Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1) Page 10

by Riley Cross

  “I’m headed off.” I whisper to Maddi.

  Understanding my need to get out, she gives me a quick hug and kiss.

  “Call me later?”

  I nod at her request and duck out before the guys could make it to our side.

  Feeling too aggravated to deal with the uncomfortable tension between myself and Julian after our make-out session on the dance floor.

  As soon as I get outside, I’m hit with the harsh chill of the evening air. I stand there for a moment, letting the crisp air cool my heated skin.

  Reality catches up with me pretty quickly.

  I just spent the evening dirty dancing and making out with a practical stranger in the middle of one of the most popular supernatural bars this side of the States.

  What the hell has gotten into me?

  Thank gods none of my brothers were there. I wouldn’t be able to live it down.

  Shit. What if Dominic had been there?

  A strange guilt sits in my stomach making me feel uneasy. Because I kissed someone who wasn’t Dom? Could that really be it? Is my wolf right in saying he’s our mate?

  As more and more of these thoughts fill my mind, a headache thumps in protest.

  I have got to pull myself together.

  I’m no use to anyone second guessing myself about things that might not even be right.

  I really should just get home and sleep off the liquor, then maybe I’ll be able to think straight.

  Pushing the loose strands of hair out of my face, I walk back towards the house.

  I’ll pick up the truck tomorrow or send one of my brothers out to get it.

  Last thing I need is to run someone over or wrap my pride and joy around a tree.

  I take around forty-five minutes to get home from Howling Moon. By the time I’m walking up the gravel drive, I’m covered in freshly fallen snow.

  I spot Liam’s pick up out the front. Lazy ass couldn’t even park it in the garage. Rolling my eyes at the vehicle. I push into the house, locking the door up behind me.

  The hall light is on, but there’s no other sign of life.

  Everyone must have gone to bed. Not a bad idea.

  Kicking off my shoes, I pour myself a glass of water to take to take up with me.

  Pushing open my bedroom door, I almost drop the glass at the sight of the large male sprawled over my mattress.

  Padding quietly over to the side table, I put my glass down and turn on the lamp bathing the room in a warm glow.

  “Dom?” I call in a whisper.


  “Dominic?” I repeat a little louder.


  Did my brothers get him drunk or is he just a heavy sleeper?

  Does he realize whose room he has passed out in?

  Smirking at the picture of his bare feet hanging off the side of the bed. At least he removed his shoes?

  Smiling with what felt like an incredibly evil grin, I pull my cell out of my back pocket.

  Moving around the bed I snap some really unfortunate pictures.

  Oh, he is sooo gonna pay for this.

  Pleased that I have the necessary leverage. I grab some jammies and get changed in the bathroom.

  Back in the bedroom, I sigh when I see he hasn’t moved in his sleep. Perfect.

  Even with my wolf's strength I find it tricky tugging Dominic’s deadweight onto the bed properly, giving us both adequate room for the night.

  Once I’ve got him settled on the other side of the bed wrapped up in a blanket, I bury myself under the duvet.

  Dominic is in my room.

  Dominic is in my bed.

  No matter how many times I think it. It doesn’t seem real.

  I roll, facing him. Taking this rare opportunity to take in his face.

  He looks so relaxed, not tense or angry. Like this, he looks just like he had when we were younger. Only, his jaw has a dusting of stubble where he skipped on shaving this morning. It gives him an edgy look. His hair looks darker against my pastel green pillowcases. It’s his lips that seem to hold my attention the longest. I know how soft and warm they are. I’ve kissed that mouth. It seared my skin and left me breathless.

  The slightest brush of them have left me burning.

  While Julian’s kiss was pleasant.

  Dominic’s was passionate, heart stopping.

  Everything Dominic did seemed to have both me and my wolf stopping in our tracks. Demanding all of our attention.

  Which begs the question. Could he really be our mate? Or do we just need to ride him out of our system?

  I berate myself when I feel my eyes moving down his body, trying to picture him naked beneath the blanket and all his clothing.

  This man really is going to ruin me.

  Shaking my head, I turn off the lamp, letting the darkness swallow the room.

  Resting, I let sleep take hold of me.

  Chapter Nine

  Am I dreaming?

  I’m hot.


  I’m an inferno.

  Trying to move away from the heat source, I quickly realize I’m trapped. Blinking away sleep, I arch my neck.

  My breath catches in my throat when my eyes clash with hazel ones with flecks of green and blue in them.

  “Good morning, kitten.” Dominic smiles, looking like a dirty fantasy wrapped around me. No. I’m wrapped around him!

  Our legs are tangled together along with his blanket and my duvet. My arm’s locked around his waist, while my heads apparently been resting on his chest.

  Strong fingers are in my hair, rubbing my scalp and it feels sooo divine.

  I pull away from Dom’s body but I’m halted in my escape when his arm tightens around my stomach.

  “Don’t go yet.” He whispers sleepily, a carefree look playing on his face as his fingers continue exploring my hair.

  Intrigued by this side of him, I let myself relax back, soaking in Dominic’s scent.

  In my mind’s eye, my wolf is rolling around, basking in his attention like a hussy. Not that I can call her on it.

  “Why are you in my room?” I ask, playing with one button on his partly opened shirt.

  Dominic chuckles softly above me. “To tell you the truth. I thought this was my room. I went out with the guys’ last night and we had a few drinks at the diner. I forgot how dangerous it was to drink with them.”

  “Oh.” I don’t know why but I had liked the thought of him in my bed, waiting for me. Him being here because he was drunk and didn’t know any better was just depressing.

  “Though, I have to admit. Waking up with you wrapped around me is definitely on my top three ways to wake up.”

  “Only top three?” I chuckle nervously. “How would I get to number one?” I don’t know why I said it, but I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole when the words left my mouth.

  “I’ll show you.”

  That’s the only warning I got before my world gets turned on its axis. No longer laying on top of Dominic while he plays with my hair. He’s soon the one laying over me.

  The fiery look in his eyes has me licking my lips.

  His gaze snaps to the slight movement.

  Groaning in his throat, he swoops down, capturing my mouth with his.

  I don’t even fight him this time. Easily opening my mouth, inviting him in.

  Our tongues lick at one another.

  Unlike our past kisses, that have been fast and hard. This one is slow, an exploration. Like stoking a fire. The burn is intoxicating; it touches every nerve ending, from the tips of my toes to the roots of my hair.

  Pulling me free from the duvet, I moan when I feel Dominic’s fingers trace the soft skin under my top. Spiking my need as it floods my body.

  He swallows the sound, not letting it escape into the room.

  Our kiss turns demanding as his fingers push past my pajama shorts and into my boxer briefs.

  I’m wet. I know I am. Embarrassed, I can feel my arousal leaking out of me as Dominic teases m
e with his tongue and fingers.

  Pushing my panties to the side, the tips of his fingers slide through my folds. When he brushes against my clit, I cry into his mouth.

  Pulling away, he watches my reaction as he repeats the movement.

  “Dominic.” I moan, needing him to do something, anything.

  “Look at me kitten.”

  Being a highly dominant wolf, I expected my animal to get miffed at the order. But she goes belly up for him. Weird.

  When blue meets hazel, he thrusts his fingers into my core.

  “Fuck!” I cry, shocked by his sudden action.

  “You can say that again.” His jaw locking. “Fuck Rae, you’re so tight.”

  Embarrassed, I pull him down to me, locking our mouths together.

  My moans for more filling the room as he fucks me with his fingers.

  “I need to see this.” He breathes leaning his forehead against mine.

  I growl when he removes his fingers from my body then from my panties all together.

  Dominic makes quick work of pulling my shorts and briefs off. Shimming down my body I open my legs, giving him more room to work with.

  “Jesus.” He groans from the v of my thighs.

  Getting up onto my elbows, I watch, fascinated as Dominic spreads me out before him. There goes the mystery.

  Ducking his head, my hips buck at the first sweep of his tongue.

  “Stay still, Kitten. I wanna enjoy this.” He growls.

  Still, yeah right!

  Pushing my weight onto the balls of my feet, desperate to keep still. Not wanting to give him anymore reasons to stop playing my body like a damn instrument.

  I can’t remember the last time I acted on my baser instincts like this. Not thinking or caring about the consequences.

  All I know for certain is when Dominic rolls his tongue like he’s doing now. I turn into a whimpering pile of putty in his hands.

  My stomach tightens at my impending climax, pushing down on me. My words come out as gobbledygook that Dominic seems to understand as. Don’t you dare stop.

  Latching his mouth onto my clit at the same time as he drives his fingers into my channel has me flying over the edge.

  Screaming his name as I ride out my orgasm, I turn boneless under him. Completely spent.

  Shucking himself free from my legs, Dominic crawls back up my body, kissing my exposed skin.

  “Delicious.” He breathes.

  “Shut up.” I smile, kissing him, tasting myself on his lips.

  Breaking the kiss and feeling a little cheeky, I lick my lips and moan.

  “mmm… I see what you mean. Delicious.”

  “Fuck, kitten.”

  I can see Dominic’s intensions written all over his face. As clear as day. He wants in me as badly as I want him to be there.

  How long have I waited for this moment?

  How many nights have I dreamt of finally being his?

  “Rae!” My name being called is followed by a loud banging on my bedroom door.

  Fuck balls. Kye?

  “Get your ass dressed and kick the warlock out of bed. We got visitors!”

  Mortified at being found out, my cheeks burn.

  Dominic only laughs. Apparently amused by my brother catching us.

  “Wipe that smug look off your face.” I scold, not at all pleased by the interruption. “Looks like there will be no morning delight for you.”

  As the meaning of my words dawns on him, his smile drops almost immediately. While mine grows instantly. Ha. Serves you right. Smug asshat.

  “God damn it. Why do you have brothers?” Dominic grimaces. I smirk as he tries to rearrange himself.

  Ignoring his question, I leave the rumpled bed sheets and start pulling myself together. Cleaning the mess Dominic had made, changing into a fresh set of clothes. Brushing my hair up into a ponytail.

  Doing all of this while Dominic scowls at me from the bed. No longer amused by Kye cockblocking him. I almost feel bad for enjoying his pain. Almost.

  “Are you planning on sitting in my bed sulking all day?” I taunt. I have to bite my lip to hide my smile.

  “My plan involved us both in your bed all day.” He tells me, with a slight purr in his voice.

  I don’t doubt it.

  “Sorry Oz. But Unlike certain wizards on holiday. Some of us have work to do.” I bark out a laugh as I move quickly to dodge the pillow Dominic launches in my direction.

  “Behave, Lassy.”

  “Or what Gandalf?”

  A glint of challenge sparks in his eyes, that has me backing up.

  “Oh, don’t even try it kitten.”

  Watching Dominic prowling towards me, like a predator hunting its prey, has my excitement spiking again. Fuck. His shirt is open, giving me the perfect view of his abs. Abs that have my mouth watering.

  Eating up my personal space. I have to crane my head back to keep my eyes locked on his.

  My eyes try to roll to the back of my head as he presses his body up against mine. Letting me feel his thick length on my stomach. Showing me what I’m missing.

  My eyes flash gold as my need heightens, threatening to take me under.

  Spotting the need in his eyes with an intensity that matches my own. I stand as still as I can while Dominic bends down to me. Slowly. Almost painfully.

  “Rae! For fucksake don’t make me come in there.” Kye threatens from the hallway, breaking the spell Dominic had me under.

  “Coming!” I call out. Not wanting to give my brother a reason to open the door.

  Stepping away from the object of my desire, I move to the other side of the room.

  “We will finish this later, Kitten. Make no mistake about that.” Somehow Dominic makes that sound like the sexiest threat I’ve ever heard.

  Without saying another word, I slip out the door.


  When the door closes behind Rae, I fall back onto the bed with a huff. That woman will be the end of me. I don’t think I’ve ever hated someone more than I hate Kye right now. Total cockblock.

  Buzz. Buzz.

  Sighing, I reach over to grab my cell from Rae’s nightstand.


  Swiping to answer.

  “Tell me you have some good news.” Because I need out of this blasted contract right the hell now.


  Not what I wanted to hear.

  “They are keeping the information close to the chest. Not even my contacts will fess up.”


  “Thanks for looking into it. Let me know if you find anything out.”

  Mal grunts an affirmative. Hanging up, I throw the device across the room. What the hell is it going to take? There’s no way I’m giving Rae up.


  “Bout time.” Kye mutters, leaning against the bottom banister with a smirk on his face.

  “Oh, shut it.” I grumble. Not happy about having my morning delight interrupted.

  “Rae!” Jenni’s excited greeting snatches my attention from Kye.

  Leaning down, I greet her as she envelops me in a hug.

  Ben and Liam are leaning against the kitchen counter, coffees in hand, deep in conversation.

  “Do you guys have any idea what the time is?” I complain, putting myself a coffee together.

  “Oh sweetie, I’m sorry. Were you sleeping?” Jenni asks.

  “Not for the past hour.” Kye laughs.

  “Shut up, Kye!” I growl, feeling my cheeks heat.

  “What have I missed?” Dominic’s voice comes from the kitchen entrance.

  “Dominic!” Jenni squeals, causing the wolves in the room to grimace.

  “Hey.” Dominic chuckles, returning the small humans embrace.

  Ben breaks away from where he was speaking to Liam, to shake Dominic’s hand. “Long time no see son.”

  “You’re telling me old man.” Dominic chuckles.

  I can’t help but notice that Dom looks as fresh as a damn daisy. No
way did he have a shower and change that quickly.

  “You’ve grown up so much. How was Europe? I bet you missed Stonehart. Are you planning on leaving again?” Jenni fires off her questions one after the other. Not giving Dominic a chance to respond.

  Ben gives Dom an apologetic shrug for his mates badgering.

  “How was your evening?” Liam questions.

  “Interesting to say the least. Yours?” I respond watching Jenni, Ben and Dominic.

  “No complaints. The guys and I went out to the diner for food and ended up hitting Becca’s stash pretty hard.” Liam’s eyes crinkle in the corners. “He never learned to stop trying to keep up with us.”

  “So, I take it I have you lot to thank for the surprise left on my bed last night?”

  Chuckling quietly, “Yeah. That was Cam’s idea. I’m not taking blame for that one.”


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