A Drackon Christmas

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A Drackon Christmas Page 11

by Maia Starr

  I felt naughty for having fucked the dragon. But what was Christmas without worrying if you were on the naughty list or not?

  Gavonn grabbed a blanket and draped it over my shoulders.

  “Thank you,” I said. “I think I need to lay down for a bit.”

  “I understand,” he said. He grabbed pillows and threw them on the ground in front of the fireplace. I sat down on them and watched as he added logs to the fire. Then he grabbed some water and brought it to me. I really did have the sexiest and sweetest weredragon possible.

  I could not take my eyes off him, that was until I slowly drifted off to sleep with him wrapped around me.

  Chapter 18

  Captain Gavonn Viox

  Christmas with Noelle was turning out to be the most pleasurable experience of my life. I never expected that such a holiday could make a human so happy. But it made her glow like I had never seen her glow before. She was radiating happiness, and I wanted her to be as happy as possible. I considered it a miracle that I was able to experience it with her.

  But the truth of the matter was, I was still married. According to the laws of Mooreah, I was promised to another, and I was breaking every single one of those laws. I didn't want to betray my own kind, but they did not leave me a choice. Lawful separation was not something that was allowed on Mooreah. I knew that I would never be able to go back there. But Noelle was worth every single sacrifice.

  I did not bother her with these details. I wanted to wait until after this holiday in order to give her some time here on Earth celebrating her favorite time. I did not want to make her panic and full of anxiety.

  “Let's go find that Christmas tree topper that you want,” I said to her as we sat on the porch of the cabin. The comfortable rocking chairs, and spending the time staring out at the landscape, was fast becoming one of my favorite things to do out in the isolated nature setting.

  “Yes! Let's do that,” she said as she stood up. She kissed me on the cheek. “I am going to go get my coat and hat.”

  “I am going to stay right here in this nice chair that moves for as long as I can,” I joked.

  “It rocks. It's a rocking chair,” she said as she went inside.

  A few moments later she reappeared nice and bundled. I liked seeing her this way I thought it was adorable every time.

  I grabbed her hand, and together we walked off the porch. We crossed the snowy field behind the cabin and into the forest.

  “So what can we put on top of the tree? I don't think we are going to find a star out here,” I said.

  “No, you are right. I don't know. Let's walk some more; I will know when I see it,” she said.

  “Sounds good to me. The exercise is good for us. We have been spending our time eating, drinking, and being merry,” I said.

  “You just described the holidays. That is what it is all about,” she said.

  “Then I guess we are doing it right,” I said.

  We entered the forest and walked around. It was mid-day and the animals were lively.

  “Maybe I can catch some fish for dinner tonight again,” I said.

  “Yes, I think that is a good idea. Let’s head in the direction of the creek,” she said.

  We walk together hand-in-hand pointing out the beauties of nature.

  “There!” she shouted at you like go of my hand and ran toward a very tall tree. She was looking up into the branches.

  “What? What is it?” I asked following her.

  “It is holly! It is perfect. Do you see the red berries on the vine? It is a very long vine. I can tie it up into a bow that will drape down from the top of the tree. It is perfect!” she said.

  “Well if that is what you want, then that is what you shall have,” I said as I walked away from her. She jumped up and down and clapped. She knew what was coming.

  I shifted into dragon form. Then I flew straight up the tree. I cut a large amount of the vine with the berries that she wanted. Then I gathered that and flew back down to her.

  “Will this be enough, my lovely Noelle?” I asked.

  "It is perfect. Here, put it in my bag,” she said opening the bag that she brought with her to gather items. I did as she asked. Then she gave me a big kiss as a reward. It was a very good reward.

  We continued walking through the forest until we got to the creek. She sat down on a large boulder and watched me as I caught fish with my bare hands. It didn't take me very long, especially in dragon form.

  After we were done, we walked back through the forest for the cabin.

  “We are almost there. You should probably shift back. Your wings are too noticeable,” she said.

  “That is a good point,” I said. I stepped away from her and shifted out of dragon form. You never knew when someone could be driving by or drive up mistaking the address for a different one. From a distance, I just looked like a human man, a tall one. But if they got close, they would now. If I had my wings out, it would be obvious, and my scales would shine in the sunlight.

  We made it back to the cabin, and I cleaned and prepared the fish while she sat on the living room rug creating the Christmas tree though.

  “It is done! I hope that it works!” she said.

  “Well, let's try it and see,” I said walking over to her to see the beautiful masterpiece that she had made. It looked like a giant bow made of the vine with red berries, but it streamed down in ribbons. I carried it to the tree as she stood at my side.

  “Just slip it over the tallest tree branch,” she said.

  “Like this,” I said is I positioned the bow putting the tree through the center of it.

  “Yes, exactly,” she said.

  “Oh, if only I could reach up there so that I could place the streamer part of it perfectly,” she said.

  “Allow me,” I said as I moved it behind her and placed my hands on her small waist. I picture up into the air toward the tree. She laughed.

  “Thank you. A little to the right,” she said. I took her around the tree as she expertly placed in the hanging vines so that they were spaced evenly apart from each other as they trailed down the tree.

  “Okay, I'm done,” she said. I set her down on her feet and then gave her a big kiss.

  “You are very handy to have around,” she said.

  “Well I hope that I am useful for more than just this,” I said playfully.

  “You are also good for dinner,” she said as she winked at me and moved into the kitchen. Together, we prepared dinner like we had been so many nights.

  So, the days passed in bliss as we went through our routine walks in the forest and meals together by the Christmas tree and making love in front of the fire. It was a simple life, and I enjoyed every second of it.

  But tonight was the night; it was what Noelle called Christmas Eve.

  “I am so excited. It is finally here, but in truth, every day has felt like Christmas with you,” she said as she placed dinner on the table.

  “I have to agree. Every night and day has felt extremely special. Every day has been Christmas with you,” I said.

  “I like that answer,” she said.

  “Everything is ready,” she said as she placed roasted potatoes, green beans, something she called stuffing, and a game hen, that I had caught the day before, on the table.

  “It smells absolutely delicious. I cannot believe it. This is incredible,” I said, thrilled and impressed by the bounty.

  “And, of course, some brandy,” she said as she poured the delicious alcoholic liquid into our glasses. “Merry Christmas my love,” she said raising her glass. I raised mine and bumped it against hers.

  Then we served to ourselves and dug into the delicious feast. The flavors were warm and inviting. I moaned as I took a bite of everything she served.

  She smiled a big smile. “I am so happy that you are pleased. Christmas dinner is always the best. Everything tastes better just because it's Christmas,” she said.

  “I will have to agree with you on that,” I
said, taking a bite of the delicious roasted potatoes that had a layer of sticky honey on them.

  We ate and had our fill with light, fun conversation. Then we moved in front of the fireplace to digest. She told me several delightful stories about Christmas. One was about a jolly fat man called Santa that lived at the North Pole. It was like a children's story, but she delighted in telling it, and I loved hearing it. I found it very amusing. I like the idea of a man dressed in red coming down the chimney to leave gifts.

  “Speaking of gifts, I have two for you. One I will give to you in the morning as your tradition requires, but one I want to give to you tonight,” I said to her.

  “What? Really, Gavonn?” she said with her face lighting up.

  “Yes, it is outside. Whenever you are ready for it,” I said. “But you will have to bundle up. You will be outside for a while,” I said.

  She stood up and jumped up and down with a delightful squeal. She ran into the bedroom. I could hear her getting dressed. I stood up and went out the front door and stepped down off of the porch. Then I shifted into dragon form and waited for her.

  Finally, she came outside bundled in a scarf, hat, heavy coat, and boots.

  “My Christmas Eve present to you, my dear Noelle, is a Christmas Eve flight through the snowy forest, if you would like?” I said.

  “Yes!” she shouted as she ran down the porch and into my arms. I kissed her. I enjoyed making her happy. It felt good. Then I scooped her up into my arms.


  “Yes,” she said.

  I took a running start and flapped my large silver wings, pushing us into the air. I took flight in the full moonlight. It bounced off the snow, creating lots of light for us to see the magic wonders of the night. I flew towards the forest treeline, and in moments we were gliding underneath the tall pine forest canopy.

  “This is magical,” Noelle sighed.

  “So are you,” I said kissing her on the cheek.

  I flew straight up along the tallest tree in the forest until we were on top of it looking down. I figured in the dark of the night we could get away with the few moments above the high trees in the isolated forest. I flew slowly over the treetops that were layered in snow so that Noelle could see. Then I heard a familiar thundering sound.

  “What is that?” she said looking around.

  “I know exactly what that is. It is my old friends. I have come across them every now and then when I hunt. I will show you. You're going to love this,” I said.

  Then the source of the thunder came into view. It was a herd of deer pounding a long day for us for as they ran.

  “Oh my God! This is beautiful! Thank you Gavonn!” she shouted at me as she squeezed me tighter.

  I flew over the herd, but not too close. I didn't want to scare the poor things. But we flew along with them as though we were part of the herd. It was a good experience, even for me. I saw the beauty in the nature of Earth.

  Finally, we departed from our new friends, and I flew in the direction of the small creek. I set her down on the bank.

  “Merry Christmas,” I said to her.

  She gave me a big kiss. “Merry Christmas to you Gavonn. That was the most wonderful gift, the best Christmas gift I have ever received. Words cannot explain how magical that was for me,” she said with her eyes watering.

  “I am glad you enjoyed it. I want to make every day special for you, whether it is Christmas or not,” I said.

  “Gavonn, I know that it is cold out here. But you can control your body heat. Maybe if you make your body warmer, then it won't matter that I'm naked,” she said as she pulled off her hat followed by her scarf and coat throwing them on the ground.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want you right now. Just the way that you are,” she said.

  “The night just keeps getting better and better. I have an idea. Stand back,” I said as I moved to a very large boulder on the side of the creek. It was flat on top, the perfect stage for our lovemaking. I pulled the heat inside of me until my belly was glowing. Then the fire came out of my mouth onto the boulder. I spread it out on the surface but not too long. I didn't want us to burn. I stopped. I placed my hand on the rock; the heat was creating steam in the air. The temperature of the rock was perfect.

  “Try it,” I said to her. She smiled a big smile as she picked up her coat and hat off of the ground and carried it to the rock. She placed her hand on it.

  “This is perfect.” Then she climbed on top of the rock and spread her coat out like a blanket. She sat on top of it, and I watched as she pulled off her sweater and bra. Then she pulled off her boots and jeans, but left on her deck by high socks. She looked at me with desire. I started back looking at her. Seeing the steam rice around her made her seem like a goddess out of a mythological story. I was hard. I was damn hard.

  “You look so damn sexy. I can barely stand it any longer,” I said.

  “Then don't. Come here and satisfy your urges, my dragon,” she whispered.

  I growled. I moved to the rock and climbed on top of it. I pulled off my clothes and was now naked in the cold air next to her. I warmed the internal temperature of my body. She put her hand on my belly as it glowed for a brief second, and then stopped. She moaned as she climbed on top of me.

  “You are so warm. I like the feeling under my thighs. I can’t believe you are able to do this. It’s incredible. This rock is warm,” she said as she straddled me.

  “Good. I want to make sure you feel good and safe. I can’t have you feeling cold,” I said as I rubbed my hands up and down her legs. She moaned. I didn’t stop there. I moved my hands up her stomach and grabbed her breasts.

  “Mmm, yes. That feels good,” she moaned.

  The sounds of the trickling water and night birds of the forest were all around us. I felt like a primal animal in the natural environment.

  “I want you inside of me,” she moaned as she moved forward on my body. I grabbed my cock and pushed the tip inside of her warm body. She moaned as she sat back down, taking me inside slowly, inch by inch.

  “Fuck, that feels so damn good,” I moaned.

  “It does? What about this?” she said. Then she pressed her hands on my stomach and began to bounce up and down on top of me.

  “That is sexy. I could watch you do that all night,” I said as I watched her bounce on my cock. Her breasts bounced up and down, jiggling. I had to put my hands on them.

  “Yes! Yes!” she moaned. Her wild red hair moved all around her. Her lips were pink and swollen from my kisses. They trembled with her every movement. I moved my hands from her breasts to the sides of her body. I rubbed them up and down, warming her.

  Then she stopped bouncing. She got up on her knees and slid my cock out of her.

  “What is it? Did I hurt you?” I asked beginning to panic.

  “No, not at all. I just want to change direction,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked confused.

  She stood up and turned around. I didn’t know what she was doing. Her face was now facing my feet. Then she straddled me again. She grabbed my cock and placed the tip inside her wet center.

  “Oh fuck. Yes, damn that is fucking sexy,” I moaned as I watched. I pressed my hands on her ass massaging her cheeks. She slid down my cock just a little. I could watch. This was hot.

  She moaned and moved wildly as she slid up and down, bouncing again like she was before.

  I moved my hand around her body. I placed my thumb on her clitoris. She groaned again.

  I flicked my finger back and forth over it until she was moaning so loud that it echoed across the stream and off the forest trees.

  “I’m cumming,” she moaned. Then I felt her warmth flow on my cock. It turned me on. I was on the brink. I grabbed her waist and moved her up and down on my cock in short burst of movement. Then I felt the buildup lead to an explosion.

  “I’m going to release, fuck,” I moaned.

  I released inside of her. She moved s
lowly up and down, sliding on my hard shaft. Then she stopped. It took us a few moments to speak before either of us could gather our thoughts.

  She laid beside me on the warm rock.

  “Look at that,” she said.

  “What?” I asked. I noticed that she was looking up at the sky.

  “It is the North Star. We call it the Christmas star because it shines brighter this time of year,” she said.


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