Loving Luc

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Loving Luc Page 5

by Gabriella Clark

  Kale and Luc glanced at each other and then back to me, the funny thing about it though was that Mia looked interested in the answer as well.Shaye on the other hand had her chin on her right hand and was leaning towards Lael. I saw him glance at her out of the corner of his silver eyes and one of his pointed ears twitched.

  “Well” Kale said appearing as if he were doing some math in his head “ In human years it would be … uh.. About 6 years older I would say” he glanced towards Luc who nodded, agreeing with him.

  “So you were an older child for awhile then. How did you feel when Luc came along?’ Mia asked

  “Actually I was pretty excited at first, then I actually met him …and then he started talking” Kale grimaced playfully “ It was downhill from there”

  Luc good naturedly gave him the middle finger as we all laughed. I saw Lael start and turn his head towards Shaye with lowered brows as she leaned back from whispering something in his ear. “Stop it Shaye” Mia said without looking towards her as the waitress set our drinks down in front of us and promised that our order would be out in a moment. Shaye pouted a little but sat back in her seat.

  “So Mia how is the internship going?” Kale asked as he took a sip of the stoly on rocks he had ordered..

  I smiled brightly at him “ It’s going really well, it’s so awesome to be able to work behind the scenes with the product to get it ready for launch. Thanks again for giving me this opportunity”

  He winked at me “ Your welcome, you deserve it. And school? How is that going?’

  “Well that hasn’t started yet, my first day is on Monday. I’m a little nervous but a lot excited to be heading back”

  “ Dont worry” Mia advised “ You’ll do great Arianna. Besides you have what… a year? 2 years left before you will have your degree?”

  I nodded “ About a year and a half I believe, depending on how many credits I take each semester. Im shooting for the year and a half though to be honest.”

  Shaye waved her hand around “I wouldn’t worry about that your wicked smart and have the experience, you’ll crush it. Or we’ll crush your professors whichever.” I laughed and shook my head at her.

  Luc glanced my way before murmuring “ I believe you can do it, from what I’m hearing from the r&d team you are already working wonders. School should be a breeze” I looked down at my plate, feeling a little overwhelmed by the praise. I was happy that I was doing a good job as I had been a bit nervous when I first started.

  We chatted amicably well most of us did, Lael really just sat and observed us, although a few times I saw a ghost of a smile curve his lips. Our food arrived and then we were all silent for a few minutes as we dug in. Kale had ordered a delicious looking steak alfredo, Mia had wings like I did, Luc and Lael had a large steak and Shaye had a plate of ribs. I dipped a mozzarella stick into my marinara sauce and bit the end off chewing thoughtfully.

  “Besides the mating robe, what else is involved in the selkrian ceremony?” I asked

  “ The ceremony is held in front of the entire hale with vows being exchanged much like the human ceremony presided over by a hale elder. There is a feast after of course and celebrations and games will be held for three days and three nights as this is the Lakai being bonded” Luc explained to me

  “ Much of the bonding process is done in private between the couple. This is just for the hale to celebrate with them and for them to be formally entered into the hale record as a mated pair.” Kale continued “ But we will also be doing double duty that day as Mia will be the Pilia of the hale and that is another ceremony to be held after the mating one”

  “Oh ok sounds good. Sounds like you guys will just be throwing a big party then” I said teasingly, Mia laughed and nodded “ I said the same thing” I noticed that Shaye had started to inch back closer to Lael and laughed a little under my breath, seems she was determined. I couldn’t blame her, his face was all sharp angles and full lips surrounded by a sexy beard. I glanced at Luc out the corner of my eye, although I preferred the five o clock shadow and dark angel looks of Luc. We continued to eat finishing up the food on our plates. I felt Luc looking at me though and turned to him questioningly.

  “I just wanted to ask if this is your hometown and if you have any family here” he said inquiringly. I stiffened a little before forcing myself to relax. It was ok he didn’t know how could he? Mia and Shaye knew of course and Mia may have told Kale but Luc wouldn’t know, I doubted Mia would have told him. Shaye shot me a concerned glance, pausing in her man hunting to make sure I was ok. I nodded at her while it was painful to remember, I enjoyed speaking of my mama. It kept her alive in my mind..

  “No I’m from Jessup, It’s about 45 miles outside of the city. No siblings or family, my mother passed coming up on two years ago” I said lightly, pushing my plate away and taking a fortifying sip of my margarita. I looked his way and I noticed that he looked a little guilty. I shook my head at him and laid my hand on his arm “ Its ok, no need to look like that its hard I must admit but I’m just taking it one day at a time”

  He covered my hand with his where it lay on his arm “ I am sincerely very sorry for your loss. Kale and I lost our parents about 6 years ago. Sometimes the pain still feels fresh” The look in his eyes was warm and compassionate and I caught a glimpse of the pain he was speaking off. We broke apart when the waitress came to clear our table asking if we would like dessert. We all said no and asked for the check, with Kale insisting on covering the bill. When it came he paid and we all stood up heading towards the front door of the restaurant. I was walking ahead of Luc when he touched the small of my back, helping to guide me out of the way of a waiter. The heat from his palm branded me and I sucked in a breathe, surprised at how good his hand felt there. It seemed to be it lingered a bit longer than it should, only falling away after we had stepped outside.

  “Thanks so much you guys for inviting me out to eat with you all, I enjoyed myself alot” I said turning and smiling at the way Mia was snuggled up to Kale. “I’ll catch a ride with Lael, don’t want to take ya’ll out ya’ll way” Shaye waggled her eyebrows at Mia and Kale while her back was towards the man in question. Mia just rolled her eyes while Kale looked confused and I caught a soft sigh easing from Lael. I almost felt sorry for him except I’m sure he would enjoy anything Shaye attempted. They all waved before turning towards their respective vehicles. I turned to Luc as he still stood next to me and looked up at him, he smiled down at me and gestured over to my vespa.

  “ I’m not sure if I should be concerned for Lael or give him a high five” he murmured sounding amused.

  I laughed as I fell into step beside him as we walked the few feet over to my scooter and paused there.”I know what you mean”

  “ Thanks again for inviting me, I had been craving a margarita” I said smiling slightly at him

  “ Glad I could help out with that” he said laughing a little

  I turned towards the vespa and pulled my helmet from the cargo hold. “Well I’ll see you on Monday “ I moved to put the helmet on before taking a seat, but paused when he laid a hand on my arm. I looked up at him inquiringly, wondering what it is he could want.

  “I wanted to ask if you would like to get lunch one day? Maybe sometime next week?”

  I cocked my head at him surprised, I wasn’t expecting to get asked out by my playboy boss.

  “Why?” I couldn’t help asking

  He looked taken aback “ Why?”

  “Yes” I nodded firmly “Why?”

  Now he looked amused “Well to be honest I’ve been interested since I got my first real look at you in Mia’s office.” He gave a little shrug “I enjoyed tonight as well and just thought maybe we could repeat it”

  I was surprised to hear this not because he had asked me…well that too but because I could have sworn I heard something about him and an actress on Thursday.

  “Really?” I asked doubtfully “ weren’t you just out with what’s her face from that superhero movie

  I couldn’t tell for sure but it looked as if his face flushed a little. “Yes I was” he admitted “ but we’re just good friends and that was an event she asked me to go to with her so I could run interference with some pushy studio execs”

  I studied him carefully to see if I could I detect any subterfuge but he seemed genuine enough. Didn’t matter though I had no intention of getting entangled with a known playboy let alone my boss.

  I shook my head regretfully “ I’m sorry Luc I do find you attractive but things are finally starting to go right for me and I just don’t want to complicate it now with dating”

  He looked a bit taken aback but then visibly collected himself and nodded slowly before smiling “ I understand Arianna. I do hope though that you will help me out in the future like you did tonight” He grimaced “ thanks to you they kept the lovey dovey stuff to a minimum”

  I laughed and replied “ Sure thing Luc, I’ll be sure to save you in the future”

  He chuckled and tipped his head at me “ Get home safe” I murmured the same sentiment back as I fitted the helmet to my head. He waited as I sat and started up the vespa. Giving him a little wave I headed across the parking lot, glancing occasionally in my side mirror as he walked to his car and got in. I smiled as I pulled out into traffic, marveling over the fact that Luc Kapena had actually asked me out for a lunch date. I glanced up at the night sky to make sure the stairs hadn’t fallen nope still there I thought to myself giggling.


  I glanced in my rearview mirror, watching as Arianna pulled out into the road. Despite the rejection I had gotten I still smiled, pleased with the knowledge that she found me attractive. I understood her objections, but had no intention on giving up this early in the game. She intrigued me and I had every intention of getting a date out of her. I thought back to before we left the lab, she had been standing next to the computer terminals, arms crossed under her breasts creating a deep v of cleavage. She had looked lost in thought quietly giggling to herself about whatever it was she was thinking about. I had been talking to one of the technicians but my entire focus had been on her.

  I had checked on her progress frequently throughout the week, finding myself needing to know how she was doing in her role. Andrew had advised me that she was doing a great job and that she was already working on her own with fixing a string of coding that we had been having issues with. I had managed to stop myself from going down to the lab and seeing for myself how she was doing, figuring that may look a little suspicious. I usually only got weekly progress reports from the supervisors there and it would be strange if I started showing up all of a sudden. I found myself looking forward more and more to seeing Arianna, speaking with her and seeing how her mind worked through whatever problem she was tackling.

  My phone vibrated as I shifted my car into drive, I pulled it out and glanced at the screen. It was a confirmation from the ship advising they had received the request and had sent off for the information. They advised it would take about a earth week to get the response from Selk. That was much quicker then I had anticipated our new communications relay must be working as we had intended, since before it would have taken months to get a response.

  My thoughts turned to my dating life and I wondered if I had any upcoming dates I may need to bow out of as I start my pursuit of Arianna. Now that I think about it though, I hadn’t been going out as much as I usually did. I shook my head in disbelief, what was going on? The last date I had been on , if I could even call it that, Was when I had escorted Starla to that premiere. Maybe I’ve just been working too hard, that must be it, we have been really busy with preparing for the launch of the tablet. I nodded confidently to myself as I pulled out of the parking lot of the bar, trying to convince myself that that must be it. I ignored that little voice in my mind saying sarcastically sure buddy that’s what it is.


  It was saturday afternoon and I had finally finished up my laundry for the week. I was walking down the street back to my apartment, pushing my little basket with my laundry in it. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and there was a few clouds scattered around the blue sky. The sidewalk was lined with trees that provided some cool shade for my walk. I looked up as I heard some chittering in the trees and saw two squirrels chasing each other across a tree branch. I formulated the rest of my day as I turned and headed up the last block thinking that after I put my clothes away I would get my backpack set up for school on Monday and clean the rest of my house before settling down for some pizza and tv.

  My phone vibrated and I pulled it out surprised to see a message from Mia. Hey arianna how’s your day going?

  Great just finished my laundry and headed back home to do the rest of my chores…what’s up?

  Welllllll promise not to be mad?

  I paused suspicious, the last time she had told me that it had involved a half hour car ride with her and Shaye,a karaoke battle where I had to be a backup singer and tequila shots.

  Ooookay….what did you do now? And I am NOT doing karaoke again!

  Wellll see there’s this new guy at the office and we were talking and somehow or another you came up and he said you sounded nice and were you single and I said yes and….you have a date tonight this she sent with a fingers crossed emoji and a angel

  I shook my head in disbelief, a blind date? What was this? A old 90’s sitcom? I know she had mentioned wanting to set me up before. Apparently those in love wanted everyone to be in love to, but come on!

  Nuh uh no way am I going on a blind date. Besides I already have a date with my couch and some thin crust steak pizza

  But ariannnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Please!! I never ask you for anything!! The guy is new to the city and seemed so lonely! Besides free dinner!! Doesn’t that sound nice?

  I rolled my eyes as I walked up the stairs to my building and unlocked the entrance door. I thought for a second and let out a sigh…I could really go for some steak alfredo and if I didn’t have to pay for it even better. Plus she had just did me a monumental favor so I guess I owed her.

  Fine…but he better not be a creep…and I want to go to the Italian Spot I texted her as I walked in my apartment and started towing the laundry into my bedroom.

  Great thanks so much Arianna! I’ll let him know and he’ll be by to get you at 8 text me after and let me know how it went.

  Yea yea yea I sent back with a roll of my eyes and tossed my phone on the bed. It was 2 now so I had to hustle to get all my chores done so that way I could get ready for my date. I whirled around like a dervish, first putting my clothes away and laying out an outfit on my bed. Nothing fancy just a nice pair of jeans and a v neck top and then tackled cleaning my bathroom. I moved outward from their hitting my living room and then finally my kitchen before ending with tossing my trash outside.

  I stepped back in my apartment and went to check the time on my phone. It was 4 so I still had plenty of time but I also saw a message from an unidentified number.

  Hello my name is Danny, I got your number from Mia. Did you want to meet me at The Italian Spot or would you like me to pick you up?

  I heaved a deep sigh No I can meet you there. She said 8 right?

  Yes great I’ll see you then!

  I connected my phone to the charger before heading towards my desk in the living room where all my school stuff was set up. I looked over my classes I had on Monday and then proceeded to pack the bag accordingly. I walked over to place my book bag by the front door and turned to survey my house. Everything was clean and all chores completed filling me with a sense of accomplishment. Hey say what you wanted but I loved a clean house, nothing was better than the scent of fabuloso in the air. I checked the time and realized I had a couple hours to shower and wrestle my hair into something serviceable. I headed into the shower and stood soaking under the spray and thought about the internship. I was secretly hoping after the internship was over I would be offered a permanent position at Autonomous. I knew the terms stated it w
ould be for three months but Mia had told me that was just a tentative time frame, depending on how everything was going it may be extended into six months. I was really hoping it would be the 6, I would be starting my second semester of school then and would really love to have the hands on practice.

  I rinsed off and stepped out the shower, wrapping a towel around me. I swiped my hand through the mirror and turning my head side to side surveyed my hair with a air of hopelessness. I washed and styled my hair on schedule, so everytime I cowash my hair I styled it and didn’t touch it until it was time to co wash it again. The last time was 2 days ago and I had braided my hair into 2 boxer braids and pronounced myself done with it. Looking over it now I really didn’t want to undo the braids even if I was just going to redo them. My hair was very thick and very curly and I usually kept it confined with either braids or buns. I sighed deeply but thought I could leave the braids alone and just touch up my edges. I did that quickly and swiped on some mascara and lip balm before heading into my bedroom to dress. I pulled on some underwear and looked at my phone quickly, seeing that it was 7. I need to leave out by 7:30, while the restaurant wasn’t far from me I didn’t like to keep people waiting. I finished dressing and headed into my living room, grabbing my wallet and keys before leaving the house.

  I walked down the stairs and headed towards my vespa. I like to think of the vespa as a mini motorcycle, pretending to my friends that I’m apart of a motorcycle club with full leathers. They always laugh but I insisted they treat the scooter with the same respect as they would a harley. Hey I knew what is was to be little and you had to treat your transportation delicately. Especially one that you’d had going on five years and had bought used. I grabbed my helmet out of the cargo hold and strapped it on my head before getting on and starting it up. I pulled out from my street and zipped down the road. I really hoped I wouldn’t regret this date, guys either seemed to be total bores or egotistical jerks. The goods ones were few and far between, but hey! Free food! I chuckled to myself as I pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant, I was about 15 minutes early and decided to go inside and get a drink while I waited. I parked my vespa and hopped off, snatching the helmet off and stowing it in the cargo hold. I checked myself out quickly in the side view mirror to make sure my hair still looked decent.


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