The Wrath of Jeremy

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The Wrath of Jeremy Page 35

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  “We aren’t suffering from a sickness, our boys are telling the truth,” yelled David’s mother before she turned to the window in the room with thick, black bars on its frame.

  “Sure your boys are telling the truth,” the doctor condescendingly said, running his wrinkly fingers through his gray hair.

  David’s mother kept on looking out the window, seeing the reflection of her husband’s eyes; they showed lethargy and drowsiness to them. The medicine in the syringe kicked in already, and all the mother could do was stare at her husband’s reflection, crying for a miracle to come, to be received, waiting for her prayer to be answered. She gazed out the window, and stared at the silhouette of the doctor, and saw his eyes peering at everyone in the room, like he was a hunter, searching out his prey. His eyes came to hers, and his eyes gaped at her reflection, pointing his smirk toward her direction, teasing her fears with his sinister grin. She didn’t know what he was going to do, but her imagination took hold of her as she remembered different ways he tortured them in the near past.

  Still staring out the window, she saw the doctor walking over to the corner of the room and he picked up a wooden club that was covered with dried blood from past beatings that were done in secrecy. He walked over to her, and held the club up in the air, getting ready to swing at her back. She still didn’t turn around: all she could do was pray and hope. Yet, being so used to the abuse, Jeremy’s mother knew that if a miracle didn’t come this time, like before and over and over again, that he would only hit her three times, and then she would fall to the ground and wake up in the morning. This cycle she was accustomed to, yet tonight she prayed fiercely for the club to never reach her body again. Suddenly, as the doctor swung hard toward her back, Jeremy’s mother began to grin. Gaping out the window, she said in a happy fashion, “You see, I told you they and we were telling the truth!”

  Before the doctor could hit her, he stopped and followed her finger as she pointed toward the window; everyone looked out at it with amazement. They saw angels flying about and frolicking in the skies, picking up people from the ground and streets of Kansas City.

  “What the hell is going on?” the doctor asked in rage. The window to the room shattered into a million pieces and six angels flew in, yet Jeremy’s mother still smiled, knowing she would be saved, knowing that her prayers were answered. She closed her eyes with a grin, and the last thing she saw was one of the angels grabbing the club from the doctor and whacking him over the head with it.


  The skies shined a shade of dark blue, an illumination hidden behind its massive vagueness, mixed into the murky clouds that gave a breathtaking smell to the newly birthed raindrops that sashayed to the ground. People began to appear by the billions, with the angels placing each of the people they were assigned to catch down on the ground and flying up into the skies to await God’s arrival. They were afraid, timid, but each of them knew that this was judgment night. Jeremy, Michael, David and Gabriel stared at each other in their circular chaos, gazing at each of the souls that watched them in fear, knowing now that they were the Wrath Deliverers.

  “Alright, let’s open the gates,” David said; he looked at the Kerchief. “We have to read this all together, you got it?” he asked. They all nodded their nervous heads. They read the words to themselves from the Kerchief and then looked up at the sky. Yet, Jeremy scanned his eyes toward Sam’s image, seeing her eyes showing a bit a terror to their glossy color. “Alright, let’s do this!” David yelled out. They stuck their heads toward the skies above and Jeremy followed.

  “The lands have been washed away, Father. I allow my creator to step his feet on this corrupted land; free it,” they said out loud together. The sky lit up with a bright yellow and purple radiance, a color of brightness that was so beautiful that it brought fear to the people as well as to the boys. The boys screamed as the light came closer to the earth, so terrifying that it brought tears to their flesh and sweat to their perception. “We open the gates, Lord!” they screamed out before they began feeling a sharp pain in their backs. They yelled with throbbing to their flesh, feeling wings growing out from each of their backs, breaking through their flesh with the blood pouring down their spines. Jeremy turned his head to look over his shoulders and saw his own wings being formed.

  Sam watched in awe, in a breathless glare, breathing heavily toward this sight; Sam said, “Oh my God, they are angels!”

  Their wings finished growing and vigorously the light in the sky formed a black hole in the center of it, a revolving opening that spun faster than a cyclone. The boys looked closer at the black hole directly over them, through the blustery weather and rain, and the colors of bright peach-white feet were seen, sticking out through the gap; the feet were as big as several three-hundred-year-old oak trees put together.

  Sam’s eyes searched the scattered skies in wonder and fear; she screamed to the boys, “Those are God’s feet, he’s stepping through the gate!”

  A massive suction took hold of the land, yet only the boys felt its titanic power. The circular hole of blackness grew faster and larger and the boys started to levitate in the air, perceiving God’s feet slowly stepping down closer to the earth. Angels flew, screams were heard, tears were shed, and the darkness laughed out its sinister giggle toward their tormented eyes. Louder and faster the fury started to get, and Jeremy, still watching the Lord’s feet coming closer to the earth, slowly squeezed a tear from his left eye. Jeremy didn’t want this to happen.

  The boys looked at each other; David said, “Alright, let’s finish the last part to the eighth sign. After that, Father shall step his feet on the earth!”

  The boys looked back up at the sky through the angry rain and tortured skies. They yelled out simultaneously, “I shall allow judgment to be passed by thee. Open the gates to Heaven, as well as Hell, and allow the souls to go where they belong!”

  The Dead Sea, being the only sea that still contained water, commenced to bubble, and smoke slowly formed out of it. Sam turned around to face the sea and her eyes caught the sight of serpents, large and small, swimming in it. She knew what it was from her recollection of her younger years in Bible school. “The Lake of Fire,” Sam whispered in awe. She turned back toward the boys who now were flying or levitating higher in the sky, and saw that the Lord’s feet stopped coming toward the earth. She saw Jeremy’s facial reaction to this sight, expressing bewilderment and elusive confusion.

  All heard a low voice, louder than a thousand whales singing to a nightly moon. “My judgment has been passed,” God spoke. The Dead Sea was resurrected, developing a life of its own. It came alive. Fire shot out from it, snakes slithered around it, screams and blood launched out of its liquid and all Jeremy could do was look down at where Sam was standing, still in her protective, smoky cone. Their eyes met and all the other eyes peered toward the sea, leaving Jeremy and Sam the only ones who weren’t looking at the fiery lake. Suddenly the angels from the North, South, East and West shot down from the skies and started to guide the people who were sinners into the Lake of Fire, pointing them the way, pushing them a bit to get them moving.

  “The Lake of Fire,” Sam said, seeing people walking into it while screaming out for help. It was like their legs were possessed by a force that allowed them to have a mind of their own, walking casually like they wanted to, even though they were going against their will. Walking into the Lake of Fire that was now known as the Live Sea, the people’s legs moved faster now, running into it as if they were being pushed by the mysterious force. The boys looked at the people as they ran into the sea, and all they saw was a long line that stretched into it. The people or sinners were entering as fast as an eye could blink.

  God, through the cries and screams, then proceeded to step closer to the earth, while Jeremy, Gabriel, Michael and David rose higher in the sky. The Lord’s left foot touched the earth and fire began to shoot out from under it. A chain reaction of explosions took place and the fire stretched through all
of the land and went to the cities and towns while destroying everything in its path. The only thing it didn’t destroy was the people who were being judged, as well as the boys. As Jeremy looked down at the fire-covered land; he searched for Sam and saw her walking into the Lake of Fire, crying out for help.

  “What are you doing? Sam is not a sinner,” Jeremy yelled out. “She is not a sinner.”

  “She is your destiny, Lucifer, your love. Therefore she is a sinner,” God replied. His voice was loud and angry, filled with rage toward Jeremy’s tone.

  Jeremy, perplexed, looked away from her and his eyes fell on Gabriel, Michael and David. They noticed some hesitation in Jeremy’s face, how his eyes cried with agony, how his perception hid a mysterious thought behind them. The Lord started to step his right foot on the earth when Gabriel yelled out, “What are you doing, Jeremy?”

  Jeremy’s head shook loudly, his eyes cried harder as he searched the heavens and guided his perception toward God’s feet of rage.

  “I’m sorry, Father, but I am about to defy you a second time,” cried Jeremy. He looked around and saw fire in his sight as well as the skies beginning to glow with a bright red color. He looked around and then his wings slowly stopped moving.

  “No, Lucifer, no,” God yelled out. Jeremy left the circle, crashing to the ground in great speed, causing the gate to break, which God tried to step through. Jeremy flew out of the circle and the angels, light, fire and black hole vanished in an instantaneous moment. He fell to the ground and darkness took over the earth once again, leaving Jeremy, holding tears that were engraved on his face and a smile etched on his mouth. The new fight would begin.


  The Fight He Thought Was Over Shows a New Face to Battle: Evil Versus Evil.


  The sovereign clouds broke free from their flocked cluster, thinning out, spreading quickly with a newly made wind, and the nightly moon of redness glow was unmasked. It outrivaled its red shade of tainted hurt toward the black soiled land, enlightening blackness to Mother earth’s garments of natural bereavement and death; this was the end that almost was. This was the earth dying, its soul’s desertion, mourning its own death by the tears of the merciful, blood-filled moon bleeding out its pain for the soil it looked upon for years on end. Not a sound was heard, not a noise was made, only the small tears from Mother Earth’s sickly body, weeping at its own death that was almost complete. The corrupted moon, the voided land, was now where it was destined to be: in the hands of Jeremy’s choice.

  Jeremy, opening his eyes broadly, leisurely got up from the ground and saw the lake with flames still burning shrilly and closed his eyes in gloom.

  “This is what I saved…?” Those words, terminology of undefined mass, came to his mouth in a murmur, suffocated by tears, not knowing or understanding the blackness of the land and why he saved it. He recognized the earth was suffering, yearning with nostalgia, begging to be put out of its misery; Jeremy kept his eyes sealed, praying that the clouds would hear his prayers and make this land brilliant again, restoring it back to the way it was. But then he opened his eyes, and still saw the blackness, the coal-like textures, their tortured consistencies that depicted the earth’s scars, wounds that he helped create, disfigurements that he helped engrave. Melancholy is what Jeremy swallowed, and anguish is what he breathed in with a gasp of pain that throbbed at his heart unfathomably. Gawking at the blood-filled moon, Jeremy cried out as blood trickled down his left eye, begging the heavens for an answer, for clemency that only he veiled.

  “No!” Jeremy’s word screamed out of his lungs, bleeding through his teeth, roaring to the distant moon for him to be heard. He then stopped, ceased his voice and turned around, observing Michael, David and Gabriel standing around him, looking thwarted into his eyes of fury. Before anyone could speak or give a reaction other than their glares, a sudden light appeared in front of them and, through it, a man with a long beard formed. Jeremy knew who it was, breathing in this man’s wisdom, seeing his eyes of an infinite age staring back at Jeremy with an unexplainable stare. As the man started to walk toward Jeremy, he thought in his mind why his memory of evil hadn’t returned yet, but the memory of him being Lucifer in Heaven had. Jeremy was confused, disoriented toward his bewilderment; he wanted to know the truth. The man walked toward the boys. In Jeremy’s side vision, he saw Sam lying on the ground right next to the burning lake. Jeremy looked at her; spreading his eyes to be more focused, he caught the sight of her watch lying right next to him. He picked it up and looked at the time. “12:01!”

  Is it over…?

  “Father’s gonna be furious with you,” Gabriel assumed with an evil snicker, evidence that his full memory of his past angelic life was established and found; the brat was back.

  “Yeah, you always think you’re more powerful than him, but you’re not,” said Michael with David’s jovial smile, laughing at Jeremy’s position. It was like a flashback for Jeremy, seeing through these new eyes that weren’t new, fresh at all, still recalling his life as Jeremy, yet also seeing through the eyes of Lucifer, like it was an open window, and he was looking through it, in view of all the heavenly chronicles and memories. That included his affiliation with Michael, David and Gabriel, and how he would moderately eat dirt than glimpse them again.

  I don’t remember Hell….

  Over and over again, Jeremy deliberated and contemplated those words, content that the sinister was forgotten, but frightened at how long it would last till the evil crept back up again in his mentality.

  The thoughts screamed out in his mind, yet they ended when God walked up to Jeremy, forcing him to feel inferior to him by God shaking his head and saying in a disappointing style, “You have defied me once again!”

  “I know, Father.” Jeremy didn’t know what else to say, but that he was still dismayed about what he did, and why he did it. All Jeremy could do was cry his blood and wipe his eyes.

  “So I see that your memory has returned to its fullest, but the memory of your evil has not. I have an urge to know why you defied me again, Lucifer. Why?” God also revealed tears of blood, crying slowly, retreating from his eyes in slow motion.

  “I don’t know, Father. Looking through these new eyes, I don’t know why I defied the man whom I love the most. Before, when we fought for the first, it was these angels who hurt me and pushed me into actually going against you,” explained Jeremy, pointing at Gabriel, David and Michael.

  Unpredictably, in the aloofness obscurity of red, a noise or growl was perceived through the mountain that was to their left, hiding something behind its massive concealment, like a giant hiding its wisdom. God, wiping the blood away from his eyes with his white, rose-scented robe, gaped at the mountain with dread in his eyes. Jeremy saw the trepidation in his eyes, and became afraid himself. “We shall deal with this later, Lucifer. Now and only now, you must fight!”

  “Fight? Who?”

  A smile was formed on God’s old image, questioning with a roar, “You thought this was over? Did you? Did you think that by breaching the circle, my gateway, that everything would go as it was? When I told you to convey and deliver the wrath, it wasn’t because I only wanted this world vanished and judgment to be passed. No, Lucifer, Luke and my messengers did not tell you everything, as I ordered them not to. It was also to execute the truest tyrant, your creation that has God-like powers but is not a God at all.” God executed his words, congested them and calmed down a bit. “Jastian is waiting, Lucifer. He is still flesh and blood, for the reason that you didn’t allow me to slay this land. Now, you, Lucifer, must, without a choice, battle him.”

  The growls grew larger in resonance, brighter in color, gathering Gabriel, David and Michael to take cover behind a colossal boulder that was by the Lake of Fire. They all huddled in terror and covered their ears to try and block out the growls that got louder, growing immensely to the point where they couldn’t hear themselves pant for air.

  “Father, why do I have to fight
, Jastian?”

  “Because, you created him, Lucifer. Misusing the powers, a bit of supremacy I gave you, turning against me by choice, breaking the law of creating a life, an existence that only a God has the wisdom to do. You are not a deity, a God with a divinity of goodness, Lucifer, and you created Jastian with my powers that I gave you, and he absorbed the evil that manifested through your own urge to be a God that you never will be. Thus, I cannot destroy him, only its creator can obliterate its creation!”

  God walked up closer to Jeremy’s face, still recognizing that the growls from the silhouetted mountain were growing larger. He whispered, “Lucifer, everything in life has a destiny of death, since you created Jastian, you gave him a special destiny, an inevitable fate that would permit death to come to him. What is it?”

  “I don’t remember.” Hearing the roars growing even greater, Jeremy begged, “Please, Father, I don’t remember creating him.”

  “Well, then, Lucifer, let the battle for the Cosmos begin! Jastian has grown much stronger. The more benevolent you become, the more evil comes to him. For once, and only once, use your dark soul to your advantage. I never would have thought these words would ever come from me, but fight, Lucifer, and remember who you are, what you are and don’t let this name ‘Jeremy’ fool you as it has fooled others.” God then ambled away toward the boulder that Gabriel, David and Michael hid behind. He scaled his wise body to the top of it and sat, like it was a throne, and looked intently at Jeremy, concerned that he wouldn’t triumph over the battle. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap!”

  Jeremy, with Lucifer’s eyes, stood alone, and watched the secluded, distant mountain, hearing the roars, the bellows, growls that detonated through the heavens and across the bleeding moon. Not a sound was eminent, nor a faint whisper of any kind, but the growing rage that Jastian’s voice gave. Jeremy was all alone, standing in the middle of blackness, with the burning lake, the boulder, and the mountain in the distance; he became overwhelmed with horror, assaulted with a small unnoticeable sentiment of gradual loathing.


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