Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1) Page 11

by Riley Cross

“Cam? Now why doesn’t that surprise me.”

  “What’s the plan looking like today?” Liam questions, sipping at his own coffee.

  “I’m going to check on the pack and make sure everyone is taking the necessary precautions. I don’t want to make any more of us easy targets for this bastard.” My wolf shines through my eyes at the thought of her wolves under threat.

  Her instinct is to protect and defend. Having a sicko out on the loose killing us, is intolerable to her.

  I need to end this. But first I need to make sure everyone is safe.

  “Good idea. Dom going with you?” Liam’s question has me choking down my coffee.

  “Why on earth would he come?”

  “I dunno. Just thought things were happening with you two.” My brother says this as a matter-of-factly rather than a question.

  Me and Dominic? Oh, hell no. I know most of the pack love Dominic, but does my brother really think their animals would accept him as their Alpha? Could a dominant wolf submit to him?

  Hell, Ben stepped down when he found Jenni.

  Before I can tell my brother just that, the man himself slides up into our conversation.

  “Where are we going Kitten?”

  Liam answers him before I’m able.

  “To visit the pack.”

  Oh Hell’s Bells.

  “Excellent. I’m ready to leave whenever you are.” Dominic smiles, rendering any argument from me silent.

  This is a terrible idea.

  “Let’s just get this over and done with.” I grumble, dumping my used cup into the sink.

  Dominic stays right on my heels as we make our way towards my truck.

  “What’s got you all up in knots?” Dominic questions as I pull the truck out onto the open road.

  Giving him a sideways glance, I huff.

  “I just don’t think us checking on the pack together sends the right message.” I tell him reasonably. Really, what was my brother thinking? The others are going to assume me and Dominic are an item. What if they question my leadership?

  This is going to get so complicated.

  A pressure on my thigh has my eyes darting back to the male in question.

  Mine. My wolf whines.

  I’m starting to wish you could be right. I sigh.

  “Stop worrying Rachael.” Dominic’s soothes.

  If only it was that easy.

  Letting his presence wash over me I use his scent to center myself.

  Satisfied when my muscles relax under his hand, Dom turns on the radio. Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani blare out the truck’s speakers. With a carefree smile plastered on his face, Dominic belts out the lyrics like a pro. Splitting my face into a smile as my cheeks heat.

  “I don’t wanna dream about you, I wanna wake up with you next to me!”

  Letting Dominic’s joy wash over me I join in.

  “I don’t wanna go down any other road now, I don’t wanna love nobody but you.”

  Our voices fill the truck. I can’t help but wiggle into a little dance behind the wheel. God when was the last time I felt this… free?

  It sure felt like forever, even my wolf is relaxed. And I’m sure Dominic’s bright smile and warm scent is the cause.

  As the song ends, Dominic catches me glancing at him and rewards me with a cheeky wink that has me blushing.

  Bloody hell. You wouldn’t think me a full-grown woman.

  Our first stop was the Miller’s. As the small cabin with a wraparound porch comes into view, my chest tightens.

  This was not something I enjoyed doing. But Sarah and Tom have been through hell the past couple days. Losing not one but two of your children and in such a violent way.

  It’s not something a parent should have to go through.

  “You good?”

  At the sound of Dominic’s question, I nod.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. You remember Sarah and Tom?”

  “Samantha and Michael’s parents? Yeah, I remember them. Why?” Dominic frowns, looking at the small house in front of us. “This is their place.”


  “I’ll be with you the whole time, Kitten.” He assures, picking up on my anxiety.

  “I hate that I can’t tell them that we got the bastard.” I confess as the gnawing in my stomach worsens.

  “Come on, we can worry about that later. Right now, your people need your strength.”

  He’s right.

  Straightening my shoulders, I hop down from the trucks cabin. Tapping into my wolf’s senses, I easily hear the sounds of digging coming from the back yard.

  “Come on.” I motion for Dominic to follow me as I round the house.

  Sarah is kneeling in the middle of a vegetable patch, retrieving same potatoes from the muddy ground.

  “How come the frost isn’t touching the garden?” Dominic whispers curiously, eyeing the noticeable difference between where Sarah is working and where we stand.

  “You’re the Warlock, you figure it out.” The sides of my mouth lift slightly at the sight of his frown.

  Guess you don’t know everything. Good.

  “Hey.” I greet, not wanting to startle her.

  Peaking over her shoulder, her eyes light up. “Rachael!” Standing, she wipes her hands on a rag, before pulling me into a hug. Smiling, I return her hold. Not caring that she’s covering me in dirt.

  “Hey, Mrs. Miller.”

  Hearing Dominic’s greeting coming from behind me, the she-wolf releases me from her hold.

  “Dominic? Is that you?” Her eyes are wide as she takes in the male standing before her.

  “The one and only.” He smiles, flashing dimples.

  “Oh, my lord! I had no idea you were back in town.” Wrapping her arms around the tall male, in a brief hug.

  “Would you like to come in? I can have tea on the table in less then a minute.” I shake my head at the offer. “We can’t today, Sarah. We just wanted to come and see you and make sure you and Tom are doing okay?” I tell her gently.

  Understanding dawns on her, and her smile drops a little. “Ah. We are doing about as well as can be expected. My sister and her husband are coming to Stonehart in a week with the kids. It will be nice to have them here.” Sarah does her best to sound upbeat and lively, but my wolf and I know different. Pain has an ever so slight quiver entering her voice.

  “Where’s Tom?” I question, his absents not going unnoticed.

  Her shoulders deflate and I know what her answer is going to be. The old wolf is struggling. My wolf morns her pack mates. Rubbing close to the surface, offering Sarah her strength.

  “Do you remember what the other packs used to say about Venus?”

  Confused by Sarah’s sudden question, I shake my head.

  Reaching for my hand, she gives me a little smile.

  “Even on the darkest night, a light can always be found in the heart of the Venus pack.” The saying did sound familiar.

  “Do you know who they were talking about?”


  A small squeeze. “Malinda. Your mother.”

  My heart clenches at the sound of her name. It’s been years since anyone mentioned her.

  “While she and your father ruled the pack, they achieved many things. And when we would all celebrate as a pack. Your father would always say that all of his accomplishments were because of his mate. She was his light and his hope. She kept him going. She was the heart of Venus.” Tears prick my eyes at the story. “Rachael, you are now our heart. No matter what darkness comes our way. We have faith in you to be our light.” Unable to hold myself back under the weight of her words, I throw my arms around her. And allow my tears to fall. Sarah hums in her throat as she rubs my back, while Dominic stays silent.

  After a few minutes, I pull back, face flushed, I wipe my eyes on my sleeve.

  Sarah gives me a sad smile that tugs at my heart strings.

  “I know you will do what is right by my children and by our pack.”

  I nod m
y agreement, promising to come back and visit her more often.


  An hour later the turning for Joanna’s house comes up on our right. Twisting the volume control on the dash, I let the music fade out.

  “Joanna is one of the packs single females, her brother David moved in with his mate a few months ago so she lives alone.” As I fill Dominic in, I park up in front of the two-story house and cut the engine.

  “Let me go out first. I don’t want to startle her with an unexpected guest.” I tell him, nervously.

  “I’ll follow your lead.” He promises, watching me jump down from the driver’s side.

  Hearing our arrival, the raven-haired female is already outside waiting for us.

  “Alpha,” She greets on my approach, flashing me her neck in a sign of submission. Catching Dominic’s scent as he exits the truck she quickly straightens. Follow my lead my ass. Flashing me a wary look. I’m quick to reassure her. “It’s okay, Dominic is well aware of what we are. He’s a warlock himself.” I inform her as Dom makes his way over to us.

  “A lock?” She inquires, watching the male’s approach.

  Catching the she-wolfs question, Dominic smiles. “In the flesh.”

  Joanna blushes when she spots his dimples winking at her.

  I stare daggers at the male, knowing full well he is ramping up his charm. If looks could kill, Dominic would be well roasted with an apple in his mouth right now.

  Show off. I mouth, not liking the interest the other female is now showing him.

  “We were just coming to make sure everything is alright on your side of the woods.” I interrupt, snapping the she-wolf out of her stupor.

  “Ah- yes. David told me what had happened. He’s been on the phone for what feels like every minute of every day, making sure I’m still kicking. Even threatened to move back in.” She shivers at the thought, not happy with her brother’s constant calls of concern.

  Now that pain I understand. And she only has the one brother. I have to deal with three and Dorian.

  “What’s it like being a warlock? I guess it’s a big change from pack life.” Her attention leaving me easily in favor of the new arrival.

  “We are more solitary most of the time, though there are some who prefer to live within the coven.” Dominic responds, happy that the wolf isn’t shying away from him.

  My wolf however goes out of her way to make herself known when she notices the attention Joanna is still paying Dominic. Gold takes over my eyes as my scent intensifies, covering Dominic’s spicy leather.

  Down, girl.

  No! We should have marked him already. This female is trying to lead our mate astray. She growls back, sounding way too possessive.

  Fucksake. This is going to be a long ass day.

  “Jo, let’s get inside and put the kettle on.” The order is subtle, her wolf catches mines insistence and helps move her human side along.

  As she turns back to the house, Dominic goes to fall into step behind her. Without realizing what I was doing, I grab him by the wrist.

  Giving me a curious look, he tilts his head in question.

  “Stop flirting with the she-wolf.” My words are rough with the power of my animal as she shines through my eyes. Making no attempt to hide her presence or obvious irritation.

  Dominic’s voice transforms into a look that drips sex. “Are you jealous, Kitten?”

  “You. Are. Ours.” My wolf growls lowly at him, almost sounding like a threat. The male seems to be suicidal because he continues to taunt an already riled up Alpha female.

  “You can’t blame me Kitten, after all I’m a single, unmarked male.”

  Wrong thing to say. Wrong thing to say.

  Cursing up a blue streak in my head, I need to make an appointment to get his head tested because clearly; he lost his marbles in Europe. Why on God’s green earth would you taunt an already highly pissed off wolf for Christ’s sake?

  This time I can already see the action my wolf is planning on taking. And not even I have the balls to try to stop her. Or maybe it’s the case of I don’t want to stop her.

  Impressed that Dominic doesn’t back down when the animal moves up into his personal space.

  Golden eyes clash with hazel.

  “You are ours, mate.” The truth of the wolfs words rings out around us, lifting what feels like a huge weight off of my shoulders. Does Dominic even comprehend the atom bomb my wolf and I have just dropped on him?

  Reaching for him, my now claw tipped fingers grip the back of his neck, careful not to cut his delicate human skin, she pulls him down towards us.

  The look of desire sparks in his eyes has an approving growl emitting from our throat.

  I watch fascinated as his mouth comes closer and closer to my own.

  Now is not the time for this. I remind the transfixed animal.

  Smiling with a row of blunted teeth, my wolf changes course quickly. Twisting her neck, she clamps her teeth on the sensitive flesh just below Dominic’s ear.

  The scent of brandy and spice intensifies in the air as my animal leaves a temporary mark to warn the others away. Dominic’s fingers dig into my hips, keeping me where I am. Soon the scent of his lust permeates the air around us, urging my wolf on.

  May I remind you; we are standing out on Joanna’s driveway practically humping Dominic’s leg! Will you get it together, Hussy!

  Growling her displeasure, the animal lets me pull us away from Dominic’s warmth.

  Spotting our mark crudely bitten into his skin, high enough for all to see. Well, this is going to be an awkward one to explain later. My animal doesn’t seem to mind the slightest bit, judging from the constant rumble of satisfaction emitting from my chest.

  “Let’s just get this over with.” I murmur, turning to follow Jo inside the house. The other she-wolf no doubt got an eyeful of the Alpha’s possessive act. Great.

  Without saying another word, Dominic falls into step besides me. Surprising both me and my animal when he takes hold of my hand in a very humanlike fashion.

  My animal rolls behind my eyes, overjoyed at the skin to skin contact with her mate.


  This is new.


  Hiding in broad daylight

  By the time lunchtime comes around, my human and wolf sides feel like they are pulling each other apart. I can’t recall a time I was so at odd with my animal.

  I wish I could say the jealousy and possessiveness I felt around Dominic and Joanna earlier in the day was an isolated incident but that would be bollocks.

  Two of my other unmated wolves ended up melting at the sight of the devilish-looking male at my side. And it took all of my patience and control not to claim him permanently there and then for all to see.

  Suzie was the worst. Her wolf has never had a particularly good instinct for self-preservation. The other females backed down when they scented my quickly rising temper.

  The redheaded wolf however either didn’t care that my animal was chomping at the bit to taste her hide or didn’t comprehend how close she was to being skinned.

  Suffice to say that was the last single female Dominic, and I visited together. After I fired off some messages to the others to arrange to see them later. By myself.

  Even though he doesn’t have our animals’ heightened scents of smell or the capacity for feeling my animal’s agitation without her taking a chunk out of him. Dominic done an extraordinary job of calming her once we were safely back in my truck.

  Every time we found ourselves alone, he would touch me. Nothing overly sexual. Simple touches. At first, he rested his hand on my thigh, giving me a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Then he would absentmindedly play with my hair. By the time we were on our way to Kathrine and Joshua’s house, his hand had slipped under my hair, kneading the tension out of my neck. Perhaps I wasn’t giving him enough credit. While it’s impossible for him to sense my animal, he seemed to have found his own way of feeling her out.

  It hadn�
�t taken him long to have the furry hussy acting like putty in his hands. But no matter how much attention he would give up in private as soon as another unmated female was in his presence my wolf would go straight back to high alert.

  And a jealous, murderous wolf was getting old. Especially when we had a job to do.

  “You should stop by more often!” Kat beams, linking her arm around mine as she walks us out.

  “If I came by anymore often, then I already do, I’d be living here.” I laugh.

  “We have the room!” The raven shifter’s smile is infectious as she causes the four of us to burst out laughing.

  “We won’t have the room soon, love.” Josh grins, shaking his head.

  Kathrine pats her swollen belly and a twinge of envy stabs my chest. I never thought I’d be the mothering type. But watching the other wolf circling his pregnant mate was making me rethink more than a few of my life choices.


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