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Offside: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

Page 36

by Abbey Foxx

  The next series of questions I’ve got to ask myself is:

  How long before we do it again?

  Should we do it again?

  Am I going to be able to resist?

  Tilly is one dangerous girl, and I think she knows it much more than she lets on. I’m not an idiot, I know what usually happens between men and woman - I’ve had enough experience to work it out after all.

  There is a power shift that you can’t avoid where women can’t resist their men, right up until the men are the ones that can’t go without what the women provide for them. I’ve got to make sure that never happens with Tilly and I, because I’d never be able to wipe that smug grin off her face if she knew that I really liked her.

  This game is already dangerous enough for me to not need added emotional weight to it, and then I know what I’m like. If Tilly and I are here for the rest of the week, alone, with the prospect of sex that good, with the way I already feel about her, I’m going to fall hard.

  With that in mind, I wonder if maybe it’s best we don’t stay here at all.

  Yeah, like that’s going to happen. When have I ever been able to resist sex? Besides which, I have to stay here under orders from the coach. If I break the promise I gave him and head back to the city, even if the situation is an urgent one, he’s not going to be impressed at all. If I show him I’m making changes and I’m revising my attitude and I’m getting myself set for the coming season, he’ll be so delighted, he might even give me a pay rise.

  As long as he doesn’t find out I’m fucking my step-sister that is.

  “Shower’s free if you want it.”

  I swear to God Tilly knows exactly what she’s doing. Either there really are no bigger towels, or she’s trying to raise my blood pressure again. Whichever, just standing there, leaned casually against the doorframe, her hair still a little damp where she’s washed it now falling lazily about her shoulders, she looks energized. She looks the part in a life I haven’t experienced yet.

  “I thought you were going to invite me to join you.”

  “And there I was waiting for you all along.”

  “You might have to be a bit clearer with your signals next time, because I thought you wanted to be alone.”

  “Maybe you’re just not reading me right.”


  “The mighty Landon Maddox.”

  “See, you do admit it.”

  “I’m going to get dressed.”

  “You want me to make sure you know how to get your panties on right?”

  “Because you’re so good at taking them off?”

  “I’ll get better.”

  “You might not get a chance.”

  Tilly selects clothes from the bag she’s been living out of since we arrived, and walks with them towards the bedroom.

  “That’s still my bedroom you know. I could walk in there any minute.”

  At the entrance to the room, and with her back turned to me, she opens up the towel that’s barely covering her anyway, and drops it to the ground. I see her nakedness only for a moment, before she steps inside the threshold and closes the door behind her.

  I have to smile. Games like this, I absolutely hate being on the other end of, but I appreciate the importance in being able to play them. If I go to the room now, I show her I can’t resist her, but I also run the risk of a potential misunderstanding. She’s set it up so I could make a fool of myself, so even if I desperately want to, there’s no way I can open up that door.

  I know this has to go one way and one way only, if I’m going to continue getting what I want, I need to call Tilly’s bluff, pretend I’m not that bothered if we do it at all, and make her beg me for it.

  She practically begged in the first place, so I know she wants it, I just need to make sure I can hold out just that little bit longer than she can.

  A little while later she reappears. A new dress, her hair swept up into bunches, clean and fresh and smelling wholesome.

  I’m sat on the couch where I always sit, and Tilly bounces over to join me, squeezing her cute little ass into the snug of the seat next to me. I know exactly what she’s doing, but I’m not going to allow it.

  “You know, I’ve been thinking.”

  “Go on.”

  “Now that my mom and your dad aren’t here, I’m going to take their room to sleep in. I’ve been sleeping so badly on the floor here, and it doesn’t make any sense to leave a double bed empty.”

  “Absolutely, I think it’s a good idea. I can’t cope with you being in a bad mood because of lack of sleep. Today is the brightest I’ve seen you in the last four days, although maybe that wasn’t just because you slept well.”

  Tilly narrows her eyes at me.

  “Do you ever think about anything else?”

  “I think about a lot of different things. Food, football, sex.”

  “Men are all the same.”

  “You don’t think women are too?”

  “Please. Women make men look like apes.”

  “And people think I’m conceited.”

  Tilly shifts as much as she can in the seat to allow her to be side on to me, for no other reason than so I can see her smile when she says it.

  “You are conceited.”

  “And you think about sex as much as I do. I’m not the one that brought a whole pile of magazines with me.”

  “To read.”

  “The pages of pictures of me in my boxershorts. You’re so transparent, Tilly.”

  “You were the one that couldn’t resist me just now.”

  “Oh, right. That was me taking advantage of you, was it? Especially the part where you begged me to make you come.”

  Tilly can’t help but start to go a little red. I’m going to push it, now that I’ve found her button.

  “Uh, Landon, uh, oh yeah, uh, harder.”

  That gets me a punch across the shoulder that hurts her much more than it hurts me. She’s so easy to wind up.

  “You ass-hole.”

  “I know you love it.”

  “We can’t do that again by the way. It was a once in a lifetime deal that’s now expired.”

  “Once in a lifetime?”

  “Now expired.”


  Tilly folds her arms across her chest and then her legs over one another. When she’s closed up, she shifts herself away from me in an act of defiance. As much of an act of defiance as you can conceive in the small space of a tiny two seater couch.

  “So what are we going to do for the next three days?”

  Tilly shrugs her shoulders.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You’ll get bored.”

  “I’m bored anyway.”

  “Maybe we should go home then, you know, if there’s nothing else to do. If we’ve exhausted all the possibilities. If you can’t admit that you want me.”

  Tilly can’t help but turn back to face me.

  “I got what I wanted, I’m fine now.”

  “For a while.”

  “I managed for long enough without you, Landon, I think I can cope if we never do it again.”

  I run my hand along the exposed skin at the top of her dress, across her neck and into the hair at the back of her head. I give it a gentle tug and move myself towards her.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  She enjoys it for a moment, backing her body into mine so much I have to shift to the side to accommodate her, before she lifts herself up and away from me.

  “I’m sure, thanks.”

  “You’re lying.”

  Tilly shakes her head while beaming a bit smile down at me. It’s the same movement a young girl would make if caught eating chocolate secretly.

  “Not lying.”

  I know she’s lying. I know she’s playing a game. I know what she really wants is for me to pick her up, take her to the double bed and show her exactly what she’s trying to pretend she’s happy to miss out on. Well, fine. I’m not going to play the
game she wants me to play. If she wants to miss out all of those things because she can’t admit to wanting me, so be it.

  “We’re not going to be alone forever.”

  Tilly shrugs her shoulders. “Then I guess if it’s important, we’ll have to make time. You know in your busy schedule.”

  “Then maybe it’s not so important.”

  “I guess we’ll see.”

  “Will we?”

  “You tell me.”

  “I’m not the only one risking something.”

  “And I thought you just wanted to get laid.”

  “It’s a good start.”

  “It might be a perfect end too. You know, before you get too attached.”

  “What would I do then?”

  “You might learn something about priorities.”

  “I told you, I’m not the bad boy that everyone makes out.”

  “What are you then? A good guy with a big dick?”

  “Your words, not mine.”

  I know she’s trying to pretend she’s not thinking about it, trying to stop her eyes from going there.

  “Whatever. You don’t deserve me anyway. I’m far too good for you.”

  “Is that right?”

  I watch her move about the living room gracefully, each carefully placed footstep an act of contrived perfection.

  “I’m much prettier than the girls you normally end up with. I’m obviously more intelligent. I’m much more stable too.”

  “You’re unavailable.”

  “Your words, not mine.”

  Tilly has created a distance between us, as though the weight of the conversation we appear to be having needs a large space to expand into.

  “I thought a moment ago you didn’t want me.”

  Tilly smiles.

  “I don’t.”


  “Hypothetically speaking.”

  “If you did?”

  “If I did.”

  “You’re unavailable.”

  “And you don’t date.”

  “See? We are completely incompatible. Even if you could admit that you want me.”

  “I’ve known you for four days.”

  “Do you always sleep with people after such a short amount of time?”

  “I’m not like you, Landon.”

  “No, of course, you wait to get to know someone first.”

  “I wait to get to know their name at least.”

  “How long have you known that you wanted to date me?”

  Tilly takes a moment to compose herself before she answers. I think she’s struggling not to laugh.

  “That would never work.”

  “Because I’m your stepbrother?”

  “Because you’re an asshole.”

  “That hurts my feelings.”

  “I think you’re big enough to get over it.”

  “You sound like you know me better than you think.”

  She’s doing that lip biting thing again that drives me crazy.

  “It’s just so obvious, it’s kind of hard to miss.”

  “I don’t hear too many people complaining about it.”

  “That surprises me, considering how many people are aware of it.”

  “You make me sound like I’m in a different bed every day of the week.”

  “I read the papers.”

  “I told you, the papers lie.”

  “So you’re a one woman man now?”

  “I just take every day as it comes.”

  Tilly has her hands out to the side like a dancer about to perform a pirouette, while instead she places one foot carefully in front of the other, and begins to close the distance between us again.

  “How can you ever plan anything if you’re looking at the future so closely?”

  Bang, the perfect moment to look up and lock eyes with me.

  “Because I trust myself to make the right decision.”

  “Landon Maddox making the right decision? When has that ever happened before?”

  She’s close enough to touch, and I desperately want to reach around her waist and pull her down into my lap. I don’t even need to look at it to know I’m hard. She’s teasing me and it’s working. For a brief moment, I think she’s actually going to fall forwards into me, before she spins to face the other way and begins retracing her steps.

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  “What would the papers say about that?”

  “They might print something you’d enjoy reading for once.”

  “I enjoy reading it all.”

  “See? I knew you were my biggest fan.”

  At the far wall she spins again to face me. I think she’s going to begin to walk towards me again, but she doesn’t, she leans against the wall instead, one leg bent and her foot propped up against it, her palms flat out to cushion her ass.

  “Know thy enemy.”

  “Why is it that you hate me again? Or is it just that you can’t admit to liking me and you actually hate that about yourself?”

  She takes a moment to gaze languidly out of the window and in that moment I wonder if she’s as turned on as I am. There is a buzz of sexual tension in this room so thick I’d have trouble cutting through it with a chainsaw.

  “I don’t know you well enough to answer that.”

  “Do you know yourself well enough to know which question needs answering?”

  That gets me a smile. If I was playing this game, which I’m not by the way, that would be the smile that would usually make me go over. I let the moment hang. I let her know she’s not going to get what she wants. Yeah, I don’t get what I want right now, but when I do, she’s going to be all over me.

  “Sure, I know what I want.”

  “Then I guess you just need to get to know me better.”

  “In three days?”

  “Don’t forget about family gatherings.”

  “Of course. The ones that you are never able to make it to.”

  “That might be different now.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it.”

  “Then you really don’t know me.”

  “I know you like to play, and I know you don’t like to lose. You might be backing the wrong horse.”

  “Maybe I’m backing the right horse, but the game is rigged.”

  Tilly pushes herself playfully off the wall, before allowing herself to bounce back onto it.

  “Then we have to change the game.”

  “That’s easier said than done.”

  “Depends how much you want to win.”

  Again she bounces herself off the wall before allowing herself to fall back onto it.

  “Or how much you like to play.”

  “What’s the point in playing if you don’t do it to win?”

  “Maybe I’m risk averse.”

  “Then I guess you are backing the wrong horse.”

  “How am I ever going to know?”

  “Maybe you won’t until the game is over.”

  “I still get to play it though, right?”

  “As long as you play to win.”

  “And what if I play to win, but I end up losing?”

  “Then you’ll have to deal with the consequences.”

  “I’m not used to losing.”

  “Then you’ll know exactly what to do to win.”

  Now she begins her slow walk towards me. One step at a time, her eyes holding mine, her movement confident and sexy. I find myself hypnotized to watch her, frozen here in a state of arousal, ready for her to fold herself into me. She stops, two steps in front of me and leans forward so she’s at my eye line. She’s close enough to kiss, and I have to fight against the urge not to do it. I need to hold on, just that little bit longer, no matter what my dick is saying.

  “Because I don’t like losing either.”

  “Then I guess we’d make a good team.”

  Close enough to pull her into me. Close enough to run my tongue over her lower lip and bite it where she likes it to be
bitten. Close enough to fuck her if she let me.

  “If I were available.”

  “And I dated.”



  Sexual tension so thick I’d struggle to break through it with a mallet. I don’t think I’d even be able to drill through it with the kind of drill they bore tunnels out of rock with. Rock as hard as my swollen cock.

  “I guess there is nothing we can do then.”

  “I guess not.”



  Hold on, just that little bit longer. She’s going to break, I can see it in her eyes. She’s going to fold, right into me, begging me to take her. She’s going to smile, stand up straight again, bite her lip and skip away? That’s not in the game plan.


  “I’m going to lie down outside under the sun for a while, I suddenly feel a little bit light headed.”

  I can’t help but smile in awe of this girl. She’s stronger than I thought. More cocky, more confident.

  “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No, of course not. You-. Go right ahead.”

  Leave me here with a raging boner.


  At the french windows, she turns.



  “I don’t mind if you want to join me outside. You can sit in the jacuzzi if you want, I know you’re big enough to handle it. I’ve heard the views are literally breathtaking.”

  And then with a sassy smile, she’s away, and I’m left with my dick in my hand, wondering what the fuck just happened.

  Five minutes. I give her five minutes before she gets bored and comes back inside. I can see her trapped by the glass, alright, half of her, her legs at least, her dress pulled up to expose them to the sun, or to me, whichever, I know she knows I’ll be watching.

  Five minutes. She practically ordered me to come outside, get naked and jump in the jacuzzi, but I’m not going to let her take control like that, if she wants me, she can ask me for it. I’m not some kind of performing monkey with a huge dong that people travel two hundred miles to see sit in his enclosure rubbing his dick, I’m better than that, and I know Tilly’s just playing hard to get because she can’t cope with me knowing how crazy she is about me.


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