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Michelle Woods - Becoming Raven's Man (Red Devils MC #7)

Page 6

by Unknown

  “It’s just me. Welcome back,” Blue-eyes said moving towards the bed.

  “Umm, hi,” she murmured not knowing what to say to him. He’d told her he was a friend and then left her to die. She wasn’t sure what to think of him. Was he friend or foe? She didn’t know.

  “I’m sorry that you had to go through that ordeal. I wanted to sneak you more water and some food, but they reassigned me.” He stood next to the bed, his eyes sad as he looked down at her.

  “Is Viper coming back?”

  “Not tonight, he’s with Marta.” His eyes became even more sad at that revelation. Raven wondered if Marta was the woman who been wearing the collar and little else or if that was someone else.

  “How long have I been out?” Raven asked, wondering how many hours she’d been lying on the bed with an IV in her arm.

  “Five days,” he said and Raven’s mouth dropped open at this pronouncement.

  Five days? How could she have been out for five days? She was floored by how close to death she must have been to be recovering for five days. She’d known that she was close but dang, that was frightening.

  “You were severely dehydrated and you’d been starved for three days. You nearly died, Raven,” he told her, his eyes meeting hers.

  She turned away from him, wanting to hide from the truth that she’d faced five days ago when they’d dragged her from that little box. She was willing to do almost anything to not go back into that sweatbox.

  “Raven, don’t be embarrassed. I would want to live too. You need to be strong.” He leaned in close to her ear, pressing his lips against it, making her body go unnaturally still. “I sent for help, but I don’t know how long it will take. You just need to stay alive till they get here. Do whatever it takes, just survive,” he whispered.

  She was a bit shocked. He didn’t know that help was already on the way from the Red Devils, and whatever game he was playing was dangerous but he’d still thought to send for help for her. She was touched. She also wanted to know who this man was. He wasn’t a Headhunter. She’d bet her life on it.

  “Who are you really?” she whispered.

  “A friend. I told you that already. I can’t say more.”

  “Then at least tell me your name.” Raven wanted to know more but she understood that he wasn’t willing to tell her, likely because he didn’t know if she’d betray him to get Viper to go easy on her; she wouldn’t, but he couldn’t know that for sure.

  “Burner. Now get some sleep.” After he said his name she realized that she’d already heard it that first day they were here, but she hadn’t connected it to him. It was likely because she’d had other things on her mind that day, like staying alive.

  Since Raven’s eyes were heavy and her body was weak, she thought that sleep might be a good idea. Deciding to take her new friend’s advice, she closed her eyes and was asleep in minutes.

  Chapter 8

  Ten days after her stay with the Headhunters began, Raven was inside the little hut again. It hadn’t been a pretty scene when they’d shoved her back in here yesterday. Viper had left, and his instructions had been very clear and given in front of her the other morning. She was to be fed and watered, he’d told them, like she was a damned pet.

  Although she hadn’t liked the asshole treating her like an animal, she was glad that one of his stipulations was that she wasn’t to be touched. That order at least had been good because it meant that they weren’t going to rape her. Yesterday morning they had caught her trying to find a way out of the compound and they had shoved her back into this hovel.

  She’d screamed and fought like a banshee, managing to blacken one man’s eye and scratching the face of another. Even so she’d still been shoved back inside the hovel. The only difference from the last time was that they were at least giving her water and a small bit of bread this morning. She still hated being in this hovel sitting in the dirt. She could see it caked under her nails and she knew that her hair was a tangled mess by now. Why they hadn’t cleaned her up when she was in that little hospital room she didn’t know.

  When she thought about that again, she decided she liked being dirty after all because the very idea of Viper or one of the other bikers here stripping her naked to clean her was horrifying. Yep, maybe stinking to high heaven was okay after all, she thought grimly. She heard whoops and yells from outside and got up, looking out the small window while standing on her tiptoes.

  She saw five men outside the main house. She watched as they shifted, allowing her to see that Viper was back. Yippy, she thought, watching the men who were shoving around a young woman. She looked to be about seventeen Raven saw with disgust.

  The men were grabbing her breasts and they’d already ripped off her top. The woman screamed and tried to run, only to be tackled seconds later by one of the men. Raven cringed, stepping away from the window. Whatever was going to happen to that girl wasn’t going to be pretty she realized, her stomach turning.

  These men were disgusting and she was glad that Viper wanted something from her so she didn’t end up like that girl who was still screaming. Raven felt tears burning her eyes as she listened to the girl. She leaned against the wall with her hands over her ears and tears streaming down her dirty face. The girl screamed for what seemed like forever until the sound stopped suddenly, making Raven wonder if the girl was dead, or if she’d just screamed herself out.

  A few hours later she heard the door to the hovel being opened and looked out of the darkness to see Viper and Ghost standing in the doorway.

  “I hear you were a bad girl while I was away, Raven. Tisk, Tisk, whatever shall I do with you?”

  Ghost snickered. “Let’s take her inside and show her what is expected of her.”

  “Relax, we will,” Viper said, grinning widely. Crap, this didn’t bode well for her, she realized, watching the two men warily. She didn’t want to find out what they expected of her, not after hearing that girl scream for over an hour. She leaned against the wall on the far side of the room, not wanting to be any closer to them than she had to be.

  “Well, little doll, are you going to come with us or do you want to stay here with no food and water again?” Viper asked, laughing. Ghost grinned wickedly; his teeth showing like that made him look creepy as fuck. Dang, she’d cussed again. Of course, after what she’d been through this week she thought that maybe she was entitled to a little cussing.

  The fear of dying in this hovel was worse than her fear over what these two men had planned for her. She began cautiously moving towards them, her hands shaking and her legs feeling like jelly.

  Viper grabbed her arm hard when she was close, jerking her towards him. He leaned down and whispered close to her ear, “Don’t worry, little doll. Tonight is just a demonstration of what a good little doll does. You won’t have to perform. Besides,” Viper said, shoving her out the door. Raven stumbled, barely managing not to fall on her face in the dirt, hearing their laughter behind her as she righted herself. “You fucking stink!”

  Raven wanted to scream at him that of course she stank, they’d left her in a dirty hovel for days and hadn’t bothered to clean her while she was in the little hospital room. What the hell did they expect? Viper moved behind her, pushing her forward towards the door to the house.

  They continued to push at her as they made their way to the clubhouse. When they reached the stairs she tried to scurry up them before they were able to push her again, but Ghost waited until she’d lifted her foot to place on the first step and then he pushed her, hard. She fell forward, her jaw hitting the porch, her teeth cracking together, making her cry out in pain. She moaned when her side hit the steps and she felt splinters in her hands where she’d tried to catch herself.

  “Good one, but don’t bruise her up too much. She has such pretty skin. I can’t wait to work on it,” Viper’s snide voice rang out behind her. His hard hands grabbed her, jerking her to her feet and shoving her ahead of him, then dragging her into the house and down the hall to so
me more stairs. She was dragged into a large room with several armchairs and a pool table. Men were loitering around, laughing and drinking beers. She was pushed towards a corner where the woman she remembered seeing in the collar the other day was standing near a couch. She was wearing less today than she had been the other day.

  The collar was the only thing she was wearing today. It was hooked to a chain that was attached to the wall, and Raven was horrified. She met the woman’s brown eyes with her own expecting to see some type of horror or sorrow, or hell anything. The woman’s stare, however, was dead which disturbed her even more than the sight of the collar attached to her neck. Dear lord, what did it take to put that look into someone’s eyes? It was as if she was here physically but mentally she was gone.

  Raven was pushed into one of the chairs near the woman and Ghost sat down across from her. Viper took her hands and wrapped cuffs around her wrists. They were hooked to two rings she hadn’t noticed on the chair arms when he’d shoved her down. He sat down across from her, smiling that sly evil smile.

  She wondered how she’d ever thought this man was handsome as she stared at him. He turned, indicating the woman in chains. “Meet Marta, my other pet. She’s been here for five months and I liked her, only now she is getting to be a bit dull. Which is why you’re here.” He smiled again, showing lots of teeth.

  “Now let me show you what’s in store for you once you’re trained.” Viper reached towards his zipper unleashing his dick, making Raven want to gag. She looked up, meeting his eyes. He turned to Marta. “Suck our cocks, bitch.”

  That was when she realized that Ghost had bared his cock too. She couldn’t help it, she closed her eyes trying to block out the sight of them and the woman now getting on her knees before them. The other men were calling out for her to suck theirs next. It was revolting.

  “Open your eyes, Raven. Now!” Viper growled.

  She forced her eyes open, her heart pounding in disgusted despair for the woman. Even though Raven knew from looking in her eyes that she wasn’t there anymore, it didn’t matter.

  She saw that he was holding the woman’s hair, forcing her mouth down on him further as she sucked him, Raven again wanted to vomit. She went to squeeze her eyes shut again only Viper barked out, “You watch! If you close your eyes again I will let Ghost take you in the back room for fifteen minutes, and trust me, you don’t want that.” Viper gripped the woman’s hair harder, pulling her down.

  Raven felt the bile rising in her throat and she vomited all over the floor in front of her while Viper roared out a climax, but she never closed her eyes. The idea of being alone with Ghost for even a second scared her shitless.

  Travis waited as the man passed his hiding spot. He’d managed to get here a day later than planned. He’d been scouting the area for the last hour. The guards were good. It had been fourteen days since Raven had been taken. He didn’t want to think about what could have been happening to her in fourteen days.

  Travis watched as the man who’d walked past the bushes where he crouched lit a cigarette from a few feet away. He’d have to wait here a bit apparently. He’d seen a few women around earlier today through the binoculars he’d brought with him, but none of them had been Raven. Although the collars and the bruises on the women had made him wonder if he found Raven and got her out, would she recover from this ordeal?

  When the man moved away again, he silently moved to the next bit of brush. He was near some small buildings and began moving around the side of one of the buildings; he stopped, cursing. He’d walked up on another man. Fuck, he thought grimly, he was dead and Raven would have to stay with these bastards if she was even here.

  “Travis?” the man hissed, shocking him. Then he stepped forward from the shadows into the light from a lamp, which burned above his head. Travis was surprised to see it was Burner. What the fuck? Why was he with the Headhunters? He was a Blue Bandit the last time Travis checked.

  “What are you doing here?” Travis demanded.

  Stepping closer, he whispered, “The Bandits are trying to break up the flesh ring. If we can stop them from doing this shit, we won’t lose so many of our women. The better question is what are you doing here?”

  “Looking for a woman.”

  “I’m quite sure you can’t be that hard up. What are you really doing here?” Burner asked.

  “I’m looking for a woman,” Travis repeated. “She’d be about five foot two with blonde hair and light blue eyes, looks a bit like a china doll. I’m fetching her for her brother.”


  “Fuck, yes, is she here?” Travis demanded, for the first time in days feeling a bit of hope that he might be able to pull this rescue off.

  “Yes, but there isn’t a way to get her out. Not with the whole club here. They’ve been keeping her in the main house since a few days ago.” Burner grimaced and Travis would bet that her being moved into the main house wasn’t a good sign.

  “How do I get in?” he asked grimly.

  “Fuck, are you insane? Going in there would be suicide. These aren’t the type of men who offer you tea and cookies, you know!” Burner looked at him like he was insane.

  “I can handle myself,” Travis grunted, angry that everyone always underestimated him. It had started when he’d left the Red Devils ten years ago, and it was fucking annoying. Just because he wasn’t a Devil didn’t mean he’d forgotten what he’d learned while he was with them.

  “I didn’t think you couldn’t, but they are paranoid as fuck. They have twenty-two men circling the main house every ten minutes. There isn’t a way in other than the front and back doors, which are both guarded, and there are no gaps in the rotations. Even if you were the best solider in the history of the world, you’d still end up dead. It’s too risky.”

  Travis sighed; fuck, he was right. It wouldn’t do for him to get caught but hell, he needed to get her out. “Can you go in and get her without blowing your cover?” he asked the other man.

  “No, fuck. She’s Viper’s new pet. If I tried to take her out of there they’d shoot me. He doesn’t like when others try to play with his toys,” Burner growled, disgusted anger in his tone.

  “Any suggestions?” Travis asked, because he wasn’t leaving here without her.

  “One,” Burner said, looking at him with an assessing eye.

  “Why do I have a feeling I am not going to like this plan?” Travis asked, watching him warily.

  “Well, likely because you’re a damned smart man.”

  “For shit’s sake, man, spit it out then!” Travis demanded, his head already pounding from the likelihood that he would be up shit creek after the man laid out his plan.

  “You trip the alarms and then run like hell. While they’re all following you, I get your girl out. You can then circle back, knock me out for show and take her,” Burner said, proving that his instincts were still solid because that plan had fucked up written all over it.

  “That’s what I figured. Damn, that’s a shitty plan with about a million shit storms waiting to rain down on us both,” Travis growled.

  “Yeah, well, I’m open to suggestions if you have a better one.” Burner stared at him with a raised brow. Travis shook his head because he didn’t have another plan and this one was going to suck ass. They’d be lucky to be alive tomorrow.

  “Fuck, this isn’t a great plan. I can’t believe I’m agreeing to do this. Fine, tell me the best place to try this dumb-ass plan of yours.”

  “You saw the area near the bikes with a tall really thin man?”

  “I did,” Travis said, looking at him warily.

  “That’s Twitchy, he’s a fucking whack job from all the juice he takes, and if you get him to sound the alarm you’ll possibly be able to avoid getting caught.” Burner was now moving out from behind the little building, motioning him to step forward. “See that small hut there,” he said pointing.

  “Yeah,” Travis said, looking at the hut nearest the main building.

hat’s where I will have her. You knock me out and take her, and make that shit convincing too. Then you two run like hell.”

  “All right, but this plan still sucks donkey balls,” Travis grunted.

  “Yep, but it’s the only plan we have. Now, I need you to get a message to Death for me. Tell him that Viper has an inside man. Someone high up like we suspected. That’s how he’s known almost all our moves in the last six months.”

  “How are you still alive then?” Travis asked, because if he was an informant he would have made sure Burner couldn’t rat him out by having the man killed.

  “No one but Death, Reaper, and Mack know that I am a spy. Everyone else thinks I betrayed the club and got run out. That’s why they accepted me into the Headhunters. I was watched for the first four months but now I think they trust me. I’ve had to do some fucked up stuff though,” Burner told him, a haunted look on his face.

  “Stay strong, think of the end goal. No matter what you’ve had to do, you’re trying to save lives and that means this part of your life will soon be nothing but a really bad memory.” Travis felt for the other man. He knew a little bit about what having to do things that weren’t part of your nature could do to a man. He’d gone in as a spy with the Jackals when he was younger before he’d had to go help his mom when she got sick.

  It was hard not to lose sight of the good you were doing when you were immersed in the double life you were forced to lead. He watched as Burner rubbed his chin before nodding once.

  “Yeah, thanks. I needed to hear that. I’ve been feeling a bit like this wasn’t worth the cost. I’ve had to do things that I almost can’t forgive myself for. It’s hard knowing that you’re a part of others’ suffering, that you even caused it, no matter why you did it.” Burner shook his head, his eyes filled with sadness.

  “Just hang in there. What you’re doing here is going to save a lot of women from this type of life, you know that,” Travis told the younger man.


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