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Torn Hearts

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by M. E. Gordon

  A tale as old as time--a girl, tall and wispy, hair the color of the sun, eyes as blue as the sky, caught in a love triangle with the noblest of men...Not in this book, honey!

  Okay so maybe I am caught up in a love triangle, but I’m sure as hell not running through a field of daisies in a sun dress. My name is Elizabeth and I’ve managed to avoid men for most of my life. I wasn’t a nun by any means, but I know what the hot guys want--and it usually isn’t me. How I got myself involved in a love triangle with one sexy photographer and a millionaire bachelor, who had women worshiping the ground he walked on, is beyond me. Yet, here I am, attempting to navigate waters that I’ve never expected to. Trying to figure out which man was right for me, dealing with my family--and have I told you about the paparazzi? Well, it’s all really making me rethink the situation. Who do I trust? Who’s being genuine? What should I do if both men are perfect for me in different ways? How the hell am I supposed to choose just one? Or better yet, do I have to choose just one?


  In Torn Hearts by M. E. Gordon, Elizabeth Monroe is a slightly overweight beauty who isn’t used to having men pursue her. Now all of a sudden two handsome and well to do bachelors want her for their own. Due to her insecurities, she pushes both of them away. But both men refuse to go, and Elizabeth finds herself in a quandary. Does she choose the one she really wants, or does she choose the one she thinks she deserves, or at least the one she thinks she can keep? I thought the book very credible, with realistic characters and true to life situations. It just goes to show how your own insecurities can mess up your life if you let them. As a steamy romance, there is plenty of sexual tension and some very hot love scenes. What’s not to like? ~ Taylor Jones, Reviewer

  Torn Hearts by M. E. Gordon is about a woman who’s not a perfect size 6 and who is very self-conscious about her size. The last thing she expects is to have two men in hot pursuit. And I do mean hot. The one she wants is not the one she thinks she can have, so she settles. Never a good idea at the best of times and as Elizabeth discovers it can be disastrous. The story is very well written, with believable characters dealing with realistic problems. Okay, maybe not so realistic, as how many of us chunkies have two hunks after them, one a millionaire? But you know what I mean. It’s also a thought-provoking treatise on how screwed up people can get when they don’t fit what society thinks of as acceptable. ~ Regan Murphy, Reviewer


  Writing the story was always easy for me. I have a mind that goes a mile a minute, thinking up characters and the crazy scenarios that they get themselves in, but if it wasn’t for these people, there would be no M.E. Gordon.

  I want to first off thank my husband Shaun for giving me the opportunity to be in my head and giving me the time I needed to put those characters on paper. I love you so much and I truly wouldn’t be able to call myself an author if it wasn’t for you.

  I’d also like to thank my children Owen, Austin, Evan, and Natalie. Thank you for being my driving force. I want you all to be proud of me and, being a published author, I think that I’m doing just that. There is so much about being a stay at home mom that gets overlooked and underappreciated, but when I get to put on my author hat for those few hours and write, it makes all the messes and carpools worth it. I love you guys.

  It’s hard to find people that will give you their honest opinion about your story. Most want to inflate you with compliments to avoid hurting your feelings, but lucky me, I have a great group or women on my side. Dora, without you helping me along the way and encouraging me, I think I’d still be on chapter one! Aileen, thank you for being my spell check, wording, and grammar wiz because things would be a hot mess if you weren’t there to help. Thank you to my sister-in-law Jessica. Together we changed and talked about things until we were blue in the face. Our meetings at the library when we got kicked out at closing and yelled at for having drinks and snacks (who can work without either is still beyond me) I’ll cherish those fun nights with you.

  To my development team...or person, Meaghan. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you to bounce my crazy ideas off of. Thank you for listening and jumping into my sometimes scattered brain to help navigate an outline with me.

  My cover designer Melissa, you are so good at what you do. Lauri at Black Opal Books, thank you for giving me a chance. Faith my wonderful editor, I’ve learned a lot and will apply it to future books. All my fellow BOB authors that helped answer my sometimes silly questions.

  Thank you to my parents, especially my mom for reading my crazy ideas before they were even a story. We were going through a rough time when I started this journey and I feel like this book brought us back together. Dad, I love you! Please, never read this book!

  Lastly, I’d like to dedicate my first novel to my Grandmother, Irene. I used to ask her why she read so many books. I thought it was stupid, and a waste of time. I wish you were still here to read my first novel. I wish I would have known you even more than I did, because I think we could have been best friends. I think we were more alike than I would have liked to admit back when you were alive. I hope you can forgive me and are proud of me.

  Torn Hearts


  A Black Opal Books Publication

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2015 by M. E. Gordon

  Cover Design by The Illustrated Author

  All cover art copyright © 2015

  All Rights Reserved

  EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-626943-10-0


  I needed time to at least talk to Simon and explain there was somebody else--but Spencer wouldn’t listen...

  I had mind blowing sex last night but I didn’t remember making this official. I still needed to talk to Simon. At the very least he deserved--he deserved someone better than me. That was what this all boiled down to. I had turned into the one thing I used to despise, a careless, thoughtless, wishy-washy, Barbie and a slutty one at that. Everything had felt so good in the moment, but I was drunk and not thinking. What am I going to say to Simon? Fuck, what am I going to say to Spencer?

  “Spencer I--”

  “Don’t,” he said, sighing and holding his hand up. “Don’t even start with the excuses. You chose to be here with me. Why the fuck do you keep doing this to me if you’re in love with him?” he roared, slamming his fist into the mattress.

  “I don’t know if I’m in love with him--”

  Cutting me off, he stood from the bed, and his deep voice shook the walls as he spoke. “Now!” he spit, as he moved closer to me. “Choose now!” he growled.

  “I can’t,” I said back as sternly as I could.

  “You can’t or you won’t?” Taking a step back, he turned from me shoving his hands through his tousled hair, the muscles in his back flexed, and I nearly went knees to the floor.

  “You can’t have us both, Elizabeth. You either stay with me, be with only me, love only me--or fucking leave.”

  His words were raw and savage as he turned back to face me. I couldn’t talk, so I simply stared up at him. This isn’t happening, is it? Things were perfect five minutes ago, now everything is just wrong. It’s all wrong.

  Coming quickly toward me, he grabbed my upper arms, taking me to lie down on the bed. He stared into my eyes before running his hand up the inside of my thigh. Two fingers slid deep inside me. Who was I kidding? Just seeing him made me aroused and arguing with him only made it worse.


  To MomMom

  Chapter 1


  My heart rate accelerated as we pull up to the popular DC night club, Mood. I was currently sitting in a limo that my brothers sent over to retrieve my best friend Gia and me. Taking a steadying breath, I took a peek out the win
dow. Of course, they had a small red carpet set out for celebrities and socialites like my brothers.

  Let me make this a little clearer, I don’t do this.

  I didn’t go out dressed up like I was right now. I glanced back at Gia who looked anything but anxious. She was in her element right now, and I...well, I was not!

  I preferred sitting at home reading a good book. It was a passion of mine. My Gran was an avid reader. What could I say? I took after her and my mother, who happened to have been an editor in-chief for a big publishing company. I guess I could have followed in her footsteps, but I had a passion for History. With only a few classes left, I was well on my way to restoring books at the Library of Congress. Still, no matter how many books I’d read, nothing could prepare me for nights like tonight.

  Sure limos, nice dresses, socialites, photographers, it all sounded like a great time, and maybe it was, but not for me. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find an appealing outfit for a size twelve, tall, curvy, twenty-three-year-old? Well I’ll tell you, it’s nearly impossible!

  Sure there were things in my size, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was feeling exposed, and not in a good way--the bad way, like every-inch-of-fat-had-been-magnified-by-tight-fabric way. Even Gia, the fashion stylist in training, had a hard time finding me something to wear. It’ was mortifying.

  I didn’t know what I was more worried about, falling on my ass or getting my picture taken. Oh, right. It was falling on my ass while getting my picture taken. I tried my hardest to get Gia to go in the side entrance, but clearly, I lost that battle.

  Gia stepped out first, thankfully. The cameras were snapping away like crazy, but why wouldn’t they be? She looked like a movie star in her short gray dress and sparkling heels. Smiling at the cameras and swaying her long blonde hair, she posed like it was second nature to her.

  Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I could do this. Just get out of the car and don’t fall on your ass. With one last, quick prayer, I scooted over and let my foot glide out of the limo. Holding on tight to the door handle, I exited the limo and cautiously made my way over toward the sea of cameras. I clung tight to the shawl that was covering most of the red dress that I had finally found, after hours of shopping with Gia.

  I stopped moving when the photographers started snapping a few pictures. Maybe they thought I was a lighter haired Kardashian or something. It didn’t take but a few seconds for them to find out I wasn’t.

  “She’s nobody!” I heard one of the snakes say to his neighbor.

  Knives, meet my heart...ouch! I wanted to run back to the limo or into the safety of the dark club, but I couldn’t move. I glanced over in Gia’s direction where she was using her hands to take off an invisible jacket. I guessed she was telling me to take my shawl off? I couldn’t help but think that this was a very stupid idea. And, of course, against my better judgment, I did it anyway.

  I quickly un-wrapped the fabric. My long, wavy, brown hair fell against my bare back and exposed cleavage. The unseasonably, cool air brushed against my arms, making a chill run up my spine. This dress was perfect, practically made for me. It hit all my curves and pushed my boobs and ass up too. But most importantly, it flattened my stomach--magic!

  The wall of cameras turns back to me. I guess they think I might be someone worth photographing after all.

  “Red Dress--Red dress, can we get a name?”

  I turned in the direction of the warm voice and felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Embarrassment? Flattery? I tried to make out the person calling to me as I scanned the wall of photographers. My eyes were instantly drawn to a handsome man with shaggy, sandy hair and muscular build. Well, I’d like to think it was muscles under the sweat shirt he had on. I squinted to get a better look but lost sight of him as the flashes went off.

  “A name?” another man called.

  “Elizabeth Monroe,” I answered back.

  Chapter 2

  We were sitting in the empty VIP area, sipping the drinks that the waitress had just dropped off. Gia and I scanned the room as more and more people entered and started dancing. My brothers both arrived with new girls. There was no doubt in my mind they’d only brought them to look good on their arms. Beautiful people using beautiful people, such a vicious cycle. Glad I’m not involved.

  Getting up from one of the many white couches to greet my brothers, I was relieved when it wasn’t as difficult as I imagined. Tight dress, heels, me, I’m sure you get where I’m going with this.

  “Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence.”

  “Hello Charles,” I said smiling, while he cringed at his proper name.

  “Will you ever just call me Chuck like everyone else?” he asked, giving me a big brother hug.

  “Nope, I like watching you squirm.”

  Shaking his head, he took a step back to admire me from a distance. “Really Beth? You choose tonight, of all nights, not to look like a frumpy, housewife. We’re meeting with an important business partner, and now I’m going to be distracted, trying to make sure guys don’t try, I don’t even want to think about it,” he said, pushing me away and into the arms of my beloved brother Teddy.

  “Beth you look beautiful,” he whispered in my ear because he knew I didn’t like all the attention. “Unfortunately, I’m going to have to agree with Chuck on this one.”

  He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Gia hugging Charles a little bit too long. I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. I knew she had a crush on him. She had for the past five years. I just thought that she would have gotten the memo. Charles was the playboy and Teddy was the keeper.

  I’d been told by so called “friends” that my brothers were attractive. Sure, they both looked like Abercrombie and Fitch models--which, I thought, Charles did for a while. In all fairness, they possessed every beautiful feature my parents could have given them. Tall, well built, perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect I have to go on? I’m getting more depressed just thinking about it. Why the hell did they have to get all the pretty genes? I’m the girl for Christ’s sake.

  The more people started trickling into the VIP section, the more insignificant I felt. I didn’t come to places like this ever. How Gia had wrangled me into this was still a mystery. One minute I was unpacking from summer break, then the next I was shopping for a dress.

  I sat in a chair off to the back and people watched. As I glanced across the club, a man entered with two bodyguards. He caught my attention. My initial reaction was that it had to be someone famous. Who else would come into a club with bodyguards? I stood up to get a better look, but didn’t recognize him at all--just another rich, attractive guy coming to the club to pick up a “Gia.”

  Okay fine, I guess you can say I’m jealous. Oh, for Christ’s sake, I’m jealous, just because she can get picked up by a hot guy and I can’t. Skinny bitches, I thought, as I looked down at the floor and shook my head.

  When I looked back up, the Greek God was still making his way across the club and over towards the VIP area. I stared, openly gawking at him while his well-dressed body made its way through the crowd. The sea of people on the dance floor moved like he was Moses parting the Red Sea. Wait a minute. Is he looking at me? I couldn’t take my eyes off of him as he ran his fingers through the dark hair atop his head. Oh hell no, I’m dreaming or hallucinating. Someone must have put something in my drink.

  Brought back to reality by the pain from the heels Gia let me borrow, I quickly sat back down. Leaning over, I rubbed the back of my ankle, basking in the relief. I wasn’t even standing that long and I hadn’t even started dancing yet. See, this is why I don’t wear heels. Closing my eyes, I let my head fall onto my crossed knee, as I continued to relieve my aching foot.

  Fingers grazed the side of my ankle, and I froze, because it wasn’t my fingers doing the grazing. Something was happening to me. I’d never been so out of my own body. Although the mystery fingers stopped
moving, the skin under them felt as if it was on fire.

  What do I do? Scream? No, whose ever hand this was felt too good to scream. It would probably sound more like a moan. Instinct took over and I slowly lifted my eyes to follow the fingers. Mesmerizing was the only way I could describe the sea-blue eyes that met mine as a strand of dark hair fell on the forehead of the Greek God.

  I could only imagine what my face looked like in that moment. A mouth gaping blow-up doll came to mind. Why wouldn’t it be the Greek God? I glanced back down to where his hand was still around my ankle. Why the hell was he touching my ankle?

  I perused his crouching body. No doubt he saw the confusion on my face because he let go and stood hastily before me. He was the most attractive man I had ever laid eyes on. I was finding it hard to focus on anything but his face. The loud music quieted and all the people around us disappeared, while I studied him.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you might have hurt yourself.”

  Oh God, he sounds as good as he looks, he’s definitely not human.

  Say something Beth, tell him you’re okay.

  My throat was completely sealed. There were no words escaping any time soon. I smiled up at him and shrugged my shoulders with a little chuckle. I instantly wanted to melt into the chair and pray that this awkward situation would just end. Moving the hair from his forehead, he smiled back. Oh my God, you could solve world peace with that megawatt smile.

  Before I could stand up and give a proper response, Charles came barreling over, making the Greek God turn away from me.


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