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Quarterbacks Don’t Fall For Invisible Girls (Invisible Girls Club, Book 1)

Page 21

by Emma Dalton

  Dani’s eyebrows furrow. “Gee, thanks a lot.”

  Amanda shoots her a look. “You want to look good for the dance or not? Hot guys will snatch you up within seconds.”

  Charlie snorts. “Doubt it. You might dress up the nerd and put makeup on the nerd, but she’s still a nerd.”

  Amanda shakes her head in disbelief. “At least try to have a good time.”

  “That’s the plan,” Ally tells her.

  The drive is a short one and we get there within minutes. I wring my hands in my lap, not ready to face tonight. To face Brayden with his arms around the girl who thinks I’m less than the ants on the ground. But it’s not his fault. It’s his duty. I’ve accepted it. I’ve told him I’m okay with it. I have to be.


  I snap back to Earth. Everyone else has already gotten out of the car and is waiting for me. I thank Amanda for the lift, then join my friends outside.

  The other students are dressed beautifully and are entering the school gym where the dance is being held. I crane my neck for Brayden, but don’t find him anywhere. Is he already inside? We’re a little early, so maybe he’s not here yet.

  “Ready to go?” Dani asks.

  Loud giggles prick my ears, and I turn my head to where the sound is coming from. The student lot. Brayden and Teagyn are headed this way, pressed together and fingers locked. A few cameramen and reporters surround them. Brayden has a wide, pleasant smile on his face. Teagyn is shining.

  My heart stops pumping for a second. They look like the perfect couple. She with her beautiful golden dress that puts the rest of ours to shame, her updo that looks a million bucks. And Brayden in a suit that makes him look so dashing, like from a Jane Austen novel. His golden tie matches her dress, and he’s holding her like she’s the most important person in the world.

  I swallow hard, my eyes burning a bit. I know this is just for the story they’re doing on the school, but why did they have to pick him?

  I didn’t think it would hurt this much.

  Brayden’s eyes meet mine and his expression changes. His smile falters, but only for a little bit. He needs to represent the school now, to do what’s expected of him. Of course he can’t look miserable. But is he? Or is he having a good time?

  What does it matter? I’m nothing more than his fake girlfriend.

  “Where are you going, baby?” Teagyn says louder than she should. “They’re taking our picture.”

  He turns to me. “I just wanted to talk to—”


  Charlie grabs hold of my arm, pulling me toward the entrance to the gym. “We don’t have to see that.”

  All four of us freeze as we take in the gym. The homecoming dance committee transformed the place into a magnificent fairytale. I can’t help but marvel at everything. From the decorations to the music to the lighting. It’s like a dream come true.

  And I’ve missed out on this for two years. Well, not anymore. I’ll make tonight one of the best nights of my life.

  “Who knew our lame gym could look so…” Dani starts.

  Ally lifts a brow. “Magical?”

  “Wondrous?” I supply.

  “A waste of time?” Charlie mutters.

  Dani frowns at her. “At least try to be into this. And maybe Amanda’s right. Maybe we’ll find ourselves some boyfriends tonight.”

  Charlie rolls her eyes. “What did I say about putting makeup on a nerd?”

  Dani throws her hands up. “I’m trying to be positive.” She groans as her eyes sweep the room. “What’s that doing here?”

  I follow her gaze and see Easton Knight, our resident billionaire, talking to one of his friends.

  “He’ll ruin the night for me,” Dani grumbles.

  “Just stay out of his way and you’ll be fine,” Charlie tells her.

  “More like he needs to stay out of my way.”

  There’s a commotion at the entrance, and when I look there, I find the reporters and their crew filming Brayden and Teagyn as they enter the gym. The reporters ask them many questions, tell them to strike a few poses, before they follow them deeper into the gym.

  I turn away because I can’t watch. It hurts too much. Not only because his arms are around her, but because of the smug smile on her face.

  “Let’s dance,” Dani says, pulling me to the dance floor. Ally and a reluctant Charlie follow.

  As I sway my body from side to side, all I can think about is the party and what happened afterward. That wonderful kiss. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. Will I ever kiss him again? Who am I kidding?

  Everyone steps aside as the news crew films Edenbury High’s IT couple swaying on the floor, tangled in each other’s arms. Brayden’s eyes are on hers and she giggles and laughs profusely. Then he smiles at her so warmly, and my heart shatters.

  Why did I come? Why did I come?

  My friends try to distract me with crazy moves, but I’m not really feeling it. I keep my eyes on Brayden the whole time. As he swings Teagyn in his arms, as he wraps them around her waist. As she bends her head close to his.

  Ally squeezes my arm. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m fine. But I think I need a break.”

  They follow me as I sit down at a table, where I once again stare at my fake boyfriend. He’s so…charismatic, so captivating. I don’t think there’s a girl here who hasn’t stopped to stare at him.

  I don’t know how much time passes with everyone dancing and having a good time before it’s time to crown the homecoming king and queen. Brayden already told me who the winners will be, so it’s no surprise when he and Teagyn are called to the stage.

  Ugh. They look so good up there together, so perfect. That’s how the world works. The Braydens end up with the Teagyns, and I can’t change that no matter how much my heart yearns to.

  The news crew catches the whole thing on film and love what they see. I don’t blame them. Our school will be very popular and well-liked when this story comes out.

  The king and queen lead the first dance and I catch Brayden staring into Teagyn’s eyes. Then I quickly look away because I can’t stand it anymore. Many other kids join them on the dance floor, but I have no heart to. I’m glad I came, glad I was able to experience something regular teenagers do, but it’s too hard. I don’t know if I can stomach this any longer.

  Dani, who sits across from me and is in the middle of talking, suddenly sits up like a spider crawled down her back. Her eyes widen at something behind me.

  “Kara?” a deep, familiar voice says.

  I turn my head and find Brayden standing there, his crown crooked on his head. But on him it looks perfect.

  He holds out his hand. “Want to dance?”

  I hear a collective gasp from all the other students who have stopped dancing and are watching us.

  I just stare at him, not sure I heard him right. “What?”

  His smile is warm and so friendly and sexy and all the good things that make me swoon internally. “Dance with me?” He stares into my eyes, his so mesmerizing I can get lost in them.

  Dani kicks my leg from under the table and I jump. “Okay,” I squeak.

  He smiles again as I place my hand in his and get to my feet. As we walk through the many kids, I feel their heated eyes on me. I feel Teagyn’s hard eyes on me.

  Brayden tears the crown off his head and tosses it to DeAngelo. I hear another collective gasp from the students. Even the teachers are surprised.

  “What are you doing?” I hiss as I take in the news crew who are also gaping at us. “What about Teagyn? The story?”

  He shrugs as he twirls me onto the dance floor. My stomach somersaults like a gymnast as he wraps his arms around my waist, gently yanking me to his chest. “They got what they needed. Now I want to dance with you.” He lowers my head to his chest before I can demand what the heck that means. And his smell is so intoxicating that all thoughts leave my head. I focus on him and him alone, not the kids staring at us, not
at Teagyn sending me what surely are death glares, and not the news crew who don’t know what to make of this.

  I’m in Brayden’s arms, just like I dreamed of. I’m dancing with him, swaying on the floor with him, pressed up against him.

  I never want to leave.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers, his breath warm on my cheek. “I hated every second I was with her.”

  I laugh lightly. “The downside of being popular.”


  His arms tighten around me, securely, protectively, like he doesn’t want to let me go. Or maybe I’m imagining it. Either way, I’ll take it. I know this moment will only come once, and I want to enjoy it. So I shut my eyes and let the music wash over me, let Brayden’s warmth snuggle me up. I just let myself go.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he says after a few minutes

  I lift my head to his, my heartbeat zooming up. Did he…did he just call me beautiful?

  “Thanks,” I breathe. “You look beautiful, too. Handsome. I mean, handsome.”

  He laughs softly. “Thanks.”

  “And you were amazing during the game,” I tell him. “You were out of this world. I’m sorry my dad didn’t see you.”

  “It’s okay. I’m trying to be positive. And thanks for being so kind about my performance. I really felt it, you know? I was alive out there.”

  I smile. “You could tell.”

  I return my head to his chest and shut my eyes, letting the music flow through me and getting lost in Brayden’s amazing scent and protective arms.

  I hear Teagyn crying and screaming at the reporters not to leave. But they probably figure they’re done here. Teagyn stomps her foot like a little kid, and I can feel Brayden’s chest rumble as he chuckles.

  “I think you ruined her night,” I mumble, keeping my eyes shut as I continue resting my head on his strong chest.

  He says something softly, maybe that she ruined his? I can’t be sure. He also says something about it being better now? But I’m not sure if I’m hearing things that I want to hear. I mean, we’re still faking, so this can’t be…real. Can it?

  For me, yes. For him? Probably not. I have to keep reminding myself that our arrangement is about him, not me.

  We continue to sway and Brayden presses his warm cheek to mine, just as he did at the party. Then he pulls back and gazes into my eyes, his so deep and hypnotic. I gaze right back into his and time stands still. Everyone else fades into the background. It’s just me and him on our own dancing island.

  But then the music shifts to an upbeat song and the moment is lost. Brayden shakes his head, as if snapping out of the trance, and smiles at me. “Having a good time?”

  “Yeah.” He has no idea how miserable I was watching him dance with Teagyn. He has no idea how much this moment means to me.

  He bends close. “Me, too.”

  The music eventually turns slow again and Brayden once again wraps his arms around my waist. I press myself to his chest, my cheek to his.

  And then we sway.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I lounge on the couch Sunday afternoon, sitting on my phone so I won’t be tempted to look at it. Specifically, stalk Brayden’s Spill It!.

  It takes everything I have not to replay the homecoming dance in my head over and over and dissect it until there’s nothing left but little pieces. Because I’ll just drive myself even more insane than I already am.

  How close we were, wrapped in each other’s arms. How intoxicating he smelled, how firm but comfortable his chest was as I rested my head on it. How warm his cheek was when he pressed it to mine…I sigh in contentment.

  Don’t let it get to your head, Kara, I tell myself. Brayden was just being nice. It’s not that big of a deal that he ditched his date to dance with me, right? He was probably sick of Teagyn and her whining. I don’t blame him for ditching her. Either way, the reporters had enough footage of Brayden and Teagyn together, so he figured he could dance with whoever he wanted.

  But he chose you, my mind reminds me. He called you beautiful.

  I shake my head, my cheeks warming. He probably just wanted to continue impressing my dad. Even though he wasn’t at the game or at the party, Brayden knows I would tell my dad about it. Which would certainly earn him brownie points. It sucks, yeah, but that’s how it is.

  My hand acts without my permission and slides under my butt, sweeping out my phone and unlocking it. For the next half hour, I stalk Brayden on Spill It!—rather, I look at posts and pictures and anything that has to do with homecoming. Teagyn, of course, posted tons of pictures of her and Brayden together. But of course there are no pictures of me and Brayden. It’s like everyone wants to pretend it didn’t happen.

  Because someone like me isn’t supposed to be with someone like him.

  Keys jingle outside and then the door opens. Dad enters with his suitcase. “Dad!” I say.

  His face lights up when he sees me. “Pumpkin! I thought you would be out.”

  I race over to him and hug him, then help him with his bag. “How was your trip?”

  “Let me settle down and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  He parks his suitcase on the side and heads to the kitchen. After preparing himself a cup of coffee, we both settle down at the kitchen table.

  “So?” I ask. “Did you recruit the boy?”

  “Unfortunately, he wasn’t what we’re looking for.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “You traveled all the way there for nothing.”

  He shrugs as he takes a sip of his coffee. “All part of the job, sweetie. I heard the Lions demolished Starview Grove High.”

  “They were amazing, Dad! Too bad you weren’t there.”

  If he would have seen Brayden play, I know he would have recruited him on the spot.

  “I’ll help you unpack,” I say.

  I gather all his dirty laundry with mine and start a load. All the while trying to push homecoming out of my head. When I get back to the living room, I find Dad unwinding on the couch with a game. I drop down next to him. I try to concentrate on the game, but all I see before my eyes is me in Brayden’s arms as we swayed to the soft music.

  “I’m going to watch Brayden play this Friday.”

  I nod, my thoughts still on the events that happened yesterday. How he ditched Teagyn and held out his hand to me…

  I sit forward and gape at Dad. “What did you just say?”

  “I’m watching Brayden play at his next game.”

  “And you just casually threw that out like that!? Oh my gosh, he’ll be so excited! I’m going to tell him right now.”

  I bound off the couch and run into my room, leaping on my bed and scrolling through my contacts. There aren’t many people here, though, and I find Brayden’s name in no time. I quickly press the green button.

  “Kara, hi,” he says.

  “I have the best possible news in the world!”

  He laughs. “Okay.”

  “Guess who’s coming to watch you play this Friday?”

  He’s quiet for a bit, then he gasps. “Your dad’s coming?”


  “But how? When? Why?”

  “The guy he wanted to recruit this weekend was a total bust. I think he heard how well you did at the game and finally decided to check you out.”

  I hear him blow out a breath and lower himself on his bed. “Oh my gosh, Kara, I don’t know what to say. I’m shaking.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.” I laugh.

  “Thanks so much. I really couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

  “I didn’t do anything. It was all you. You’re an amazing quarterback and you deserve this.”

  “Thanks. It means a lot to hear you say that.”

  “No problem.”


  He laughs again. “I kind of want to tell everyone.”

  “Oh! Please, go ahead. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

  “Yeah. Thanks again, Kar

  My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. Finally, Brayden will be given a shot to make his dreams come true. I’m so happy for him.

  Then it dawns on me that if he gets recruited, he and I…we will cease to exist.

  But maybe that’s not true. After all, he told me I’m his friend. Maybe we’ll still hang out? He’ll really be the big man on campus after he gets recruited. And me? I’ll still be the same old me. Of course we can’t be friends—we are and always will be from two different worlds.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “This is so exciting!” Dani exclaims as we make our way to the bleachers. I stop for a moment and scan the crowd, and then I spot him in one of the front rows. My dad. A breath I didn’t know I was holding seeps out of my nose. Thank goodness he’s here. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees what an amazing player Brayden is. I bet he’ll be so impressed he’ll offer him a scholarship in the blink of an eye.

  “Here’s an empty spot,” Charlie says. We follow her and sit down. There’s a huge crowd tonight. Maybe because of the article? The reporters stated Brayden was the best quarterback to play for Edenbury High since his brother two years ago and that you would do a disservice to yourself not to see him play. They weren’t lying. They should all get ready to have their socks knocked off.

  “Kara!” a voice calls. “Princess Kara!”

  I look to my left and spot Bailey with her family, waving a foam finger. I smile and wave back.

  “Is that Brayden’s sister?” Ally asks.

  “Yeah, isn’t she adorable?”


  After what feels like forever, the players finally run onto the field. My heart does a backflip as I take in Brayden. He looks…different. I mean, I can’t see his expression because of his helmet, but it’s like he has this aura around him. Full of confidence and excitement, and yeah, nerves, too. But it’s the good kind of nerves. He’s ready to knock this out of the park, that’s for sure.


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