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Offside: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

Page 43

by Abbey Foxx

  “You’ve got a glow, you know. You’ve had it for the last two days.”

  “What do you mean, a glow.”

  “Your skin, it’s kind of glowing, like your blood is warm.”

  “My blood is warm.”

  “No, but I mean, more than that. You know that look you get just after you come, well it’s like that, but sort of permanent, like it doesn’t go away.”


  Landon kills the engine. We’re a back home now, just before dark. I can see Mom’s silhouette in the window waving at us.

  “I thought I should tell you, you know, just in case your Mom asks what you’ve been up to and you have to think of an excuse on the spot.”

  “Maybe it’s just my natural womanly glow.”

  “I don’t think that will cut it.”

  “You know, I think you’ve got it too.”

  “The glow?”

  “Yeah, now that you mention it. I wasn’t sure what it was before, but you’ve definitely got it.”

  “A natural womanly glow?”


  “Maybe we can tell them it’s something we ate.”

  “Don’t, she’s probably still upset about Marvin getting sick.”

  “Are you ready?”

  I nod.

  “We didn’t fuck, we just walked about in the rain and then went for a drive when the sun came out. I didn’t come. I didn’t suck anyone’s dick, especially not my stepbrother’s, and I don’t still have a tingly pussy.”

  “That’s very convincing, Tilly. I should be worried.”

  “I told you I’m an artist.”

  “Don’t forget the condoms, I don’t think I’m ready for anal quite yet.”

  “You know you’re funnier than I thought you would be.”

  “Is it true?”


  “About your pussy.”

  “You can tell me later on.”

  Landon pays no attention to that, and I don’t stop him when he puts his hand between my legs to test just how wet I still am for him. This has nothing to do with the water from the lake either, my panties are wet simply because Landon Maddox is sat alongside me, and I know what he will want to do after dinner, when we are alone again.

  “Naughty, Tilly.”

  “You caught me.”

  “Your Mom might catch us both if we don’t get out of this car soon. Any more waving and her arm’s going to drop off.”

  “You first.”


  I want to kiss him, but there is no way I can do it here with Mom peering out of the window like neighborhood watch. Right now, we have to wait until Mom and Marvin have gone to bed and Landon and I are alone again in our silence. Or in the seconds before the door opens and Mom nearly catches us at it. I could kill Landon for that, right on the doorstep, out of sight of the window, Mom’s footsteps approaching and Landon pulls my lips towards his to steal a dangerous kiss.

  My lips are still buzzing as Mom welcomes us back inside, my hand working fervently to bat Landon’s away as he tries to surreptitiously squeeze my ass on the way to the living room.

  “Well, you two look very happy with yourselves. I guess you found the lake in the end.”

  Landon and I look at each other, while we try to decide who should speak. I take control, while Landon takes to the couch.

  “We found it, but we didn’t get to see much, the sun didn’t come out until we’d driven away.”

  “Well that’s what happens if you go out in the rain. I did try and say. You’ll just have to go back another day.”

  “I guess we will.”

  “You look like you’ve had fun though.”

  I wait for Mom to say more, perhaps about my glow, my wet hair, why I smell of Landon, the twelve pack of condoms I’m hiding in my bag, my still fizzing lips or even my sticky pussy, but she doesn’t. She folds neatly back into whatever it was she was doing and normality resumes. I have to fight the natural urge to sit next to Landon, tell myself that until at least 9.45pm we are stepbrother and stepsister, not lovers, and crash into one of the armchairs.

  I can wait. Even if it kills me, I can do that. What I don’t know whether I can do again is keep quiet enough not to wake anyone. Once like that is an exercise in complete and utter control, twice may be pushing the boundaries of reason, especially now we have a high quantity of condoms to work our way through. Would it be that bad if Mom and Marvin found out?

  It would certainly give us something to talk about in the morning.


  It’s incredible how well you can get to know someone in just a few days. I knew I had a stepsister before this holiday, but I didn’t know anything about her except her name. I didn’t know how funny she was, how intelligent, how sexy, how cute, how fragile, how much she’d be into me. I know she likes to hide it and pretend otherwise, but it’s written all over her beautiful face like stars in the night sky.

  It could be suffocating, or overwhelming, or completely and utterly crushing, but it isn’t, it’s none of that. Much like everything else about her, it just fits.

  We fit too, her and me, and it isn’t just because I’ve been looking for a quick vacation hook up, even though I know she worries about that. I get the feeling she thinks that when we get back to our real lives I’m going to do a sharp and sudden u-turn and Tilly and I will be nothing but a vague memory of a stolen few days in paradise. It isn’t like that. I’m not one to call it before I know what it is, but I’m not one to involve myself in something I’m not fully committed to either.

  I think Tilly is beginning to understand that I’m not the man that she’s read about in magazines and newspapers, but it’s going to take a while for her to be convinced about how serious I am about giving this a go between us, especially not before we have left here and we get to be a few weeks or even a month old instead of just two days.

  I could be the one reading it wrongly too. I mean, who’s to say Tilly doesn’t want this to just stay here and for us not to continue when we return home? I’d be surprised if that were the case, disappointed too, but I guess I won’t know either until we are back in it.

  Our situation is a complicated one, and she might get tired of my commitments outside of what we might be building together. Part of the reason a lot of my relationships have failed in the past, beyond the fact that I seem to have a special talent for picking terrible women, is that a lot of them have struggled with my job, the fact I’m away a lot of the time, the fact that I have a lot of money, that I get a lot of attention from other women, and that they generally have to trust me around temptation a lot more than with other men.

  The weird, totally fucked up thing about that is that they tend to cheat on me because they naturally think I’m doing it to them.

  I don’t cheat. I don’t treat women in that way at all, but sometimes it’s hard to convince them of that.

  When this vacation is over, and Tilly and I return to our lives - hers normal, mine not so much - I want us to give this a go. I think we are both at the point now where we can be honest with ourselves and honest to each other. When we first fucked, all that time ago yesterday, I wasn’t sure how the bond would develop between us, but now we’ve shared more time, and more of a connection together, I can see that it’s worth us giving this thing a go.

  I’m a little worried about the stepsiblings aspect if we do end up staying together and trying to make this work, but even more concerned that if we don’t and word gets out about what happened between us here, I’ll lose my place in the team and entirely fuck up my career.

  If we stay together after this vacation and things get even more serious between us, there is no way I’m going to keep this thing a secret. Coach wanted me to settle down and stay out of the papers on a regular basis so there is every reason he’ll understand if he sees that Tilly and I are committed to each other. Marvin and Rachel will just have to suck it up too. It’s a little unusual, but once you get beyond the
fact that we are step siblings, and realize we aren’t related to each other and didn’t actually grow up together, there is nothing weird about it at all.

  There will be the inevitable backlash in the press, the vitriol and hatred from the extremists and conservatives, but that is bound to die down eventually, especially when they realize just how magnificent Tilly and I are as a couple.

  And truly spectacular she is. I work with models and Tilly would not look out of place at all in any one of the shoots I’ve done in the past. She’s so much more than that though. A lot of those women are vacuous, empty headed, big titted morons with no ambition or drive other than earning money and fucking celebrities. Tilly’s got one hell of a body, but that isn’t what I like most about her, and it’s not what’s made me keep coming back.

  I could say that it’s her brain, but I’d just be lying. It’s much more simple than that. It’s the way she makes me feel when I’m with her, and the way I feel when I’m not.

  That’s a powerful and important thing, and something I’m not prepared to ignore. I learned from a young age the importance of listening to instinct, and this is no different from that. No different from knowing which pass to pick out in the dying seconds of a game, learning to trust your emotions and listening to those thoughts inside that tell you that the risk is going to be worth it.

  It’s almost midnight here. Tilly is fast asleep across my chest, her light breaths just about enough to lift her gently up and down, while my mind is racing along at about four hundred miles an hour.

  I know I don’t have to make a decision about anything, but what we’ve been doing together, especially today, has made me unable not to think about what we do from here. Tomorrow is our last, full day. Chances are we’ll have to find some excuse to get out of the house so we can behave the way we want to do with each other, and then hope it doesn’t rain again so we can actually make it easy to do. I want to fuck Tilly outside. I want to lay a blanket down in the middle of a forest and fuck her until she screams and moans.

  It was weird this morning getting up after the night we shared to pretend nothing happened at all, and tomorrow is bound to be even weirder still. One more full day of these self imposed restrictions and then several weeks of trying to work out how we go about seeing each other. I suppose, after forming such a close bond together here, it stands to reason that as friends, and step siblings, we will want to see each other again. Staying over at each other’s house, me at hers and her, more importantly, at mine, is just a natural progression of that friendship, right? I mean, the distance between the two houses is far enough to make the journey too long not to stay over. We’ll work it out, i’m sure. Even if we have to check into hotels in the city for a while until we are ready to let our secret out, We’ll make it work.

  We can barely keep our hands off each other here, and that’s with Marvin and Rachel practically in the same room as us. When the restrictions are lifted, and we are back in the big wide world with all its possibilities, we are going to be like two kids in a candy megastore.

  And the sex with Tilly, even though I always underestimate it when I tell her, just to make sure she keeps coming back for more, is truly out of this world. I mean, seriously. This girl can fuck in ways I never knew were possible. She makes me feel on top of the world and then pushes me that little bit higher still, above the clouds and out into space.

  I’m still warm and fuzzy from tonight’s, x-rated show. I’m still tingly. I didn’t know I could get tingly. I thought that was something that only women felt, but here I am, tingling and fizzing and popping all over like my skin has got electricity running right through it.

  I can’t get enough of her, and I know when we both go our separate ways in a couple of days, i’m going to miss her like hell until we manage to find a way to get ourselves back together.

  A noise from outside that sounds like the hoot of an owl makes Tilly stir. Semi conscious, she stretches a little, before twisting her body away from me. I slide in beside her onto my side, and Tilly pulls my arm up underneath her to use as an extra pillow.

  “I could get used to this.”

  “You might have to.”



  “Don’t disappear in the morning, I want you to be here when I wake up.”

  “What if we sleep in and your mom catches us?”

  “Then you’ll have to explain what you’re doing in my bed.”

  “You don’t think she’ll be able to tell?”

  “Depends how you figure on waking me.”

  “I never knew you were so kinky.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  “Are you going to let me find out?”

  Tilly wriggles around until she finds me, and then lifts her legs up and pushes back onto me. I want to take her, and I can already feel myself going hard.

  “If you behave yourself I might do.”

  “I’m not sure I can promise you that.”

  “Then we’ll have to work with what we’ve got.”

  Without even needing to take hold and guide me there, Tilly manages to wriggle herself into the right position to rub me along the length of her slit and tease me against her opening.

  “You know we can’t, Tilly.”

  “I know.”

  It doesn’t stop her from continuing to pull me towards her.

  “It would be really stupid.”

  “And after we bought all of those condoms as well.”

  “Not to mention the impact on the environment.”

  “What would Mom and Dad say?”

  “Both of us so tired as well.”

  Once the tip is inside her, we both find it almost impossible to resist. She pushes back, I push towards her, and before long I’m up deeply inside her, rock hard and entirely unprotected. I’m horny enough to do it, but terrified enough not to let it happen as well. It’s a tease. An incredible, insatiable exploration of our freedom. A rebellion against our restrictions. This was what we couldn’t avoid doing several hours ago in the lake, and much like it did then, it feels incredibly natural and absolutely impossible to decline.

  We fuck slowly, stupidly, awkwardly even. I throw the sheets back so I can see myself inside her, watch her muscles convulse around her chest, and her tight breathing go lighter and even more silent.

  “We can’t”, Tilly whispers.

  “We aren’t”, I offer back.

  I close myself into her, and pull her back against my chest, deeper inside like this than I ever have been.

  “I want you to come inside me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t stop me wanting it.”

  “I knew you were dangerous.”

  “It’s not my fault you find me irresistible.”

  “What can I say?”

  “I make your dick hard.”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “Come inside me soon.”

  “I will.”

  “Fuck, Landon, I’m going to come.”

  Tilly muffles her moans with the pillow, and I’m too busy holding myself back to work out whether she does it effectively enough or not. If Rachel and Dad are awake, she’s loud enough that they might actually hear her, but might not know what the hell it is she’s doing. If they are asleep, it might be enough to wake them up.

  I pull out just before I come, and direct several thick streams of ejaculate up against her clitoris, which is still super sensitive from her recent orgasm. Tilly holds me there between her closed legs, conscious perhaps of the risk of letting me go, until i’ve softened and her breathing has returned to normal.

  “That was fucking stupid.”

  “I know, right?”

  I have to hold the pillow over her face to stop her laughs from filling the room.

  “So much better without a condom.”

  “We can’t do that again, Tilly.”

  “I know.”

  “Even if i
t was fucking amazing.”

  “I know. Imagine that, but inside me.”

  “That’s a lot of cum.”

  “You do have a big dick.”

  “Fuck. You know how to turn me on, you know?”

  “I do try.”

  “I thought you were sleeping as well.”

  “Don’t let that stop you.”

  “I’m not falling for that. You’d kill me if I was up inside you like that without a condom on, while you were sleeping.”

  “I’d only mind if you didn’t wake me up before you came.”

  “Fuck, Tilly.”

  My dick is still hard, my cum all over her pussy, matted into her pubic hair, and melting into the skin around her clitoris.

  “We have to be careful.”

  “That was a one off.”

  “What about the lake?”

  “That doesn’t count.”

  “You were loud, you know?”

  “I couldn’t help it. Do you think-?”

  I shake my head. “I doubt it. It’s gone midnight and they went to bed hours ago.”

  “I guess we’ll find out in the morning.”

  “You still want me to wake you up?”

  “Surprise me.”

  “I think I’m the one being surprised.”

  “Then maybe I’ll surprise you instead. I can’t get pregnant if I swallow your cum.”

  “Don’t let your mom hear you say that.”

  “I don’t know, she’d probably love a grandchild.”

  “And people think I’m a fast mover.”

  “Little by little, Landon. I haven’t decided whether I like you yet.”


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