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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Riley Cross

  Turning towards my mate, I give him a crooked smile. That's the best I can do with my current emotional state. Dominic reassures me with a small smile in return. Understanding.

  When he opens his arms, I don't give it a second thought. Dashing into them, seeking his embrace, seeking the calm that his presence gives me. Using him as a shield against the past.

  Taking a deep breath of his scent.

  I asked the burning question.

  Needing to know the answer if there is going to be any hope for us to move on.

  In order to forgive him.

  “Why’d you do it? Why did you promise to hand me over to him?” Tears have already filled my eyes; I try desperately to forbid them from falling.

  Dominic’s arms tense around me, holding me steady against him.

  I feel the slow breath he releases against my hair, his nerves and anxiety's echo down our bond, as if they were my own. Hell, they might even be mine.

  “Before I tell you, I need you to understand. I'm not a good person. If anything, in most people stories I’m probably the villain.”

  “But when I left Stonehart, I was taken to a coven in Europe to hone in my magic. My tutor at the time saw the potential in me. But not the kind of potential a parent could be proud of. He started testing me, seeing the limits of my abilities. Once he saw those and realised, they were practically non-existent, there was nothing anybody could do to stop him. To stop us.”

  “I didn't know any better. That's what I like to tell myself. In reality, I knew what we were doing wasn’t right, but the stories he would spin made it seem like my victims deserved what they got.”

  I can feel the hatred he has for himself. The disgust he feels taints his scent and makes my wolf wrinkle her nose. This does not sound like our mate. Not our overprotective, supportive, loving mate.

  I tried to speak in his defence, but he silences me by pressing a finger against my lips. Keeping my protests at bay.

  “Just let me finish before you say anything. Okay?”

  When he sees I'm not going to interrupt him again he continues.

  “It was too late to right my wrongs, by the time I realised what we were doing and how much blood I had on my hands. I broke away from him and the coven when I finally came to my senses. I moved around from place to place. Mainly Europe. I couldn't stand to be in the states. Couldn't stand to be breathing the same air as you, knowing what I'd done.”

  “Unfortunately, because of my training and my tilted moral compass, I’ve made a name for myself. Ripper. I’m the one the bad guys come to when they need something done without questions being asked. It became my livelihood. People would call me up when they had a problem needing taking care of.”

  “When I was staying over in Edinburgh, I was on a personal time out. Usually, the jobs don't get to me. I can detach myself from my targets. But the last one got to me harder than most.” His face creases as if in pain. “A siren’s mate had gone missing from the water. The male was frantic trying to search for her. It had been years since she was last spotted, and he was having no luck in finding her on his own. Then someone passed him my number.”

  “I found her relatively easy. She was on land and had married a human. They had a young daughter and a house. She was happy. Looking back, I wish I knew what I knew now about the mating bond. I could never imagine marrying someone, having a child with them while being mated to you. I only wish that was my train of thought when I was there. After telling her mate, he became distraught, enraged. Started ranting and raving about how she was his mate and if he couldn't have her, no one could.”

  “He hired my services again. I was to be her executioner. I didn't even question the job. Several nights later, I went back to where I saw the female. The little girl was asleep. The husband slept peacefully next to his wife.”

  “I gave her a swift death. I made it as peaceful as I could. But that doesn’t change anything. I’m still a monster to that family. And countless others.”

  No amount of fighting could stop the tears falling down my cheeks. Listening to Dominic’s story has my heart aching.

  “Why are you telling me t-this?” My voice breaks.

  “You asked me why I took Greyson’s job. I need you to understand, I didn’t know who his target was. But a simple grab and drop? That is easy compared to what I’ve already done. I didn’t have to think twice.” Dominic wipes away my tears with the pads of his thumbs.

  It doesn’t help. I can’t find the strength to stop crying for that young girl and her father. Thinking of them waking up in the morning to find their love one had passed without warning. I want to be mad at him, to yell at him about his past actions. But I can feel his soul crushing, guilt clawing at our bond.

  He doesn’t need me to lose my shit. He’s punishing himself enough.

  “Would you go back to that way of life?”

  Dominic’s face twists mortified by my question. But he can’t exactly blame a girl for asking.

  “Never.” He swears.

  I can feel the truth of his words in our bond.

  “Well than. Let’s go.” Reeling, I accept his answer, choosing to process his story more later. Right now, though.

  Walking over to the flowers resting on the dining room table, I scoop them up in my hands. Today isn’t for fighting. Me and my brothers made that promise on our parents’ first anniversary. Today is a day to remember all the good times we had as a family. Going out to the diner for dinner, movie nights. Running as a family pack in our wolf forms on the full moon, just because. I often find myself thinking about bedtimes the most. My mother tucking us in when we were younger pups. Singing a lullaby, she created especially for us.

  Malinda’s voice was almost legendary in Stonehaven. My father had loved to sit and listen to her sing as she pottered around the house. He always said if he wasn’t the possessive type, she would have been a star. But he was like most male shifters. If our mother would have let him, I have no doubt my father would had stashed her away. Keeping all of her attention for himself.

  “Hey,” Dominic nudges my arm, snapping me out of my inner monologue.

  “Hey back.” I smile. “Let’s go see my parent’s.”

  With a nod, Dominic falls into sync by my side as we make our way out of the house and into the surrounding woods.

  Tradition is to burn the bodies of the deceased, an unspoken rule in the supernatural world.

  This worked in our favour. Due to the nature of my parent’s deaths. We couldn’t leave anything the humans might come across. If they were to examine the body, it wouldn’t take them long to figure out they were not dealing with an ordinary person.

  And so, we cremated James and Malinda. Their ashes spread out over their land, together for all time. As is custom, a tree is planted, and their names etched into the bark by the family members they leave behind.

  In our case, we chose a willow tree, the one already in situ by our home. Our father would often tell us how he had first spotted his mate, reading under the branches. My mother had loved the willow trees.

  Called them mysterious.

  “You never know what their long vines are hiding.” She would tell us in the softest voice.

  “Or who.” Would be our father’s response, a knowing smile on his face that would turn Malinda into a blushing bride.

  Moving the vines away, I move closer to the trunk of the great tree. Laying the lilies down at the base, then running the tips of my fingers over the scars in the bark.

  You Are One

  James & Malinda

  Tears prick my eyes. I can’t believe I almost missed this. I knew I shouldn’t have stayed away for so long, but the pain crippled me.

  Dominic’s arms wrap around me from behind.

  “Do you think they would have approved of us?” He asks.

  Chuckling a little, I wipe my eyes on my sleeve.

  “Mom would have. Dad, he would have threatened you something rotten. See how easy you were to scare away.
I am his little girl, after all.”

  “I wouldn’t have run.”


  I wouldn’t have run.

  Even as I say the words, I can hear my resolve. Rachael only chuckles at my words. Back then we were much younger, and James was one scary dude when it came to protecting his baby girl.

  Doing my best to keep my heart rate at an even pace, knowing full well that she would catch any missed beat. Even our bond could give me away.

  Dropping my arms from around her waist, I move her slightly to the side, putting me dead in front of her parents’ carving. “I would have stood my ground and told him how much I cherish you. How I would trade all the stars in the night sky for a mere glimpse of your smile.” Turning to watch the emotions play across her face. “I’d have opened my soul to him, only a little. Giving him the chance to see a sliver of the love I have for you. Then when I was sure he understood how far I would go to keep you by my side, I would ask his permission to take you as my bride.” Surprise lights her eyes as she only now takes her gaze from the tree and levels those beautiful ocean eyes on me.

  “Then with James’ permission, I would come to you. And drop to my knee.” As I say the words, I lower myself down. Taking the ring from my pocket. Her breath catches, and I can’t help the emotional shift in the bond. Her own shock and warmth bathes me, urging me to continue.

  Taking her hand in one of my own, I hold the ring at the tip of the correct finger.

  “Rachael Ann Lennox. While in the eyes of our world, we are mated and marked for one another. I can’t help but feel that it’s not enough. I want to mark you in every way possible, so there can be no mistaking in our world or the human one, that you are mine, and I am yours.” I can’t help but smile when I see a possessive flash of gold in her eyes.

  “I kneel before you, and those you love to ask for your hand in marriage. Let me love you and protect you. Spend our lives creating beautiful pups with ocean eyes, hold you until we are nothing but ash. Would you do me this honor and agree to be my wife?”

  For what feels like forever, the world around me freezes. Did I ask her too soon? Maybe she needs more time? I know well and truly fucked up, and I’m prepared to spend the rest of my days begging for her forgiveness.

  Please put me out of my misery, kitten.

  In the next breath, my mate is crying, yes! And launching herself at me. Catching her in my arms, we both fall to the ground in laughter as our joy drowns the bond. Holding her against me, I slip my ring on her finger. Cradling her head in my hands, I seal the deal with a kiss that shows her just how happy she’s made me with three simple letters.


  To tempt his wolf.

  It’s been almost three weeks since Rae returned from her impromptu vacation in the mountains. Considering we had saved her mate, avenged our fallen pack mates and taken responsibility for the Bloodmaw pack. Her sudden departure had most of us scratching our heads. Dominic insisted his mate just needed time alone. Liam and Cam called bullshit, but the Warlock refused to tell us what was really going on. Not seeing a way to force the information from him, we all just waited and continued fulfilling our roles within the pack.

  Her wolf made her way home just in time for the anniversary of our parent’s deaths. Then she and Dominic both disappeared. But at least we knew where they had gone this time. To mom’s willow tree. Just like she does every year.

  They stayed out there for hours while I sat at home with Ben, Jenni, Liam and Cam. The TV was on, but I could tell no one was really watching it. By the time they both turned back up, all the tension within the pack bond was gone. Both Rae and Dominic had massive smiles on their faces, like the last few days hadn’t happened.

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out why the sudden change of mind. Sitting on Rae’s ring finger was a huge engagement ring.

  Jenni went absolutely crazy. Screaming to the point, all the wolves in the house had to cover their ears. She insisted that she and Becca would help with the planning.

  Judging from how everything has gone since that day, the two ladies have done one hell of a job.

  Tomorrow is their wedding rehearsal, and they have invited most of the town. The morning of their wedding, there will be a private hour for the pairing ceremony, and for Rae to officially name Dominic Alpha of the Venus pack. Then their wedding will take place in the afternoon, with the pack and all the humans.

  Including one particular human, I wasn’t thrilled about attending. But it’s not like I can tell Rae or Jenni not to invite the female. I tried that, and they both told me to, “blow it out my ass.” Very charming.

  From the seating arrangements, it looks like Serena has even procured herself a date. Lucky asshole.

  My wolf has been bitcher then usual and I just know the next few days are going to be a huge test of my patience.


  Ready for another adventure with the

  Venus pack? Burning Down Her Secrets.

  Is coming soon <3

  Burning Down Her Secrets

  Some people called me an asshole. A moody bastard. A Beast. Well, if I’m the beast of this story, then Serena is most definitely the Beauty.

  I’m hard, angry, darkness in carnet. She is good, pure, a shining light. Fuck, the woman is only missing a halo and angel wings. And I have no business being near her.

  Try telling my wolf that.

  He’s been obsessed with the small female since the day she literally fell into our arms.

  Now she works at the local diner. I swear she is determined to shatter my control. But I can’t let that happen. Not after the last time. Not when I have this blood on my hands.

  I stick to my guns. I’ve avoided her, dodged her every attempt at trying to speak with me. Hell, I’ve been all out a rude bastard. But no matter what, she doesn’t seem affected by my gruff treatment.

  But it turns out, I can’t keep this particular female at arm’s length any longer. Not when there is a genuine fear in her violet gaze. A fear tainting her mouthwatering sugary scent.

  I’m about to make it my life’s mission to find the threat hunting her. And to show it just what real death feels like.

  It’s time for the predator to become the prey.

  A note from the author

  Thank you so much for reading Rae and Dominic’s story <3 This was my first time writing about a shifter romance and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed creating their story. After reading about male’s in the protecting Alpha roles, I thought it was time to let a female lead the way for a change.

  This is the first of three books in the Venus pack series, be sure to keep a look out for the others to come in 2021.

  If you would like to see other books I’ve written, my first series (Fallen Royals) is available now on Amazon.

  You can stay updated on upcoming releases and future projects by visiting my website Which includes book’s I can recommend and a small baking page for those who like to snack while they read.

  I’m also active on social media. You can find me here

  Again, a huge thank you for reading Scent of Uncertainty.

  All the best, Riley Cross x


  Fallen Royals

  (Fallen Royals, Book 1)

  (Fallen Royals, Book 2)


  (Fallen Royals, Book 3)


  (Fallen Royals, Book 4)


  (Fallen Royals, Book 5) Coming Soon.

  Witch Against Time




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