The Wrath of Jeremy

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The Wrath of Jeremy Page 34

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  The people, including Victor and Curtis, tried bashing on the smoky shield, but it wouldn’t break, acting like a wall of iron. The powerful words that Gabriel spoke, mind-boggling even to himself, realizing the great power of God’s words, caused Gabriel to fixate his eyes on the cloth, ignoring the insane crowd that the thin layer of smoke protected their lives from.

  “No, no, you son of a bitches, no,” Victor and Curtis yelled simultaneously. They felt the wind dying out. It made the people look around, noticing a wicked downpour of raindrops that fell as fast as they suddenly stopped. It was as if the rain depicted tears which quickly fell, and ended from God’s wondrous eyes of rage. The rain fell on the smoky shield and bounced off it, allowing the boys to stay dry.

  Jeremy searched through the circular shield of smoke and saw that Sam was protected by a circle as well, being not that far away, but having a circle of smoky air around her like a halo that confined her from the crowd. Jeremy looked away and saw that Gabriel looked back at the Shroud, continuing his reading, excited to see what the next event would be by the next words he spoke. “Thou call for the angels to be guided to the east!” A bright light began to glisten in the sky, floating its wonder throughout the heavens, and the sounds of angel voices appeared to their ears. Everyone looked up to the stormy, tumultuous sky and saw thousands and thousands of beautiful white angels hovering above them, like twinkling stars hanging from the darkened sky in a thick line, flapping their silver wings and waiting to be guided in a direction, as if they were soldiers from Heaven’s soul. “I guide you all to the east,” Gabriel yelled out. He pointed to the east and abruptly all the angels began flying toward the east in a fast motion, soaring through the skies in a white light. As they looked up at the angels flying toward the East, they saw nothing but a long strand of light that made up the angels’ bodies, going quickly in the direction that Gabriel ordered, soaring below the sinister, darkened clouds of aggression. “Seize the sinners, and those with virtue, for judgment has come on them. Bring the people of the East here!” Gabriel ended his words, perceiving the angels’ voices growing louder, tangling in the wind that raised their authority to a higher magnitude.

  “Stop this now, you don’t know what you’re doing,” yelled Curtis. Michael looked down at the Shroud, trying to ignore Curtis’s partial warning. He saw that he was next to call out for the angels, because a small arrow, on the Shroud, started from Gabriel’s name, and circled its way toward Michael’s name and the rest of the boys. Michael was ready.

  “Thou shall now see God’s work being ended. I call for the angels to be guided to the south,” screamed Michael. They saw new angels appearing in the sky that stretched over a mountain toward the southern skyline, waiting for Michael’s finger to guide them. Through the darkness, the angels showed themselves through their own light they created, pulsating from their bodies, alone and having the lightning that soared around them with fury to its irritation. “I guide you all to the south,” Michael yelled, pointing toward the south. The angels followed his finger, flying as fast as the speed of light toward the southern skies. Another line of light appeared in the sky, the light of angels that were going to the south, and this line crossed over the Eastern line, making a sign of a cross-like symbol in the heavens. David looked up at the two strands of light and swallowed his saliva in a loud manner; he knew, according to the Shroud, that he was next.

  “Thou shall see God’s work being ended. I call for the angels to be guided to the west,” David yelled. They all, including the people, searched the sky and saw more angels appearing against the black clouds. By this time, the people who were banging on the cloudy shield that surrounded the boys stopped their hammering, being intrigued with sudden fright by the visuals that took place in the cosmos. “I guide thee to the west,” David said. The angels followed his finger to the west, passing over the eastern line, making it brighter. Timeless in its magic, the lines soared far across the heavenly darkness, with the eastern and western lines combining, making each other as one, but the southern line wasn’t as bright, causing Michael, Gabriel and David to turn to Jeremy.

  “Jeremy, it’s your turn,” Gabriel said. Jeremy looked at the sky; he saw three strands of light stretching to the south, west and east. He held his fear in his stomach.

  “Thou shall see—” Jeremy yelled out as he hesitated on finishing it. Fear and betrayal. Terror and anxiety raced through Jeremy’s eyes, contemplating his actions, trying to figure out if this was the right thing to do. “Thou shall see God’s work being ended. I call for the angels to be guided to the north,” Jeremy yelled out. Larger angels of red color levitated in the sky, awaiting Jeremy’s orders. He looked around with fear, not being sure if he should guide them or not. He looked down at his finger and just gawked at it.

  “Guide them, Jeremy!” yelled Gabriel. More and more memories of Gabriel, David and Michael’s past life as devious angels came to their minds, leaving Jeremy there with his one memory of Mary’s hell, and nothing else. It was as if by Gabriel, David and Michael, guiding their angels in the right direction, forced their memories to race full throttle back into their minds, changing their perception on one another, molding their characters, attributes, into that of another person. “Guide them now, Jeremy,” Gabriel added; the force in his words depicted evil raging from below.

  Jeremy, still in his mortal frame of mind, looked at Sam, and saw her crying and smiling to him. He smiled back, took the direction of his eyes and placed them back on his finger and began shaking his head. “I can’t do it,” Jeremy cried. Tears fell out of his eyes and he slowly placed his finger down.

  “Do it now, Lucifer, you chicken!” David yelled out with anger in his voice. Jeremy looked at him with shock in his fear-filled eyes, realizing that his full memory of his past life returned as well as the others.

  “I…I guide you to the—” Jeremy yelled, pausing with hesitation.

  “They’re waiting,” David bellowed; he pointed to the angels in the sky. “Guide the army!”

  Jeremy’s trepidation erected in his black soul, pointing his finger to the north and yelling out, “I guide thee to the north.” The angels of red flew toward the north with great speed, leaving Jeremy there in puzzlement; he was puzzled because his memory of being Lucifer wasn’t coming back to him.

  David looked down at the Shroud and read the words to himself that were embedded into the cloth. The rest joined him by reading the words themselves. “Alright, guys, we must wait for them to retrieve the sinners and non-sinners from their destinations,” said Gabriel to the boys as the people who tried to break through the cloudy shield started to cry out for forgiveness. Curtis and Victor looked at each other while Sam watched the skies in amazement. The pyrotechnics were about to begin.


  A little girl, with eyes of innocence, swayed back and forth, her eyes wandering over each of the dolls she had, trying to choose which one she wanted to grab, which one she wanted share her imagination with at the moment. Choosing one, she lurked about in her room with a dolly of blonde hair and stared out her window at the rainy streets, seeing that the raindrops stopped falling. This conveyed a smile to her face, hearing her mother coming into her doll-filled room and saying, “The rain stopped, sweetie, everything’s gonna be okay now.”

  The little girl ran to her mother, hugged her stomach, and felt contented, filled with rapture and joy that the horrific, eccentric nightmare ended. The mother clutched her firmly, looked out of the bedroom window pane, and gazed at the ambiguously darkened clouds. “Oh my God,” the mother said in a shocked voice. She saw angels out in the distance, grabbing people from off the New York streets, lifting them up one at a time and soaring into the darkened clouds with their screaming and frantic bodies. “Come on, honey, we have to hide,” the mother said, trying to hold in her hysterical emotions.

  She ran out of the room while carrying the little girl, not knowing where to go in, where to hide, but just making sure that her feet we
re still running. In a New York penthouse, the mother ran fiercely with her bare feet pounding against the hardwood floor, racing down the circling staircase as she yelled out, “Fred, where are you?” The building started to quiver, lights died without a reason, leaving them there in darkness, raging toward any direction that the mother felt was the right one to go.

  The mother raced down the staircase, and the little girl’s eyes peered through the darkness at the exquisite paintings that hung on golden walls that stretched to their high ceilings, depicting monsters in the night to the girl’s innocent eyes. Rich furniture acted like goblins in the obscurity of the room. The little girl closed her eyes tightly as the mother still circled the staircase, trying to get down all the stairs without falling from her own panic.

  “Where’s Daddy?” the little girl cried out with, seeing mother coming to the last step of the staircase. There in the pitch black, with the lightning from outside to give a glimpse of the silhouetted furniture around them, she saw the little girl’s father in the darkness.

  “Frank, what’s going on out there?” the mother asked.

  Frank hugged her and his little girl together, tightly, firmly, not knowing what to say. “I don’t know, but we better hide,” he replied. Suddenly the front door to their penthouse busted open. They turned around timidly and there in their view was the sight of three angels flying into their home. Two of the angels grabbed onto the husband and wife with a tight grip, dropping the little girl to the floor. The angels turned around to face the window and flew out of it, while carrying the mother and father, breaking the glass and allowing the little girl’s last memory of her parents to be that of terror and screams. The little girl, crying and afraid, saw the third angel still was in the room, and it walked up to her slowly with a smile, reaching out its hand toward her.

  “Come child, your virtue, your purity will protect you,” the angel said. It grabbed onto the little girl gently and began to stroke her long, blonde hair. The angel saw the little girl’s tears falling, and smiled toward the teardrops of fright. “Don’t cry, Sheila, you are going to where you belong.”

  “How did you know my name?” the little girl asked, feeling the angel picking her up and placing her on its back.

  “I’m an angel, your guardian angel,” it replied. The little girl’s tears ended while a smile appeared on her face. The angel headed straight toward the window, jumped on its ledge and said, “Now, hold on tight.” The little girl closed her eyes and the angel flew out of the window, soaring toward the clouds, with the wind floating past little Sheila, and clouds that touched her face in benevolence.


  Afraid of her appraisal on her decision, tormented by her thoughts that caused tears of anxiety to fill her eyes, a young woman stood in an abortion clinic with her boyfriend, awaiting their doctor to speak. “Alright, let’s begin,” the doctor said. He placed her onto a table, putting some sort of an instrument up her blue hospital gown as her legs lay in stirrups, her eyes begging him to stop this tormented decree.

  “Doctor, I don’t know if I’m sure about this,” the young woman cried out, yearning to listen to her teardrops.

  “Well, Melissa, it’s your decision,” said the doctor while the boyfriend kissed her on the forehead.

  Melissa, with a past of virtue, kindness and a magnanimous, merciful soul, gaped at the doctor and her boyfriend, longing to lead a loving life, but not coveting the burden of a child at such a young age. Her thoughts scuffled, pondering the good and the vile, abruptly assembling her verdict. “Alright, yeah, I’ll go through with it,” said Melissa; the doctor proceeded to go up her gown.

  She lay frozen and motionless on the cold table of silver-like metal that was bitter to her clammy flesh, and closed her eyes, acting as if this was a nightmare, and when her eyes opened the lurid nightmare would have concluded. Thoughts and flashbacks of her younger days in the single digits scuttled through her mentality, recalling the moment she picked up her first dolly and said to herself that she couldn’t wait till she had her first baby. And now, frozen in time of her memories, she lay in reality, waiting to suppress the longed-for answer to her lonely prayer and hold them off for another time of convenience.

  “We’re almost done, Melissa, just a few more seconds.” Melissa’s confused eyes cried out more tears and her eyes listened intuitively to the doctor’s words of time. Sharp tears fell, decisions of morality circled high in her mind, but at that moment, the door to the room opened. The doctor heard the door open, removed his hand from up her gown and turned around. He yelled, “Oh my God!” Four angels, with colors of red and white mixed into their light, walked into the office and grabbed the doctor. “Oh my God,” the doctor repeated, witnessing the angels morphing into skeleton faces, watching their angelic flesh melting off of their images to reveal black bone.

  “Thy Father gave you a gift to help people, not to destroy lives within them!” an angel screeched to the doctor. “But only He can judge you,” the angel added, grabbing him and flying out of the room’s window. It flew through the glass of the window, shattering and shredding it into a million pieces that fell on the boyfriend and cut his face.

  The second angel ran up to the boyfriend of bewilderment, clutched him by the throat and bellowed, “You are supposed to love the life you created, not watch it being ended and not do anything about it!” The angel picked up the boyfriend by his neck. “But only He can judge you,” the angel added, flying out the window while holding him, with the young girl hearing his screams as he vanished into the black clouds of rage.

  Melissa’s frightened body stood there while the two angels that were left stared at her with melancholy in their bright metaphoric images. She then noticed teardrops falling out from their angelic eyes of luminosity, fearing them and not knowing why they were crying or why they were there in the first place.

  Another angel, younger and short, looking like a child of light, stood in silence and watched Melissa. “What gives you the right to pass judgment on a life? Only God passes judgment,” the young angel said as Melissa’s tears fell to the ground with fury in their speed.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” cried Melissa.

  “You think that by following man’s law, it is the right one? ‘Thou shall not kill’ is the only law that you shall follow,” the young angel cried as its hand went up her gown and grabbed the fetus from within her. Melissa screamed, and tormenting pain ran through her bones, feeling the baby from within her being dragged out by the angel’s hand. “This is what you were going to destroy, all for convenience,” the angel yelled, holding the small baby as it cried and kicked. “I was supposed to guard her from harm, from those who want to hurt. I didn’t know I had to protect her from you!” The small angel, caressing the young infant with its warm hands, flew out of the window with the baby while Melissa stayed behind and watched them, vanishing into the clouds.

  “I’m so sorry, please forgive me,” Melissa cried. The angel who was left began stroking her short, brown hair, like a mother to a daughter, crying with her, absorbing her pain.

  “It is too late for forgiveness, Melissa, I’m sorry. Only He can judge you now.” After the angel’s words ended, Melissa hearing them in a soothing tone, the angel picked her up gently and flew out of the window with her. They soared through the skies, Melissa being on its back of light, and the thoughts of judgment racing through her mind, being in shock about her baby, in disarray about this flight of wonder.


  Her eyes gazed in torment and torture, altering her perception and forcing her eyes to scrutinize up and down the confined hospital room’s white walls, thinking about memories that came from the abyss of her soul. Jeremy’s mother, concentrating still on the walls of the hospital room, moved her eyes toward her husband, crying to his vision. All he could do was cry back and kiss her tenderly on the forehead as they sat in a room along with Michael and Gabriel’s mother and David’s parents. “My son is not crazy,
and neither am I!” Jeremy’s mother screamed out as soon as she saw the doctor approaching her in a fast manner.

  “If you yell one more time, Mrs. Daven, then I’m going to be forced to give you a shot,” the doctor said. He held up a syringe, teasing her eyes with his anger-filled clutch.

  Bruises, wounds, blood and sweat hung from the parents’ bodies and faces, depicting maltreatment and abuse from the doctors, showing their torture that hung from their terrified eyes. Jeremy’s father saw the syringe as well, but knew that, if he defended his wife, it would mean more cruelty for them all. They all gazed at the syringe and thought about the days and nights they sat in this hellish room, treated like lunatics and criminals, as if they didn’t have a soul at all. But through their scares, their horror of more agony, this moment Jeremy’s father wasn’t going to take anymore.

  Jeremy’s father gawked at the doctor’s sinister smile, greenish brown teeth and shouted, “Don’t treat us like we’re children, we’re not!” The doctor grabbed him and stuck the syringe needle in his arm and each parent just stared at the chaos, being afraid to do anything about it.

  “Why are you doing this to us?” Jeremy’s mother cried out. Seeing that the doctor was being occupied by giving Mr. Daven a shot, David’s father got up from his seat and punched the doctor in the face. He wanted to punch him again, but David’s father was too weak, too fatigued to send another blow to him.

  “The reason why we are doing this is because all of you are suffering from a mental sickness. Also, if you ever punch me again, I will make sure that you never get out of this institution,” the doctor shouted, wiping the blood away from his mouth.


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