Persuading Perfection

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Persuading Perfection Page 19

by TC Matson

  “As long as he’s honest and follows the rules, he’ll be just fine.”

  “Oh my god,” she puffs. “You’re already pruning our son to be a player,” she snickers. “I do not want to hold the hands of the hearts he breaks.”

  “With our looks, you’ll have to do that anyway.”

  “You know if we have a girl, our daughter will be blessed with our looks too.”

  Her words sink into my stomach and I choke on fucking air. Our daughter with our looks. I’ll be in prison the first time a boy breaks her heart or…touches her.

  “Mmm…the player didn’t think about the tables turning, huh? Are your player skills dulling? You’re normally very attentive to the big details.”

  “You’re dirty, you know that?” I quip.

  A smile flickers. “I’m pretty sure that’s the reason we’re in this predicament.”

  We laugh together as the waitress sets our burgers in front of us. My gaze is on Jade, her face light and happy. Crinkles are outlining the edge of her eyes. I’m certain my imagination isn’t playing with me. She’s sincerely having a carefree time. For the first time in a long while, my Jade is ebullient.


  “What are we doing here?” Jade asks as I park my car.

  Dinner was going so well, I didn’t want the night to end, so on a whim, I decided to come to Risto’s, a small pub with live music. It’s never too busy and always laid back.

  I shrug. “Figured we could listen to some music and continue having a good time before I took you home.” She’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind and it makes me chuckle under my breath.

  Confusion rattles her brain. “You’re taking me home tonight?”

  Pushing out the door, I hold my reply until I’m able to see her reaction. I stretch out my hand and shove the door closed behind her. Guiding her to the entrance, I peer down out of the corner of my eye. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I took you home and had you screaming my name?”

  “A perfect one,” she replies without skipping a beat.

  I spin, cupping the back of her head and placing my mouth beside her ear, allowing my lips to graze her skin. “What exactly are you wanting?” My voice is low and thick.

  Her breath hitches and her body limbers slightly. Sexual electricity bounces between us, and like a jolt, heads straight to my dick.

  “Did you have other ideas for tonight?” I hum and a shiver travels the length of her body. “In due time, baby. But for now, I’m on a date with the very woman I’ve had to keep a secret. I want the world to see the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known is on my arm.”

  The place is busy, but not packed. The music is chill and not loud—a perfect venue to continue our carefree evening…together. After we sit, the overly peppy waitress bounds over to us and takes our drink orders.

  Jade leans her forearms on the table and lightheartedly burns me a scowl. “You know. I’ve seen some pretty outstanding women on your arm before.”

  “You take the top cake.” The waitress sets my beer and Jade’s Sprite down before disappearing again. I take a swallow. “I’ve also seen you on the arms of many, but tonight you’re on mine and we don’t have to pretend that we’re not a thing. If I want, I could reach out and kiss you and not have an ounce of worry when I do.”

  “Then why haven’t you?”

  I arch a brow and smirk. “Why, Jade. It seems you’re a bit impatient for something. Care to fill me in.”

  The sweetest set of eyes widen. What she doesn’t realize is I don’t have plans to take her home tonight. Nope. I plan on giving myself the worst case of blue balls and jacking off at home while I know she’s going insane…probably helping herself out. My plan—I want her to want me…all of me. Not just the earth shattering, mind blowing orgasm my dick can give her. She’s either going to fall in love, realize she’s already in love, or she’s not. The last choice isn’t an option, but I’ll be nice and add it in anyway.

  “It’s what we do,” she counters.

  I disagree. “It’s what we did.”

  I reach over and pull, sliding Jade’s seat next to mine and drape my arm on the back of her chair. Her brown eyes are shimmering as we share a stare, one that I can feel deep in my chest causing my pulse to pick up. I can see my world swimming within them, within her. She sends a buzz of electricity through me. Years of give and take, heartache and pain are replaced with intense passion and raw emotions. She’s my sobering truth—I’m hers for eternity, boundless and unconditionally, and if she doesn’t join me in this journey, I’ll live the rest of my life a wandering man deprived of my “one.”

  “You two look cute together,” Zoey severs the consuming serenity. When Jade tears her gaze from me, I’m left empty, almost gasping for air. Zoey wraps her arms around Jade. “How are you? How are things coming along?”

  Baby talk always makes Jade radiate. “I’m good. Baby’s cooking.”

  Fiery red slides up beside Zoey. “This is Britney,” Zoey introduces her bubbly as hell friend.

  Britney hugs Jade like she’s known her forever. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She grins to me. “Zach. You look good as usual but even better with her beside you. You’re…” she twirls her hand. “Glowing.”

  After what I just felt for Jade, I’m sure…

  “Easton’s here too. Do you mind if we join you?”

  “You let him off the leash?” I jest. “Or is it retractable?”

  And of course… Easton slaps my shoulder. “Be careful making a move on my lady.”

  “Z would rip my nuts off. If she’s got yours in her purse, I’m sure mine would be no problem,” I laugh.

  He pulls a chair up beside Zoey, rests back into it, and eyes me down like a hawk before chuckling and pulling a draw from his beer. “This has been in production for a long time. ‘Bout damn time it’s been released.”

  It causes Jade to bless me with that angelic sarcasm. “It’s not a movie, moron.”

  “Probably not in the stars’ eyes, but trust me, I’ve been watching this movie play out for years,” he replies.

  “Z, will you protect her while I hit up the restroom? I’d ask Easton to, but he’s too much of a puss.”

  I’m cracking up as I make my way to the bathroom. Jade doesn’t need any help protecting herself. I watched her blacken John Delingo’s eyes with one punch. Took the fucker straight to the floor in the middle of his own damn party. Apparently, he deserved it. Said something about her ass. Jade never told us all the details, but honestly, I don’t think it would’ve made a lick of difference. The three of us cornered the fucker later that night after she left. He gave Jade no issues after that. Hell, I don’t think he chanced glancing her way ever again.

  After washing my hands and pushing back out the bathroom, Britney comes springing up to me. “Okay. So Zoey wants to pull off a surprise baby shower for Jade, but we really can’t do it without involving you, so now you have to keep a secret. It’s top secret. When do you find out what you’re having?”

  “A week from Thursday.”

  She squeals and claps her hands. This girl would be a bombshell if she wasn’t so over the top hyper. Although I’ll give it to her. She’s got a hell of a confident game. She hands me a piece of paper and nods to it. “That’s my number. I need you to call me and let me know the sex.”

  “Can’t I just call Z?”

  “I’m in charge of the food, drinks, games, and half the decorations. What do you two need? Clothes? Diapers?”

  She’s bouncing from foot to foot. I grab her shoulders. “Fuck, Britney. Calm the hell down.”

  “Red Bull and Jäger. No can do.”

  “Jesus,” I laugh. “Diapers and wipes are always good. I’ve got the rest covered but Jade doesn’t know about it yet.”

  Skeptical, she eyes me. “How do you have it covered if you don’t know the sex of the baby?”

  I spread my arms out and smirk. “No faith in me?”

p; She pats my chest. “You’re a dude. No offense, but dudes are stupid.”

  It makes me puff a chuckle. “Trust me, Red Bull. I’ve got it covered.”

  “Just call me when you know and when she isn’t around, and we’ll go over everything. Deal?”

  I quirk a brow. “What makes you a pro?”

  She bounces her head from side to side. “Baby brother and sister. I have years of babysitting under my belt. And I used to babysit the neighbors’ brats. I’m experienced. So call me and what you’ve let fall through the cracks, I’ll make sure we’ve got covered.”

  “I might surprise you,” I say and then tip my chin. “I’m going back to the table.”

  Zigzagging my way through the small crowd, I spot Max and he doesn’t look happy. I exhale. This isn’t going the way I intended, unless he’s here to make amends, but by the way she looks, that’s a no-go.

  I slide back into my chair and put my arm on the back of Jade’s chair. I’m done giving a shit about respecting his limits. It’s about damn time he starts respecting mine.

  “You’re on a date with my sister, but you’re picking up other chicks?” Max growls.

  “The only thing I’ve been picking up is my dick when I take a piss. I didn’t know you named it chicks. Doesn’t seem like a good fit,” I smart off.

  “I saw you, motherfucker.”

  “What? Pissing?”

  Max is drunk. I can see it in his eyes, hear it in his words. “I saw you get Britney’s number. I’m not a fucking idiot.”

  I stretch my neck. “If I was picking up someone, they’d be with me, and you know it.”

  “Max, stop,” Jade tries.

  “No. I saw it and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him do this to you.”

  Sliding my view to Zoey, I’m hoping she understands her surprise is about to be blown.

  “That’s nonsense, Max. Britney is with Garret,” Zoey rushes in.

  Max slaps his palms on the table causing everything to shake and the ladies’ drinks to spill. “Pull it out of your fucking pocket and show them,” he grits.

  “Leave it at rest,” I say sharply.

  He bends, eyeing me from across the table. “I know the game you run and I know the lies you can tell. I won’t let you do it to my sister, especially while she’s pregnant.”

  I inhale, exhaling back out through my clenched jaw.

  “Zach?” Jade’s worried tone accuses me.

  “It’s not what he thinks,” I tell her.

  “I promise it’s not,” Zoey pleads looking to Max. “Please.”

  “Max, dude. You’ve been drinking. At least believe me when I say it isn’t what you think. Gotta trust me on this,” Easton’s ass finally pipes up.

  “How are you all going to let Jade get hurt?” Max snatches her up by her wrist, tucking her into his side and failing to see the wince on her face.

  That’s a no-fly zone with me. I rise to my feet. “Max…” I growl. “Get your fucking hands off her.”

  “Empty your pockets,” he challenges.

  Jade’s leery. I can see the questions in her eyes. The fear.

  I’ve been busting my ass way too hard to get through that damn wall. No way I’ll let her rebuild it over a mis-fucking-understanding. I flick my view to Z and then frown before slapping the paper on the table. Jade blinks, staring at it in complete disbelief.

  “I fucking told you,” Max acts like he’s triumphant, but he’s in for a rude awakening.

  “Fuck,” Easton snaps. “Way to go, fuckface.”

  Zoey looks like she wants to cry. “I had Britney give him her number because we’re planning a surprise baby shower. One you just ruined.”

  Jade blinks out of the trance, spins, and slams her palms into her brother’s chest. “Get a damn grip!” she seethes.

  “No matter how badly you want to pin me as some sort of monster, I’m not,” I ground out as I tuck Jade in behind me. “I’m not going to fucking hurt her.”

  “I want to go home,” Jade says quietly behind me.

  Pulling out a twenty, I toss it to the table. “Sorry, Z.”

  And as we start past the stunned but still fuming Max, I pause shoulder to shoulder. “Everyone else but you can see it. I’ve never let you down outside of loving your sister. Give me a fucking break.”

  I walk away with Jade on my side without letting him have another word.


  Zach’s been quiet, keeping his eyes on the road since we left the bar. He’s lost in his own thoughts, troubled even, and it sucks knowing my drunk brother caused it. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Max shitfaced. I was just slapped with a reminder of why I hated being around him when he drinks and why he chose to stop drinking hard in the first place.

  “Where are you going?” I ask.

  “You said you were ready to go home. I’m taking you,” he replies dryly but the aggravation is still there.

  I giggle. “No, you dummy. Your home.”

  That got his attention. His eyes move to me, a smirk playing on his lips. “As a gentleman, I’m not sure that would be a good idea.”

  Ugh! He’s so frustrating—mentally and sexually. But two can play this game.

  “Who said we would do anything? I just need a place to stay since my brother is a dumbass. Why not at your house?”

  He licks his lips. “Okay.”

  I sit back and ride, keeping my view out the window. Whatever has gotten into him tonight, I kind of like it, even with the bullshit Max pulled. Zach protected me, yet gave my brother his space. I’ll admit when I saw that number I was horrified. I doubted Zach, but now I feel like an idiot for doing so. He’s made it clear where his head is.

  He flips the lights on and makes a beeline to the kitchen, grabbing a beer, popping the top and taking a really long swig from it. He hisses through the cold, and then grabs a root beer and a wine glass, and pours my soda in it.

  “It’s a pretty universal drink. Coffee. Wine.” His words are drenched in pride as he hands the glass to me.

  “I’m sorry about my idiot brother,” I tell him.

  His smile falters, his eyes icing over. “Don’t. He’s doing what he’s always done best. I’ve got to prove myself to everyone. I get it.”

  I hop up on the counter and sink my teeth into my lip. “Why haven’t I gotten a kiss yet? I’m feeling rejected.”

  “The night isn’t over,” he says simply.

  He’s being all calm and I’m ready to devour him. I’ve been aching to feel him, clinging to the side of hope all night. “Why the gentlemanly way, Zach?” I grouse.

  The corners of his lips quirk into a wicked smirk. “My name sounds really fucking good from your mouth when you whine it.”

  Hooking my finger in the top of his shirt, I pull him closer to me. “I want a kiss.”

  He glances to my lips. “Beg for me.”


  He shakes his head and begins to pull away.

  “Pleeeaaaassse,” I whine with a little more urgency, teasing him just as he’s teasing me.

  My body lights up when his lips graze mine. My breath hitches as excitement barrels through me. But just as quickly as it came, he leaves me hanging and only grants me a chaste kiss.

  “Zaaaaccchhhh,” I complain.

  He bends to look me in the eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re wanting something. Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  I feign grumpiness, drawing my brows into a deep furrow.

  He moves between my legs, his dick straining against his jeans, but he keeps his hands to himself.

  “I hope you know, I’m on to you.”

  He scrapes his teeth along his lip. “Is that what you want? To be on me?”

  I don’t respond watching the darkness cloud his gaze. He drags his lips along my jawline. My body ignites, buzzing with so much electricity the ground beneath me rumbles and a moan escapes me. I can feel his smile against my skin.

p; He rocks his hips, rubbing the bulge of his dick against my heated center. My eyes roll at the friction.

  “Did you lie in bed and think of my mouth?”

  “Yes,” I sigh.

  He hums a chuckle and grazes his lips over the skin of my neck, barely allowing them to touch. The ache between my legs turns into an inferno and my hips rock involuntarily, desperate for more friction. His breath breezes over my ear. “Your body’s begging for me…” he trails off, laving the tip of his tongue up to the bottom of my earlobe. “Something your mouth should be doing.”

  The sexy roughness of his voice, the teasing…it disintegrates my self-control. I clutch his face and slam my mouth to his. The kiss is hard and messy, our breaths heavy and fast. He snakes his hand through my hair and fists it, keeping my head in place before pulling away. The torment causes me to gasp and cling to his arms. Dark eyes watch me. A sexy sinister smirk descends upon me.

  Long torturous seconds of him taking me in has my heart pumping fast as the anticipation rips me to shreds. He crushes his mouth to mine, his tongue plunging deeply. He’s not being easy and I’m desperate for rough. I’m clawing at his shoulders, trying to get rid of his shirt, when he yanks it off himself. My nails scrape across his chest and around to his back pulling him closer. He peels off my dress, tossing it behind him, and leans me backward on the cold counter.

  He bites at my skin as he makes his way to my nipples, drawing one in between his teeth. I gasp as the stinging pressure arches my back. Placing my legs on his shoulders, he grabs my ass and heaves my pussy to his face.

  “Oh!” I cry out as he drags his heavy tongue over my entrance and through my wet folds.

  As he circles my clit, he squeezes my ass. I’m so pent up, so ready for him that tremors begin to move through me—the warning signs of a glorious orgasm winding up for me to explode.

  I grip the edge of the counter. “Zach…” I whimper, rocking into him.

  But…he stops, drags his hand up my body, and stands up. My legs slide down his body. I jerk my head toward him in agony just in time to see him free his dick, line up, and then slam into me.


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