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Page 9

by Bryce Oakley

  The album had more of her bare soul inside of it than anything she'd ever done, and to feel that warmth radiating from its reception brought tears to her eyes.

  Meg glanced sideways at her, tears in her own eyes. "Aw, baby," Meg said, hugging Zoey tightly and kissing her cheek.

  The house lights changed from stage lighting to venue lighting, signalling the start of the party, Domino leapt off the stage — an unorthodox exit, but Domino was nothing if not unorthodox — and Meg and Billie walked to the side of the stage in order to take the stairs down into the party.

  Zoey glanced sideways to the opposite direction of where Billie and Meg had left over to where Pia had been hidden, but she didn't see her standing there.

  She couldn't help herself. She walked that direction anyway.

  "Zoey, come down here already," someone yelled from the crowd, and Zoey gave a small wave towards the area she heard it.

  "Be right there," she called out before disappearing behind the curtain.

  Pia wasn't there anymore.

  Zoey walked to the edge of the curtains, looking back and forth to see If Pia had simply relocated, but there was no sign of her.

  Trying to shrug off her disappointment, she walked towards the door that would lead her into the main part of the venue. In the dark, she barely saw the figure reach out to grab her around the waist and pull her into a secluded area.

  She almost cried out before realizing by the touch and the smell of citrus body wash that it was Pia holding her.

  "You were perfection," Pia's soft voice said in her ear.

  "Thanks," Zoey said, her heart pounding in her temples.

  She wanted to lean in for a secret makeout session, but she stopped herself.

  She was becoming dangerously fond of Pia, and she couldn't break one of her own ground rules, getting caught up in feelings and thinking that it was more than it was.

  Instead, she took a tiny step backwards as if that would put the necessary distance between them. "How did you get over here?" Zoey asked.

  "Stef is one of my good friends," Pia said.


  "The manager," Pia explained.

  Zoey nodded. "Friends in high places, I see," she teased.

  "Just like you," Pia said, again taking Zoey in her arms.

  Zoey tried to resist whatever force was drawing her to Pia — both physically and emotionally. God, even just Pia's touch drove her crazy.

  "Do you want a drink?" Zoey asked, pointing towards the main venue area.

  Pia stilled, her hands no longer exploring the curve of Zoey's hips. "Uh, sure," she said.

  "Cool, I'll go out first," Zoey said, turning and hurrying away.

  She was being an asshole, especially when Pia had been so supportive as to come to the release party, but she was also a little too desperate to just leave the whole party to go home with Pia.

  And that was not what friends did.

  Sure, she had driven over to Pia's house late at night a few times in the past week, but that was what they were. Just friends who sometimes made each other feel good. No strings. Nothing more.

  If it was more, that meant she had some soul-searching and reflection to do, and who had time for that? So, no, there was nothing more.

  She pushed through the heavy door, breathing a sigh of relief as she walked into the venue, full of cocktail tables, waiters carrying trays of champagne, and friendly faces excited to see her.

  She saw her parents, her mother holding her purse tightly to her chest as her father sipped at a beer. It wasn't their scene, but they were trying. She made her way over to them, grabbing a flute of champagne on her way.

  "Mom, Dad, what'd you think?" She asked as they exchanged hugs.

  "It was so loud," Mom said.

  Zoey nodded. "Yeah, kind of how these live music things go," she said.

  "I liked those girls who came out to sing with you," Dad said.

  "Yeah, they're fantastic. We're big fans of them," Zoey said, downing half of her glass in one large gulp.

  Just like always, it was like pulling teeth to have a nice conversation with her parents.

  "Zoey, fantastic job," someone said behind her, and she turned to find Pia looking radiant in the soft lighting of the party.

  "Pia Marino?" Mom asked, looking completely starstruck.

  "Guilty as charged," Pia said, laying the charm on so thick that Zoey nearly laughed.

  "Pia, these are my parents. Greg and Donna. Mom, Dad, this is Pia Marino, my friend," Zoey said.

  "I watch your show every day," Mom said, positively gushing. She had taken Pia's hand and was holding on for dear life.

  Pia was smiling warmly. It wasn't even a fake smile. She looked genuinely pleased. "I'm so grateful for that, Donna," she said. "I couldn't do it without you."

  "Mom, don't break her wrist," Zoey said, watching the exchange with confusion.

  "Oh my gosh, Karen and Pat are never going to believe I met you. Can we take a picture?" Mom said, taking her phone out of her purse.

  "Of course," Pia said.

  "Honey, take our picture," Mom said, shoving her phone into Zoey's hands. "Use the flash."

  "I know how to use a phone, Ma," Zoey said, reverting straight into her angsty teenage years.

  Dad leaned into the picture, and before Zoey knew it, she was taking a picture of her parents with Pia.

  They had come to her release party and were taking photos with Pia.

  Fucking classic.

  "Wait, Zo, get in here," Pia said, waving an arm. "We can take a selfie."

  Zoey nearly objected, but Pia looked so earnest in her request. Also, she thought it may be necessary to get between her mother and Pia. Pia took the phone and angled her body, tucking Zoey into her chest with Zoey's mother beside her and Dad in the back. She extended her arm, fitting the four of them in the shot.

  "Thank you so much. I'm texting it to the girls right now," Mom said, looking down at her phone.

  Zoey held her tongue, replacing her empty champagne flute on a tray as another waiter came by.

  "Zo, I came to grab you because Micah was asking for you," Pia explained, giving a wave to her parents as she took Zoey by the elbow.

  She led Zoey away from her parents and through the crowd.

  "Where's Micah?" Zoey asked.

  "Oh, I was just saying that because it looked like you needed a break from Greg and Donna," Pia said, shrugging.

  "I could kiss you right now, you evil genius," Zoey said quietly, grinning.

  "I mean, I've kissed you in much more crowded spots than this," Pia said, leaning forward as though she was going to take Zoey up on the offer.

  "Don't you even dare," Zoey said, shaking her head.

  "Your parents are delightful, by the way." Pia said with a smirk.

  Zoey rolled her eyes. "I got out of Omaha the second I could. We’ve never been close, and being the biracial daughter of a perfectionist couple set us up for some... difficult moments in terms of understanding one another," she said.

  "Ah, makes sense," Pia said, nodding. "Omaha does have great music, though."

  "Where do you think I learned to play?" Zoey said with a raised eyebrow.

  "Zoey," Sabrina called out. She noticed Pia and gave her a tight hug. "Hi. So glad you could come."

  Pia looked surprised, but not offended. "Thanks," she said.

  "You're needed for a cake photo op thing," Sabrina said, grabbing Zoey's arm.

  "See you later?" Pia asked, her voice barely audible.

  "If you're lucky," Zoey said before being pulled back into the crowd.

  Zoey sat on the couch in her living room, her feet kicked up on the wall next to Freya's painting. The velvet flared pants she had worn at the party were pushed down around her hips, but she hadn't been able to get them off before landing on the couch.

  She flipped through her phone. A selfie she had taken with Archer, the flight attendant from Pia’s plane, popped up in her tagged photos on Instagram with
the caption, “Proud of my girl for this killer album!”

  My girl? Zoey rolled her eyes, but liked it anyway and commented a heart emoji.

  She had a little too much to drink at the release party, then she had received a ride back to her house. She had walked in the door, kicking off her heeled boots as she texted Pia.

  Zoey: Come over?

  Pia: I've never been to your house. Send me the address.

  Zoey sent her the address and waited.

  Pia showed up 45 minutes later and Zoey had made it to the door, but leaned against the doorway once the room started to spin.

  "You made it," Zoey said, with only a very, very tiny hint of a slur.

  Pia gave her one look from head to toe. "Oh, I see what's going on here," she said, laughing.

  "Hell yes," Zoey said, trying her best to pull Pia inside.

  "Come on," Pia said, wrapping an arm under Zoey's arms to lead her to the bedroom.

  Zoey could walk perfectly well on her own — ish — but when she got to the bedroom, the only thing she wanted was to flop down on the bed. Pia helped her take off her pants and body suit — which was, in Pia's very rude opinion, "the least sexy item of clothing a woman could wear." Pia left the room and came back with a glass of water and a few pain killers, which she made Zoey take immediately.

  "Okay, I think you're all set," Pia said, looking as though she was going to leave.

  Zoey reached for her, a wave of panic coming over her at the thought of Pia leaving. "No, stay," she said.

  Pia stared down at Zoey for a long while. "I'll stay, but you're not getting any until you sober up enough to remember it, at least," she said with a smile. "Do you want me to sleep on the couch?"

  "What? No. Don't be silly. Here," Zoey said, smacking the bed next to her.

  Pia took off her jeans and climbed into the bed beside Zoey. Zoey snuggled up to her. "Do you want to be the big or the little spoon? I don't mind if you want to be the little spoon. I will big spoon the hell out of you," Zoey said, wrapping an arm around her middle.

  Pia laughed, running a hand through Zoey's hair. "How about I start as the big spoon and then you can feel free to switch whenever," she said.

  Zoey nodded. "Very diplomatic," she said, turning onto her side to fit her back into Pia.

  Pia wrapped an arm around her, and she was cocooned in warmth.

  "That was such a fun party," Zoey said.

  "Mmhmm," Pia murmured.

  "My parents already like you," Zoey continued.

  Pia was quiet for a moment. "Mmhmm," she said, conflicting emotions of warmth and fear beginning to war within her — Zoey was talking long-term...

  "My mom doesn't like anything, but she likes you," Zoey said.

  Pia shushed her, wrapping her other arm under Zoey's neck. "Just sleep now. Don't worry about any of that," she said.

  "I'm sorry I drank a little bit."

  "Don't be sorry. It was a party."

  "I'm so glad you came over," Zoey said.

  "Me too," Pia whispered. "Now hush and go to sleep."

  Zoey awoke to the mouthwatering smell of breakfast. Something sweet... pancakes? And something savory... definitely bacon. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was in her own home, thank God.

  She took stock of her hangover: she didn't feel sick to her stomach, but she had a slight headache. Overall, not as terrible as she could have been.

  She reached for her phone, but it wasn't on her nightstand.

  She grabbed a sweatshirt from the back of the door and walked into the great room to find the source of the delicious smells.

  Pia was standing in the kitchen, wearing an apron as she danced to silent music. She didn't notice Zoey walk into the room.

  Zoey leaned on the kitchen island, watching her.

  Pia had adorable bedhead — that didn't seem fair — and was wearing a pair of Zoey's pajama pants and a t-shirt.

  "Good morning," Zoey finally said, and Pia turned, gasping in surprise.

  "Oh, damn, I wanted to bring this into you so that you wouldn't have to get up just yet," Pia said, gesturing to the pancakes and bacon.

  "It's okay," Zoey said, taking a seat on a barstool so she could get a better view of her chef's ass.

  Pia poured a cup of coffee. "Do you take creamer or sugar or anything?"

  Zoey started to get up to get the creamer out of the fridge, but Pia held up her hands to stop her.

  "I can get it if you just tell me what to get," Pia insisted.

  Zoey rolled her eyes. "Just a bit of the oat milk creamer, please," she said. "I'm hungover, not helpless."

  "Po-tay-to, po-tah-to," Pia said, reaching into the fridge.

  "What made you want to go all Martha Stewart this morning?" Zoey said, accepting the proffered mug of coffee.

  "I wanted you to have a full belly and a clear mind on the first day of Kaleidoscope being out in the world," Pia said.

  "What? Why? Are the reviews bad?" Zoey asked, feeling instantly panicked.

  Pia shook her head with a laugh. "Not at all," she said. “I want to be the first one to congratulate you.”

  Zoey smiled. “Thank you, baby.”

  Pia leaned and gave her a quick kiss.

  “I’d better check in with the ladies. Do you have my phone?" Zoey asked, looking around.

  "It's charging over by the couch," Pia said, pointing with a spatula.

  The front door swung open and a panicked-looking Domino rushed inside. "Zoey, are you ali—"

  "Oh, fuck, wait, Dom," Zoey said, jumping up before realizing she wasn't wearing pants. She sat back down, tugging her sweatshirt lower on her thighs.

  Domino paused, looking from Pia to Zoey and back again. Her face went through a wide range of emotions before landing on a wide grin. "I fucking knew it!"

  Chapter Ten


  Pia turned at the sound of the door opening, startled. She held the spatula tighter as if she was — what, going to spatula-bludgeon an intruder to death?

  But no, it wasn't any intruder.

  It was Domino.

  Fuck. Just what they needed.

  She stayed in place, unsure what to say. She watched as Zoey shrank back into her seat under Domino's stare.

  "Good morning, Domino," Pia said, clearing her throat. "Want some pancakes?"

  Domino walked up to Zoey, her brow furrowed. "I was worried about you. We've been texting in the group chat all morning about reviews and you hadn't responded. I know you drank a little bit at the party last night, so my mind started racing and Sabrina tried to talk me out of it, but I had to come check on you," she said. She held up a key. "I used my key, even."

  "I see that," Zoey said, looking at the key in her hand. "What time is it?"

  "Noon," Pia chimed in, adding more pancake batter to the pan.

  Domino looked from Zoey to Pia. She looked suddenly protective, her eyes narrowing for a split second before a pleasant expression came over her face. "Now, put some of those pancakes on a plate and tell me what's going on here," she said, sliding out a barstool. "And Zobo, go put on pants."

  Zoey laughed, embarrassed, and walked out of the room.

  As soon as Zoey left the room, Domino's mood shifted. "Is this a toaster thing?"

  "Uh, no, I'm cooking on the stove," Pia said, gesturing to the stove top. She knew damn well what toaster thing Domino was referencing, but it was a bit more fun to mess with her.

  "I'm serious, Pia. I like you, but I love Zoey. She's like a sister to me. My parents have basically claimed her since we were 19," Domino said, her arms crossed over her chest.

  "We're just friends," Pia offered unhelpfully. She didn't know why her instinct told her to keep her guard up, but that's what was happening. Perhaps she was afraid of showing Domino emotion, knowing that Zoey would corroborate the friends story, insisting nothing personal was going on between them.

  "Friends without pants," Domino said, her eyebrows raised.

  "Why do I feel like I'm ask
ing Zoey's dad permission to take her to prom right now?" Pia asked, sliding a few pancakes over the island to Domino.

  "Thanks." Domino took the plate, reaching for the maple syrup. "You need my permission because Zoey is pure. She's not even gay. She doesn't date. She's driven and successful and a badass and I don't need you fucking with her feelings."

  Wow, how backwards Domino had that assumption.

  "Alright, alright," Zoey said as she walked back into the room. She had pulled her hair up into a ponytail and found flowy lounge pants. "Down, Domino."

  Domino looked from Zoey to Pia. "Do you want to talk about this?" She asked.

  "Not particularly," Zoey said, reaching for another plate of pancakes. She took one off of the plate, ripping off a bite instead of adding butter or syrup.

  Pia turned to Domino. "We're just friends," she repeated.

  "Sabrina and I were just friends, too," Domino said in between bites of pancakes. "These are really good, by the way."

  "That's different. I'm not gay or anything," Zoey said to Domino, putting a hand on Domino's arm.

  She said the words with such conviction that Pia's heart squeezed with instant disappointment.

  And yet, she had to ask herself: Why? The entire reason she had jumped into bed with Zoey was that she was straight and the relationship aspect wasn't a risk.

  Fuck. Freya had been so right.

  Domino nearly choked on her pancakes at Zoey's statement. "Okay, first, that's not how any of this works," she said, holding up her fork. "You think I woke up one day and thought, 'Oh, I'm a giant lesbian' with conviction?"

  Pia snort-laughed into her coffee mug.

  Zoey looked from Domino up to Pia with an exasperated expression.

  "I'm going to go," Pia said, moving the bacon onto a serving plate for the two of them.

  "No, wait. Can we talk?" Zoey said, her palms flat on the island.

  "Uh oh," Domino said under her breath, her gaze sliding over the bacon. "Ooh, pass that over here, Pia."

  "Uh, sure," Pia said to Zoey, glancing around the room. It wasn't exactly a private space. Freya's giant painting stared back at her, mocking her for getting involved in the exact situation that Freya had warned her about.


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