted out of dragon form.


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