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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Riley Cross

  The others take an instinctive step away, while I hold myself still besides my mate, keeping my eyes glued to the small device.

  “Just wanna see something. Atzeal” He mutters, tapping his fingers over the touchscreen.


  To my amazement, the device unlocks. My eyes bounce between Dominic and the cell.

  “An unlocking spell.” He says, sensing my eyes on him. “It works with anything with a lock. Doors, computers, handcuffs.” Wiggling his brows at me, my face heats instantly, turning the tips of my ears red. I scowl at the smile lifting the sides of his lips. Asshat.

  Liam and Damion are smart to keep their thoughts to themselves. Cam, not so much. His burst of laughter at my embarrassment doesn’t go unnoticed. Shooting daggers at him through my eyes, I send him a look that swears karma will be a bitch.

  My chest burns almost uncomfortably.

  “Fucking bastard.” Dominic’s sudden curse takes my attention from the Enforcer. “What is it?”

  “It’s his alright, your number is in the call log. Along with some pictures in the gallery.” The pain in my chest flares again. So, this is what Dominic’s anger feels like. The bond feels like a horrible case of heartburn mixed with barbed wire. Not a feeling I enjoy having in my chest.


  Dominic nods, looking calm, but I know how he really feels. And shit, his rage is more than a little frightening.

  “Can you clean off the Wolfsbane?” I need to check the phone myself, but I can’t let myself become weakened by the toxin on it.

  “Yea- yeah, gimme a tick.” Watching my mate leave the room has a small pang settling in my chest at his absence. I ignore it. Honestly, he’s only in the kitchen, for heaven’s sake.

  With a deep sigh, I turn back to where Damion, Liam and Cam are standing watching the exchange between myself and Dominic.

  “Were you able to pick up anyone else around where you found it?” I question the wolf, not liking the looks the three were giving me.

  Damion shakes his head.

  “This son of a bitch is good.” Cam growls, irritated.


  “Cabin.” Cam’s answer has me wondering if maybe this is the evidence we were looking for. Would this be enough to prove his innocence? Figuring out how long the cell had been laying in the woods for would be difficult.

  “Spotless.” Dominic announces, returning to the room, cell phone in hand.

  Trusting my mate, I take the device without double checking for any remaining Wolfsbane.

  Opening the phone out of sleep mode, I notice Dominic has removed any locks giving me complete access.

  Looking at the call log confirms Dom’s words. Only my number was called from this device. Twice.

  That confirms the owner. The times and dates of the calls match the killers.

  Closing the app, I open the gallery next, remembering Dominic’s comment on pictures.

  Watching over my shoulder, Dominic’s rage simmers in my chest.

  “There are about twenty pictures.” I tell the others as I flick through the images. Grinding my teeth. “Maddi’s room… Sam’s place…” Then I fully realize why my mate is having such a strong reaction.

  There are twelve pictures of us. Frowning, I make up the timeline in my head. Dominic and my animal in the woods just before I had shifted. Embracing each other outside of Kat and Joshes place. The diner carpark. “Fuck.” He had been watching my reaction to his threat.


  Ignoring my brother’s call, I try to think. There has to be something here we can use. He finally fucked up and I fully intend to abuse it.

  “I’m going to see Dorian.” Something at the back of my mind is insisting upon seeing the other wolf.

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “Of course you are.” My lips curl into a small smile. My mate is going to make an amazing Alpha.

  “The rest of you-”

  Tiers on gravel signal the approach of an oncoming vehicle. By the telltale red paint, my monies on it being Ben. Being kept in the dark must be driving the old wolf nuts.

  Sighing, “Wait here.” I tell the others, making my way to the porch.

  “Hey Kiddo.” Ben greets bounding up the porch steps.

  I don’t have time to return the greeting as his arms engulf me in a bea-wolf hug.

  “Cam texted. Congratulations. I’m so happy for you, and Dominic.” The emotion turns my Gramps’ voice rough.

  God, my brother has a big mouth on him. Still, pride warms my heart at the thought of my mate and our people acknowledging him.

  Pulling away from me, Ben carries on, not realizing I’ve yet to say a word. His joy is almost tangible.

  “When will you be announcing the news to the pack? Everyone’s going to be over the moon at having an Alpha pair.”

  “I haven’t even thought about it.” Disappointed in myself for not remembering the next important step. I was just so lost in bonding with my mate, and then the phone, a formal announcement hadn’t even occurred to me. I’ve been considering Dominic my partner for so long already.”

  “Ah, I understand. When Jenni and I finally bonded, it was like the rest of the world didn’t exist.” Ben remembers fondly. That I can understand, I hadn’t even noticed the time passing in the bedroom. All I knew was I had my mate, and I didn’t want to share him with the others.

  “I know.” Ben grins. “Why don’t you let me, and Jenni sort out the ceremony. I know she would be over the moon to set everything up. We can celebrate this with the entire pack like we are supposed to.” That would free me up to dig around and prove my Beta’s innocence. Guilt niggles at me. The pairing ceremony is a big deal, passing it off on others doesn’t feel right.

  Still. I couldn’t do both. And I hate that Dorian has all this suspicion around him after everything we have been through, I owe him.

  “That’s a brilliant idea.”

  “Excellent! I’m sure my mate would want to get started right away; it may lessen her anger at me. Which is a win.” Ben chuckles.

  Jenni angry? Odd. “What did you do?”

  Rubbing the back of his neck with one hand,

  embarrassment colours Ben’s face.

  “Well- er- I was kinda at the grocery store when Cam messaged and came straight here to see you. Jenni still has no idea about the bonding.” Ben admits.

  “Ooooh! Yes, nice knowing you.” I laugh. He’s so in the doghouse. No wonder he asked if they could plan the whole thing. My Grams is likely to skin his hide for not telling her right away. “You better get going, the longer you keep it from her, the less likely it will be that you’ll be alive for the ceremony.” I smirk.

  The speed at which Ben waves goodbye and bounds back into the driver’s seat has me in near hysterics. He’s so whipped!

  CHAPTER Sixteen

  Failure is not an option.

  The place looked the same as ever. Nobody would find it strange for the cabin to be in the middle of nowhere. On the outside it looked like a normal home, there was even logs broken up out the back for keeping the place warm.

  The insides are furnished and functional for living in. So the wolves who guard the basement can shower, eat and sleep. And I preferred they do so in comfort considering what it was they were guarding.

  Nobody knew who was in the basement, only that they were dangerous and needed to be kept separate from the rest of the pack. By the word of the Alpha, who allowed no one to enter the basement level, not even to take food to the prisoner. Most supernatural’s’ could survive days without food or sleep. That being so, the order wasn’t exactly an odd one.

  As their Alpha and a shifter, it was easy for me to spot the tells of tension in the two males as they drink their coffee on the deck, regarding their visitors.

  “Please don’t think any less of me.” I whisper to Dominic as he reaches for the handle to the truck. Stopping midway he turns to me, a confused expression on his face.

nbsp; “I could never see you as anything but perfect Kitten.” He confesses honestly, reaching over to stroke my cheek. I don’t stop myself from nuzzling the palm of his hand. You say that now, just wait till you see what my orders have done to my Beta. My friend. Our friend.

  Dominic’s lips seal over mine, slowly, carefully. Warming me from head to toe. I can’t lose him. We won’t. My wolf swears. He will understand.

  Our mate pulls away from us, a look of trust and reassurance on his face, the bond soft and comforting within my chest.

  “Let’s get this over and done with.” I sigh, still on edge.

  Dominic frowns at my tone but doesn’t say anything as I push out the vehicle and walk towards the two wolves watching us.

  James and Gabe’s stances relax when they spot me coming towards them.

  “Alpha.” They greet in unison, baring their necks.

  “Alpha’s.” I correct, “this is Dominic De Angelis. My mate.” I introduce, pride warming my voice.

  Dominic keeps his surprise at my words well hidden, only the bond gives away everything.



  The males greet, baring their necks to Dominic.

  “There will be a pairing ceremony announced soon.” I inform the wolves and Dominic. This time only confusion colours the bond. Damn. It didn’t occur to me he may not even know what that is.

  Brushing past that knowing he’s going to grill me with questioned when we are alone.

  “We’re here to question the prisoner.”

  “I thought so,” Gabe gestures towards the cabin. “As per your orders, no one has had any contact with them. James and I will remain out here.”

  Nodding my thanks, I enter the cabin with Dominic at my back.

  “Well, this is cozy.” Dominic hums.

  “Yeah well, we can’t exactly have a dungeon out in the open that anyone could come across.” I frown.


  I just want this over and done with.

  Ignoring Dominic’s call, I move towards the fireplace in the living room. I hear his loud sigh as he follows me.

  Rounding on the chimney breast, I type the code into the small panel on the wall, waiting for the locks to disengage. I give the brick wall a push. Slowly, it gives way to my shifter strength. Swinging open, it reveals a set of stairs leading down.

  “Well, now that I wasn’t expecting.”

  You haven’t seen anything yet.

  Leading the way down, the walls turn from the cozy wooden cabin look to six inches of steel, covering the walls, floor, ceiling even the door. If whoever is down here manages to get loose, digging out is definitely not a possibility. The door has no handle on the inside. Quite simply, once you find yourself down here, you’re not leaving on your own.

  The bottom of the stairs opens up into a medium-sized room. Metal grated lockers line the walls, containing many different types of equipment for getting the truth out of supernatural’s. Though they are mostly for show, to get into people’s heads. It’s rare that we have to use anything other than our claws.

  In the middle of the room sits a small cell, a metal chair and a chained Dorian. Naked from the waist up.

  His head is lowered, his hair falling forward, covering his face. Chains are locked around his wrists and ankles. With a spiked collar around his neck. If he even attempts to shift, the collar was designed to decapitate the wearer.

  “Shit.” Dominic’s curse grabs Dorians attention.

  Raising his head, he regards us without saying a word.

  Guilt sinks heavy in my stomach at the sight of my friend. Even my wolf lowers her gaze mournfully.

  “Alpha.” His plea has my eyes turning golden. My wolf coming to the forefront. Intending to comfort the other wolf. Dorian’s eyes turn golden, matching my own as his wolf comes forward.

  “Please know- I take no pleasure in seeing you like this my friend.” My voice is rough, strained with my animals pull. “But I have to think of our pack. Their safety must come before everything- everyone.”

  The growl rumbling from the male’s chest has me taking a step closer. The animal and man are Beta at heart. He knows why these actions are being taken. Still, it doesn’t make any of this easier. I’m unable to make it more comfortable for him. I cannot show any favoritism. He could still be the killer. Even if my every instinct call’s bullshit.

  “We found something.” I tell him, breaking the silence that had fallen over us. Dominic stays silent at my back. I do my best to ignore the bond whirling inside my chest. I don’t want to know what he sees now. What he thinks of his so-called perfect mate.

  Focusing on the chained wolf in front of me. I carry on.

  “It looks to be the killer’s cell phone. The one used to contact me.” For the first time since we got here, interest sparks in the wolfs eyes. Ah, there’s my Beta. That’s the look he gets when he’s trying to piece a puzzle together. “There are also pictures. Pictures of the crime scene you and Cam investigated. Pictures of Maddison’s bedroom. And pictures of myself and Dominic. -”

  “And if you match up the timelines with the dates, the pictures were taken and where I was then you can eliminate me as a suspect.” Dorian finishes.

  Nodding. “I don’t believe you are who we are looking for, Dorian. I think either you are extremely unlucky with the timelines or this is all a setup to get you out of the way.”

  Hope lights up his face as he takes in my words. My God, had he honestly thought I’d turn against him so quickly?

  “The day me and Dominic went to visit with the pack. Where were you? Were you with anyone who can attest to your location?” Dorian’s head was already shaking, no. Shit. Shit, shit. “What about the day I got the first call from the killer and you told me to shift and run? Did you stay at the house with the others the whole time?”

  “Yes.” Dorian answers his voice firm and sure. He’s telling the truth. Or a very convincing lie.

  If he were at the house the whole time, he couldn’t have snapped that picture of Dominic and my wolf. I don’t doubt my Beta’s abilities, but I seriously doubt the man could be in two places at once.

  “The guys could testify to that.” Dominic finally voices in a tense tone.

  My eyes don’t leave Dorian’s as our animal’s stare at each other. Please, please don’t be lying to me.

  “Where were you the day I was visiting the pack?” I question, noticing that he never really answered me. He merely shook his head. Something I couldn’t name crosses his face before he tampers it down.

  “The guys should be enough to show my innocence.” Dorian states straight faced. And for the first-time doubt niggles at the back of my mind. My Beta is keeping something from me. And now is really not the right time for such secrets.

  “Let’s go mate. We need to check with the guys and get all of this shit straightened out.” Dominic says in a clipped tone. Fuck. Not a good sign.

  “Mate?” Dorian’s brow lifts, a knowing half smile lifts his lips.

  Mates for now. By his tone, sounds like we are about to get dumped.

  Mates forever. My wolf declares.

  You can hear him, can’t you? He’s disgusted by us. No doubt he thinks of us like animals now. I ignore my she-wolf, turning towards the bottom of the stairs, I hit the panel and send the alert up to the main cabin.

  Gabe and James will know to let us out.

  “Rachael. Do you regret it?” Confused by Dorian’s words I turn to him, a questioning look on my face.

  “Regret what?”

  “Naming me as your Beta.”

  Shocked, my mouth drops open. “Never.”

  Dorian’s gaze meets my own, holding it.

  “You will always be my Beta.” My chest ached with the truth of my words. Even if he is guilty and I’m forced to follow pack law. Dorian will always be the true Beta of the Venus pack.

  Dominic grasps me by the arm and practically drags me up the stairs as soon as the groan of t
he door signals our way out is open.

  James jumps out of our path as Dominic storms past him with me in tow. And I finally let myself seek out the bond. I had prepared myself for disgust, even anger at how his friend is being treated. I wasn’t prepared for this dark emotion swirling inside my mate. Even my wolf seemed to take a step back. Regarding him carefully.

  Unsure on how to handle him, I keep my mouth shut. Not wasting any time with the other wolves who look in no way interested to stand between their Alphas.

  Dominic literally drags me outside. I have trouble keeping pace with him and stumble. Strong arms straighten me. Dominic doesn’t release his hold on me until we are next to the truck. Instead of letting me go so we can leave, he spins me around on the spot to face him. Those eyes. Those eyes that I get lost in constantly that promise me everything the world has to offer, are now staring at me with dark emotions I struggle to name.


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