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Hollywood Redemption: A Hollywood Romance (Fairlane Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Harlow Layne

  I slipped off the bed and raced to where my dress was in the other room. I needed to get out of there before I started to cry. Once I got to my room, I would let the tears flow.

  “Stop.” Luke grabbed me by the shoulders and then led me over to the couch where he pulled me down along with him.

  “I’m sorry, Luke.” I stated as I looked over his shoulder. I couldn’t look him in the eye and see the hurt that I’d put there. “I was taken aback because I have no experience with an uncut man or blowjobs in general.”

  Kissing my forehead, Luke pulled me tighter against him and leaned back fully on the couch. He blew out a deep breath that he seemed to have been holding in for some time. “I’m not ashamed of my penis despite my reaction, but I’ve had American women react badly to it. When I thought you were rejecting me…”

  “I promise you I wasn’t. I only wanted to do the right thing. The way that Decker made me feel when I gave him blowjobs has had a very negative effect on my view for a long time. It wasn’t until I talked to Taylor and read in books how common it was and how uncommon his ridicule of me was…”

  “He should never had made you feel dirty or made fun of you.” Luke shook his head, his eyes sad. “One thing I can promise you is that I will never make you feel ashamed for anything we do or do not do sexually.”

  “Thank you.” I kissed his bare shoulder and worked my way up his neck until I reached his soft, full lips. “Will you show me what to do?”

  “If it’s what you want to do and not what you feel you have to do. I can wait.”

  If I wanted to wait, I knew Luke wouldn’t pressure me, but the strange thing was I didn’t want to wait. I wanted to drive him wild with my mouth and tongue. To show him I was more than ready, I got down between his legs running my hands up the coarse hair and hard muscle. My nipples grazed his stomach as I placed open mouth kisses from the dimple in his chin down to his chest starting with his nipple.

  Lightly biting his nipple caused Luke to moan while his hands on my breast did wonderful things. I soothed my bite with my tongue, slowly swirling away the pain.

  As I made my way down, I licked down one side of his ‘V’ that needed to be worshipped and then the other. I wanted him to know that I appreciated whatever he did to have his amazing body and I would show him one lick at a time until I’d tasted each inch of him.

  My hand wrapped around his shaft stroking up and down and I watched as the foreskin moved along with the movement. My gaze darted back to his face to make sure I was doing it correctly.

  “Put your mouth on me,” Luke said as my finger slid over the tip that was peeking out. I followed his directions, licking from base to tip and swirling my tongue on his slit. “Just like that. Pull the skin back when you suck my head. Oh, God just like that.” Luke groaned as I followed his directions, his fingers tightening in my hair. He pulled it out of the way so that he could watch.

  With the noises and the way his cock jumped, I figured I must have been doing something right. I continued to suck and swirl my tongue around his tip paying special attention to the underside as my hands pumped the rest. My tongue followed the thick vein down his cock until I reached his balls where I traced them with my tongue and massaged with one hand.

  “Fuck, baby! Give me your beautiful mouth. I’m so close. Just a little bit more, but I want to finish inside you.”

  “You had nothing to worry about.” Luke smoothed the hair away from my face. Tilting my head up, I looked at him questioningly. His lips slowly tipped up into a wicked grin. “You give good head.”

  I let out a laugh. “Good to know.”

  Dipping down he moved his warm, full lips across my own. It was soft, sweet and too short for my liking. “As much as I would love to stay in with you all day we really should get ready so that I can show you around New York.”

  My bottom lip stuck out in a pout. Staying in bed all day with Luke sounded like heaven, but I wasn’t sure when or if ever I would be coming back to the Big Apple and I couldn’t waste the opportunity.

  “You’re right,” I agreed. “Do you want me to let you know when I’ll be ready? I have to take a shower, so it will probably take me close to an hour to get ready. With the heat and humidity, I have to do something with my hair or it will be a frizzy mess the second we walk outside. Normally, I get ready pretty quickly unless I have to shower, and blow dry my hair, but I’m sure you don’t care about all that. I just wanted to give you a general idea on how long it would take me.”

  A genuine smile was on his face once I was done rambling. Decker would’ve been scowling or stopped listening, but Luke seemed to be genuinely interested in what I had to say.

  “I don’t mind. I like getting to know these things about you. They’re what makes you, you.” Luke scratched his head and looked around the room. “Why don’t you… would you like to move your stuff to my room and stay here for the remainder of your trip? I could help you go get your stuff and then you could get ready here.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You didn’t want us spotted together, and I’d hate it if some maid or something gave the information out.”

  Moving into his hotel room for the rest of the weekend was a big deal. Wasn’t it?

  “Once you’re moved up here, I’ll tell the front desk that you checked out if that’ll make you more comfortable. That way no one will expect your room to looked lived in.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about,” I replied, pacing the floor beside the bed. “I’m worried about people finding out and you being unhappy.”

  “I’ll be happy if you move your things to my room. Unless you want to have some time alone.”

  Walking over to Luke, I wrapped my arms around his middle and gave him a small hug. It was strange because even though we had sex and kissed, the act of hugging him was intimidating until he wrapped his own arms around me and squeezed. I noticed that the top of my head barely reached his chin without shoes. I personally loved a man to be taller than me and after Matt’s cheating fiasco that Taylor and I had boiled down to a short man complex, I was sticking to men who were tall. Even if that was my preference I wasn’t sure what Luke liked. Maybe he wanted a woman who was taller or many of the other things that I was not.

  As we walked from his room to the elevator, I couldn’t stop thinking about what Luke wanted in a woman. Would he get frustrated every time he had to lean down to kiss me? Even on my tippy toes, I couldn’t reach his lips without some help. Even though it would only take a moment for the elevator to reach my floor, I had to say something.

  “Does our height difference bother you?”

  Luke turned and gave me a confused look. I was sure he was wondering what brought that question on. For a moment, he only shook his head and didn’t speak until we were walking to my room.

  “No, I think we fit together perfectly. Does it bother you?”

  “Me?” I asked with a laugh. “No, I’ve always preferred tall men.” Luke sat in a chair while I gathered my things and put them in my suitcase. “Do you have a type?”

  He’d been looking at his phone, but at my question he stood and placed it back in his pocket. “Not really. There are multiple things I look for in a woman. I want her to be funny, someone who loves to laugh with me, and not high maintenance. As for physical qualities,” he shrugged. “Most women are quite a bit shorter than I am so that doesn’t really bother me unless she’s extremely short.”

  “I’m a lot shorter than you. How tall are you?”

  “Six foot, five.”

  “And you don’t think you being over a foot taller than me is a big difference?”

  “Do you want it to be?” he asked with an eyebrow raised.

  “No, of course not. I guess I just don’t want it to become a problem. I’m being stupidly cautious.”

  “Stupidly cautious,” Luke laughed with an indulgent smile. “Last night and this morning we proved that our bodies mesh together flawlessly. If you really want me to give you one p
hysical preference, I guess you could say that I like blondes. Most of the women I’ve dated throughout the years have been blonde.”

  Zipping up my suitcase, my response was a short, tight thanks. Even though I did want to know Luke’s preference in women, I guess I didn’t really want to either. My stomach sank at the thought of him with anyone other than me, even though I knew he had girlfriends in the past.

  Luke took my suitcase and left my keycard on the countertop in the little kitchen area. “Besides being tall, do you look for more in a man?”

  “Not particularly. The last time I was in the market for a man or boyfriend, I was in high school. I do know what I’m attracted to and what my ideal man would look like.”

  His eyes lit up, and a smile spread. “Do tell.”

  “It’s kind of embarrassing. I’m not sure I want to tell you.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Now I must know. Don’t worry you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I would never make fun of you. I said I want someone to laugh with, not laugh at.”

  “I know and that’s not what I was insinuating. My ideal man would be tall, at least six-foot, blond, blue or green eyes, and muscular.”

  “Really?” he asked, his smile widening.

  “I kid you not. You literally check off everything I look for physically in a man. If you don’t believe me than you can ask Taylor when you meet her.”

  It was endearing to see how happy I’d made Luke by pretty much describing him to a T. It’s not that he didn’t know that he was good looking. He had to know from all the women who drooled at the sight of him and the way the general female population reacted.

  “What about the non-physical? What are you looking for?” Luke asked as we made our way back onto the elevator.

  “I also want a man with a sense of humor and someone who will laugh with me. A man who is secure in himself and doesn’t mind doing the mundane with me. I want a man who can sit and read with me or watch TV just as easily as going out to a bar, club, or dinner. A man not afraid to love me and my son.”

  “All good qualities,” Luke murmured into my ear as we parted ways to get ready.

  Several hours later, Luke had taken me to Central Park where we walked closely together, but not too close. It was beautiful and the only thing that would’ve made it better would’ve been with Luke by my side and holding my hand. We looked out from the top of the Empire State Building, went to the Museum of Modern Art where I could have spent the entire day looking at all the amazing art, and had some of the best pizza I’d ever had. There wasn’t enough time to do everything that New York offered in my short weekend there, but Luke promised that we’d visit again and next time we’d check off more of the places I wanted to see.

  For the rest of the weekend we stayed inside his hotel room, ordered room service and christened almost every surface of his suite. It was one of the best weekends of my life until I had to leave and go back home. Even with Mason waiting for me, I was sad to leave New York and Luke behind.


  A few months had passed by with nothing but phone calls, emails, and FaceTime with Luke. He was done shooting his movie in New York and was back in LA where he was auditioning for movies to shoot during his next hiatus, which would be next summer, and working out in preparation for when Night Shadows started shooting in January.

  When he was done for the day, Luke was set to call me, and I was going to ask him to join Mason and I for Thanksgiving in Fairlane and to join me on a trip for New Year’s Eve.

  Although Luke and Mason hadn’t met in person, they’d talked to each other a few times with FaceTime. Luke was amazing with Mason. They didn’t talk for long periods of time, but he always asked about him when we talked and found out what interested him so that when they talked Mason was engaged. Talking to a seven-year-old boy on the phone was a challenge at the best of times and Luke rose to the challenge each and every time. It warmed my heart when they talked and as I watched Mason’s eyes light up about Luke’s superhero knowledge.

  Mason had gone to bed a couple of hours ago and I was working on my computer, which wasn’t unusual when I had free time. I was either working or reading if Mason wasn’t with me. Earlier in the night, we’d gone to a Halloween Superstore to buy him a costume. Instead of buying one, Mason ended up with three of his favorite superheroes. He couldn’t decide and had outgrown the ones that he currently owned so I knew they he would get a lot of use out of them. Costumes in our house were not meant for only Halloween, they were worn year-round.

  When my phone rang a little after ten o’clock, I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. My heart raced knowing that I was going to talk to Luke and get to see his handsome face.

  “Hey!” I answered holding my phone up so that Luke would be able to see me.

  “Hello, beautiful. How was your day?” His phone moved around as Luke got settled most probably on his bed. My tongue peeked out and wet my lips knowing that we would be having phone sex. My body was in need of a real visit from Luke soon. Me and my toys were not as good as what Luke could do to my body.

  “It was good, but much better now that I’m talking to you. How did your day of auditioning go?” Moving away from my computer to get comfortable, I left my office and went into my bedroom.

  “I had two. Both of them have good scripts and have great promise. Now, I just have to wait and see.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it didn’t make any difference. I knew he wanted one or both roles depending on the shooting schedule. Luke was used to the rejection, but I wasn’t. I wanted him to get every part he wanted. He’d already heard back from one audition where he didn’t get the part and I think I took the news worse than him.

  “Did you get Mason a costume today?” The phone jostled as he leaned back on a bed showing blank walls and not much else.

  “I did. He got three. I’m such a sucker.” I laughed. It was true, I gave Mason almost everything that he asked for because he rarely asked for anything.

  His brow rose. “Three, huh? Is he going to be doing multiple wardrobe changes throughout the night?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. That was such a diva or actor thing to think. “He’ll pick one and stick to it. He recently had a growth spurt and can’t fit into any of the ones he has. He already wore one all night until it was bedtime. They’ll get good use.”

  It took at least twenty minutes for me to tell Luke all about the Halloween Superstore with their decorations and all the costumes. Halloween was one of our favorite times to decorate and I’d found a fun witch to put up at our front door. We went a little crazy decorating now that it was just me and Mason. Luke listened intently like he did every time I talked making me fall for him more each time. He didn’t only listen but engaged in the conversation and asked questions. To most this might not seem like a big deal, but I had years where I was ignored or told to shut up if what I wanted to talk about didn’t interest Decker.

  Tapping my toes on the bed to try to work out some of my nerves, I took the plunge. “I don’t know a lot about Sweden, but I do know that you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.”

  With a small smile, he tilted his head to the side. “We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but I do know what it is since I’ve lived in the States for the last four years.”

  “That’s good. I… um, don’t know your plans, but I was wondering if you’d want to come here for Thanksgiving.” I bit my lip with nervous anticipation. To ask Luke into my home for a holiday where he’d meet Mason in person was a big deal.

  “I think I can do that,” he answered. Luke looked perplexed for a moment before he asked. “It’s the third Thursday in November, right?”

  “It is. If you don’t want to or you’re busy, I’ll understand.”

  “Are you kidding me? You can’t keep me away now.” Luke grinned causing me to smile too. “When do you want me there?”

  It was easy to see that Luke was excited to come for a visit. Had he thought I was never going to have him here? He’d
been busy, and I wanted to make sure he was going to stay a part of my life before he met Mason. It was one thing to break my heart, but a whole other if you hurt my son.

  “Can you come Tuesday or Wednesday? Mason doesn’t have school Wednesday through Friday so if we want some alone time it would have to be on Tuesday while he’s at school or at night while he’s asleep. Whatever you can manage I’ll be happy with.”

  Once again Luke’s phone shook as he moved. Sometimes I thought he forgot about it. I watched the ceiling until he settled back down. I wanted to laugh but didn’t want him to stop Face Timing me, so I only smiled and waited until his face was back on the screen.

  “What were you doing?”

  “Grabbing my laptop to look at flights.” Luke sat his phone against something so that I could still see him while he typed.

  “Hey! I’m not going to change my mind. You don’t have to book a flight right now.”

  He only shook his head with a silly smile on his face as he scanned the screen in front of him.

  “Well, while you’re looking at flights.” Luke’s gazed came back to me intrigued. “Are you free to go to Mexico with me for a few days after Christmas?”

  “You’re going to Mexico?”

  “Hopefully you are too. I want you to come with me. Anna asked me earlier, and I told her I’d have to see what you’re doing. There’s a group of people going, and she needs to know how many of us are going for some reason. I’m not sure why since she and Colton are renting a couple of villas that sound bigger than my house, but I didn’t ask questions. I was honored that she asked me.”

  “The holidays are pretty slow around here and you know that I don’t start shooting until the middle of January. The only thing I have to be conscience of is that I don’t get a tan. It’s a bitch to cover up with makeup.”


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