Loving Luc

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Loving Luc Page 4

by Gabriella Clark

  Fuuuccckkk I thought to myself beyond frustrated, I usually screened my calls but hadn’t been paying attention this time. I was curious as to why they were calling though, I had paid them already this month and the full amount. I wasn’t due again until next month.

  “Yes this is Arianna Nyx. How can I help you?”

  “Hello Ms. Nyx I am calling concerning your mother’s past due account. I show that the last payment received was about 2 weeks ago and wanted to make sure we are still scheduled for the next payment in another two weeks?”

  “Yes as far as I can tell we are still on schedule for that payment” I said a bit sarcastically. I couldn’t help it, I didn’t understand why they were calling me about a payment that isn’t due yet, it isn’t likely that I would forget it.

  “Alright Ms.Nyx I also wanted to inform you that I will be the one handling your mom’s account from now on.We’ll look forward to that payment, you have a wonderful day”

  I hung up the phone and rolled my head back on my shoulders trying to shake lose that tension that had invaded my body. It would be ok, by my calculations it should only take me a few years to finish paying off mama’s balance and then I would be free and clear. I let out a deep breath and moved to go back into the building, I just had to survive until then.

  It had been a successful first week and I was having a blast at Autonomous. I was fully set up at one of the terminals and really felt like I was one of the team. Andrew had been right I thought ruefully, it was like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it. Since I had done so well with running the codes, I guess they had decided to test me as they know had me working on one of the problem areas in the coding. I stared intently at the screen as I wrapped up what I was doing, I was making progress but would need some more time on this particular sequence. My mind drifted to Luc as I let my hands work off memory. I hadn’t seen him again since that first day when he had came in. I started to idly wonder what occupied his days besides running this company, but shook my head firmly. I didn’t need to know what he did, that way only lay madness and heartbreak. I had heard others gossiping about him and it seemed as if he was a bit of a playboy. I didn’t need anything like that in my life thank you very much.

  I typed in the last code and hit save before shutting down my terminal. I stood up from my chair and stretched, lifting my hands high before settling back on my heels. It had been a productive day, but right about now a margarita sounded light heaven on earth. I moved back from me seat and pushed my chair in, after a week of suffering through my own cooking , I was ready to go on a hunt for some hot wings and margaritas.

  “Alright girl I’m outta here.” Yvette said getting up from the chair beside me. “Gotta hot date tonight” she winked at me, I had discovered that Yvette was an incurable flirt and most days she regaled me with tales of her dating escapades. She pushed in her chair before heading to her locker and getting her purse.

  I laughed “Have fun, I’ll see you on Monday” she wiggled her fingers at me before leaving out the door. Shaking my head I made sure everything was as it should be at my terminal before heading slowly towards the front of the room. Exchanging good byes with the rest of the team as they filed towards the door, I hung back a bit. I didn’t want to get mixed up in that end of the week rush for freedom. I pulled out my phone, scrolling down my contact list to see who I could get to go out to happy hour with me and decided to send a message to Jenny. She was already in the building so it would be easy to just meet up with her before heading Girls ‘N Wings, a sports bar that had awesome chicken wings and a bogo margarita deal.

  I looked up as the door opened and I heard Luc’s voice. I looked him up and down slowly as he chatted with a few members of the team. Damn he’s fine I thought to myself taking in his broad shoulders and wide chest covered in a white collared shirt tucked into gray slacks. He seemed to be on good terms with everyone in the office and while people did gossip about him none of it seemed malicious. It looked as if he was a well liked boss and people seemed happy to be working here.

  Sure wouldn’t mind a piece o that I thought then giggled out loud to myself. I quieted though when he looked up at the sound and caught my eyes with his. Smiling slightly in response, he ended his conversation and started in my direction. Glancing around him I saw that most of my coworkers were gone and the path to the door less congested. Figuring that now was as good a time as any I started forward intent upon leaving.

  “Arianna, can I speak with you for a moment?” I heard Luc say as I came closer to him.

  I looked at him with a smile and said teasingly “Sure but just so you know I haven’t clocked out yet so this conversations on you”

  He laughed “ No problem I’ll be sure to get my money’s worth.” Gesturing me to the side and out of the walkway he said “ So how are you liking it here so far? Everything going well?”

  I nodded enthusiastically “ Oh yes, it’s just what I always pictured myself doing. I’m having a blast!”

  He smiled at my obvious delight “ That’s great! Do you have any plans for tonight?”

  I looked at him curiously “ Not really I mean I was going to find me some hot wings and a couple margaritas. Why whats up?”

  “Now that would be something worthwhile for us to invent, an automated margarita maker”

  “God yes! Could you imagine! The sales would be through the roof, you should get all of your top guys on it right away. You’d probably win a humanitarian award” I said half serious

  He laughed “No doubt I would. Listen the reason I asked is because there’s this great bar not to far from here. Mia and my brother are meeting me there and I would hate to be a third wheel….again”

  I laughed at the slight pout he made and thought quickly I had already invited Jenny and would hate to back out on her. Reluctantly I opened my mouth to decline. It would be nice to hang out with Mia and I would certainly be getting some nice eye candy in return. But I wouldn’t do Jenny like that,unless of course she wanted to come. I held up a finger to Luc indicating I needed a moment and took out my phone to call Jenny. I noticed though that I had a message waiting to be read, I opened that first and saw Jenny had text me apologizing. Apparently her husband had to stay late at work and she had to hurry and pick up her son from daycare. I messaged her back indicating that we will hang out some other time, before looking up at Luc.

  “Alright mister, looks like you got lucky. Are you headed there now?” I asked as I started walking towards my locker. What I had on should be fine, it wasn’t like we were going anywhere fancy. The black tights, knee high boots and a long red v neck sweater that hit the tops of my thighs should be just fine.

  “Yes did you want to ride over together?” He asked coming up behind me and waiting as I entered the passkey. I took out my bag and left the door open as I headed over to the security desk.

  “I would but I rode my scooter today. Just to warn you they move slower than cars.” I said apologetically as I bent to sign out of the log book. I looked at him from the corner of my eye as I signed my name, wondering what had made him come and invite me in the first place. It was probably because I knew Mia as I’m sure I wasn’t the type of girl that he usually invited out to dinner. I waved by to Frank and moved over to the time clock patiently waiting my turn as the line moved up.

  “Well I don’t mind maybe I’ll give you a head start” he teased watching as I clocked out. He held the door open for me, and as I passed by, I stuck out my tongue and crossed my eyes at him. Smiling as he burst out laughing behind me I headed towards the elevator, he had a nice laugh I thought idly. It was low and slightly husky, he laughed with his entire being, seeming as if he really enjoyed it. He stepped into the elevator with me and pressed the button for the garage, glancing at me with a raised eyebrow I realized he was asking which floor I wanted to go to.

  “The same , I have my scooter in one of the motorcycle spots.”

  He nodded and stepped back, resting against the back wall of the el
evator. We rode down in companionable silence in respect to the other passengers riding with us. I stood there contemplating what in my life led me to this moment. Oh I didn’t mean Kale, even though he was the head boss and owner of the company, I had seen him more often since he and Mia were an item. It was ok for me to go out and have dinner with him and Mia, No what I was apprehensive about was having dinner with Luc. I was wondering what led me to be going out to dinner with him, mister international playboy extraordinaire.Scratch that what led him to asking me out to dinner with him? The excuse that he didn’t want to be a third wheel was pretty thin considering we really didn’t know each other and he didn’t know how much of a buffer I would be. I chuckled to myself and looked at him from under my lashes, it must be the way I coded that last program I thought to myself. I stepped forward as the elevator doors opened and went towards the left glancing over my shoulder at Luc.

  “Where are we headed? I’ll probably meet you there”. No sense in making him ride behind me, I’m sure whatever he drove would be much faster than me. I just hoped wherever we were going wasn’t some posh fancy shmancy restaurant. Damn I thought sadly,I was headed out with a CEO and a COO, there was probably a very big chance we were headed somewhere where the whole menu would be in a different language.

  Perhaps selkrians were mind readers because I could have sworn he smirked before saying “ We’re meeting them at Girls ‘N Wings over on holly drive”

  I resisted the urge to do a fist pump Yes! Just where I wanted to go.” Alright see you there” I nodded at him and turned away hurrying over to where my vespa was parked. I climbed on and settled my helmet on my head. Once I was settled I started up and backed carefully from out of the spot I was in, joining the exodus of cars headed out the garage. I inched my way out of the garage, thinking over what I needed to do this weekend. School started on Monday and I was overly excited to be headed back to college. My advisor had tried to get me to enroll back in the honor’s classes I had before but I had declined. I haven’t been to school in about two years though and I wanted to take it slow this first semester. I didn’t want to get overwhelmed with trying to keep up the caseload I was doing before. I pulled out onto the street and begin to make my way north to the restaurant. My thoughts turned to the anniversary of my mom’s death coming up in a couple of weeks. I had already requested that friday off and had planned to drive down to my hometown to pay my respects and visit with Sophia.

  I knew people always said that loss gets better with time, but so far it still hurt, like a sharp blade to the chest whenever I actually let myself think about mama being gone. I let out a deep breath and pushed it to the back of my mind. I had already made the arrangements, I was just waiting for the time to come. At least this time I would be visiting with good news to share. I knew she would have been ecstatic to learn about the internship and that I had re enrolled in school. I checked my progress and realized I was down the street to the restaurant. I thought I could see Luc leaning against a luxury car in the parking lot and was struck again by how handsome he was. I wondered for a second what it would be like to date someone so self assured, sure of his place in the world and the role he was playing in it. I banished the thought as I pulled in next to the door and turned off the vespa. Like he would be interested in someone like me I thought wryly to myself. I was a college dropout working at his brother’s company living paycheck to paycheck and was only at this internship because his brothers fiance had pulled strings for me. I pulled off my helmet slowly as I got off the scooter and stood up before storing it in the little cargo hold. My thoughts brought me down and I indulged in a pity part of one for a moment. I sighed heavily as I walked over to meet Luc by the door. This is why I avoided thinking about my current circumstances, it was too depressing.

  “Hey” I said coming to a stop next to him” I see you beat me here. Are Kale and Mia here already?”

  He searched my face for a moment before reaching for the door and holding it open for me “ Yes they are holding a table inside for us. Weare also being joined by Shaye and our third in command Lael. Are you ok?”

  I shot him a brief smile as I moved past him and stepped into the restaurant. Looking beyond the hostess table I spotted Kale’s shoulder length straight hair and headed in the direction. Mia was sitting next to him which meant Luc and I would be sharing a bench seat together. Oh well I would just scootch over as far as I could to give him space. On two chairs seated at the end of the table was Shaye and I assumed the third in command. I loved Shaye she was so funny and sarcastic but never go drinking with her…ever. While Kale was built more along the lines of a swimmer or runner, Luc was wider with broad shoulder and a wide chest. Not quite a linebacker but it would be somewhat of a tight fit. However Thy guy sitting next to Shaye…that was a big mutha as my mama used to say. He was sitting but I could tell he topped at least 6’5, His shoulders stretched his shirt alarmingly while his biceps looked huge. His hair was cut short and was a chocolate color. I walked closer to the table and eyes where I was supposed to sit, already I kept mooning over his looks, I didn’t want to know what I would do if I happened to touch him. I scooted all the way over to the wall and smiled happily at Mia then at Shaye, I was genuinely glad to see them.

  “Hey long time no see!. How are you girl?” She said enthusiastically putting down her menu to smile back at me.

  “I’m good I’m good. Hey Shaye how’s life treating you?”

  “Can’t complain, just finished the mock up for the Assist and everything is looking good” Shaye replied. I couldn’t tell for sure but it looked as if she was sizing up Lael, for what I didn’t know. “Have you met Lael? He’s the third in command, the hale’s big scary enforcer” She pretended to scratch the air as she said this and I laughed. “ No I haven’t nice to meet you, I’m Arianna” He nodded back at me silent. One of those huh I thought amused, I could see now why Shaye was eyeing him, quiet folk didn’t last long around her.

  “How’s the wedding plans going?” I knew that they had planned to get married in a few months and not only had to plan the human ceremony, but the selkrian one as well which was happening next month.

  She rolled her eyes “ At this point with all that’s going on with planning two ceremonies, I don’t even want to talk about it” She aimed a slight pout ar Kale, to which he responded to by reaching over and pinching her cheek. I laughed out loud at the slightly horrified glare she shot him before hiding back behind her menu.

  Laughing along Kale turned to me and said “ She is just upset over the traditional selk mating robe that she will need to wear”

  Puzzled I cocked my head at him “ What’s the matter with the robe?” That didn’t sound like anything to pout over, I mean women traditionally wore dresses but a robe shouldn’t be too bad.

  Kale coughed and looking down rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, I glanced at Luc and found him studying the wall behind the bartender intently, very obviously trying to remove himself from this part of the conversation. Shaye was looking back and forth between Kale and Mia, a confused look on her face. I glanced at Lael and saw him rolling his eyes before looking back at his menu.

  “ Yes dear, tell Arianna and Shaye what’s the big deal with the mating robe” Mia said sweetly adding punctuation marks when she said robe. I looked back at Kale and raised an eyebrow, highly curious to know what was going on.

  Kale breathed out and said “ The robe is made of Ong silk. Very soft, very delicate material that was brought over from our home world. The issue Mia has with it is that once the robe is donned it molds itself to the wearer’s body and..skin tone.”

  I felt my other eyebrow raise up to meet its twin “ You mean to say…??”

  Kale nodded his head and pressed his lips together, more to stop his laughter then to signal disapproval over the idea. It sounded like Mia would be walking down the aisle looking pretty much naked. I winced seeing where she was coming from, she would be in front of the whole hale and whoever else that had been
invited dress like that. I guessed the hale wouldn’t find it a big deal, but it would sure be embarrassing. Reaching out a hand, I patted Mia’s forearm “You poor baby, while I cant help with that if you need any help with the planning I’m here ok?”

  Shaye shook her head as put her menu down on the table “Sure glad I don’t have to wear that” she looked smug then thoughtful “Although I would look damned good in it” she was right, she had a classic hourglass shape, with her stomach curving inward instead of being rounded like mine. I’d also heard her referring to her ass as a stripper booty and saying she had natural breasts that a plastic surgeon dreamed about creating. Yeah…like I said she was a blast.

  Mia looked up and after sticking her tongue out at Kale turned to Shaye “ Well glad you think so cause you will be wearing one too” she turned to me next “Thanks Arianna I appreciate the offer. I’ll call you about it, we can all be naked together”

  I laughed but then realized what she had said at the end “ What?..”

  “Good Evening! Welcome to Girls N Wings! May I start you guys off with some drinks?” The waitress announced as she came to a stop in front of our table and smiled brightly at us.

  I shot Mia a narrowed eyed glare that promised we would revisit this discussion and she just smiled back serenely at me and turned to the waitress to place her drink and food order. I already knew what I wanted and so had no need of a menu. I patiently waited as the other gave their order until it was my turn. “ Yes I would like your two for one margarita special with the strawberry margarita and a order of 10 buffalo wings and a small order of mozzarella sticks” I had the waitress my menu and then turned back to the table. No one was talking and it was getting a little awkward for me, Mia and Kale looked fine with the silence but it was beginning to make me a little twitchy,Shaye had an angelic look on her face but I knew it wouldn’t be long before something outrageous came out her mouth.

  “Sooooo” I said drawing out the word “ How much older are you then Luc Kale?”


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