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Offside: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

Page 18

by Abbey Foxx

  His hands on me tickle and I can’t help but laugh.

  “My wisdom, modesty and humility.”

  “I just love the way you push back when I’m inside you.”

  “You’re a simple man.”

  “With a big dick.”

  “I wouldn’t love you if you didn’t have that, you know? It’s your best asset.”

  It doesn’t take him long to remove my panties, even less to take it out.

  “You must like simple men, there’s no other reason for you to have been with Topher for so long.”

  “I was waiting for someone to steal me away.”

  “Someone like me?”

  “Anyone with a big dick would have done.”

  “Oh, really?”

  I nod, but I can’t help smiling too. Jasper knows I’m just dicking around, but it’s fun to play with him, especially when he has me at his mercy. Legs open, pussy wet, spread out on the desk at the perfect height for him to plow into me. I’ve got this under control, Jasper exactly where I want him.

  “You know not everyone with a big dick is sensitive like me.”


  “Not everyone with a big dick knows how to use it right.”


  “And not everyone with a big dick is the kind of anyone that can’t resist you. The kind of someone that wants more than just a quick fuck to release a bit of energy. The kind of someone that steals for keeps and will fight off anyone who wants to come and take that away from them.”

  His dick is at the entrance to my pussy, but he’s holding back, making me show I can’t resist him either.

  “Oh, Jasper.”

  “I know what you like.”

  “What do I like?”

  “You like me coming in here and making you wet.”

  “You make me wet from out there.”

  “I know you’ve been waiting for me all day.”

  I wrap my legs around his back and try and pull him into me but he’s too strong to budge.

  “You’ve got me.”

  “I know. I just want to make sure you know you’ve got me too.”

  “For keeps?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Fuck, yes, that’s what I want. I shouldn’t know it yet, but I do. For keeps. Forever. Stolen and never given back. My pussy is aching to have him inside me but still he doesn’t give in.

  “I don’t know what it means.”

  Another thing I said I wouldn’t do. We’re not even half way through the season, not even at Christmas, not even past our honeymoon-fuck-each-other-in every-single-room-we-can-find-stage and here we are talking about it.

  “Keeps. Me and you against the rest of the fucking world. Whatever happens.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Of course I mean it.”

  “You don’t know that, Jasper. You-. It’s too early to say.”

  Now he edges towards me, close enough to slide his crown inside me. Fuck it feels fantastic too. It always does. That first moment of penetration, where my pussy hole gathers him up, wraps itself around his form, adjusts and adapts to his size. I can’t help but moan. In here, at home, miles apart and as close together as we can possible be, Jasper Stone makes me moan.

  “What does that feel like to you?”

  “Everything I need and more.”

  Little by little he teases his way inside me and I’m breathless in his hands because of it.

  “I’m falling in love with you, Penny.”

  I shake my head, but it’s not because I’m denying it, it’s because I know it’s true and it would be so much easier if it weren’t.


  “It’s too late for that.”

  There are a million questions taking up space inside my head, a million doubts and practical, logistical reason why we can’t, none of which take precedence over the emotion response my body is experiencing. Whatever fucking happens, me and you against the world. But what if he goes anyway?

  “Please, Jasper. I-. If you-. What if-. Don’t hurt me.”

  “I would never hurt you, Penny.”

  I don’t know if he realizes the enormity of what he is saying. This is like telling every single Moxlin Tigers fan that we are going to win the superbowl only for it never to happen. With Jasper saying him and I are for keeps, what happens if we suddenly realize for whatever reason we can’t be? I can’t lose him, not if it’s real. Really real. That’ll devastate me.

  “Deny it.”

  Jasper slides deep inside me, his fingers wrapped around mine pushing my hand into the desk. I shake my head, sitting up now to face him, to press myself against the moment in all it’s brazen glory.

  “Deny you are falling in love with me.”

  I can’t. As much as I want to I can’t. “Fuck, Jasper.”

  “You see.”

  Most sensible people have this conversation over a coffee in a neutral location, not Jasper and I. We have it on my desk with his dick so deep up in my pussy I can barely speak for the sensation spilling out across my skin in electric pulses. He cups my neck, pulling me towards him, leaning in so our foreheads rest together.

  “Can’t you feel how special this is?”

  “Why now?” I manage to spit out in staggered breaths.

  “Why now?”

  “Why are you saying this to me now?”

  “Because it needs to be said.”

  I push him into the chair suddenly feeling the need to take control. Sat on top of him is always different. I feel him inside me in a different way, and right now I need that different way. I want to look him in the eyes and see our future, because now this is being addressed the us that Jasper and I make is going to be completely different.

  “That doesn’t explain why you needed to do it now.”

  Jasper gathers me into him, sliding his legs out so I can get better purchase. His hands go instinctively to my chest, to those nipples he so loves to caress, afterwards to my clitoris to tease me for as long and as intensively as I allow it.

  “I was looking at you, just now, when I came in.”

  Long deep strokes pushing my pussy lips wide.


  “And I knew it.”

  I don’t need to ask him to know what it is that he’s referring to.

  “I knew this was the most important thing in my life. That it was going to be. More than rugby, or football, or sport, or anything else for that matter. I just saw it, like that, in your eyes, in your look and I knew I had to say something.”

  I’m breathless, swollen inside with feeling. I’m desperate for as much of him as I have right now and the all of him, future him that he’s promising me. It’s as though I can feel it filling me. The knowledge that he’ll never leave my side, whatever happens. The fact that I truly believe it too, looking at him, seeing it in his eyes, feeling it in every ounce of his body.

  “I love you.”

  The words are out before I have a chance to take them back, but I don’t feel vulnerable. I feel liberated. I feel excited. I feel like Jasper and I are one and not just because he has his dick inside me, not just because I’m about to orgasm, but because he’s stolen my heart and put his right alongside it.

  He’s choosing me, in front of everything else that he cares about in his life, and he’s confident and sure enough that he knows he’s making the right decision. This for him is as inevitable as winning the World Cup with England, as inevitable as playing ball, as much a part of his life as everything else up to it has been and with that decision, by sharing that knowledge with me, he’s allowing me to accept it too. From the very first moment I saw him, perhaps I always knew. I certainly do now. Nothing has ever been as clear. This isn’t about whether Jasper and I are going to stay together or not, it’s about how we make that happen.

  I come hard on his rock hard dick, crying, screaming, laughing eventually too. Jasper’s not far behind me either, lifting me out of the chair and folding
me over the desk again to finish me off, to push me that little bit higher and to show me, beyond any doubt that his intentions are a hundred percent genuine.

  I feel exposed and weirdly self conscious because of the way we’ve fucked, but also a thousand times closer to him. I feel like he’s reached inside me, pulled all of my secrets out, showed them to me and matched them up with his own. I’ve been avoiding this conversation on purpose, knowing that we need to have it, dreading the moment it arrives and trying to convince myself since the very first time it happened that what I knew in my heart of hearts was something special was nothing like it at all and Jasper’s just smashed that theory into a million wonderful pieces.

  I flop into the office chair while Jasper sits on my desk.

  “You look shocked.”

  “I am shocked. I’m worried.”

  “You’re not worried. You feel like you should be worried, and that’s what you thinks worrying you, but you’re not really worried.”

  “What am I then?”


  “This is serious Jasper. You’ve made it more serious than it was.”

  “It was always this serious. Right from the very first moment.”

  “I trust you.”

  “I know you do.”

  “What I said-.”

  He cuts me off, his hand on my thigh, the other on the base of the seat to twist me towards him, now crouched alongside me.

  “I love you, Penny.”

  “Like, more than rugby?”

  “Like more than rugby.”

  His smile lights me up and I pause, waiting for it. “Alright, just as much.”

  “Now I know you’re serious.”

  “I am serious.”

  “Did you really know how I felt? Like, really know?”

  Jasper straightens up. “I’m not lying when I say I saw it in your eyes. I’m not exactly the most romantic man in the world, and I’m not really the kind of person that believes all that kind of stuff, but I can honestly say that when I look at you I see it. That and you talk in your sleep.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You’re full of shit.”

  “Deny it.”

  “I can’t.”

  “I told you.”

  I shake my head. Shocked still, stunned, happy, excited, spun out completely. “Fuck, Jasper. Where did you come from?”

  “Yeah, I know, right? If someone had told me five years ago I was going to find the love of my life in a city I’d never even heard of, playing a sport I didn’t know how to, I’d have said they were crazy.”

  “Maybe you wouldn’t have come.”

  “You and I both know I wouldn’t have had a choice.”

  “I didn’t think you were the kind of person that believed in fate.”

  “I don’t. I’m the kind of person that believes in us.”

  “You are romantic.”

  “I’m honest, that’s all.”

  “So what are we going to do?”

  “Right now? We’re going to get dinner and then we are going to fuck again. After that, we’re going to win the superbowl.”

  “I guess we shouldn’t set our sights too high then.”

  “I’m not. I said we were going to fuck again. I didn’t say you were going to spend all night on the end of my dick.”

  “Romantic and vulgar.”

  “Something for you to work on.”

  “Get out of my office, Jasper.”

  “Only if you get out of it with me.”

  Of all the things I thought might happen, I didn’t expect this. Out of one serious relationship and straight into another. Another football player, another alpha male, another chance at love. Jasper and I have got a long way to go and several more hurdles to jump if we are going to make this work. The first stage is always admitting you have a problem, the second is doing something about it.

  We may have convinced each other what we want to do is right, I’m not sure the owners of Corsham rugby club, or even my dad are going to see things in exactly the same way. This club is broke unless we have a good enough season to get some serious investment and a broke club can’t afford a player like Jasper Stone. As much as he says he will stick by me, if he’s not playing some kind of ball sport, I don’t know how long he’ll survive.

  I wish I had nothing to worry about, and even though I know what he says about the way he feels is true, until the moment arrives when we work out our long term plan, I’m going to be slightly apprehensive.

  Dad knows and he may be making jokes, but he certainly won’t be if Jasper goes back to England and the only way for us to stay together is for me to go with him too. Jasper may say he’s putting us in front of rugby, I don’t know if I have the same strength to put him in front of Dad and the Moxlin Tigers too.



  My whole body is sore. I have strapped fingers on my right hand of which I’m pretty sure at least one of which is broken, bruises all over my shoulder and a dead leg that gives me nothing back but pins and needles when I dig my good fingers into it.

  This has been a battle. I thought football was soft compared to rugby, but today I’ve been proved wrong. These guys are absolute animals. I know it’s a division rivalry, I get that, I know we are both fighting for the same play-off qualification place, I get that too, but what I’ve seen today would make even the toughest rugby players wince. Halfway through the second quarter their linebacker went down under a wall of our players and didn’t get back up. At halftime we were told his knee was shattered and it was unlikely he’d play for the rest of the season and much of the next if any at all.

  Two of our players have gone off injured, Sparks with another concussion that left him lying inert across the thirty yard line, knocked out this time for nearly two minutes, and Carter with a twisted knee that may or may not keep him out until the new year.

  I’ve been on the dirt so many times I almost feel like I should start off each play there, but I haven’t given up. None of us have. That’s the thing about rivalries, you play them like cup finals and you don’t lose, whatever happens. Especially not at home, in front of a legion of diehard fans.

  If we win this we go 4-4, second in the division and with every chance of getting to the playoffs if we make the second half of the season as good as I know we can. Even Topher’s brought his A game. Jackson too. As the minutes click down in the final quarter, every single person in the stadium knows we’ve got a chance. We are 17-14 points down, but we’ve got the ball in their half and a dummy running play has just given us a first down.

  Topher switches the play at the last minute, goes against Harrison’s call and attempts to run straight through the field himself. He gains about ten yards before the earth comes spinning towards him at a thousand miles an hour, and I watch the wind get knocked out of his sails and the ball spin dangerously towards their cornerback before Jackson gathers it up and holds on tight.

  Harrison throws his folio to the floor and Peters has to restrain him from running onto the field. I’m about to kick his ass too, but I don’t get a chance before we set up for the second down and I watch the ball spin through the air and float ineffectually out of bounds, three feet over Cornelius’s head. It’s a cheap, wasted play with less than a minute on the clock, forty yards to the end zone, three points to the bad and zero time outs left to burn.

  If Topher is doing this on purpose, I’m going to kill him for it, and I’m not the only one either. I can’t see it though. Division rivalry, scouts in the crowd, Topher wants to win this as much as everyone else, so maybe he really is choking. If he isn’t, I really can’t see what his plan is to win.

  This time I make it over before the play is set. Third down, clock ticking, we’re running out of time.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Chill, Jasper. I got this.”

  “You better’ve fucking got this.”

  Topher grabs me by the grill of the helmet. “Forty-one to six, Kansas style motherfu

  “That won’t work.”

  “Yes it will.”

  “Reverse it.”

  They’ve been smashing me to pieces all game on the right hand side of the field. If I try to go through them like I have before, they’ll swat me to the ground like a fly. I’m a big guy but I can’t beat six men. Switch the play at the last minute and I’m fast enough to sneak round the back.

  “It’s on you, Jasper.”

  “Chill, Topher. I got this.”

  “Just get close enough to kick from.”

  “Fuck that. Give me the ball and I’ll win the game.”

  Forty-one to six Kansas style is a play we invented in training. It’s a dummy throw where I essentially take the ball from the quarterback while he runs surrounded by the complete offensive wall towards the middle of the defensive unit. It works once in ten goes, but when you start it right, and you get the jump, there’s no fucking way to stop it.

  Harrison calls a play there is no way we’re going to go with. It’s a running play that will take us within kicking distance of the goal and a chance to tie and push overtime. We won’t survive overtime. Not with the way the team is falling apart. They’ve got better strength in depth and their squad is fresher. We’ve got thirty five seconds, a dumb ass play, me and nothing else.

  I see Harrison out of the corner of my eye fuming at the edge of the field. There is silence as we line up in one formation, switch, switch again and then drop as close as we can all get to Topher in a sort of semicircle that confuses the shit out of everyone. I see ends looking at cornerbacks and the whole defensive line looking uneasily at the coach with no idea at all where to put themselves to defend whatever craziness they are about to witness from us.

  Those people that are still on their seats are sat on the very edge of them, while everyone else stands up, hands over mouths in complete silence. I could hear a pin drop. I can hear my heart thumping in my chest. This is it. This may not be the superbowl, at least not quite yet, but it’s definitely the most important game we’ll have had a chance of winning for a long time.

  Three. Heads down.

  Two. Muscles tense.

  One. Here it fucking comes.

  Snap. The crowd explode in a wall of noise.


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