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Omnes Videntes (The Space Merchants Book 4)

Page 12

by Wendie Nordgren

  Yukihyo kissed my nose. I walked past two dock workers who used floor bots to suck up water that was still half an inch deep. Fitz started helping Yukihyo and Phillip sort through the mess. I grabbed supplies and began cleaning the bathroom walls. I was on my knees scrubbing the toilet when I heard several male voices. The officers from the Palace had followed us. I peeked out at them. They had taken time to change out of their fancy uniforms. They stood around shaking hands with Yukihyo, Phillip, and Fitz before getting into organized work teams. I concentrated on cleaning the bathroom.

  Luckily, the office and apartment doors had been closed at the time of the water works. I carried my cleaning supplies over to the cold storage unit, got a chair to stand upon, and began disinfecting the outside of it. I had almost finished when my monitor started going crazy. I was swooped from the chair and into Yukihyo’s arms. Stern conviction enveloped me through our bond. He carried me into the small apartment.

  “No! I’ll get it dirty. My pants are wet.”

  He didn’t listen. The men’s laughter and chatter of moments ago had ended. Yukihyo laid me on the bed and pulled my shoes off. Then, he laid down beside me and held me against his chest. We remained that way until my monitor grew silent.

  “Zeth, see that she goes home, takes a bath, and goes to bed,” Yukihyo said.

  “Yes, clan leader,” Zeth answered. “I followed you,” Zeth answered before I could ask.

  Yukihyo kissed me and carried me to my transport. Zeth sat beside me. As the driver took us back, Zeth called Rolf and relayed to him Yukihyo’s orders. I yawned. Zeth insisted on carrying me to my wing. After my bath and a long nap, I woke up when Lorca brought Niklos to me. Thunderdrop blinked at me from the foot of my bed. Neema was in bed with me, too when Otto brought me a tray. She helped me eat mashed potatoes and gravy.

  “Princess, Inquisitor Gordian requests an audience,” Rolf said.

  “Please, send him in.” I drank the chilled tea Otto had brought and fed a bite of chicken to Thunderdrop. When Gordian stood before me, I asked, “Do you have a name for me?”

  “Yes, Princess.”

  I shifted Niklos to rest on my shoulder. “Whose fault is it that I spent an hour cleaning a warehouse bathroom?”

  He cleared his throat. “Without a doubt, Admiral Kagan Valen was responsible.”

  “What? Why would Uncle Kagan do such a terrible thing?”

  “To keep Lord Yukihyo otherwise occupied so that you might be courted,” he answered.

  “I see. Thank you for your help, Inquisitor Gordian.”

  “Please, call me Cormac. I am your loyal servant. I will do anything that you wish.”

  I smiled at him. “You have pleased me with this information.”

  “I offer myself to you, Princess Probus.”

  “Thank you. I will consider your offer.” I smelled Niklos’ soft neck. Otto showed Cormac out.

  The children and I were still in bed when Yukihyo, Phillip, and Fitz returned. After Yukihyo had showered and eaten, he got in bed and took Neema onto his lap. I grinned at him. “Inquisitor Gordian gave me the name of the man who flooded our warehouse. Would you like to go out on a date with me in the dead of night?” Yukihyo grinned at me. I called General Luca Braga. “General Braga, if it isn’t too inconvenient, would you please come to my bedroom?”

  “Right away,” he said.

  Yukihyo chuckled at me. Neema bounced on his chest and laughed at him. In less than five minutes, General Braga stood within my room. He had brought flowers.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly,” I said. Yukihyo snorted. “Were you at the Palace?”

  Otto took the flowers from him to put in a vase.

  “Yes, your highness. Emperor Probus ordered that your military advisory committee reside in the Palace guest wing.”

  “I see. I have something I want you to do for me. I require complete secrecy.”

  “I am at your disposal.”

  “Good. I know who flooded our warehouse and exactly how to take my revenge. However, he is a very dangerous man. If we are caught, we will be punished. Are you still willing to help?”

  “I would gladly give my life in service to you.”

  “I doubt it will come to that. Tonight, after we return from dinner with Captain Carus, you, Yukihyo, and I will take rollers out to Uncle Kagan’s estate. The rollers need to be silent. I need you to disable the security system around the estate, but leave the house’s security alone. I don’t want to wake up Grandmother, Gram, or Aunt Seyla. Our goal is to tear up Uncle Kagan’s lawn, really make a mess of it. If he wants to be childish, I’ll show him how it’s done.”

  Yukihyo began laughing so hard that he had to wipe his eyes. I felt the tension from the warehouse and our loss of merchandise melting from him.

  Braga smiled mischievously. “Your uncle will be furious. I remember how much trouble Kane got into for that same thing years ago.”

  Oh, Braga was another of my cousin’s childhood friends. I wondered if all of my suitors had been playmates. “I remember hearing about it, and that’s what I’m hoping for. Are you in?”

  Braga gave me a devilish grin, saluted, and left. Nico entered as he was leaving. They paused to salute one another. “What was that all about?”

  Yukihyo told him while I started getting dressed for our evening with Captain Carus. Moments later, Nico came up behind me and kissed my neck. “Let me take this off of you. We can stay in,” he said as he pressed himself to my back.

  Instead of what he suggested, I rolled pleasure through my Parvac General with my touch. He slumped against me, and I laughed as I moved and braced my feet. “Nico, you’re heavy.”

  He drew in a breath. “Maybe, you should warn me the next time you intend to do that, and anytime is fine by the way. Are you trying to drive them all mad with lust?”

  “Should I change? This is what I was supposed to wear to the garden party.”

  Nico chuckled. I had paired the strapless, white, gauzy dress with a black leather jacket, black flats, and the black pearl necklace Eliot had given me. My hair was up in a ponytail.

  “Teagan, I must beg a favor.”

  “Yes, to anything, husband.”

  “Good. I’ll do a much better job tearing up Kagan’s lawn than you could do. I’m thinking of doing donuts in the front and deep trenches in the back.”

  “Whatever. Just don’t wake up the ladies.” Nico kissed me. “How are we going to get back at Papa for your work disappearing?”

  “Perhaps, you might allocate additional funding to Apellan. If I had an administrative assistant, these things might not happen.”

  “Will you help me make those arrangements tomorrow?”

  “Of course, I’ll just be a moment.”

  I went to the sitting room where I found Violet resting in a chair with her feet up. Kaoti stood when he saw me. “Are you feeling any better?”

  “No, how long does this last?”

  “Not long. Can I get you anything?”

  “No. Where are you going? You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks! Captain Carus asked us to go somewhere. I’ll spare you the details.”

  “Who is he?” Violet asked.

  “He’s the tallest man I’ve ever seen. He asked me to marry him this morning. Colonel Dorian Avitus asked me to marry him this afternoon, and Inquisitor Gordian asked me to marry him a little while ago. There are a few hours left in the day for men to throw themselves at me.”

  Violet laughed.

  “Avitus?” Kaoti asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “You know his elder brother.”

  “Who?” Kaoti stared at me without expression while I puzzled it out until my jaw dropped. “No! Really? Dr. Avitus is his older brother? Kane’s Chief Medical Officer?” I grew thoughtful. Fitz watched me from beside Sue’s tank. “If I recall correctly, Dr. Avitus thinks I should remain safely on Parvac and never be allowed to leave the Empire. Will you do me a favor?”

  Kaoti gave
a slight nod.

  “Will you review the news reports and give me a list of Warrior Caste families who agree with Dr. Avitus? I’d be stupid to accept any of them as a husband.”

  “He has saved both of our lives,” Kaoti said.

  I sighed. “Well, he hasn’t offered himself to me.”

  “Princess, Captain Carus to see you,” Rolf announced.

  “Perfect. Please, send him in.” Violet’s eyes widened as they traveled up Captain Carus. “Welcome, Captain. Please allow me to introduce Kaoti and Violet.” The two men saluted each other. Carus bowed low to Violet. Then, his attention became riveted to my leg.

  “Princess, Vice Admiral Galerius to see you,” Rolf announced. I turned to Rolf in surprise.

  “Um, let him in. I guess.”

  Yukihyo and Nico strode in and greeted our guests. Captain Carus came to attention when Vice Admiral Galerius entered, and I narrowed my eyes when he forced him to remain that way.

  Noticing my expression, Galerius smiled and said, “As you were.”

  “I thought our plans were for tomorrow.”

  Galerius gave me a small smile. “I can think of nothing else. Truthfully, I can think of nothing but you. Your earlier distress over your and Lord Yukihyo’s warehouse has troubled me. You seemed most distressed over the paintings that you lost. I took the liberty of visiting a few of our local artists and purchasing what they had for sale. I hope I have not overstepped.”

  “Oh, Dario! That was so sweet. Thank you.”

  “Would you care to see? It will only take a moment.”

  I nodded. Dario pulled out his vid-screen and scrolled through twenty paintings of Parvac’s landscapes. “Oh, they are perfect. Thank you. You were so thoughtful to help us.” I smiled up at Dario. I realized how close I had gotten to him to see his screen and blushed.

  “One thing caught my attention while I was out, and I couldn’t resist. Ensign!” A young soldier appeared with a large box that he placed at my feet. “It is a small gift for your adorable daughter.”

  “Thank you, Vice Admiral Galerius,” Yukihyo said as he brought Neema over.

  While offering his hand, he said, “Please, call me Dario.”

  They shook hands. “Neema, can you say thank you?” Yukihyo asked her.

  Neema smiled at her daddy. I bent down. “Hold the ribbon and pull,” I said. Neema did, and the pink ribbon slid to the white carpet. Yukihyo lifted the lid. “Oh, how cute!”

  Inside was a miniature Parvac warship. Yukihyo lifted it free of the box. Well, it was a baby walker designed to look like a warship. I felt all of the edges to make sure there was nothing that could poke her. Yukihyo put her into the seat. She pushed against the carpet with her toes, bounced, and yelled happily. There was a screen with star shapes to touch, and buttons to push that made blaster sounds. I laughed with the delight I felt from her. I gave Dario a kiss on the cheek.

  “Well, I should be going. Enjoy your evening.”

  Captain Carus said, “Vice Admiral Galerius, if you have no other plans for the evening, please join us for dinner on my ship. I have promised the Princess a view of Euryalus Comet from my observation deck.”

  Dario smiled, “I accept.”

  Neema screamed and cried when Yukihyo attempted to take her out of her ship. “I wonder where she gets that,” he mumbled under his breath. “Don’t you want to go bye-bye with Mommy, CoCo, Niklos, Fitz, Drop, and Daddy?” Yukihyo asked.

  Neema scowled up at him. “No! Koty.”

  I held my lips between my teeth and tried not to laugh. Violet was trying not to laugh with me.

  “I will assist Pierce in guarding the little princess,” Kaoti said.

  “Koty,” Neema said with a sweet smile as she pushed her blaster button.

  “Thunderdrop, let’s go,” I said. He ran along the wall and then jumped to my shoulder. I kissed Neema on the top of her head. “Be good for Kaoti and Pierce.”

  In front of the Palace, three long black transports waited. Once Niklos was secure, and we were all seated within the center transport, the driver took us to the land port. I preoccupied myself with thoughts of Papa and Uncle Kagan while the men engaged in small talk. Only when I saw all of the magnificent ships did I become excited. When my excitement made my monitor beep, I smacked Phillip’s scanner out of the way and frowned at him.

  “When are you going to remove this annoying fucking thing? I’ve had it. I can figure out when to rest all by myself. I’m not stupid.”

  “Easy there, Cupcake. We can discuss it with Dr. Fotri during your next check-up.”

  Fitz, Dario, and Merick each stared at me with varying reactions. Fitz looked like he was about to laugh, Dario seemed turned on, and Merick looked appalled. Yukihyo chuckled to himself. I didn’t apologize. In the docking bay, Captain Carus’ crew stood at attention. Thunderdrop climbed to the top of my head to see better. Yukihyo offered me his arm, and together our group went up to the observation deck. Dario complimented Merick on his well-run ship. I didn’t. I was annoyed at the look he had given me.

  “Princess Probus, please allow me to introduce my sisters, Mara and Mava,” Merick said.

  Mara was the oldest at sixteen, and Mava was fourteen. Each of the girls was Yukihyo’s height and thin. I curtsied.

  “Hello, Mara and Mava. It’s nice to meet you both. I’m Teagan.”

  Each of the girls blushed furiously as they curtsied. Mara had brown shoulder-length hair and wore a pale blue dress that cascaded to the floor. A diamond pendant on a gold chain adorned her neck. Mava had short brown hair cut in a style similar to Abbie’s. She wore a light orange dress and had a diamond studded bangle on each wrist.

  “Pleased to meet you,” they each said.

  Yukihyo stepped forward, bowed, and kissed each of the girls’ hands as did Nico, Fitz, Phillip, and Dario. Mara and Mava’s cheeks were bright red by the time our introductions were done.

  “Chitter chitter chitter!”

  “Oh, excuse me. Ladies, this is Thunderdrop.” Mara’s eyes were huge as they followed Thunderdrop as he moved to my chest. “It’s okay, Mara. Thunderdrop won’t hurt you. He’s a good boy and one of my closest friends. I tell him all of my secrets.”


  “Mara, will you show our guests where they can make themselves comfortable? If you will excuse me for a moment, I will take us up,” Merick said.

  Mara blushed and showed us to a group of chairs near the largest viewport. Soldiers brought out trays of appetizers and chilled juices. All the while, Mava watched Thunderdrop. He blinked at her.

  “Mava, would you like to pet Thunderdrop?” I asked.

  She nodded. Thunderdrop crawled to my lap. Slowly, Mava moved from her chair over to us. I showed her how to pet his abdomen. “He’s soft!”


  “He’s a sweet baby, and I love him very much.”

  “Click chirp click?” Thunderdrop showed me an image of sitting in Mava’s lap and getting petted.

  “Thunderdrop wants to sit on your lap for a little while. Is that okay?”

  Mava nodded and returned to her chair. Thunderdrop walked slowly to her stopping every so often to blink his eight eyes at her. Then, he climbed her orange dress and chirped at her. Very carefully, Mava stroked his back. “Mara, come pet him. He’s nice. It’s okay.” With trembling fingers, Mara touched Thunderdrop’s back. “See, I told you.”

  The viewports all opened awarding us with inky black space and glittering stars. Giggling, I jumped up to get closer to the amazing view. Yukihyo, Phillip, and Nico laughed.

  “Someone has missed the freedom of space,” Yukihyo said.

  Zeth stood at attention near the lift door. “Are you alright?” I silently asked him.

  “Yes, my lady,” Zeth whispered in my mind.

  I noticed Mara sending shy glances toward Zeth. I evaluated him as a sixteen-year-old girl might. Zeth had shiny black hair, black eyebrows, solid black eyes, and a strong muscular build which was evide
nt even through his fancy black uniform. He looked handsome and mysterious. By the time we had finished dinner, I was certain that Mara had a huge crush on my Ponidi brother. Yukihyo and Nico agreed with my observations. I noticed a bit of red creeping up from under the mandarin collar of his uniform.

  “I told you things would be different for you in the Empire,” I thought at Zeth as loudly as I could. Yukihyo chuckled.

  “May I be excused?” Mava asked Merick.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Come on, Thunderdrop,” she said. Lorca had brought a ball. Mava sat on the floor across the deck and rolled the ball back and forth with him.

  When Niklos started to cry, I said, “May I be excused, too?”

  Merick smiled at me. “You may do anything you wish.”

  I took Niklos from Lorca and sat in a quiet corner with him. My dress proved to be challenging. I ended up covering myself with a baby blanket and getting Lorca to unfasten the back. Niklos was wailing by the time I began nursing him. Nico came over to help me with my dress once our son was satisfied. Then, Nico took Niklos into his arms and proudly walked around to show him off. I decided on a bathroom break, and since the ship was identical to Kane’s, I knew just where to go. Zeth followed me.

  “Your spinning thoughts are enough to make me dizzy.”

  “Never before have I experienced emotions such as these. Mara thinks that I am the most handsome man she has ever seen. She finds my eyes to be mesmerizing. She wants to be close to me and wonders if I can truly hear her thoughts or sense her secret emotions,” Zeth silently communicated.

  “I dare you to smile at her and tell her that she has stolen your heart. Better yet, act as a Parvac male would. Go down on one knee before her and offer yourself to her promising to wait however many years it takes. Now, excuse me. I have to pee.”

  Zeth stood guard while I went inside the restroom. While I was in there, I readjusted the bodice of my dress. I wondered what information Kaoti was putting together about the Warrior Caste. In my thoughts, I heard Zeth again. “She thinks I could never notice her. Warrior Caste boys have teased her and her sister for being too tall and plain. She imagines me with a beautiful woman like you.”


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