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Page 3

by Lauren Battiste

  “Just don’t suck today, aight?” she said to herself before leaving the mirror to finish getting dressed.

  About an hour later, she walked through the doors of Fit-ness Gym. Tasha had decided that a few solo visits were in order so she wouldn’t be too clumsy and make a fool out of herself in front of Monica. She could just hear her friend’s stupid laugh in the back of her head; there was no way she wanted any of that.

  “Good afternoon!” a semi-geeky but fit young man greeted her at the door. “Welcome to Fit-ness Gym.”

  “Afternoon,” she said politely. “I work for Hansen and Garber and was told they have some kind of free membership available to their employees here.”

  “Right you are, ma’am,” the kid replied and pulled out a clipboard. “Can I have your name please?”

  “Tasha,” she answered. “Tasha Johnson.”

  The young man nodded and scanned through the roster on the clipboard and eventually found her name. After the formality of signing her membership packet and issuing her access card, Tasha was all set to go. Another young man strolled up and introduced himself to her.

  “Hi, I’m Justin, your personal trainer,” he said, extending his hand in greeting.

  “Tasha,” she said as she took his hand and looked at the man behind the counter. “Ummmm.”

  “I’m included in your package,” Justin said with a gleam in his eye. “Well, not me specifically, but your firm has paid for a month of free personal trainer services then if you want to continue after that, we can work up a pay schedule for the cost.”

  I’m included in your package, Tasha thought. For whatever reason, her mind went to several, less-than-wholesome places in the gutter. Justin stood there with a beaming grin on his face and Tasha couldn’t help but check out his outrageous body.

  I bet you got a fine package, baby, she thought darkly in the back of her mind. Pump me up, please.

  To her, Justin looked like he should be an Olympic swimmer. His shoulders were broad and his back was chiseled into a deep V that ended at his waist. And his loose-fitting muscle shirt left little to her imagination. Tasha had never quite looked at a white man like that before, but something inside of her whispered that every now and then she needed to sample some white meat.

  “Well in that case, where do we start?” she asked, suddenly snapping herself out of her momentary lusting.

  By the time they neared the end of the evaluation, Tasha wanted to rip out Justin’s throat. Her thin workout shirt and sweat shorts were soaked with sweat and every muscle in her body screamed in agony. And Justin just stood there with his hokey serene smile, cheering her on with the energy of a billion people.

  You ra-ra me one more time, I’m going to fuck your ass up, she swore to herself.

  Tasha knew he couldn’t help it; that was his job. But every now and then, when she could actually look at him without wishing him into an endless fiery pit, she caught a glimmer of something in his eyes. It almost looked like desire, or something similar. Was he crushing on her?

  Mounting her white personal trainer was the furthest thing from her thoughts right then. All she wanted to do was stop, leave, and soak in a steaming hot bath tub. She had no energy left. A dozen machines and exercises sapped her nearly a half hour to go. But in a way, whatever Justin was doing, was working. She managed to survive everything he threw at her.

  Finally they were done and she left. Justin made an appointment with her in two days and said he would look over her stats and come up with a personalized training program that would help maximize her workout while minimizing the strain on her muscles and joints.

  * * *

  Tasha couldn’t strip down and hit the bath tub fast enough. She left a trail of clothes from her apartment door to the bathroom. She turned the water on to the hottest setting and slid painfully into the tub. Within minutes, the steaming water began melting away the agony of her first encounter with Justin.

  Everything hurt from her neck to her feet, and even her toes. She couldn’t believe her freaking toes hurt. No wonder she wanted to stab Justin repeatedly with his stupid, fat, lime-green pen. However, he did warn her that this first session would be the hardest one she’d have.

  Tasha sighed with her eyes closed and ran her slender hands over her sore body. She massaged her legs and abs and everywhere else that hurt. Her fingers squeezed and kneaded her soft flesh, digging in just enough to make her muscles weep with the subtle relief they were receiving.

  As she massaged her tired thighs, she accidentally brushed her thumb across her sensitive nub. Tasha let out a soft coo and her mind suddenly filled with thoughts of Justin. She pursed her lips and grazed her sensitive trigger with her fingertip as she lost herself deeply to fantasy…

  …She walked into the gym, clad in nothing but some frilly, lace panties, sheer, flowery sports bra and a pair of high heels. She scanned the free-weight area for Justin. Tasha found him standing nude in front of the wall-sized mirror, doing shoulder rolls with some dumbbells.

  She groaned as she admired his fit, firm body from afar. His hard, muscled calves seamlessly melted into thick, powerful thighs. They were the kind of thighs that exuded pure strength and made her believe he could pump her for days on end. Tasha wiped the imaginary drool from the side of her mouth and sashayed across the workout floor to her private, personal trainer package.

  Justin smiled and watched her approach in the mirror. His sandy brown hair was matted against his forehead from the sweat of his workout and his piercing, blue eyes, with that same gleam of desire, seemed to stare right through her scant attire and caress every soft nook of her body. As she walked toward him, she could feel his desire heat her supple skin.

  Tasha drew up behind him and pressed her body against his muscled back, inhaling the musk of his sweat. Justin dropped the weights and lifted his arms to his sides. He curled them slowly as he flexed his tight muscles. Tasha wrapped her arms around his naked body and slowly groped his chest.

  The strength of his heartbeat drove right through her hands and echoed throughout her entire body, igniting a thirst that could only be quenched by one thing. She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek into the top of his back while she continued to caress the smooth muscles in his chest, slowly moving downward.

  Back in reality, Tasha caressed and squeezed her large, dark breasts as she imagined her body pressed up against his. One hand slowly eased down her body, somewhat mimicking her trail in the fantasy until it disappeared between her supple, shivering thighs. She pressed her hand flatly over the velvety, womanly folds and felt the slickness of her nectar through the heat of the tub water.

  In her fantasy, her hands crept lower, grazing over Justin’s sculpted abs and continuing down. Tasha inhaled sharply as she found purchase with her fingers and wrapped them around his thick, throbbing manhood. She couldn’t see it from her vantage behind him, but it felt warm and solid in her gentle grip and she imagined how enormous it was.

  Then suddenly she was naked and gently stroking him while he continued to flex his meaty biceps for her. His sweaty, slick body felt extremely erotic against her soft, pillowy breasts as she danced her fingers expertly along his length. Her smooth, velvety hips pressed and rubbed against his, tight, smooth ass as she tried feverishly to cram as much of her body against his as possible.

  Tasha stroked him faster and heard a deep, bestial groan growl from deep within Justin’s throat. She was incredibly hot and his groan stabbed through her like a blunt dagger of pleasure, slicing her from her gaping mouth to her dripping quim. Try as she could, she couldn’t position herself to catch a glimpse of the monster throbbing in her hands.

  Suddenly Justin’s hips snapped forward and she felt his hard meat pulse hotly before he came. His thick seed erupted from his throbbing glans and shattered the mirror in front of them. Tasha’s eyes flew open and she curled her knees up to her chest in the tub as her body convulsed from her powerful orgasm.

  Moments later, she withdrew her fingers
from her quivering slit and drew them across her mouth. She lazily rolled her tongue between them as she imagined tasting Justin’s salty seed. Spent, she closed her eyes to recover for a while before slipping off to bed for a much needed rest. Something told her that she needed to pay more attention to her new personal trainer, even if he was an over-excited white guy.

  * * *

  Two days later, Tasha arrived early for her appointment with Justin at Fit-ness Gym. She could feel the lasting arousal of her recent finger-play welling up inside of her the closer she came to the door. Her only thoughts were of Justin and the fantasy she had been infatuated with. It never occurred to her that her fantasy could remain just that, a fantasy.

  She had come dressed for seduction. She wore tiny, tight sweat shorts and no panties. Her large, soft breasts were held tightly beneath her sport bra and the loose cutoff tank top dangled loosely over them, barely extending down enough to hide the bra beneath. Somehow, some way, she was going to make Justin take notice of her.

  “Good morning,” Justin hollered to her from across the gym as she entered. “We’re almost done here and then we can start!”

  Tasha smiled and nodded. She looked around the deserted gym, taking note that she, Justin, and his current client were the only ones there. Somehow she imagined a Saturday morning would be busier. But this would work out much better for her, or so she hoped.

  “Come on!” Justin shouted. “One more! Push it! Push it! Almost there!”

  Though she watched him helping a rather bulky man lift a massive amount of weight from the bench press station, she concentrated more on his words than anything. As innocent as they were to Justin, Tasha took his words and perverted them into her cries of ecstasy.

  Oh yes baby, push it, she thought with a silent moan as she watched him from across the gym. Give me that delicious, enormous cock!

  Twenty minutes later, Tasha was lying on the floor being stretched by Justin. Her predicament was nearly more than she could stand. Justin had one of her legs lifted straight up and pressed against the length of his body while he leaned forward gently, stretching her hamstring. The warm solidness of his thigh pressing against the back of hers made her swoon inside.

  All sorts of hot, sexy images whirred through her mind during that moment and she was sure if she looked, her nipples would be straining against her bra and shirt, begging for Justin to lash his tongue across them. Justin stretched her leg a little further and the strain on her muscles snapped her out her brief reverie. Tasha grunted at the movement.

  “You okay?” Justin asked, smiling down at her.

  “It burns a little,” she said and huffed lightly.

  Justin glanced down at her creamy, chocolate thigh then started to turn his eyes to her again but stopped. Tasha hadn’t realized until then but the angle her leg was stretched should have given Justin the perfect view along the leg of her shorts. Thankfully she hadn’t worn her panties.

  When Justin’s eyes slowly moved back to hers, she gave him a small, sexy smile. The expression on his face changed slightly, ever so much, but she could tell exactly what it meant. He saw something he liked and that was a very good sign.

  “Where does it burn?” he asked before shifting his body a little and placing his hand on her leg, just behind her knee. “Here?”

  Tasha shook her head.

  “Here?” Justin asked again, sliding his hand a little further toward her shorts.

  She shook her head slightly again; her smile slowly broadened as she saw where this was going. Justin’s smile grew with hers. His eyes slowly filled with desire as he moved his hand even further.

  “How about here?” he asked, stopping just shy of her smooth, covered ass.

  Tasha bit her lower lip and shook her head. She took his hand in hers and slid it down the inside of her thigh and through the leg of her shorts. She hissed and arched her back as she placed his hand on her smooth, bare pussy. The need and desire in Justin’s eyes blazed brightly as he stroked her gently.

  The look in his eyes melted Tasha to the core. She wondered if he really desired her so much, being as they had only met a couple of days ago, or if this was one of those love-at-first-sight chances. Something inside told her it could be the latter and the tug on her heart strings was undeniable. Fit-ness Gym wasn’t exactly the place she imagined sparking a relationship.

  Within seconds, Tasha and Justin were kissing feverishly. Her pink, wet tongue snaked from between her luscious, ebony lips and into his mouth in search of his. Her hips bucked wildly against his strong, nimble fingers as he plunged them past her flaring lips and deep into her dripping wet pussy.

  She howled into his mouth at the penetration and writhed under his touch. Tasha slid her hands beneath his sweaty muscle shirt and dug her fingers into his rippling back. The heat from their bodies consumed her and stoked the wildfire that raged through her loins. Though this was just the beginning, she was loving it and loving it dearly.

  Justin’s fingers pumped into her hot pussy hard and fast while his thumb rubbed and pressed against her sensitive, erect clit. Tasha wailed wildly and broke their kiss, latching her drying mouth against his salty, robust shoulder. She sucked hard on his tight flesh and flailed her hips. She could feel her first orgasm already rushing towards her.

  “Fuck,” she cried into his shoulder. “Keep going! I’m going to cum!”

  He pumped his fingers faster, twisting them in and out of her dripping slit. Tasha could hear the strain and tearing of stitches in her bra as Justin heaved it over her massive, dark breasts. He dove on her hard nipples like a ravenous beast. She couldn’t believe how hungry he was and how much he seemed to desire her.

  His lips circled her hard nipple and clamped onto her flesh tightly. He sucked hard and masterfully swirled his tongue around her aching bud. Tasha arched her back and groaned at the furious waves of pleasure that flooded her body.

  Suddenly she started to tremble as the heat rose beyond boiling and ecstasy burst deep inside her raging quim. Tasha’s ebony skin erupted in a wave of goose bumps as the flames of her earth-moving orgasm engulfed her and burned her to her core. Justin kept fingering her juicy slit and watched her in amazement.

  Slowly her back loosened and her body relaxed to the floor. Her chest heaved with deep, gulping breaths as the pleasure continued to rage through her from Justin’s fingering. Everything around her had faded into darkness, leaving just her and him and the intense heat between them.

  Justin slowed his pumping arm and withdrew his fingers from her. He lifted them to his lips and swirled his tongue around them, reveling in the taste of her sweet juices. Tasha could have cum again just by watching him. He seemed completely enthralled by her and at that very moment she felt wanted, truly wanted, and sexier than she had ever felt before.

  He quickly pulled her to his hands and knees and faced her to view the mirror that spanned the wall of the free-weight area. Justin ripped down her shorts then lifted his shirt off over his head. Tasha wiggled her ass gently and fell the pull of lust stab into her juicy slit as she watched Justin’s perfectly sculpted body bare before her eyes.

  He was truly gorgeous, almost as she had imagined in her fantasy. And when he pulled his gym shorts off and released his thick, rock-hard dick, Tasha felt like she had died and gone to heaven. Justin’s shaft was long and smooth, as if it had been painstakingly hand-crafted, ending with his throbbing, bulbous glans. She couldn’t wait to see how he felt inside of her.

  Justin didn’t make her wait long. He gently spread her tender, dark skin and pressed the thick head of his cock into her burning slit. It felt even bigger than it really was as he rubbed it deeply through the length of her juicy folds, lubing it completely with her sweet, slick nectar. Then Justin pressed his hips forward slowly.

  Tasha marveled at the great care he took entering her. He pressed in slowly, stopping momentarily at each sign of resistance. Justin was gentle, making sure he didn’t hurt her. His tenderness was breathtaking and she knew
that their relationship would go well beyond some morning fuck at the gym.

  Her toes curled as she felt each millimeter of his stiff flesh slide deeply into her burning crevice. It seemed like it took Justin forever to ease into her until finally she felt the sticky warmth of his sweat-kissed hips press against her soft ass. He held it there for moment to let Tasha adjust to the size of his dick filling her tight, burning pussy.

  Finally when she felt comfortable, Tasha slowly moved her hips against Justin, letting him know she was ready to be fucked out of her mind. Justin's hips eased forward and back, excruciatingly slow as his enormous shaft drew out then pressed in gently until he felt the cool glide of her thick juices easing the resistance.

  Within moments, they were locked in a hot, euphoric round of sex. Tasha's large, round breasts bounced gently beneath her as Justin tore into her hungry slit. He pounded her like a jackhammer, fast and hard and their moans filled the gym. Tasha pumped her tender ass against him wildly, forcing herself even faster onto his raging meat with each powerful thrust of his hips.

  Already she could feel the waves of electric pleasure coursing through her body and pushing her closer to her next orgasm. It was amazing. It typically took her much longer to reach her second orgasm but Justin's intense, sharp thrusts barreled her through the wait.

  "Oh God!" Tasha cried, barely able to articulate actual words through the peaking pleasure stabbing through her body. "I'm cumming again!"

  Tasha gaped her mouth and panted rapidly as her climax rushed at her like a freight train. She reached down and started to rub her elongated clit furiously as Justin held her curvaceous hips tightly and rammed his cock into her drooling cunt. She began to grunt like an animal just before her climax hit then she arched her back and forced her delicious ass against her newfound lover.

  Her juices burst from her soaked pussy and dripped down the insides of her creamy, dark thighs, leaving lines of glistening sweetness in their wake. Justin groaned as her tight walls squeezed his throbbing cock, shoving him to the brink of his own release. Tasha pushed back hard against him and felt the burning rush of his steaming cum fill her hungry pussy.


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