Book Read Free

Seeking Our Forever

Page 11

by Liberty Parker

  “So that’s what all the fuss is about,” I murmur once I can breathe again. “All the books I’ve read said it was good, they didn’t say it would be earth-shattering.” I hear him chuckle at my words.

  “We’re not done yet, baby,” he states, moving up my body so that his cock is now pressed against my core. “You ready for more?” Umm...yes please.

  Suddenly, all I want is him filling me up while he pounds me into another of those delectable orgasms. “Yeah,” I state, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him down for a kiss.

  He slowly enters me, and I can feel the stretch and burn, as my body adjusts to accommodate his size and girth. Once he’s fully seated, he begins to move. Slow and steady, he maintains eye contact, shifting from my face to where we’re connected. “So fucking hot,” he states, looking at where we’re connected. “So fucking tight, and so fucking mine.” When he declares this, something inside of me screams out, yes!

  Once again, I’m rendered speechless as he reaches between us and circles my clit with his thumb. “You gonna come for me again, Raven?” he asks, his hips picking up speed.

  “I-I think so.” Hell, this will be another first if I do, that’s for damn sure. But I’m loving that these firsts are with him.

  “Yeah, you are, I can feel your pussy fluttering around my dick, baby.” His dirty talk has my libido purring in desire and need. He presses more firmly on my clit and I detonate, squeezing his cock as my back arches and I close my eyes with the pleasure he’s evoked in me.

  Three thrusts later and he’s calling out my name as he releases deep inside of me. My eyes close and a smile plasters my face as sleep takes me over.



  I can’t wipe the smile off my face and the desire to pound on my chest as I notice that our lovemaking has caused her to fall into a blissful sleep. Using this opportunity to admire her in her sleep, I’m pulled out of it as I feel something leaking onto my balls. “Shit,” I hiss under my breath. I’ve never gone ungloved. Ever. I’m a firm believer in no cover, no lover, so to see the evidence of our passion soaking the sheets and us, has me wondering what kind of spell this siren has cast on me. Deciding to let her sleep, I carefully extricate myself from her arms, go into the bathroom and clean up and then get a warm cloth to take care of her.

  She’s so exhausted, I’m able to clean her up and cover her with the blanket, without her so much as stirring. Placing a kiss on her forehead, I quickly dress and leave the room, being sure to close the door behind me. I check on Damien and grin when I see him asleep on his bed, Scooby lying there with his head on the pillow. He raises his head and I give him a look because we’ve been training him to sleep on the floor where his doggy bed is at. He thumps his tail but doesn’t move and I finally give in. Damien has had a bit of a hard time sleeping and if having the damn dog on his bed keeps him from having the nightmares he’s been waking us up with, it’s a small thing in the grand scheme of things. Once satisfied that he is okay, I leave the upper level of the house and head down to make sure Atticus and Piper’s temporary room has all of the equipment and supplies they’ll need while being in there.

  Satisfied everything is in place, I head to the batcave to ponder Raven’s words about Sinclair and wanting to move forward. I talked with both of my brothers about how to handle Sinclair’s body being discovered, and all three of us agree that it needs to be an anonymous email. One that’s untraceable, something I happen to specialize in. Writing a statement up, I send it to Chief, knowing that he opens all of his daily emails every morning when he steps into his office.

  To Whom It May Concern:

  You can find the body of Sinclair Robenstein in the cemetery. He is buried on top of Curley Thomason’s remains. You may want to check into his known association with Marcus Welch, Sr. as well as his son, Marcus Welch, Jr.

  * * *


  A concerned citizen.

  * * *

  There, that should do the trick. A satisfied smirk comes across my face when I think about the officers digging to uncover not just one, but two bodies in that grave. Robenstein isn’t the only one we’ve disposed of there. Curley’s grave unfortunately was freshly dug and made for an easy cover up. May his poor soul rest in peace with the eviction of the two unwanted bodies residing with him. The body we buried with Sinclair was that of a child molester that Silas happened upon around the same time we took care of Sinclair. Silas actually walked in on a grown ass motherfucker trying to rape a young boy while he was on a job. Two bricks, one stone and all that bullshit, and a pedophile and a waste of space are taken care of. We washed our hands of them and never thought about them again...except for when Robenstein’s associates came back to bite us in the ass.

  I can’t be angry about that though, because it brought Raven and Damien into my life.

  * * *

  Two hours later

  * * *

  The ambulance has shown with Piper. “Our package is here,” I playfully holler out as I stroll out the front door. Piper gives me a wide smile letting me know my playful manner is appreciated. “How’s our girl doing?” I ask her. When the doctor finally came out the day that Piper and Damien were so badly hurt, and listed her injuries, my jaw hit the floor. She had a broken collar bone, sprained wrist, broken ankle, and a concussion. Thankfully, the baby was safe and sound and not affected by the wreck whatsoever.

  “I’m happy to be home,” she answers me with a beaming smile. Atticus is mumbling something under his breath about the transport she’s received. He wants to carry her in the house, and they’ve refused which has him biting everyone’s heads off.

  “I see your man isn’t of the same frame of mind,” I laugh all while receiving the middle finger from my brother.

  “Fuck off, Jonas. These two are morons who keep bumping her gurney into every little bump they can find.” He points his fingers at Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. He gives them fuck off looks and one of them actually rolls his eyes at Atticus. He for some reason must have a death wish.

  “Sir, she’s fine,” one of them says as they maneuver into the house. I watch as Atticus reaches behind him, likely for his gun, and I give Silas a nod. We cannot have Atticus shooting innocent people. Silas rushes behind him and places his hand over Atticus’ stopping him from pulling the gun to where it can be seen.

  “Atticus, calm the fuck down,” Silas commands. “She’s fine.”

  “Roughrider, you’re giving me anxiety over here. They are doing their jobs and I’m not feeling any pain or any of these so-called bumps you’re speaking of,” Piper slurs and I just now realize her pupils are dilated and her smile is more about feeling nothing than my jokes. If I wasn’t so secure with myself my chest would deflate, and I’d feel a bit unmanned.

  “If you’ll move back, we’ll transfer her to the bed,” dumbass two says. We all step back, with Silas and I holding onto Atticus’ forearms. I hate to tell him this, but he’s growling and sounds like a grizzly bear with rabies. Once they have her adjusted, dumbass one, the guy with a death wish, hands a tablet to Atticus and motions for a signature. Guess he’s figured out that talking around Atticus might not be the wisest choice.

  “God, it feels good to be home,” Piper states. “Now, where’s Damien? I need to see that little man.”

  “He was upstairs napping, I’ll check and see if his eyes are open yet,” I state. Then I can check on Raven as well. Two birds, one stone and all that shit. Once upstairs, I look in Damien’s room only to see that neither he nor Scooby are anywhere to be found. I check the normal spots a kid would hide— under the bed, in the closet, behind the door— only he’s not there. Trying not to panic, I head down to Raven’s room on the off-chance he woke up and wanted his mom. When I get to the door, I hear his voice and peek in to see them curled up together, foreheads pressed together, talking quietly. Scooby is lying at the foot of the bed. I notice that she’s got clothes on, which is a good thing because when I left,
she was bare-ass naked. We don’t need little eyes seeing what they shouldn’t see and I’m pretty sure she’s not ready for that talk with him yet. He’s only five, after all.

  “Hey, Piper’s home and she wants to see Damien,” I say when there’s a break in the conversation. Both of their heads turn in my direction and my heart leaps when they both shoot smiles at me.

  “She’s home?” Damien asks. “I’m so glad! I didn’t like that I couldn’t go see her in the hospital.” The pout he gives us has me hiding a grin. We made the decision not to let him see her in the state she was in. It made me feel good that Raven included me in making that decision. It was in that moment that it hit me in the feels that those two are really mine. Being included in decisions regarding Damien made me want to sing a melody like they do in those girly movies.

  * * *


  * * *

  When Jonas enters the bedroom, my heart leaps in my chest and butterflies dance in my tummy. I can’t believe that out of all the women in this town he’s chosen me to be with. It’s not that I surmise I’m not pretty in my own way, it’s that I’m not modelesque and he’s hot as hell. I’d envision him with a beauty queen on his arm, one who’s as fit and in shape as he is. Thinking about his sculpted abs, my eyes travel over his shirt-covered torso. When he calls me beautiful, the look he gives me helps boost my self-confidence. He doesn’t treat me like I’m less than which has done wonders as well.

  “Okay, little man,” I grab Damien’s attention. “Miss Piper wants to see you, let’s hop up and go say hi.” He does a little upper body dance before hopping up and waiting impatiently for me to join him. He reaches over and grabs my hand and I let him believe his strength is what pulls me up from the mattress. “Wow! You sure have gotten strong there. What are you doing, eating spinach when I’m not looking?” I tease him.

  “Momma! Spinach is nasty. Eww,” he sticks out his tongue while scrunching up his face in disgust. I have made him try everything once. He doesn’t seem to care for most green veggies unless it’s green beans. But you put carrots in front of him and he’ll eat them all in one mouthful. “C’mon, Momma. I’m ready to see Miss Piper!”

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” I trail after him as he runs through the doorway.

  “That sounds familiar coming out of your mouth,” Jonas surprises me by coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Ha-ha, very funny.” I turn my head and stick my tongue out at him. He leans down and nips my tongue causing me to jump. “Nasty, Jonas.”

  “I happen to think otherwise.” He pats me on the ass with a wink directed at me.

  “You would,” I reach back and pinch his side.

  “Only with you, beautiful.” He grabs my hips and shuffles me to his side. When his arm goes over my shoulders and pulls me to him, I melt. This is what I’ve been missing in all of my adult life and relationships. I didn’t understand the way a man was supposed to treat a woman until Jonas showed me. When we make it down to where Piper is, I notice that Damien is already in bed with her and has crawled up in her lap. They are talking much like the way he and I were earlier.

  “How’s Scooby’s training?” Piper asks Damien.

  “He’s doing good! He hasn’t had any accidents and only chewed one boot so far!” He’s so proud of the fact that none of his things have been destroyed.

  “Fucking dog,” Atticus mutters. “Good thing I like you, kid. Otherwise, that mutt would’ve been roadkill.” Damien gasps in horror when Atticus finishes speaking.

  “Atticus!” Piper exclaims. “You can’t say that kind of stuff to a kid! He’s just kidding, Damien.”

  I hear Atticus whisper, “The fuck I was,” and have to hold back my laughter.

  “Atticus, I told you I’d replace the boots,” I remind him.

  “Not necessary. Damien and I have worked out a trade. He’s polishing all of my shoes and boots.”

  “And I’m building muscles,” Damien cries, flexing his arms. His actions cause a ruckus amongst all of the adults. I’m cracking up so hard, my stomach aches and I’m bent nearly in half.

  “When does the nurse show up?” Destiny questions Piper and Atticus.

  “She’s due to show up in an hour,” Atticus informs us. “Y’all all need to leave so she can get some shut-eye. Plus, other than the kid and the dog,” he sneers in Scooby’s direction, “y’all are all on my last nerve.” I find his statement about Scooby funny given that he chewed one of his boots, but whatever.

  “I’ll get dinner started,” Destiny says.

  “I’ll come help,” I reply. “C’mon, Damien, you can help us too.”

  “I can work the can opener, I’m really good at that,” he proudly states.

  “Then that’s what you’ll do,” Destiny agrees. He nods his head so rapidly he reminds me of one of those bobble head dolls.

  “Come on, can boy, I’ll help ya,” Jonas tells him, grabbing his hand and escorting him to the kitchen.

  * * *

  Two days later

  * * *

  There’s a knock at the front door, and since I was vacuuming right here, I go ahead and answer. When I pull the door open, I’m surprised to see two men in suits with badges on their belts, which they’ve made sure I see. “May I help you, gentlemen?” I ask, already knowing these two are going to be jackasses by their postures.

  “We’re looking for a Mrs. Robenstein,” the first cop raises his chin in the air as he announces this. Hmm...I think in my head I’m gonna call them jackass one and jackass two because they sure do remind me of the donkeys my grandmother used to have on her farm.

  “You’ve found her. What can I help you with?” Just then I feel Jonas come up behind me and place his front where it’s plastered to my back.

  “We need to speak with you about your husband, Sinclair Robenstein,” Jackass Two replies.

  “What about him? I haven’t seen or heard from him in months. The last I knew he left for a business trip,” I state.

  “We’re sorry to inform you but your husband has been found deceased,” Jackass One says.

  “He’s dead? Oh my God. When? How?” I wonder if I could win an award for this performance, or if it’s a little over the top? When I feel Jonas’ hands squeeze my hips I know it’s time to stop laying it on so thick.

  “It took us some time to inform you of his demise. He is still being autopsied, but we were finally able to identify him from his dental records.”

  “When will I be able to bury him?” I question the two asses.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know how he died first?” The second fucker asks me with his eyebrows raised at me like I’m the one who killed him.

  “I presumed that since he was still being autopsied, you wouldn’t be aware of how he died yet. Is that not an accurate assumption?” My smart mouth is out to play. These two have sparked something inside of me that I can’t seem to hold back.

  “Ma’am, we also have some questions regarding your husband’s, shall I say, extracurricular activities.” I don’t think I consider what he was doing to be as they are stating. I want to smack the shit out of them. At the same time, I need to act as if I have no idea what they’re talking about.

  “Can you expand on what it is you’re talking about? My husband’s a businessman, he didn’t do anything ‘extracurricular’ that I’m aware of, sirs.” Now my hands are firmly planted on my hips with one side cocked. I can feel Jonas’ body shaking, and I know he’s chuckling quietly behind me.

  “We’d prefer to discuss this downtown. You may know something about his dealings, but be unaware that you do.”

  “Unless you’ve got a warrant, she’s not going anywhere with you. You notified her of her husband’s death. Give her the information she needs to know so she can make the final arrangements once the coroner has released his body,” Jonas states, his voice firm and unyielding. Take that, assholes! I’ve got a badass at my back and he’s not gonna let y’all fuck with me.r />
  “Here, any further contact you need with Mrs. Robenstein, you can go through our attorney.” Silas comes from behind us and holds out a business card. Once they take it, he stands next to me, his arms crossed over his chest. “You may leave now,” he narrows his eyes at them when one goes to open his mouth and say something in return. Deciding that they’ve met their match, they turn and walk back down the walkway to their car.

  “Well, that was fun,” I state rolling my eyes.

  “Those two may be trouble,” Jonas announces.

  “Agreed, we need to keep our eyes on them.” With that said, Silas leaves Jonas and I standing there watching them drive away.

  “You really think they’ll be trouble?” I ask Jonas.

  “Without a doubt,” he answers. With that out of the way, I lean up and kiss him under his jaw and get back to my house cleaning. I need something to keep my mind occupied and off that fact that I really don’t look well in orange or black stripes.



  Two months later

  * * *

  Piper has made leaps and bounds in her recovery. Raven and I spend almost day and night on the computer trying to track down the make and model of the car from the paint transfer that was found on Raven’s car.

  “It shouldn’t be this fucking hard,” I mutter in frustration.

  “Jonas? Aren’t there cameras we can access or something?” Raven questions. Well, fuck me running, they just installed new equipment in that area. There’s not only CCTV cams that are on the stop lights, but there’s also a bank ATM across the damn street.

  “Hang on, beautiful, I think you may have given me a solution to our problem,” I state, my fingers flying over the keyboard so I can access the cameras I know the school security system uses. Once I get in, I input the date, time and location of the hit and run, then begin running the program.


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