Book Read Free

In Fashion

Page 18

by Jody Klaire

  Ah, the mother’s tone. “You’re entitled to believe what you wish to.”

  Mildred chuckled. “Then I’ll believe you said you love her and you’re too scared to jump.” She glanced over at the stepdad. “Believe me, you’ll jump eventually. It’s best to do it before you hurt other people.”

  Darcy smiled. “Then will you let me take Mikey with me?”

  “‘Course. He’ll enjoy every second of it. You’ll have to pick him up from school, though. I sent him in today.” She flicked her cigarette around. “It’s too exhausting for me. I’ll watch on the telly.” She gave her a toothy grin, foils flapping as she did so. “What is it that you do best?”

  “Change images.” She winked and got to her feet. “And thank you.”

  “For what?” The stepdad eyed her.

  “For not telling me I’m not good enough for her.” She pushed back her shoulders. “It helps.”

  “No one is better than anyone else,” Mildred muttered and flicked her cigarette ash. “And don’t you forget it.”

  Darcy nodded and strode out of the house to the waiting cab. “Do I need to ask if you know where Mikey’s school is?”

  He grinned and shook his head. “Nah, I know the place.” He shunted them into motion.

  She looked out the window. Mikey was being bullied. She tapped out a tweet about the importance of embracing differences and smiled. Now to turn Mikey into the coolest kid in school.

  Chapter 34

  Kate folded her arms as the crew gave up and decided on a break. Everyone was there, ready for filming, but Darcy. She fiddled with the clothes stand next to her. Some plastic thing jutted out at the top. Had Darcy just decided she wasn’t going to be dressed? Was she too busy to bother turning up? Was she okay? She shoved her hands in her pockets. What if she wasn’t okay? She would contact Susannah if she wasn’t, right?

  “Susannah, did you know about this?” Marge asked, hurrying over with her phone.

  Susannah looked down at it, then shook her head. “No. She didn’t say, but then she didn’t tell me about the book.” She rolled her eyes. “Not like she says anything to me anyway.”

  Zoë wandered over from muttering about a whole collection of badly shaped jumpers, or sweaters, to her. There were a lot of differences between English and American names for clothes. Why? Were they going to say a cardigan was not a cardigan, because the people of Cardigan in West Wales would be pretty irritated. Then again, did they actually make them or get named after them? Cardigan was cold sometimes. Maybe someone decided that yanking a jumper on over the head was too stressful? She picked at the stand. Maybe she needed to stop thinking so much?

  “Atta girl,” Zoë chimed at the phone. “She knows when to step in.”

  Kate frowned. Step in?

  Susannah glanced over with a furtive look, like she didn’t want to say. “I’ve never seen anyone cheered out of school before.”

  What were they on about? Kate picked at the stand again. Maybe Darcy had gone on a date with some gorgeous woman or was following Gregory whatever-his-name around, but that wouldn’t have made Susannah happy…and she’d mentioned school. Hmmm.

  Kate pulled out her phone and flicked to Darcy’s Twitter account: Bullies, FYI, labels only useful on clothes. No knock-offs. Everyone is designer. #EmbraceDesigner.

  Okay, bit random…or had she heard about Mikey? She chewed on her lip. Oh no, her heartstrings couldn’t take that kind of thrumming. Mikey was a soft spot.

  She searched through the hashtag. Pictures posted by parents she knew. Darcy in front of the entire school, charming smile, Mikey at her side. Tweets like: Darcy is amazing, what a hero; Mikey’s BFF pops in, Darcy McGregor! Mikey and his sidekick take on bullies; Bullies suck, let’s close them down. Kate read through them—there were hundreds. Mikey was a hero in them. #EmbraceDesigner pumped out until it was trending. She picked at the plastic and yanked it. Darcy was… Oh shit, how did she walk away from that? She yanked the plastic again, and it came free.

  The stand collapsed. Clothes slumped to the floor, and it clattered over, knocking two more clothes stands over. Oops.

  “I feel your pain,” Zoë called over with a chuckle. “I’d trash the lot.”

  Marge tutted at her. “Snob.”

  “It’s not snobby. If you’re going to pay fifty pounds for something, least it could do is be the right size.” Zoë scowled at the clothes on the floor. “It’s offensive.”

  Kate hurried to pick up the clothes. She wanted to cry. How pathetic was that? But did she want to cry because Mikey was a hero, because Darcy had stepped in, or because every time she convinced herself Darcy was scum, she went and proved she wasn’t.


  “Kate-oh!” Mikey’s triumphant call ripped through her remaining resolve, and she sobbed out a breath.

  She looked up in time to catch him hurling himself at her. They thunked into the pile of clothes with an oof.

  “Hey, how come you’re out of school?” She cuddled him close. Maybe she could just hold him until she stopped being a baby?

  “Darcy rescue.” He snuggled in with a contented sigh. “She say I hero.” He chuckled. “Sproutman is cool.”

  She squeezed him, more tears blubbering down. “You’ve always been cool to me.”

  He peered up at her. “Have?”

  She nodded. “Yup.”

  “We were missing a vital cast member,” Darcy said to Marge as she stared at her. Same “what is the issue?” tone as always. “Every designer needs her sprouts.”

  Zoë nodded. “Missed the dude. Honey, you gonna finish up heckling your agent and get over here?” She frowned over at Blanche wandering around, phone glued to her ear.

  Blanche held up her hand and carried on chattering.

  Zoë rolled her eyes. “If the guy wasn’t so gay, I’d be worried.” She smiled at Susannah, who gazed up at Darcy like she’d launch-hug at her. “It’s in there somewhere. She just can’t let you see she’s human.”

  Darcy tutted at her and met Kate’s gaze. Then she frowned, concern in her eyes as she must have seen the tears. She moved forward, then stopped and sighed. “Why is Kate dismantling the store?”

  Susannah glanced over, then frowned exactly like Darcy with echoed concern. “Shopping is painful?”

  Darcy blurted out that laugh, then seemed to decide something with a nod and strolled over. “You don’t like patterned camisoles?”

  Kate sat up, Mikey nestled into her, and shrugged. “If I knew what they were, I’d say yeah?”

  “They’re…” Darcy waved it off. “You are quite dangerous in department stores, aren’t you?”

  Kate looked around her. “I think so.” She pulled herself to her feet and smiled. It was just a relief that Darcy was talking to her, looking at her, smiling. “You abducting children?”

  “They let him go, and I had permission,” Darcy said. Mikey ducked under her outstretched hand and gave her a cuddle. Darcy raised her eyebrows like she wasn’t sure what she’d done to deserve such affection. “Besides, if you are going to dress me, I need an ally.” She winked down at him. “He knows how to dress.”

  Mikey pointed to his green T-shirt with some kind of crocodile on it, or maybe it was an alligator. She wasn’t sure which was which. “Green and blue work.”

  “They do. It’s a wonderful combination when used well.” Darcy squeezed him. “Some little fashion myths need a rewrite.”

  He nodded. “Designer.”

  She beamed down at him. “Exactly.”

  He spotted Susannah and cheered, then launched into a stutter run at her. “Susannah-oh!”

  Kate let out a long breath. Right. Not easy to ignore loving Darcy right now, was it? “Thank you.”

  Darcy held her gaze. “It’s my job. He’s my Sproutman.” She winked at her, then leaned in like she wante
d to kiss her. Instead, she pulled a stray camisole off her shoulder. “Best we keep you away from doors and clothing stands, hmm?”

  Kate narrowed her eyes. Tease. “Maybe I caught it from you? You knocked them over first.”

  “Yes, well…” Darcy stroked her cheek and turned. “I’ve always been a trendsetter.”

  Chapter 35

  An evening of fun: clothes picked out as Mikey cheered and Susannah laughed, Kate and Zoë, Blanche and Marge enjoying the cheer. Viewers loved it, tweeted, sent questions as Darcy tried on every item, showed them how to wear it, Blanche heckling from the side. The large aisle between Clothes and Kitchenware became a runway. Kate pulled lights from the household department, Zoë pulled white sheets from the linen to act as a backdrop. Marge pulled a Nikon camera from the electronic section, all on camera, all loved by every person watching.

  Darcy had Mikey pose like a model, Susannah too. Flash, click, laugh. Flash, click, laugh. Kate relaxed the more Darcy let through the tips she had picked up through years of modelling; Kate gazed too long at her in different lights, smiled too warmly when she laughed, looked at her like a lover. Unconscious, yes, but clear for all to see. It took so much not to smile back, not to show how good it felt, not to pose in ways that only Kate—and Zoë—would know the significance of. She was careful to be pleasant yet not beyond professional. Careful, restrained, detached.

  She lingered behind in the store and let the others go on to the apartment. She hoped that by staying away, everyone would retire for the night before she got home. So instead, she had the driver take her to Seren and Jemma’s restaurant.

  “Susannah was very keen to show support for us,” Seren had said with her jolly smile as she led her to the kitchen after their tour of the restaurant. “We want to make it a safe place for people to enjoy a meal together without issues.”

  Darcy made sure to talk to the clients—definitely rainbow coloured. Would have been a better place to have come on Valentine’s Day with Zoë. “I had to leave because I was unwell, but I didn’t want you to feel it was your food.”

  Jemma, a sinewy woman with a tall chef’s hat on, beamed at her through the hatch to the steaming kitchen. “We know.” She exchanged a glance with Seren. “We’re just delighted that Kate was so romantic and here in our little place too.”

  Romantic? With whom? Best not to scowl. “I take it she liked the food?”

  “She didn’t get chance to eat it either, but hopefully you’ll both have the chance to visit again.” Jemma laughed, a twinkle in her eyes. Why did Darcy get the feeling she’d walked into a verbal trap? “Love tends to make you lose your appetite at first.”

  “So I hear.” She rubbed at her stomach. Keep smiling. Nice polite smile.

  Seren gave Jemma a pointed look and cleared her throat. “This is why we keep her in the kitchen.” She beamed at Darcy. “Zoë, Susannah, Marge, and the crew were fantastic.” She nodded, her cheeks flushing. “You’re all welcome back anytime.”

  Zoë and her charm, but then, Susannah seemed to have a way with people even if she didn’t think so herself.

  “It’s important that Kate and Zoë have places that celebrate them,” she managed, sounding polished, professional and hollow all at once. “They are beautiful people.”

  Jemma cocked her head. “You stuck up for them both, and Mikey. We saw.” She nodded and leaned through the hatch further. “You’re beautiful just like them.”

  Seren nodded. “You’re an amazing ambassador for equality.” She led Darcy to the door. “We’re honoured Susannah brought you here. She’s a wonderful young lady.”

  Darcy couldn’t help the huge smile that burst through. “She is. She really is.”

  As she got into the car afterwards, only Susannah’s words that she was a fake rolled through her mind all the journey back to the apartment and all the way to the door.

  She hesitated outside it, relieved there was no sound from behind it. Perhaps everyone had gone to bed? She snuck inside and to her room. Fake? Was she fake? Wasn’t it reasonable to have a layer without a camera on it? A layer that was private? She undressed and lay on her bed, gazing up at the clouds swirling overhead. Was it fake to guard the people she loved?

  A knock on the door made her sigh. She didn’t want to talk to anyone.

  “Darcy?” Kate whispered and walked in. “I just… Mikey was really boosted by what you did.”

  “I’m glad.” She kept her focus on the clouds. The haze from the lights of the city gave them a pinkish-orange touch.

  “You didn’t have to, but I know Mum and Dad, even my stepdad, were really choked up by it.” Kate sounded as if she expected to be evicted.

  “Kate, my bed is open to you. You’re welcome to stay or leave as you wish.” A few stars peeked through the light and twinkled. Somewhere below on the street a lorry rumbled and a siren sounded. The song of a city, her city.

  “Yes, but your bed has rules.” Kate perched on it even so. “I’m so confused.”

  “Yes.” She reached out and stroked Kate’s bare forearm. “As I said, privately, you are welcome; publicly, I cannot do that.”

  Kate kissed her hand. “I don’t know if I can do that.” She held it to her breastbone. “It makes me ache here.”

  Darcy splayed out her fingers and grazed her nails over the soft skin. “I know.”

  “You acted like my girlfriend today, you get that, right?” She leaned over. Her face was awash with the pinkish hue reflected off the white bedsheet. “You did more than any presenter would.”

  “Yes. I care about Mikey.” She smiled. Did Kate think she would ignore it? “I would never refuse to help where I could. Don’t you see that?” She pulled Kate lower. “I just can’t cross the line completely.”

  Kate hovered inches from her lips. “Why, when you spent the whole of this evening trying not to kiss me?”

  “I don’t like being gay.” She brushed her lips to Kate’s. She’d found the orange juice by the taste of it.

  “But you’re kissing another woman.” Kate trailed soft kisses down her neck.

  “I’m kissing you.” She eased Kate down until she was securely wrapped around her, easing her tension, covering her worry. “You’re not a label in my head.”

  Kate raised an eyebrow. “Think my anatomy might give it away.”

  Darcy sighed. “You’re more than your body to me. A beautiful body, but you’re… It’s inside you.” She held Kate inches from her mouth. “Just take me as I am.”

  Kate kissed up her neck again. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “Delaying.” She grazed her nails over Kate’s back. “And I’m not in the mood for delays.”

  Kate rolled her eyes. “Are you ever romantic?” She yanked off her top. “Seriously. You make it sound like I’m filling in paperwork.”

  Darcy grazed her nails over Kate’s stomach. “No. If paperwork gets you like this, you have a serious stationary attachment.”

  Kate yanked off her trousers. “You’re the one who digs pencils.” She fixed her with a look—half passion, half confusion. “Do you normally sleep with no clothes on?”

  “No.” She smiled and pulled Kate to her, tasting the orange juice on her lips, kiss by kiss. “I was expecting you.”

  Kate growled. “Why does that work on me?” She glared at her, passion building. “Why do I like that you knew it?”

  “You like bitches, or so you tell me.” She winked. Yes, Kate was a sucker, and they both knew it. “So?”

  Kate sighed. And lowed her lips to Darcy’s collarbone. “I love you.”

  Darcy let out a laugh. It sounded smug. It felt smug. “Now you’re getting it.”

  Chapter 36

  Kate blinked open her eyes as white light roused her. She groaned. She swore Darcy just tried out martial arts skills on her while she was too pumped with hormones to notice. />
  A soft chuckle in her ear made her smile.

  “You’re unfit?” Darcy whispered and trailed her finger over Kate’s stomach. “We’ll have to get that fixed.”

  Kate narrowed her eyes. “I do a ten-mile run three times a week. I’m amply fit.” She bit Darcy’s bottom lip and groaned again. Her back was in half. “But I need training of Olympic proportions for you.”

  Darcy pushed up, her eyes full of that aqua pop against the stark white light pouring in from the skylight. “Yes, we’ll have to train you properly.” She tapped her on the nose with her nail and strolled off into the bathroom like she was on the catwalk.

  Kate thunked her head back to the bed. Did she like the sound of that, or did she need to bring painkillers? Or supports? Or a heart monitor? She pushed up to sitting and rubbed at her face. Yeah, she doubted her fitness-tracking band had that as an activity. Should do. The Darcy McGregor Ironwoman setting.

  The shower flicked on, and someone knocked on the bedroom door. Kate stumbled off the bed. Panic pulsed through her. Where was her top? Where did she put her—

  “Mum?” Susannah pushed the door ajar. Kate dived out of the line of sight and clattered off the other side of the bed with a groan. Found her top, though. “Mum, you alright?”

  Darcy wandered out of the bathroom in a towel, raised her eyebrow at Kate, and smiled at Susannah. “Yes, you okay?”

  Susannah frowned. “Are you? Did something drop?” She sighed. “I think we need to call Zoë. Kate’s not in her room and—”

  “She’s just fine.” Darcy pulled her lips into a wrinkled line like she was desperate to hide her smile. “She’s the clumsy one causing a noise.”

  Kate shoved on her top and yanked herself up onto the bed, under the sheets.

  Susannah’s eyebrows shot up. She peered around the door, then smiled over. “Oh, that’s a relief.”

  Darcy nodded. “I believe she’s embarrassed that you’ve found her in here.” She rolled her eyes and smiled at Susannah. “I’ll be out to make breakfast. Do you know what Mikey wants?”


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