Book Read Free


Page 39

by Marshall Huffman

  “Rosemary,” he said into the intercom, “Please take care of living arrangements for my guests. I want a guard posted outside of each door. No one is to bother them without my expressed approval or Harry’s.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I have a reception that I need to attend. Sorry for my appearance, I just got out of the pool and was going to dress when all of this came up. You will be in good hands now. I wish I didn’t have to rush off but I really do need to run. See you all in the morning for breakfast. We should talk then. Good night. Doctor Ferris I hope you’re feeling better than you're looking right now,” he stopped and shook hands with Lieutenant Okeefer.

  “That was a very brave thing. Your country is indebted to you for your quick action,” he told him before heading out of the room.



  The doctor had finished checking the two men over and said, “I want you to come along with me. I want x-rays on both of you. I can’t feel any broken bones but ribs are tricky things. Come with me.”

  “I have sent for Margaret. She is on the staff here and will take care of your needs. I know you didn’t have time to get anything from where you were staying so you will need everything I should imagine,” Rosemary said coming in from the side door.

  “Could you send someone over to our hotel and get our things? It would really be difficult to get everything I will want,” Susan asked.

  “I understand. I don’t see why not. We will get you situated first then I’ll dispatch someone to retrieve your luggage,” she said.

  “I guess we shouldn’t have taken off. You had them out of commission; we should have sent for the police,” Marcus lamented.

  “You did the right thing Admiral. You don’t know for sure that they didn’t have a backup team ready to spring into action. No, I think you made the wisest choice under the circumstances. I do have to say, I am grateful that you did come back. I’m not sure what they would have done. The guy seemed pretty desperate when he was slamming me around,” Peter told him.

  “Still. It leaves us totally in the dark. We have no idea who was behind this,” Marcus said.

  “He’s right, Marcus. What if there had been a backup unit. We could all have been taken prisoner or worse yet, be dead. I believe the man was totally serious about taking us out if we did not cooperate. Taking off was the right thing to do if you ask me. Otherwise they could have pulled it off. Once we took off it created a dilemma for them,” Luke said.

  “Listen, if it isn’t too much trouble, I would like to see how Peter is doing,” Susan said, then added, “and the Chief.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll show you the way.”

  Peter was having bandages wrapped around his ribs when she entered the room.

  “Hey killer. You don’t look like you feel so hot,” Susan said upon entering the room.

  “I feel great. Where are those guys? I’m ready to go another round.”

  “Tough guy huh?”

  “Oh yeah. Some tough guy. He almost creamed me. If it weren’t for Marcus, I would be very seriously hurt. I thought if I could just hang on he would give up. Boy when I’m wrong, I’m really wrong.”

  “Hey don’t feel bad. He was a professional. Look at poor Okeefer. He is a heck of a lot bigger than you. I think it was very brave of you to jump in and help him. You could have been even more seriously injured. You aren’t in the killing business like that guy was,” She told him

  “Oh yeah, I was some help alright.”

  “I’ll bet the Lieutenant thinks so. The guy would probably have killed him if you hadn’t jumped on him when you did,” Susan said putting her hand on his arm.

  “Peter do you have any idea who might have been behind this?” she asked.

  “Durance is my best guess. This is his style. He had me picked up for a little ride the last time I was here. He wanted to intimidate me and show me who was really in charge. I wasn’t impressed. Maybe I should have been,” Peter replied, grimacing when the doctor lowered his shirt.

  “Durance did that? You never mentioned anything about it to me,” Susan said surprised.

  “It was really no big deal. He just wanted to establish his power and authority. It wasn’t anything really serious. He didn’t exactly threaten me, at least not directly. It was implied.”

  “Still. You should have told someone. I think the President needs to know about this as well. He would have had someone keep an eye on him and this might not have happened,” Susan told him.

  “You are just worried about me. I’m fine. Let it go. It really wasn’t a big deal. No harm, no foul. I can pretty much take care of myself. Well, maybe it didn’t look like it tonight but usually I can. I’m pretty hard to intimidate,” Peter told her.

  “All right, that should help,” the doctor interrupted when he finished checking Peter over once more, “Nothing is broken but you do have hairline fractures on two of your ribs. You will be quite sore for the next several days, not to mention sporting some really impressive bruises as well. Here are some pain pills, you will need then. Don’t try to be a hero. If it hurts, take them. If it just aches a little, stick to Tylenol. It may be a little difficult to sleep tonight with your ribs taped so I suggest that you take a pill tonight,” the doctor stated.

  “Thanks doctor. This wrap seems more than a little tight,” Peter said, squirming.

  “It has to be. You’ll get used to it by tomorrow. I’ll look in on you in the morning just to see how you’re progressing. I suggest you get to bed soon and try and get some sleep. Take a couple of the pills; they will help you drift off.”

  “Thanks again. How is Lieutenant Okeefer?”

  “His injuries are little more serious. His shoulder took a vicious blow. If it had connected with his head I think it would have caused very serious damage. He has a very deep contusion to his thigh as well. He said you jumped in and saved him from getting further injuries. That was a very brave thing to do,” the physician said.

  “I did what anyone would have done. It was not big deal,” Peter replied.

  “He seems to think it was and he is probably right. You can go now but take it easy.”

  “They have made us some food if you are at all hungry,” Susan said.

  “I am kind of hungry. I guess it would be best to try to eat something. We sure didn’t get much of a meal. Boy Marcus sure can pick 'em.”

  She helped him arrange his shirt after he got off of the table. They looked at each other for a moment.

  “I was so afraid something bad was going to happen to you Peter. I’m proud of you but do not scare me like that again. Okay?” she said looking into his eyes.

  “I had to help the Lieutenant and I wanted to make sure you had a chance to get out to there. I kind of like having you around,” Peter replied.

  “Kind of?”

  “Please, I’m a wounded man. Give me a break,” Peter said, smiling.

  “I had better get the doctor back in here. I’m going to give you a break.”

  “Help, help. Abuse,” he pretended to yell.

  Susan cracked up and then kissed him. It was a long and passionate kiss that lingered. They broke apart at last and she squeezed his hand.

  “We had better go. People will talk,” Susan said finally.

  “For another kiss like that, I can stand having them talk. It would be worth it.”

  “Come on you. Next thing you know you will be trying to get me on the table.”

  “Oooh, good plan, except for the ribs. Not so sure they are up to it right at the moment,” Peter said.

  “Come on macho-man,” she replied and lead him slowly down the hall to where the others were waiting.

  “Hey hero, how are you doing?” Marcus asked.

  “Not so hot. Thanks for coming to the rescue. I think he was getting ready to drop kick my face into next week. I guess I’m not as tough as I thought.”

  “The Navy comes through again,” Marcus said, flexing his muscl
es and striking a pose.

  “You want a sandwich or something,” Luke asked.

  “Yeah. That sounds good. Any Diet Cokes around here?”

  “Got one right here buddy,” Marcus said producing a cold can of soda.

  “So who were those guys?”

  “We have no idea at this point, but the president has pulled out all the stops to find out. What I want to know is what was Okeefer doing here and how did he know we were in danger?”

  “I don’t have the foggiest idea. I guess we had better ask him when they get through with him. The doctor said he was pretty badly injured.”

  “Peter, are you all right? You look pale and clammy,” Susan said touching his face.

  “I don’t feel very well at the moment. I think I should lie down.”

  They got help and walked him to his room. Marcus and Luke helped him undress and get into bed. They had the doctor come and check him over. The doctor told them that this was natural after his injuries and what he really needed was rest. He assured them that Peter would feel better in the morning. They all decided it was time to call it a night.


  - The Pentagon -

  “What do you mean they got away?”

  “Some guy that we didn’t know got the jump on us. He came out of nowhere.”

  “You idiots. A simple little job like this and you couldn’t handle it. Those mean civilians beat up on you, did they? You men are supposed to be the ones doing the beating. This is unacceptable.”

  “Sir. You said they wouldn’t be expecting anything. We made a routine sweep of the area and didn’t detect any surveillance. We don’t have any idea who this guy was or where he came from. One minute we had them under control and then suddenly he comes out of who knows where?”

  “Were any shots fired?”

  “No sir. But as you know, Blair is in pretty bad shape. His leg and collarbone are both broken. The doc said his spleen was ruptured too. The guy who appeared out of nowhere was definitely well trained. Blair is one tough cookie.”

  “Did anyone see or report anything?”

  “Probably. Someone must have seen something. People were starting to get nosy. I came to just as they were driving off. I threw Blair in the back, jumped in the driver’s seat and took off. I could hear sirens coming so I guess we were lucky to get away.”

  “Alright. There is nothing we can do about it now. I want you out of here right now. Go to ground. I’ll have a jet ready in twenty minutes. I want you on it. Don’t go back to get anything. Everything you need we can get later. The last thing we can afford is for you to get picked up. You probably got away safely but we simply can’t take the chance.”

  “What about Blair?”

  “What about him? He is my problem, not yours. You just get your butt ready to travel. We will take care of him. He is obviously not able to travel at the moment.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I have some calls to make. Wait in the other room. I’ll let you know when it is all arranged.”

  When the man had left, he picked up the phone and dialed.


  “They didn’t complete the mission.”

  “I see. Then move on to the backup option. I will prepare orders today. You get your people ready,” the voice said and hung up.



  Peter hardly slept despite the pain pills. He was glad to see the sun come up. That was a rare feeling for him. It took several tries before he found a way to get out of bed and shuffle his way into the bathroom. He noticed that his cheek was bruised. He must have caught an elbow or something. His wrist was very sore as well. He slowly shaved and got dressed. When he opened the door to his room a Marine guard came to attention.


  “Good morning. We are supposed to meet the President for breakfast. Do you know anything about that?”

  “Yes sir. You are to meet at 0700. Sir.”

  “What time is it now? My watch is broken.”

  “0644, Sir.”

  “Well, it will probably take me that long to get there. Can you point me in the right direction?”

  “Sir. I am to escort you there. Please follow me, sir.”

  Peter walked very slowly. He had to stop a couple of times along the way. When he arrived, Luke and Susan were already seated. Marcus was standing up pouring coffee.

  “Hey guy. You look much better this morning. Rather like death warmed over,” Luke joked.

  “Thanks. There is nothing I like better than cheery people in the morning. You happy morning freaks worry me more than the aliens. They have an excuse for being weird but you guys are just plain scary,” Peter said sourly.

  They helped him into his seat and got him a Diet Coke. They continued to make small talk until the Chief of Staff and the President arrived. He greeted them and took his seat. A few minutes later three more men entered the room.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Lester Whittaker, Secretary of Defense; Kelly Rolf, the National Defense Advisor, and General Burr. The General is one of my most trusted friends and he is going to see to it that you get to Pearl without any interference. He has been authorized to use whatever means he deems necessary to assure your safety. He is acting as my personal liaison on your return to Pearl,” the President informed them.

  He continued on, “The delegates have been screened and their luggage thoroughly inspected. No one with any military background has been allowed to accompany you. We vetted each one twice just to make sure we didn’t miss anything. Anyone objecting was sent packing. They will meet you at the airport and you will all depart at 10:00 a.m. The General has arranged an escort of F-16s to accompany you every step of the way. General?”

  “Sir. We have a modified B-1C that will take you all the way to Pearl. It is better outfitted than the last one you rode on. You will be under constant surveillance. An armed escort will pick all of you up at the ramp and take you directly to the sub. These are hand selected people so I expect no trouble. We will depart for the airfield at 0930 hours and I have ordered wheels up by 1015. Are there any questions?”

  “Our personal effects?”

  “The ones that were delivered to your rooms last night will be collected for you and taken to the plane,” he said.

  “Is there a restroom on this plane?”

  “Yes ma’am. No mirror, but a head.”

  “I’ll settle for that,” she said.

  “Let’s eat, shall we,” the President said and immediately food was brought in and served.

  “I suggest you dig in. It will be box lunches and C-rations from here to Pearl,” the General informed them.

  “Peter. May I call you that? The President asked.


  “Good. How are you feeling?”

  “Much better, thank you.”

  “Excellent. And Lieutenant Okeefer? How is he this morning,” Beland inquired.

  “Actually we don’t know. We haven’t seen him since the incident.”

  “Oh? I’ll have someone check on him right away. I do hope he is doing all right. He certainly saved the bacon last night.”

  “Yes sir, he did. He saved us last night for sure,” Marcus said.

  “The President told us what happened. Would you mind going over it once more?” Kelly Rolf asked.

  Marcus told them the same story that he had recalled the past evening. Everyone except Peter, Luke, and Susan stopped eating as he told them of their escape.

  “Any idea as to who it might have been?”

  “Not really. They were just paid goons.”

  “Well I think it was General Durance,” Susan said.

  “And why is that Dr. Long?” Whittaker asked.

  “He abducted Doctor Ferris the last time he was in Washington,” she said.

  “What? You never told me that,” Marcus said.

  “Yes. That’s valuable information,” the President added, “You should have told us. We
could have had the Secret Service shadow you,” the President admonished.

  “It was no big deal. He just wanted to find out where I was coming from. He didn’t seriously threaten me. He sent a guy to fetch me, but the guy did adamantly insist that I get in the car.”

  “What happened?” Marcus asked.

  “He took me someplace outside of Washington, near the Potomac. General Durance met up with us there. He said that he wanted to stress the need for me to be a team player and not withhold information. He insisted on my assurance that I would report accurately and not be biased. It was over in a few minutes. Then he had his man take me back,” Peter said.

  He was very annoyed with Susan for bringing it up at all.

  “You should have reported this to the Admiral immediately. General Durance has no right to try and bully or intimidate civilians,” the President said angrily.

  They ate in silence for some time. Susan could tell that Peter was miffed because she had brought it up but it needed to be divulged. No dumb General was going to push Peter around.

  At last Whittaker spoke up, “If anything like that ever happens again you must let one of us know immediately. You may not see the seriousness of his action but it sends a clear signal to the rest of us in this room. The General has taken it upon himself to direct this operation and believe me, that is not going to happen. Doctor Long was right to bring this to our attention. We have certain protocols and General Durance clearly stepped over the line of acceptability. We simply do not abduct or ‘Invite’ people to go for a ride and a chat.”

  “Alright, if you all think so. I'm sure Admiral Marcus has already told you that Admiral Zoren tried to get us to go to the Pentagon after our initial report to you. Obviously we didn't go. I just didn't see it as a big deal,” Peter said.

  “Yes, Admiral Marcus did tell us about that incident, but that is not quite the same. It was out in the open and you were not ‘invited’ in the same way. While I don’t particularly like it, there is nothing terribly sinister about it. Add that your encounter; however, and it starts to paint a very ugly picture,” the President told Peter.


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