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Deeper Down_A Monster MC LitRPG

Page 2

by MJ Kaltenbrunner

  "Correct. The truth is, I can’t face her on my own. She’s ... actually my sister. That’s not the reason I need help, though. Her powers are at least a match for my own—but I am almost certain she would destroy me in a one-on-one battle. So, I need backup, and a little bit of help to reach the level I need to be. She’s a higher level than all of you, but I think going through this land, and the trek back to where the kobolds are hiding will help a bit. But ... there are several deadly monsters you must fight,” she explained.

  "Deadly monsters? Are there any monsters that aren’t deadly in this dungeon?” Faye asked wryly.

  "Hmm, good point,” Alina said without amusement.

  “What monsters?” asked Kek, eager to know what they might be up against.

  “For instance, the Woodland Serpent. It’s a terrible monster that lives in the lake connecting this land to the desert land, which takes you back to the dungeon where the kobolds are. The serpent is quite strong, but perhaps, with the right equipment and strength, you’ll be okay,” she said.

  Faye and Rita nodded, looking at Kek.

  "You still want to do this, right?” Rita asked.

  "I must, Rita. You two can leave if you want. I don’t want to hold either of you back. I’ll fight on my own if I need to,” he said.

  "Bullshit. You’re not doing this on your own,” Rita said.

  "Yeah. We’re here for you. Even though we don’t trust witchy lady here,” Faye said, pointing a finger to Alina.

  "I don’t expect you guys to. But, I'm a powerful witch, and I have my own reasons. Perhaps you guys can figure out your reasons as well,” she said.

  Kek looked at his HUD, studying the strength and power of Alina.

  STR: 9, DEX: 6, CON: 17, INT: 20, WIS: 22, CHA: 10, LCK: 12

  Judging from the stats she had, she was not only a lot stronger when it came to magic than the party, but she did have the intelligence and wisdom they needed. She was necessary, even if Faye and Rita weren’t too trusting of her. However, the dexterity was something that concerned him.

  "Well, I think we should plan his out accordingly. After all, we are going after a huge enemy,” Kek said.

  "You're all more than welcome to stay the night,” Alina said.

  The three of them appreciated the offer, eating dinner in her home and talking a bit. Apparently, Alina was a wood witch who had lived out here for a long time, ever since Sephy and her had a great fight years ago. Since then, it had been just her on her own, mostly talking with the wood creatures. She also had ties to the goddess Freya, the one deity she worshipped. She did a couple of strange actions around the home, but it made sense when Kek learned this.

  Kek had never believed in deities, but he accepted she was one who did worship them and accepted it as a part of her life. She didn't have it on her class sheet, but he knew some people had their gods and goddesses that they regarded highly. At the end of the night, Alina showed them to their rooms, and both Rita and Faye fell asleep instantly.

  Kek wished he was like that, but his mind raced. He didn’t know what would happen now. Would Alina join them? He wished so. She was alluring to him in ways he could not make sense of in his own mind.

  She sat outside, looking at the forest. She felt a presence nearby, one he knew immediately was her.

  "I see you’re up late,” she said.

  "Can’t sleep,” Kek admitted.

  "You’re worried about moving forward, aren’t you?” she asked.

  "That obvious, huh?”

  "I can tell. You are strong. I can see it, but I know that you lack the charisma to showcase that strength,” she said.

  He turned to her, looking at her with utter surprise.

  "You...can tell?”

  "I can. I have an HUD as well. I figured out how to make the potion forever ago, but I've just never used it,” she said.

  "I’m surprised. I thought Hendrick was the only one who knew,” he said.

  "I don’t think so. A couple of us dabble in dark magic and potions. My entire spell set is dark magic, so I’ve been doing a lot of research on some of the different elements that are out there,” she admitted.

  "I see.”

  "Anyways, you seem worried. I wanted to let you know that it will be okay. And...I wanted to ask if something was okay,” she admitted.

  He looked at her, seeing the blush on her face. "What do you mean?”

  "What I mean is...are you willing to let me tag along?” she asked.

  Kek had known this conversation would come eventually, but he didn’t expect it now.

  "You want to tag along?” he asked.

  "Correct. I’ve been thinking about it. I mean, you’re strong and you seem to know what to do about various elements in life. You have some weakness, as do the rest of your party members, so I believe I'll supplement it,” she said.

  He looked at the lilac-skinned woman, her green eyes intoxicating him. She could see her large breasts, which were barely held down by the dress she wore.

  "I wouldn’t mind that,” he said.

  He struggled to hold back, and the woman smiled, inching closer.

  "Good. I want to come along. Also...I noticed you were tense. Would you like me to take care of that?” she asked.

  She touched the very edge of his loincloth, where his hardened member started to swell. He groaned, and then started to nod.

  "Yes,” he said.

  "Good. I’ll take care of it then,” she said.

  He was surprised at how forward she was. Selina had wanted this as well, but unfortunately, she hadn’t made it. When Alina got between his legs, satisfying him, Kek sat back, groaning in pleasure.

  He guessed this was what the humans enjoyed from these women. He could see why. This woman was an elf, but she had a humanoid structure, and the way she worked her mouth against his shaft made him want nothing more than to just let everything go.

  He felt a groan start to rumble from his body, and soon, Alina pulled back. She pulled the top of her dress down, revealing large, ample breasts. She was completely enthralled, and as she wrapped them against the head of his cock, moving her large orbs up and down, he began to groan.

  He didn’t know how much of this he could take. The feeling of her soft breasts, and her lips against the tip, was enough to drive him completely and utterly mad. After a brief moment, he tensed up, and soon he started to release.

  She swallowed everything, sitting up and looking at him with a smile on her face.

  "You taste pretty good. Looks like my spell worked,” she said.

  Kek looked at her with a surprised glance. "What are you talking about?”

  "Oh, I just used a small aphrodisiac in your soup. I wanted to make sure I made my claim to your body before I joined. Of course, I am willing to share if the other two want to have some fun,” she said.

  He was shocked that this woman had the gall to do this. She was cunning, that was for sure, albeit not as charismatic as he expected. She was a witch, but dammit she was hot.

  "You’re still coming with us though..right?” he asked.

  "Course. I want my revenge,” she said.

  "Good,” he replied.

  The two of them sat outside for a while and talked. Apparently, the path to the dessert would be a trek, but they’d make it. Kek had a good feeling about this, and he knew that with Alina by their side, it would be a great journey. But what he didn’t know, was that this was just the beginning of the relationship between Alina, himself, and everyone else.

  He went to bed that night alone, wondering what would happen tomorrow with everyone. They were certainly going to be on quite the adventure, and Alina seemed hell-bent on coming along.

  Hopefully this would be okay.


  When Kek woke up the next morning, he saw Rita and Faye hovering over him. She jumped back, his dexterity enough to get into position.

  "What are you two doing?” he asked.

  "We came to check in on you,” Rita said.

>   "We totally saw what happened between you and Alina last night,” Faye said.

  Fuck. They totally did see. Kek knew this wasn’t going to be good, but he needed to figure out a way to avoid drama.

  "Nothing happened.”

  "You’re a bad liar, Kek,” Rita said.

  Crap, he knew he was in trouble. He tried to weasel his way out of this.

  "I’m sorry, it’s just...Alina wanted to see me,” he said.

  "You know it’s dangerous,” Rita said.

  He did. It wasn’t like him to actually trust someone like this. What had this woman done to him?

  "I know. It’s just...there’s something about her,” he said.

  "You’ve got it pretty bad, lover boy,” Faye said, annoyance present on her face.

  "Well why do you care so much about it?” Kek said.

  "Because I'm a part of the journey! You should know by now that I care about the future of our group. Idiot,” she said.

  Kek smiled at her. He knew that she cared a lot, even though he hated to admit it. He sighed.

  "I’m sorry. I’ll keep my guard up,” he said.

  "Or if you’re going to do that shit, at least let us know, and not with a girl you just met,” Rita said.

  It was obvious from the venom in her voice that she was pissed. He didn’t know what else to say to her, other than the fact that he was sorry. It bothered him she was like this.

  But Kek knew the journey was more important. He got up, and got himself ready. He found an iron dagger, something that he’d be able to wield because of his last level up. He swiped it, holding onto it on his back and then headed outside to where Alina was.

  Alina wasn’t in the robes she was in yesterday, but instead a travel cloak, one that hid her curves but was more suited for moving about. Kek was slightly disappointed that she looked like that, but oh well.

  "You ready to head on out?” she asked.

  "Born ready,” Kek said.

  The other two seemed annoyed, but Kek imagined it would be rectified soon enough. They walked down the path, with Alina at the forefront. However, Faye had an eye on other elements that were going on. She didn’t like the look of everything, and had a frown on her face.

  "What’s wrong?” Kek asked.

  "You know what’s wrong.”

  "Come on, let’s just trust her,” he said.

  "Yeah well, it’s obvious her goal is to get into your pants,” Rita said.

  He could tell she was still annoyed, but they had to focus on the journey. They went down the path, following each direction until they managed to get to a bridge. However, when they got there, there wasn’t any way across it.

  "I thought this was the way out of here?” Kek asked.

  "It is, but someone destroyed the bridge. I may have to use magic to fix this,” she said.

  "No. I’ll fix this,” Rita said.

  Kek looked at her, and soon, she got her body ready against a tree that was nearby. She used all of her force to hit it, causing the giant tree to topple down. However, her balance wasn’t that good, and she soon looked a bit dizzy.

  Kek ran over, catching her before she fell to the ground. She looked at him, blushing and then turning away.

  "I can handle myself, you know.”

  "Come on, I could tell you needed the help,” he said to her.

  She looked at him with annoyance, but then she moved back, sighing.

  "There we go, a way across,” she said.

  It wasn’t the best option, but it had to work. She had enough strength to do that, and it was obvious she’d wanted to show off in front of Alina. However, the witch didn’t say a word. She simply followed everyone gracefully. Rita looked at her with annoyance, but she followed.

  The path was treacherous, but they persevered. Rita continued on, awkwardly ambling about and moving at a decent pace. She then moved to the edge of it, crossing about. Luckily, her dexterity was enough to get her over the edge.

  Then, it was Alina’s turn. She began to walk, but Kek noticed it immediately. Her dexterity was low. She hobbled about, trying her hardest to get to the other side. She struggled, and Kek knew she may not make it. He walked over, using his strength as a Kobold and grasping her.

  "What are you--”

  "Saving you. You’re not going to make it otherwise,” he explained.

  She blushed, but accepted his advances. Kek knew that this probably would create more drama between himself and all of the girls, and he saw the look of disdain on Faye’s face, but as they got to the other side, nothing was said. They dropped it thankfully.

  "There we go. Now we can--”

  a scream of terror began to flood through the area, and immediately, Kek whipped his head around. There was another creature here, a lizard that almost looked like a tiny dragon, but it wasn’t.

  "A woodwin” Alina said.

  "What the hell is that?” Kek asked.

  "It’s one of the lizard species here in the forest. We have to act quickly, or it’s going to kill all of us,” Alina said.

  Kek got ready for battle, and although Faye and Rita were a bit upset, they decided to join in. After all, this was the fight for their life that they had to face, and they needed to act fast.


  The first thing Kek noticed was the fact that the lizard had a very long tongue. It extended it, nearly hitting Kek, but he danced back. He looked over at Rita and Faye, who were both trying to figure out a means to attack it.

  "I can’t get close. Its tongue is too long,” Rita said.

  It was then that Kek got the HUD out, looking at the stats.

  Race: Woodwin

  Level: 4

  HP: 20

  Stats: STR: 15, DEX: 17, CON 14, INT 5, WIS 7, CHA 3, LCK 6

  Again, this was another incredibly strong enemy and fast, but wasn’t all that smart.

  "Look at your HUD! You can see the stats,” Kek said.

  But he was too far away from Rita and Faye, who were all trying to dodge the attacks. Meanwhile Alina was in the corner, trying to cast a spell, but the lizard hit her with a tongue attack, and since her dexterity wasn’t that good, she fell down to the ground, paralyzed.

  "Crap, I can’t move!” she cried out.

  Kek needed to do something. He had the iron dagger in his hands. He knew the lizard was strong. The only thing he could do, was to grab it, hold it, and hope that one of the girls could use their magic to save them.

  "I have a plan!” he said.

  "What plan?” Faye said.

  "When I give you the signal, I want you to cast the fairy spell that can shock this guy,” he told Faye.

  "But I don't want to hurt you!”

  "Don’t worry about me. I’ve got this,” he said.

  Kek was putting all of his stock in his dexterity. Would it be okay? Would he be able to make it? He hoped so, but he wasn’t totally sure.

  He looked at her, seeing the worry in her eyes. He knew they had some issues to work out, the petty jealousy being one of them, but for now, Kek just needed her to trust him, to believe in him, and Kek just wanted this all to work out.

  "Just trust me!”

  He knew this would either fare well, or terribly. He didn’t have the best of luck, but he hoped that his stats would prove to just be stats and not a reflection of this battle.

  The lizard’s tongue was getting closer and closer to Kek. He knew he had to time this right, lest he lose everything. He watched as the lizard got closer and closer, and that’s when he did it.

  He extended his hands, using his dexterity to his advantage. He grasped the tongue, but the problem was, the creature had a high dexterity as well, and soon, he was practically being dragged and thrown around like a bull rider at a rodeo. He flailed about, holding onto the tongue for dear life, looking at Faye.

  "Now would be a great time for you to use that spell!”

  "Hold your horses, I'm trying!” she snapped back.

  Kek didn’t know how much of this he could t
ake. He continued to hold on for dear life, praying that she got the spell together soon. He didn’t know how much of this he could handle, and it made him worry about whatever was going to happen next. He felt like all of the energy that he had was slowly drifting away, but then, he heard it.

  "Fairy Bolt!” she cried out.

  A long streak of electricity came darting to Kek. He let go, feeling a slight shock from the little remainder of touch his hands had on the lizard. But the lizard was shocked to death, writhing on the ground in agony before finally going still.

  "Holy shit we did it,” Kek said.

  "Well it was mostly you and me. Rita here was far from helpful, and it seems like Alina does have a weakness after all,” Faye said.

  The sorceress finally managed to move after a brief moment, wiping her hands on her robes. She looked at all of them, blushing.

  "Sorry. I only have one weakness, and I guess it showed through when it all went down,” she explained.

  Kek nodded. "We all have weaknesses. That’s why we compensate for them with other party members,” he explained.

  "Yeah well, I was just doing it to save myself, not any of you,” Faye said.

  Kek laughed and rolled his eyes. Alina looked at Faye with a glowering glare. Kek could tell the sorceress hated being one-upped like that. He was surprised at how she’d managed to take all of this, though. She did have power, but she certainly wasn’t perfect.

  Rita however, felt bad.

  "I’m sorry I couldn't step in. That lizard was just too fast,” she said.

  "It’s okay. You got us across. So I do have you to thank for that,” he said.

  She smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  "You know, for a kobold that thinks with his dick a lot, you’re pretty great,” Rita said.

  The other two women seemed a bit jealous, but Kek didn’t mind the attention. He had known it was coming, and after he skinned the lizard and grabbed the meat to put in his bag, he looked forward.

  "We have a lot of land to cross, don’t we?” he asked Alina.

  "Correct. We still have the mountains, and then we will get to the guardian. From there, there’s the desert, and then we have the entrance to the dungeon once more,” she said.


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