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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Riley Cross

The sounds of bones snapping, and reshaping, breaks through the lusty haze, Rae’s mouth has me in.

  Pulling up from our kiss, Rae nips my lip before leaving me completely. The pack has already formed a wide circle around us.

  Waiting patiently for the wolf to finish his shift. I hold myself steady as the black wolf prowls in front of me, baring his teeth.

  Well, if I want everyone to realise, I’m the best partner for their Alpha female, I better make a show of it.

  Summoning my magic, I wait for Alec to make his move.

  Growling low, Alec lunges, the wolfs huge jaws aiming for my head. It was truly a terrifying sight. It’s not every day you get a first-hand look at a beast trying to literally bite your head off.


  Using the shimmering spell, I go from looking into the jaws of my would-be death, to watching the wolf from behind as he realises his prey escaped.

  Once back on all fours, the huge animal twists around, eyes searching. Landing on my new position, fury fires the animal into another, less thought out attack.

  Charging me this time.

  “Octie” Mirror magic.

  The crowd around us gasp collectively as twenty of my images surround the beast. “Vefi.” Switching places with one of my mirror images just as Alec barrels into my old location. Shattering the mirror on impact.

  Confused and pissed he turns, only now seeing the nineteen duplicates surrounding him.

  “You can give up at any time.” My offer echoing through my copies.

  Snarling, the animal lunges for the closest mirror, shattering it like the last. Then another. Another. Before too long there are only five images standing, including myself. The wolf’s anger slowly seeping out of him, as he wears himself out being on the constant attack.

  Looking around the crowd, I can see on their faces I’ve made my point. They might be shifters, but I’m not defenceless against them. Over the years, I’ve spent countless hours reading grimoires. Studying every spell, curse and hex I could find. Committing them to memory. Given my affinity for magic, I pack a punch. I never thought I’d be capable of settling down and planting roots. But when I look at Rae, that’s all I can think about doing. While I’ve mostly sold my magical arts to the highest bidder, now all I want to do is use my talent to help protect the pack. The Warlock seal be damned.

  Claws strike my chest, knocking me back. Finally, finding his target gives Alec’s wolf a renewed vigour. Lunging, the beast knocks me down, trapping my body underneath his. “Dominic!” The feminine cry breaks me out of my shock. Not wasting time, the animal aims for the kill. His teeth aiming for my throat. “Vefi!”

  Back on my feet, I catch a quick healing spell, fixing the damage Alec managed to do to my chest.

  Done playing and done proving myself capable to the crowd of onlookers.

  “Fractil mortis ru.” Snapping my fingers activates the ancient magic. Alec’s forced shift back to his human form is quick and painful. Left on his knees, gulping down air. Sweat pours from his body.

  “Do you concede?” I ask, as he tries to get his racing heart under control.

  “What the f-uck. H- How?”

  Is it not obvious? “Warlock.”

  “What did you do to my animal?” Standing naked, Alec turns on me, a wary suspicion burning in his gaze.

  “His animal?”

  “What is he talking about?”

  Ignoring the crowd as they whisper amongst themselves. I keep my attention on a visibly shaken Alec.

  “The spell I used puts a shifter’s animal into a hibernation of sorts. It’s not permanent, but it will stop you being able to shift for a period.” I inform him.

  “You can do that?” The blood rushes from the male’s face, turning the cocky jerk, ghostly pale.

  “I can. Not a spell I enjoy using, but it served its purpose.”

  “And what purpose is that?”

  “That I may be human. I may look weak. But looks can be deceiving. I was able to take a male shifter in his prime and reduce him to the same weakness as a human.” This time I address the pack.

  “How much stronger would your pack be with me on your side?”

  A hum of whispers goes through the crowd, but no one answers my question.

  “I intend to mate Rae. To stand by her side for the rest of my life. I intend to take on the responsibilities and duties as Alpha to the Venus pack.”

  Raising my hand towards the female in question, I beckon her to my side. Once I have her within arm’s reach, I pull her the rest of the way. Tucking her into my side.

  “Does anyone else wish to challenge me?” I ask the crowd, wanting to make sure we are all on the same page.

  After a beat, one by one, each person bares their neck.

  Uncertain, I glance down, giving Rae a questioning look, hoping she can shed some light on their reaction.

  “Beautiful.” I can’t help the compliment slipping from my lips when I see the smile transforming her face.

  “I think you have won them over.” She whispers, light from the fire dancing in her eyes.

  Unable to help myself, I swoop down and capture her mouth with my own. Giving her a kiss that promises more to come as soon as I have her alone.

  Whoops and whistles erupt around us.

  Pulling back, I smile as Rae lets loose a cute little giggle at her cheering pack mates.

  “I told you not to get cute with it.” She scolds playfully.

  “Did you think I was being cute?” My teasing tone has her narrowing her eyes at me.

  “You know, you were being cute.”

  “I think your cute.” Especially when you blush like you are now. But I’m smart enough to keep that comment to myself. No need to piss her off when we are having a lovely night.

  Chapter Twelve

  Movement in the Shadows

  “Maddi! Madison!” Rae’s voice was almost impossible to hear over the beat of the music filling her backyard.

  Fortunately, I heard her, and she knew it. I turn just in time to see my best friend jogging up towards me, Dominic following closely behind her and behind Dominic, Liam. The one werewolf, I have no desire to see. Perfect.

  “Where are you going?” Rae’s question sounds innocent enough to our little audience, but I’ve known her well enough to read between the lines. Who pissed you off? I didn’t really have it in me to start anything, so I keep my response equally innocent.

  “Oh, I was just thinking about heading home. It's getting late and I have to open up the shop tomorrow.” It was technically the truth, though technically some would probably see it as a lie. Truth be told, I can't be bothered seeing another one of our pack mates slobbering over Liam again tonight. The asshole seems to be some kind of chick magnet.

  Eyeing me with suspicion. I’m surprised when Rae doesn’t call me on my bullshit. “You know, I really would feel more comfortable if someone took you home. It's not safe for the pack to be alone right now.”

  Feeling the surge of protectiveness coming from my friend was no shocker. After all, being the Alpha of the pack makes you somewhat responsible for everyone’s safety. Especially now, with the killer on the loose. A killer who’s using the same MO as the one used to kill the previous pack Alphas.

  “I'll be fine. I'll sense anyone's harmful intent before they even spot me.” I try to reason. More often than not, being able to sense every person’s emotional state within my radius is a big bitch. But at times like this, it can come in helpful for self-preservation.

  Apart from that little perk, however, it’s crap for a girl’s confidence. Being able to pick up on the emotions of the man you love, knowing that he doesn't feel the same. That shit hurts.

  Not that I'm willing to admit that to a damn soul. Not a living one, anyway.

  “Okay, okay! For the sake of your sanity, I will ask someone to escort me home.” I tell her, holding my hands up in surrender.

  Relief flashes through Rae’s emotional state and on her face.
r />   “Thank you. I know you don't like feeling like a burden. But I just want to make sure everyone is safe. Liam said that he'd take you home.”

  “Yes, yes, that will- Wait, What?”

  Mouth falling open, I gape at her brother still standing behind her. Calm as a fucking cucumber.

  She can't be serious. There's no way he's taking me home.

  “Don't be silly, I'm sure I can find someone else to take me.” I tried to sound nonchalant, but I know by the look on Liam's face. I failed miserably.

  “Why would you need to find someone else, when I've already agreed to it?” Liam questions, sounding exacerbated


  “No reason. I just thought you might wanna stay and enjoy the party with your family.” The lie falls from my tongue easily.

  It's not the first time I've had to spin the truth on why I don't want to be alone with him, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

  “Nonsense. Get your things, then we will leave.”

  Cursing under my breath.

  “I already have everything.” I admit with a shrug.

  “Prepared for a quick escape?” There is a slight smirk playing on his lips that has me rolling my eyes.


  “Are we going or what.” I snap. Not at all happy about giving him the upper hand.

  Rae raises her brow at me in question.

  Bloody hell. Shaking my head, I take a deep breath. Really not wanting to get into it with my best friend in the middle of a pack party.

  “I'm sorry,” I apologise to Liam, grudgingly. “I'm just tired. If you're ready, we can go.”

  Hugging Rae goodbye and giving Dominic an, I'll see you later nod, I turn and follow Liam towards his SUV.

  Like a gentleman, he opens the door for me. Standing back to give me some room. I jump inside the front cab. Buckling in, as he shuts the door behind me.

  I wait, trying to catch my breath. My heart feels like it’s going a mile a minute. Counting backwards from one hundred as I attempt to settle myself.

  This is ridiculous! Am I honestly going to act like this every time I'm alone with him? Yes, we are going to be in a confined space, but that is no excuse.

  I'm a pack Omega for crying out loud! If anyone should be able to control their emotions, it's me. Yet around Liam, I can’t stop acting like a schoolgirl with a crush.

  The driver's side door opens, cutting me off from my internal struggle.

  Liam hops into the driver's seat, slamming the door shut behind him, sealing us in.

  “You buckled in?” He questions in his normal passive manner.

  While his voice comes out sounding somewhat calm. I'm hit with the full force of his emotions. They feel almost like a whirlpool.

  Intense. Unending. Out of control. And I can't decipher a damn one.

  Being friends with Rae since we were pups, I spent a lot of time at her home, around her brothers. And not once in all these years have I felt such emotions coming from Liam.

  “Thank you for driving me home.” I say in a fake ass cheery tone, not wanting him to realise how uncomfortable I truly am.

  “You're welcome. Like Rae said back at the party, it's dangerous for us wolves to be on our own at the moment.”

  “I understand and I'm sure it can't be easy for you. Not after what happened to your parents. You have to know there is no doubt in my mind, or the packs, that you guys are gonna catch this sick bastard and give us the justice we deserve.”

  Liam doesn't respond to that. He grunts his affirmative.

  We sit in silence for the rest of the drive to my house. Neither of us brave enough to break it the longer it goes on.

  Finally pulling up to my driveway. After what feels like a car drive that lasted a lifetime.

  I have my seat belt off and the door open before Liam cuts the engine.

  “Thanks for the ride. See you later!” I call from over my shoulder. Darting towards the front door.

  “Madison! You should know better than to run from a predator.” Liam’s voice coming from behind me has me stopping in my tracks.

  Taking a deep breath, I plaster a smile on my face before facing him again.

  He’s out of the vehicle and leaning on the front bonnet in a relaxed-looking stance. If it wasn’t for the dark urges to hunt clinging to his form. His calm facade ’d might have fooled me.

  Pushing away from the SUV, I watch him prowling slowly towards me. My wolf watches him intently. Curious to see his next move.

  Refusing to move an inch as he climbs the steps of the porch. Our bodies end up a hair’s breath away from touching. Both of us taunting the other to back down.

  “You really need to stop testing my wolf, Madison. He only has so much patience.” Liam says like I’m supposed to understand what he’s talking about.

  Rolling my eyes. “Right. I’ll get right on that. But in the meantime, I need to get some sleep. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Liam.”

  He stands there for a heartbeat, his uncertainty clouding his scent. What is up with him this evening?

  Leaning into my space, he places the softest of kisses on my cheek. Shocking the shit out of me.

  “Good night, Madison. Lock the doors behind you.”

  Dumbfounded, I just stare at him.

  Amused by my lack of movement, he spins me around, pushing me slightly towards the door.

  What was in that punch?

  The pack must be experimenting with drugs. Or Liam has been taken over by aliens. Because this was not the real Liam.

  Unlocking the front door, I turn slightly. Catching a small smile playing on the side of his mouth as he watches me.


  Giving him an awkward wave, I leave him standing on my porch. Remembering to lock the door up behind me.

  Peaking out the small side window, I watch Liam walking back to the car and finally relax as he starts up the engine.

  “Thank god.” I breathe.

  Pulling off my jacket, I throw it and my bag on the kitchen counter.

  The sound of something hitting the floor upstairs has me freezing in place.

  What the fuck? Someone is in my house.

  Reaching out with my Omega abilities, I open myself up to my surroundings. Trying to get a clearer feel of who’s sneaking around my home.

  Each person I’ve come across has a distinctive signature attached to them. Some feel like textures, some colours, I can even taste some people’s auras.

  Within the wolf pack hierarchy, each dynamic has its own telltale sign. Omegas feel more fluid, showing how they can mold to the emotions around them. Alphas are more solid, while Betas are a mixture of the other two dynamics.

  And right now, I can feel the full strength of the Beta aura coming from upstairs.

  Why the hell would Dorian be in my house so late at night instead of at the pack party?

  “Dorian!” I call, intending to ask him just that.

  Footsteps move quietly over the ceiling. Frowning, I make my way towards the stairs.

  “Dorian, what the hell?” He may be the pack Beta, but breaking and entering isn’t in his job description.

  No response.

  Growling, I march up the stairs looking for the male wolf in question.

  God help him when I tell Rae about this. He’s gone too damn far. This is my private space. My home.

  The top landing is almost pitch black.

  Tapping into my wolf's senses, I’m able to use my animal’s eyes. Her night vision isn’t flawless, but it’s a lot better than feeling around with my human sight.

  I catch the subtle movement coming from my bedroom, a slight shadow on the wall.

  Okay, this is officially too creepy, even for me.

  Twisting on the spot, I bound downstairs. What the hell is going on? Why is Dorian skulking around my bedroom?

  Hate and outrage swamps my body just as something, or should I say someone barrels into my back, pushing me the remaining way down the stairs. Unable to keep mysel
f upright with the added weight of the heavy body on my back, my legs give out.

  With a cry, I fall weightless for a few seconds, wishing desperately for my hallway floor to turn into jelly before I land.

  My shoulder comes into contact with my very solid wall, first. The momentum cracks my bones, painfully. My head slams into the wall next, dazing me. Pain radiates through my body; my muscles cry out as my legs finally hit the deck.

  I swear I can hear my bones splintering beneath my skin and muscle.

  Behind me, I hear when Dorian lands as ungracefully as me.

  Good! I hope it fucking hurt.

  Looking up, I can see my front door looming over me. My whole being is screaming at me to get out. That this whole scene is wrong. My she-wolf is growling in outrage.

  She is not just angry; she is pissed off.

  Dorian is meant to protect the pack, helps lead us. Not attack us in our homes in the middle of the night.

  Just then a thought occurs to me. One that has my heart slamming against my ribcage.

  What if Dorian is the one trying to kill us off? The maniac butchering us like animals.

  Ohmygod. I need to get out. To find help.

  Pushing myself to my feet as quickly as I can, despite the pain, I reach for the front door handle. Desperate to get outside, desperate to get anywhere.

  I'm halted in my escape attempts by a rough hand wrapping around my mouth, silencing my agonized scream.

  Screaming out in frustration against my Betas palm, my words sounding muffled. My claw tipped fingers flail about behind me as I try to do as much damage to the male as I can without changing.

  “Shhh… little wolf, it will all be over soon.”


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