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Loving Luc

Page 8

by Gabriella Clark

  I knew Sophia would congratulate me if she knew I was about to suggest this. Everytime I talked with her about Luc she encouraged me to see where it could go and to give her all the details. She called this her vicarious alien thrill ride but I needed to find out if he would be down for this…or would it be up to? In any case before I mentioned anything to her about it I needed to be sure. Sure I felt like I was a delightful curvy package of premium dark chocolate, but what are the odds of a smoking hot billionaire alien feeling the same way?

  We had finished working through the bugs with the holographic display and had passed the first run at consumer testing. There was a party being held tonight to celebrate the launch date and Luc was supposed to be there. Tonight would be the night I found I bagged me an alien.


  I didn’t know if I was losing my touch or just not trying hard enough. Every day I came to see her, every day I tried to maneuver the conversation to a more personal note and every day I failed. We’d had a great time at the bar with Mia and Kale each time we went out together. I had managed to snag a few more kisses and each new taste made me hungrier until I felt like she was a drug and I was fast becoming an addict. I mean at first I wasn’t really serious, just wanted to do some flirting, get her on a date with just the two of us and see where it went.

  I had so much going on what with the Noctis reemerging and needing to see where Lautaro had gotten to. The other agents still had not found him or the man they had seen him with. Lael had reported that the four he had followed had reached Bucket List but was not making any moves anywhere. They had just set up camp and was keeping a low profile, it did seem though as if they were doing recon of the resort. We puzzled over what they could possibly want with a vacation resort for humans but couldn’t think of anything. I thought we knew all the remaining concentrations of human magic left in the united states, but maybe we had overlooked some. I had been doing some research to see what I could discover in addition to running Autonomous.

  The times I spent with here when we were out with my brother or staying late to finish the admin I wanted to place on the tablets, were the only moments of peace that I’ve had in the last couple weeks. I was determined to fully monopolize her time tonight at the little get together we were throwing to celebrate the launch date of the regular Assist I had asked Mia for her home address and boy had that been hard to pry out of here. I had to vow that I had no nefarious intentions or plans to just try to get in here pants.

  I honestly didn’t, it was no longer about just going on a few casual dates or trying to have some fun. I couldn’t believe it myself but I was actually interested in seeing if we could have something more. I was drawn to her in a way that I hadn’t felt in a long time and I wanted to see it through, to see if maybe….maybe I could have what Kale had found.I know she had finished a month with us already and was scheduled to be rotated to another department soon. I would speak to her and Mia about that since she was still helping me with the Assist but the more I talked to her the more she drew me in. Her ideas for getting the holographic display to work better by simply changing the backlighting of the LCD screens we were using was amazing. Her comebacks were witty, our conversations intelligent. She had a fabulous body, an awesome mind and a great personality. I may be in trouble here…..


  “I don’t know Sophia, I mean it’s not like I even have time for a social life between the internship and school” I said as I stepped into my wrap dress and tied a neat bow at my hip “I’m lucky this internship is paid or I wouldn’t have been able to do it at all”

  It was the day of the party and I was busy trying to get ready.Luc had informed me he had played a little dirty and got my address from Mia. He was due to pick me up in about 30 minutes. I stepped closer to the mirror and attempted to tame my hair. Sure everyone thought it was nice to have curly hair but few knew about the battles that were waged behind bathroom doors. I decided on two twists for the front of my hair and to let the rest hang naturally. I had nice spiral curls that were quite pretty when they decided to cooperate. I grabbed my trusty can of wash and go leave in and applied it to my damp hair as Sophia said “ I hear what you’re saying but you owe it to yourself. These last few years have been hard for you, Arianna. Get out and have some fun”

  I stopped spreading the leave in through my hair and thought about that seriously for a minute. I heard what she was saying truly I did, but I had a mission I was determined to complete. This isn’t just for myself but it was for my mom too. I had made her a promise and to be honest I still felt guilty that I had left in the first place. Maybe if I had stayed if I had been there I would have seen the signs sooner, made her go back to the doctor, maybe she would have gotten the treatment in time. At the very least I would have had more time with her. I stared blindly into the mirror and took a deep breath, knowing that this was in the past and what’s done is done but still feeling the heavy weight of those regrets. “ I hear you and as long as this does not interfere with what I’m trying to accomplish I’m willing to see where it will go” I said determinedly “ I need to finish what I started. Not just for myself but I made a promise to mama and I’m going to keep it” I finished making a flat twist on the left side and pinned it back with a sparkly clip the same navy blue as my dress.

  “Besides” I teased, starting on the right side “ what if he doesn’t know how to drive his spaceship? Or he actually has a little green man? He might not even be really interested in me you know”

  She snorted out a laugh “ That would be such a waste. You should totally find out, I mean I would but I’m stuck here living under a rock so you know. Besides your a hottie tottie, if I was into the darkside I would have totally tapped that!”

  I rolled my eyes as I finished up with my hair and laughed before starting to put on some mascara “ I have about a year left to finish my degree and then I’ll see about getting a serious life with a serious boyfriend and all of that, But I doubt that will involve a billionaire alien. Until then I just want to finish school and do well at Autonomous. If that may involve some alien action, I’ll take that too”

  I swiped on a layer of tinted lip balm and pronounced myself done with my makeup. Going back into my bedroom I slipped on a pair of nude wedges and grabbed my clutch. I looked around making sure I wasn’t missing anything and turned on the lamp by my bed. I left the door open behind me as I started walking through my living room heading towards the front door. Luc should be here in a few minutes and rather than make him come up here, I would rather meet him downstairs.

  “Ok just if an opportunity presents itself see where it goes. You got school and you got this internship and you’re going to do awesome with both. Let me give you your motivational quote of the night. You ready?”

  I grabbed my keys and stepped up to my front door ready to leave “ Alright hit me with it”

  “Ok…..’don’t stop, get it get it’”

  I closed the door behind and paused in the middle of locking it “ Isn’t that from an uncle Luke song?”

  “That’s rriiiiggghhttt” I could hear the pride in her voice “you get it? Now go forth and kick ass!”

  I couldn’t help the burst of laughter, This chick was so crazy but I loved her to pieces “ You should send that to hallmark…really”

  “Huh “ She sounded thoughtful “ maybe I will”

  I rolled my eyes and started walking down the hall “ Alright crazy lady I’ll call you later and let you know how it went”

  “Tootles! And remember do everything I would!”

  I laughed as the call disconnected and stepped out of my apartment building. I glanced towards the luxury sedan that was parked at the curb, idly wondering if Luc had perhaps arrived early, and that was him waiting for me. There was another reason for me wanting to speak to Luc tonight. I’d heard that we were working on a new cellphone and I’d had an idea that I thought may be doable with Selkrian tech. I started walking towards the curb so that Luc would be able to e
asily see me when he arrived, I paused though when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

  Glancing around I realized that Luc had stepped out of the sedan and was standing by the passenger door. He was here a little early and I can’t deny I was excited to see him.“Hey your early, eager to see me huh” I asked jokingly starting towards him.

  “Of course” He looked me up and down and I could see the appreciation in his eyes, hear it in his voice “ You look wonderful tonight” He reached out for my hands as I came close and I gave them to him. He pulled me close to his body and leaned down, giving me a lingering kiss on the cheek. My breath hitched as he pulled back and I smiled up at him and looked him up and down. He was dressed in a polo shirt, dark wash jeans and boots. He had his hair swept back from his face, emphasizing his strong jaw and straight nose.

  I put my finger on my lips and tilted my head at him “Your looking good yourself” I said as I stepped around him to the door he held open for me.

  He winked “ Thanks”

  He closed the door after me and stepped off the curb, walking towards the driver side door. As he moved around the car, I went to put my phone in my clutch and noticed that I had a text from Mia about 30 minutes ago. Oops I thought guiltily I wasn’t the best at checking my messages. I read the message seeing that she told me to have fun and let her know if she needed to get out her cast iron pan for Luc’s head. I chuckled and sent her a quick text letting her know I would let her know and that I was with him now.

  “So how was your day?” He asked as he sat down and started the car.

  I smiled over at him “It was great Andrew took me on a quick tour of where they’re working on the new phone. Speaking of which I had an idea I wanted to run past you”

  He nodded “Alright what’s the idea?”

  “Well I wondered if you have any waterproof technology?”

  He thought for a moment “Well we do. It’s mainly used for water planets or deep sea exploring though. But humans already have waterproof devices”

  I shook my head “We have water resistant devices. Everything that’s on the market to date is either splash proof or resistant up to a certain amount of feet”

  He nodded slowly “You’re right. Ok I can see how that would work, using our tech we can make them completely waterproof. I’ll see about getting the ball rolling on it Monday”

  I was thrilled my idea had been received so well but had one more question “Would I be able to get in on the development?”

  He shot me a smile “Of course, it was your idea after all”.

  I sat back in my seat and resisted the urge to clap my hands together in excitement.

  “I love how you get so excited about your work. That combined with your ideas…. I think you’ll go very far in this business” He glanced over at me quickly as we slowed down pulling into the circular drive of the hotel the party was being held at.

  I shrugged my shoulders bashfully and smiled at him “Thank you I hope that means after the internship I can stay on” I wasn’t above a little fishing trip to see what my chances would be.

  He winked at me as he got out of the car “No worries about that” He walked around the car and I took his hand as he opened my door. We walked up to the entrance of the Tropicale , a fancy five star hotel, nodding at the doorman as he opened the door for us. Inside we were treated to walls painted in a cream color, floors carpeted in pale green. We passed the mahogany reception desk and followed the signs for the Autonomous party to the second ballroom.

  I paused just inside to take in the dance floor set up in the middle of the room, the live band at the back wall and the buffet area to the right. I waved as I saw Yvette and Daniel one of our coworkers seated to the left at one of the several dining tables. Turning back to Luc, I smiled up at him “Thanks again for the lift and for hearing me out about the phones”

  “My pleasure” he reached out and tugged on one curl playful.

  I stared at him aghast “ Hey!” I said doing a quick two step to avoid any further hair touching “ Don’t you know not to touch a black girl’s hair” I stared at him seriously, not moving a facial muscle, just watching him.

  “Oh!” He seemed so startled, it was adorable! “ Well I…ah…I apologize no offense meant, I didn’t know”

  I shook my head at him “You know if we was in the hood I would have to cut off your finger right” I was so bad for messing with him, but I just couldn’t help it!

  He drew his head back surprised and studied my face. I stared back at him blankly and we locked gazes. His lips twitched at the corners a moment later and I narrowed my eyes at him determined to win this.

  “You know” he began a smile crossing his face slowly “ I’ve traveled the cosmos and met dozens of species. But I’ve never met anything quite as crazy as your hair”

  I gasped outraged “Hey my hair is not crazy! It just likes to be pampered and loved and it’s not too sure about strangers!”

  He raised an eyebrow at me “ so your hair is it’s own person now?”

  I sniffed and turned around to head further into the room “I’ll have you know sir, it’s been its own person” I turned my head and gave him a wink over my shoulder as I started walking towards Yvettes table, feeling victorious as I heard him laugh behind me. Human girl 1 alien hunk zero I thought smugly.

  I stopped by Yvette’s table and smiled brightly at her “ Hey girl how’s it going?” She stared at me with a slightly incredulous look on her face. She turned to Daniel and they looks before turning back towards me.

  “What?” I asked defensively looking down at my dress and patting my hair “what is it?”

  “You just walked in with the head boss” Daniel began slowly.

  “Not only that” Yvette continued “ but you were joking and laughing with him”

  I shrugged confused “So what? I know his brother’s mate he was just giving me a ride today because all I have is the vespa.” I glanced over to where they were setting up a podium in front of the band and rolled my eyes. Good grief…speeches…the horror “ Have you guys checked out the buffet yet?” I asked turning back towards them.

  Yvette shook her head at me as Daniel threw up his hands “no we haven’t missus oblivious” They both stood up and started walking towards the buffet line. I fell into step behind them frowning, I didn’t understand what the big deal was. So what I had walked in with the boss who cared? I thought about that a little more as we stood in line waiting to get to the plates. Oh I guess I thought exasperated, I could see why they were surprised . I guess to me it wasn’t that big a deal since i had been hanging out with Mia so much and a lot of the time Kale would join her when we had lunch together at work. I felt someone come up behind and glanced over my shoulder casual. I felt my eyes widen in surprise as I took in the man standing there. He was about 6’4 with broad shoulder, an obviously muscled chest narrow hips and long legs.

  His hair was long falling behind his shoulders in auburn waves, his jaw strong and clean shaven. His nose a straight slope and his cheekbones high, This was a face that could easily grace any number of magazine covers. His eyes though…they were almond shaped and thickly lashed but the color was unreal. Blue, green, purple and hints of amber all swirled together in a hypnotizing pool. The most striking thing being that he had no discernable pupil the colors just swirled there backlit by the whites. I swallowed hard as those unnatural eyes came to rest on me, the weight of the world was in those eyes and suddenly I wished that Luc had stayed with me because this man was obviously a selkrian.

  “Good evening” his voice was a deep rumbling purr and I shivered as I felt it move through me. I nodded as gracefully as I could and murmured something back before facing forward again and staring blindly at the back of Daniel’s head. I knew logically that there were more selkrians on the planet, hell I worked with some, but there was something about this one…I didn’t know. The vibe I was getting was weird, not necessarily bad but something was telling me to be cautious with him.
I pulled out my phone discreetly and opened up the thread I had with Luc.

  Hey do you know a selkrian with crazily colored eyes? I waited impatiently for his response as the line moved up. I grabbed a plate and a set of cutlery and waited to move up again.

  No I don’t recall a selkrian having ‘crazily’ colored eyes he texted back could you give me more details?

  Oh you would remember this one I texted back as I piled various foods on to my plate one handed. I moved down the line add quickly as I could, eager to put some distance between me and the alien behind me.

  His eyes are all different colors and he has no pupils! I reached the end of the table and paused stumped for a moment. I wanted to grab a drink but I couldn’t text with one hand and hold the plate with the other. I mean my boobs are big but I doubted I could balance my plate on them.

  “Allow me” a deep voice said behind me as a tanned hand reached past me and grabbed one of the prefilled cups on the table. I stiffened slightly in response and then turned around with a forced smile.

  “Thanks” I murmured politely noticing that he was only holding the cup of punch for me. My brows drew together in confusion but I turned around and started heading back towards the table. Yvette and Daniel were still in line so I wouldn’t have any buffet between us. As I drew closer to the table and felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

  Arianna…I don’t want to alarm you but is that him behind you?

  Yes telling someone that you didn’t want to alarm them by the way is a sure fire way of doing it. I rolled my eyes but stepped up to the table and placed my plate down on it.

  No Selkrian has multi colored eyes. Our eyes are only one color. That is a Noctis next to you. Hang on I’m coming.

  I felt my eyebrows raise a Noctis? What was that? I thought and turned to look at the stranger as he placed my cup down beside my plate. He looked at me seriously and I smiled nervously at him. He sighed before saying “ Your not going to understand this now but I need you to remember what I’m going to tell you”


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