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Persuading Perfection

Page 8

by TC Matson

  “It takes two to tango,” she mutters.

  Full of courage, I grasp her hand and lead us closer to where Max sits. “Max,” I call out and jerk my head for him to come.

  Easton stands, moving close to the pillars. Far enough away, close enough to save the day.

  Max saunters over, grinning at something he just whispered in his date’s ear.

  Suddenly, I’m devoured by nerves. “I…” Have no idea how to do this. “We…”

  He chuckles. “Spit it out.”

  I scratch the back of my head and flick my gaze to Jade. Her eyes are on her feet. I take a breath. “Dude, there isn’t any good way to tell you this, so…” I hand him the photo of the ultrasound.

  He studies it for a moment. Probably trying to figure out what the hell the white blob is. Trust me. Had I not known, I would’ve been lost. “Oh, dude. Who the hell did you knock up?” he asks with humor.

  Here goes. “Jade.”

  One name and in an uproar, a black storm complete with turbulent clouds engulfs his narrowed glare. “Do what?”

  I answer in the form of a frown and a nod. My voice is off being a pussy.

  “This true?” He zeros in on Jade, but she’s chewing her thumbnail. “Jade!” he shouts and she jumps.

  “Yes.” Her shaking voice is barely a whisper.

  “You sonofabitch!” he roars, slamming a fist into my face.

  It jerks my head and I stumble. He lunges, slamming his palms into my chest, and then fires off a flurry of punches. I double over from a punch to the stomach and immediately am seeing stars with another hit in the face. I try blocking, but Max is raging. I try not fighting back because I deserve this, but I’m beginning to feel my own rage ride with my adrenaline.

  I rush him, wrapping him up by the arms and pushing him backward. Somehow he dips out and rockets another punch against my cheek. In the ruckus, he snakes his arm around my neck and hauls me down. I try grabbing his hands, but he’s a spider monkey in disguise, landing some solid hits.

  My restraint breaks…

  I send my fist into his face, twist, and yank him off me. We’re tangled, his arms flailing toward me as I try holding him back. He’s cussing as he swings, wrath burning his pupils. Easton swoops in, grabbing Max, and heaves him onto his feet before hauling him backward by his waist.

  Max burns his stare into Jade, who has tears in her eyes and fear on her face. “How fucking long has this been going on?” When she doesn’t answer him, he shifts to me. His chest rising and falling as fury billows off him. “How fucking long, Zach?”

  I suck in a breath. “Years,” I admit.

  “Are you fucking stupid?” he roars at Jade, pulling against Easton. “He’ll fucking hurt you, Jade. Dammit!” He jerks his arms out from Easton’s grip and instead of charging me again, stands there with his fist at his side. “I thought you were smarter than that.”

  It’s one thing to take shots at me, but I’m not going allow him to do it to Jade. I reach out and tuck her slightly behind me and into my side. She doesn’t fight me as tears run down her cheeks.

  “You were supposed to be my brother,” Max seethes. “How fucking dare you. Played my sister. My sister, Zach!” he bellows. “I trusted you.”


  “You’ll desert her like you’ve done everyone in your entire life. Abandon her like you’ve done everything else,” he spits, his tone dripping with acid.

  “I’m not deserting her. I’ll be right here,” I say.

  “Until it gets hard. Until something else strolls into your life.”

  My anger begins to rise. “I said years, Max. I haven’t walked away for years.”

  “Yet, you sorry sonofbitch. You had no responsibilities with her. It’s been fun. Just a fuck.”

  “Stop!” Jade shouts. “Stop it.” She’s pissed and moves in front of him. “I’ve known the circumstances. I’m at fault too. It’s not like he forced me.”

  “You’ve hidden this from me for years.” His tone breaks, sounding more hurt than mad.

  She blinks and lowers her head shamefully. “It never got serious until now. It’s only been a thing.”

  His chuckle rumbles with malice. “A thing? Out of all the men you could’ve fucked around with, you choose him? Someone I think of as a brother? How the hell is he going to be a dad? If it isn’t gratifying or bringing in money, he bounces.”

  “Being a father is different,” I snap my defense. Pissed. Wounded. He knows me better than that.

  Max straightens himself, pulling his shoulders back. “You might know how to run a prosperous business, but we both know your life is in fucking shambles.”

  I narrow my eyes but keep my mouth shut.

  “Fuck you, Calloway. You’re so fucking dead to me,” he grinds out, burning me with hatred, before storming off.

  The house shudders when he slams the door behind him. His date, paled with wide eyes, springs to her feet and chases after him.

  “Congratulations. You’ve officially pissed off Max. I’m surprised you’re not dead, but I’m certain you should sleep with one eye open for a while.” Easton cackles. “I’m proud of you for taking those hits. Had to be hard as hell.” More than he’ll ever imagine. He leans down and kisses Jade’s cheek. “He’ll come around. Let it settle in that he’s going to be an uncle. You know how he is.”

  She sniffles, wiping the tears with her fingertips. “I know.”

  Hooking an arm around her waist, I squeeze her. “Are you okay?”

  “Not really.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “He’ll calm down.”

  Her body tenses under my hand, and she takes off running into the house. I’m right behind her as she rushes into the bathroom and hurls into the toilet. Quickly, I grab her hair, holding it out of the way as she heaves. I stretch, not letting go of hair and grab a wash cloth, turn on the faucet, and run it under. I try wringing it out with one hand, squeezing like I want to do to Max’s fucking neck, and then place it on her forehead.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” I try soothing her.

  “He hates me,” she sobs. “He’s so mad.”

  And then she pukes again.

  “He’s mad at me. I’m the one he hates. Not you. He loves you,” I say, dragging the cold rag to the back of her neck.

  “Zachary?” Zoey sticks her head in with compassionate eyes. “What can I get her?”

  “There’s some ginger ale in the cabinet beside the fridge. Grab us one, please.”

  As she disappears behind the door, Jade sucks in a breath. “Why does she still call you Zachary?”

  I chuckle. “Because she’s weird like that. I don’t know. Maybe to make me feel like I’m in trouble with my dad?”

  “I’m sure asshole has been on the tip of her tongue,” she jests with a weak smile.

  “That’s my middle name.” I rub her back. “You good?”

  She slides her back down the wall, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her head on them. Zoey hands me a glass. “Baby, take a sip. I read in one of those pregnancy books that ginger helps calm your stomach.”

  She keeps her head down and blows out a giggle. “Calloway reading a pregnancy book? That sounds hilarious.”

  Ignoring Zoey still standing in the room, I join the wall beside Jade. “I don’t know anything about pregnancy or being it. I had to do what I know best.”

  “Study,” she states.

  I tighten my lips. “Yeah. Other than my dad, who else do I have to ask?”

  She blinks up to me, her eyes wet. “Me.”

  I scrunch my face playfully. “You don’t want me calling you. Remember? And with all the questions I have, you’d never get a thing done. I’ll just fall back on my best quality besides my dick.” I tap my forehead, indicating my brain. Studying has always been my forte. I studied so much in school, I damn near memorized each book. I push the drink to her. “Take a few sips.”

  She does and then drops her head back to her knees, placing the gl
ass beside her feet. I hate seeing her this way—brittle and sick—partly my fault. I pull her into my side, resting my head on top of hers to comfort her.

  “I’ll be outside with Easton if you need me,” Zoey whispers quietly and hell, I forgot she was here.

  After a few moments of silent solace, Jade stirs. “Go back out to Easton. I’m fine. I’ll be out in a moment.”

  She slowly raises to her feet and turns on the faucet, splashing water on her face.

  I hand her a towel. “I’ll wait on you.”

  “No. Please. Just give me a minute alone.” There’s a sense of urgency and irritation in her tone and like a good boy, I do as I’m told and leave her be.

  Outside, Zoey is sitting with her feet in Easton’s lap. When she spots me, her smile melts morphing into concern. “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m assuming the excitement of the day pissed off the baby,” I lift a shoulder.

  “How about you?” Easton asks.

  Exhaling, I dig my palm into my forehead to relieve the headache in the shadows. “I’ll be fine. He clocked the fuck out of me. Pretty sure I’ll be wearing that one.”

  “Give him a chance to calm down before you talk to him again.”

  Max is emotional, more so than the rest of us. “I will. It’ll be weird for a while, I’m sure.”

  Easton stands, pulling Zoey up with him. “Well, it’s been entertaining, for sure, but we’re going to take off. Go take care of your girl.”


  Jade’s asleep, curled up on the couch with her head lying on the arm rest, her body balled up under the throw blanket. She looks peaceful, her body relaxed, her face carefree. She’s beautiful with her hair flowing down her neck and tumbling across her shoulders.

  Gently, I scoop her up and she wraps her hands around my neck, resting her head on my chest. “What are you doing?” Her voice is still half asleep.

  “Putting you in the bed.”

  Her body tenses as she jerks her head up, pressing down with her legs. “Put me down.”

  “I will when I get you in the bed.”

  “I told you I’m not going to stay with you.” She wiggles and I tighten my grip.

  “You will tonight.”

  She cranes her neck to look me in the eyes, madder than hell. “I may be pregnant with your baby but that doesn’t make you my boss.”

  I’m craving to kiss her sassy mouth when I place her ass on the bed and crouch in front of her to remove her shoes. “No, it doesn’t. But I want you here tonight. We just openly admitted to being together, which means you can actually be in my bed without worrying. No more sneaking around.”

  She tilts her head. “You just want to fuck.”

  It surprises a laugh out of me. “I always want to, but tonight that can wait. I just want you in my bed with my arms around you.”

  “I—” she starts to protest and I interrupt.

  “Just stay with me tonight.” It’s a soft plea, bordering on aggravation.

  Her gaze is filled with something sweet wrapped in her stubbornness, her hair cradling her face. Jade Lauder is a stunning woman. She cups my face and pulls me to her lips. The kiss is hungry, yet slow, gentle and not hard, like satin drifting across the skin. It’s a whisper, a silent prayer as her tongue sweeps across mine.

  I slide her shirt over her head and untie her bikini top, allowing her breasts to fall freely, and tug her shorts down her legs as she yanks my shirt off. Slowly, I lean her back on the bed, leading her by a kiss. I rain soft touches over the silky skin of her throat and down to her tits. A small moan fills the room as I gently caress her, tweaking her perky nipples, and continuing to make love to her mouth.

  I lower my head and rouse her nipple, flicking my tongue over it and gently blowing. She arches her back, drifting her hands over my shoulders. Her hips rock against me, desperate for some friction. Slowly, I press my lips along her stomach and over her hips as I slide off the bed onto my knees before her. Her chest rises and falls with anticipation and then she jerks as I lave up her right leg, heavily up her calf. Her body twitches with need.

  “Oh…” she gasps as I skim her clit.

  I press into her. She’s wet, always ready for me, and tight as fuck. “So ready, Jade. You want my dick in you?” I whisper low, dancing my tongue back across her sensitive skin.

  Her walls clamp around my finger and she moans, slow and drawn out. Starving for more. She’s never been much of a talker, but her sounds are seductively amatory. Her legs begin to tremble as I pump my fingers into her, lapping her. But I don’t want her coming without me. I need her to share this moment with me.

  I crawl back up her body, pushing down my shorts and then making my way back to her flushed skin.

  “What is it you want, Jade?” I tease thickly.

  She slams her hands into my hair, and yanks my mouth to hers as she wraps her legs around my waist. Reaching down, I line up and slowly sink into her, hissing from the euphoria. And once I’m buried, I hold still, allowing her to adjust and me to calm the fuck down.

  Her hips gyrate and I rock languidly. She pants as I moan my rapture. She forms her hands around my jaw, her thumbs rubbing over my cheek. It’s the little shit like this… The shit that I know has feelings behind it.

  I’m taking my time, keeping my pace slow because this time, it’s not just a fuck. It’s my confession. I’ve wanted to love her all my life. I have loved her all my life.

  Her eyes are closed, mouth parted. A glisten of sweat covers her skin. She’s a glorious sight. I cradle her head and kiss her neck as we move in unison, indulging in the intense intimacy.

  “Zach…” It’s the needing beck and call.

  Picking up the pace, I give her what her trembling body wants. Long and profound strides, eliciting her orgasm. I pump with more force, pushing deeply as her body crumbles around me.

  “Look at me baby,” I rasp, but she doesn’t, tipping her chin to the ceiling and digging her nails into my shoulders.

  She hasn’t looked at me since I broke her heart, never giving me the chance to see it again.

  Blinding white heat, ricochets through me and contracts my nuts. I shove, rooting myself as I come so fucking hard.

  “Fuuuucckkk…” I groan in pleasure, using her shoulders as leverage to haul her down on me further.

  She winces and writhes and cries out riding the glorious euphoria with me.

  I drop my head beside hers. Her heartbeat slams against my chest, pounding. Mine mirrors the action. After our shudders slow, I roll to my side, pulling her with me so she’s resting on my chest.

  A lazy smile tugs my lips. “You’re a fucking goddess.”

  She breathes a giggle. “You’re fuck drunk.”

  “I’m always fuck drunk with you whether we’ve fucked or not.”

  The room is quiet as we lie here. Her fingers aimlessly drag across my chest, mine circling her shoulder.

  “I want you to move in with me.” The words tumble out of my mouth.

  Sated happiness melts away and she jerks to her elbow regarding me with horror. “What? No!”

  “Why not?” It’s a simple question.

  She slams out of the bed, shoving her legs into her shorts. “What the hell is wrong with you? I’m not moving in with you. I won’t move in with my brother when you kick me out on my ass. I have a life. One without you that I thoroughly enjoy.”

  I roll out of the bed. “I want a life with you,” I blurt out, startling us both. She knows how I feel, but it’s not often I talk about it. Multiple rejections will do that to you.

  She studies me. “You don’t have to be something you’re not because of a baby. All I want is for you to be a part of the baby’s life.”

  “I want to be a part of your life,” I say.

  Her head shakes violently as she backs away. “You’re delusional. You’re incapable of relationships. You’ve proven it and I’m not falling for it again.”

  “My feelings for you haven’t changed,” I

  A scowl scrunches her face. “You’ve never had feelings for me. You broke my heart without a care. Without a fucking apology. Stop this. Don’t fuck up a good thing.”

  She storms out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I grab my shorts and clumsily trip into them as I chase after her. “Ever think there was a fucking reason why I couldn’t stay away from you?” I call out after her.

  She slides to a stop, spinning around to me. “Because we fuck good. Years and years of fabulous secret sex. It’s the thrill of being caught. The high of the excitement. It’s addicting. We desire each other. We’re compatible in that sense. You love fucking me and I love it when you do.”

  I drag my hand through my hair. This isn’t going the way I had hoped. Only the way I knew it would and it’s frustrating the piss out of me. “I do love you. I’ve never stopped.”

  Fire bursts from her eyes. “Then why did you leave me for her?” she explodes.

  All the hurt in the world, all the hurt I caused wells up in her eyes, staring right at me.

  “You told me to leave,” I reply simply.

  “Your memory is skewed. You fucked me, and then you left. You…left…me, Zach. And the very next day you were back with Tiffany making it a point to rub it in my face.”

  “She was my girlfriend. The one you told me to go back to and pretend it didn’t happen, like I wasn’t good enough. Open your damn eyes. I’ve been right here, right in front of you the entire time.”

  “Only for hookups. Any other time, you’re with someone else. We had a good thing going until this,” she says.

  “We can have an even better thing if you’d quit fighting it and just let us be.”

  “Me?” she feigns shock.

  “Yes, you. I’ve been fucking you, using it as an excuse to get any morsel of you that I can,” I fire back.

  Her laugh is drenched with malice…just like her fucking brother’s. “You can sit there and play the victim all you want, but we both know what you did. You suckered me in. You made me fall for you and the moment I did, you walked right out of my life.”


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