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Small Sensations

Page 14

by Crystal V. Rhodes

  Her eyes shifted to the dark brown woman walking beside him and the light shining in Katherine’s eyes dimmed. Justin was her heart, and this little nobody would never have him. Rising from the table she had been sharing with the other committee members, she went to meet the couple. She certainly didn’t want her friends to meet this tramp. It was bad enough that they were drawing attention simply walking across the room. She forced a welcoming smile as the couple drew near.

  “Well, finally.” She turned her cheek for a kiss from Justin. He obliged. “I was wondering when you were going to get here.”

  “Now, Mother, don’t start.” Justin shook his head in amusement. Katherine was a stickler for time. “We’re fifteen minutes late. That’s not even late enough to be fashionable.”

  He turned to Davia and with a gentle prod brought her to stand between him and Katherine. Placing his arm possessively around her waist, he made the introductions.

  “Mother, this is Davia Maxwell. Davia, my mother, Katherine Miles.”

  Davia smiled warmly and held out her hand, somewhat awed by the beauty of the older woman. “It’s very nice meeting you, Mrs. Miles.”

  Looking the younger woman in the eye, Katherine took her hand and shook it firmly. “The same here, Ms. Maxwell.”

  Davia noticed the emphasis Katherine put on her name, but chose to ignore it, making certain that neither her smile nor her gaze wavered.

  “Thank you, but please call me Davia.”

  Katherine’s eyes swept over the dark beauty, taking in the touch of makeup accenting her sculptured features. The short, wiry haircut that framed her face was very becoming. There was no doubt that the woman was pretty in an African sort of way. Her eyes fell briefly to the form-fitting dress. Her other attributes were also obvious, although her taste in clothing was questionable. Katherine’s eyes swept upward to note the glittering diamonds. They were real and quite expensive, if somewhat gaudy for her taste. Once more her eyes met the younger woman’s gaze.

  “Davia, that’s such an interesting name, quite exotic. Is it a family name?”

  Davia’s expression didn’t change. There was subtext in the words that the woman spoke and Katherine knew that Davia knew it. A quiet war was being declared. It was a sophisticated one, but war nonetheless. Davia was up to the challenge.

  “I’m glad you like my name, Mrs. Miles. I’m quite fond of it.”

  “I’m sure you are, my dear.” There was a smoldering fire in Katherine’s eyes despite her smile, and the interplay between the two women did not go unnoticed by her son.

  “Is there some problem here, Mother?” he asked, subtly warning her that it was best that there be none. Whatever his mother had up her sleeve, it wasn’t going to work.

  Katherine feigned ignorance. “No, son, everything is just fine.” And it was. Katherine had taken her stand and the woman had seemed to get the message.

  Justin knew that it was time to retreat. These were two women who would battle to the death. Drawing Davia back against his chest, his lips caressed her hair.

  “We need to find CeCe and Clark, sweetheart. They’ll be looking for us.”

  His voice and touch made it clear to anyone observing what he felt for this woman. Justin was taking a stand of his own.

  Davia smiled up at him gratefully. “All right. It was very nice meeting you, Mrs. Miles, and congratulations on this event. I’m certain we’re going to have a good time.”

  “I’m sure.” Katherine dismissed Davia, disturbed by the energy passing between this woman and her son. She looked past Davia to address Justin. “And, darling, I want you to come by the committee table later this evening. Your old flame Jane and some of the others in your crowd are here and would love to see you.” With a final air kiss to Justin she turned and walked away. Davia gave a sigh of relief.

  The rest of the evening was perfect. Davia and Justin joined CeCe and Clark and the two couples talked, laughed and danced the night away. This was the first time that Davia had spent any time with CeCe and Clark as a couple, and despite CeCe’s contention that she and Clark were just having fun, the interaction between them said that there was more.

  There was no doubt about the seriousness of the relationship between Justin and Davia. Sparks were flying.

  Before the affair was half over, they had decided to call it an evening. CeCe and Clark had left long ago. As they took one last spin around the dance floor, Justin and Davia were too wrapped up in each other to notice Katherine’s searing gaze following them. She started as Charles slipped up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” he quipped.

  Katherine turned toward him coolly. “I was just thinking that it would have been nice if you had come to this affair on time.” She turned her back on him.

  A flash of anger passed across his handsome features. Who did this uppity bit…? Charles caught himself before the anger took over. The mask reappeared. He smiled.

  “Now, Katherine, I told you that I had business to attend to.”

  She didn’t acknowledge him as she directed her attention toward the dance floor.

  Charles followed her line of vision. Her precious Justin was wrapped so tightly in the embrace of some woman that a piece of paper couldn’t have gotten between them. Charles’s eyes slid back to Katherine’s tight expression. It was clear from the look on her face that she didn’t like what she was seeing. His eyes returned to the striking couple.

  “The mysterious Davia Maxwell, I presume.”

  The look that Katherine gave him confirmed his observation. He watched as Justin’s lips brushed against those of the delicious beauty and she smiled up at him.

  “She’s a looker.” Charles hadn’t realized that he had spoken aloud until Katherine bristled.

  “He’s dated better, and I’m going to put a stop to this little fling, if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Charles chuckled to himself. It was obvious to a blind man that Katherine’s efforts would be in vain. From the look of it, her precious Justin had a love jones, and it was coming down on him hard. Aloud, he tried to sound sympathetic. “It looks like you might be too late.”

  Oblivious to everyone around him except Davia, Justin decided that he couldn’t wait one more minute to be alone with her. Pulling her closer, he whispered in her ear, “Let’s ditch this dump.”

  Davia grinned. “I thought you would never ask.”

  Taking her by the hand, Justin practically ran off the dance floor. As they made their way through the crowd, Davia looked over her shoulder to where Katherine was standing.

  “Aren’t we going to say goodbye to your mother?”

  Justin kept moving. “I’ll apologize for being ungracious tomorrow.”

  Uncertain about their breach of etiquette, Davia glanced back at Katherine once again to gage her reaction to their obvious departure, but she had turned to speak to the handsome, middle-aged man standing next to her. Davia blinked. He looked familiar. Her mind raced. She stumbled.

  Justin turned, tightening his grip on her hand and stopped her from tumbling to the floor. “Are you all right?’

  She quickly recovered. “Yes…yes. I’m fine.”

  Looking her over from head to foot, he winked. “Yes, you are.”

  Davia blushed at the stark look of desire on Justin’s face. They continued toward the entrance. As they entered the lobby, retrieved their coats and stepped out into the starry night, all else was forgotten except each other and the evening that lay ahead.

  * * *

  Most of her life Davia had feared her own sexuality. In her mind that was what had caused so much pain in her life. Never would she have imagined that it could also bring so much pleasure, and that was the promise that danced in the depths of Justin’s eyes as they stood in the foyer of his home and he whispered, “I want you.”

  With one finger he traced the curve of the bodice of the dress that had kept him enraptured most of the evening. He could feel her body qui
ver as her eyelids slowly closed.

  Davia’s legs threatened to buckle beneath her as sensations rippled through her body. Only Justin could make her feel this way. Opening her eyes, she looked deep into his. “I want you, too.”

  He gave her a sensuous smile. Taking her by the hand, he moved with purpose through the house to the spiral staircase that would lead them to paradise. At the foot of the stairs, he turned her to face him. Those swaying hips and that round derriere that had teased him all evening had him so worked up that he could stand it no longer. He had to have a kiss, just one kiss, to nourish his escalating need. He eased her against him, and then crushed her lips to his, taking possession of her mouth.

  Davia curled into Justin. The feel of him, the taste of him, invaded every pore. She moaned with pleasure. He responded. She groaned with desire. So did he.

  Breathless, they broke the kiss. Davia turned her back to him and indicated the zipper of her dress. “Please.”

  Enticed by the smell of her perfume, he nuzzled her neck. “My pleasure.” Slowly, he lowered the zipper as he pressed his lips against her heated skin and confessed, “I’ve been dreaming of nothing else all evening but stripping this dress from your body.” He placed a kiss between her shoulder blades and Davia’s breathing became labored.

  “I want to make love to you like no one has done before me.” Slowly he trailed the path of her spine with the tip of his tongue.

  Davia threatened to incinerate. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. All she could do was feel.

  As his mouth reached its final destination, Justin placed a reverent kiss on her flesh. His large hands slipped inside the loosened gown and languidly removed it. The dress slithered down her body to pool at her feet.

  “You didn’t have on a bra.” His voice held his surprise and delight.

  “It’s sewed into the dress,” Davia croaked. She leaned back against his hard chest for support.

  “Step out of the dress.” His hot breath singed her jeweled earlobe.

  She did as asked, kicked the dress aside and then turned to face him. The reward for her compliance was a kiss.

  Justin eased her down onto a step. His eyes were ablaze as Davia lay beneath him clad in nothing more than satin bikini panties, thigh-high stockings and sparkling diamonds glistening like raindrops against her dark skin. This was his fantasy come true.

  “Beautiful,” he rasped.

  As Justin rained kisses of devotion along the contours of her body, with trembling fingers Davia disrobed him, until his nude body hovered above her. The proof of his want and need was plainly evident. Having taken a condom from his discarded pants, he dangled it in front of her, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, soliciting a giggle.

  Heat quickly replaced humor as Davia’s eyes stroked him, followed by her hand. Her touch was hesitant and uncertain at first, but as she heard his sharp intake of breath, saw his eyes drift shut and felt his body tremble, she felt empowered. Withdrawing her hand, she took advantage of Justin’s momentary distraction and backpedaled up the winding staircase. Justin quickly recovered.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” he growled, delighted at her unexpected playfulness. Grabbing at her to halt her progress, he caught the edge of her satin bikinis.

  “Justin!” Davia squealed as he slid the flimsy fabric down her legs, along with her stockings. She helped his determined effort with a slight wiggle. His look scorched her.

  “You don’t know what you do to me, do you?”

  Dazed by the darkening of his eyes, she shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

  “Let me show you.” Justin parted her thighs and knelt between them. Bringing his lips to her unbridled breasts, he licked and suckled each potent nub until they hardened in anticipation. With knowing fingers he parted her moistened folds and worked his relentless magic. All she could do was moan and mewl. Heat ricocheted throughout her system until she exploded into microscopic particles hurling into space. Justin held her tightly until she spiraled slowly back to earth. Crooning from pleasure, Davia lay spent in his arms.

  “That’s what you do to me,” he rasped. “You make me lose all control.”

  Having recovered a bit, an embolden Davia pushed away from him gently and tossed him a challenge. “Let me show you what you do to me.”

  Gripping the handrail, she stood on shaky legs and began backing up the stairway, her eyes never leaving Justin’s eyes. As if in a trance, he followed her, advancing one step for each step she abandoned until they both reached the top of the stairs. It was there that she allowed herself to be captured as she took control. Tentative at first, then with increasing confidence, she proceeded to turn Justin’s body into her personal playground.

  His body quivered as her mouth captured his nipples, and what she did to his navel with her tongue nearly sent him toppling down the stairs. When her hands caressed his engorged shaft and with his help slipped on the condom, it took all of the willpower Justin possessed to keep from exploding in her hands. His legs gave away, and they slid to the floor. As they writhed in pleasure on the carpet, the bed was all but forgotten.

  Davia was molten lava as Justin slid his shaft into her welcoming warmth. She wrapped her legs around him, deepening his penetration until he pierced her inner core. He gave a guttural moan as her heat engulfed him. His strokes were slow, escalating gradually as their moans of pleasure became the music by which they danced.

  Never had anyone given him such pleasure. “I love you, Davia.” He buried his face against her silken skin.

  Dazed, delirious, Davia dug her nails deeper into Justin’s back. She was on fire, consumed by the fuel of each powerful stoke. Justin increased the pace. Davia screamed and he answered her call with a ravenous kiss. Again and again they came together in a frenzied, unquenchable need for each other that ended in a mind-altering completion.

  Much later, when they finally abandoned the floor for Justin’s large bed, they lay entwined in each other’s arms. Justin’s body was still tingling with the power of what they had discovered together. He drew Davia closer to him.

  “I love you so much.” His voice quivered with passion. “I never want to let you go.” Silently he vowed that he wouldn’t. Davia Maxwell would be Mrs. Frederick Justin Miles. Davia could hear the truth in his declaration. She could feel the depth of his emotion. Tears threatened to flow. She snuggled closer to him, joy infusing every fiber of her being as she whispered the words that she had never thought she would say to any man.

  “I love you, too, Justin.” And she did—completely.


  So this was how it felt to be in love—this insatiable, incredible, indescribable all-encompassing feeling of caring so deeply for someone that you never wanted that feeling to end. Davia turned her head slightly to look at the man in whose arms she lay. Justin Miles was that someone.

  “A penny for your thoughts.” His lips savored the curve of her neck. She smelled so sweet. She was so sweet.

  Davia smiled. “I was thinking about love and what it means to be in love.”

  Justin adjusted his body so that his head rested in his hand. “What about being in love? Specifically, what about being in love with me?” He wanted to know. No, he needed to know, because never in his life would he have imagined that three little words from a woman could mean so much. I love you.

  Davia saw the adoration in his eyes and felt overwhelmed by the feelings she was experiencing. She caressed his cheek, and thrilled at his response to her touch as his aroused manhood began to throb against her bare flesh. This love had power that she had yet to fully comprehend.

  “I was thinking how love has freed me. I can feel and I can trust now. I’m not afraid like I used to be.”

  Justin looked confused. “Afraid of what, baby? You don’t ever have to be afraid as long as I’m here. I’ll protect you with my life.”

  His words brought tears to her eyes. What had she done to deserve such devotion? If this was love, it was wonderful. She kissed
his Adam’s apple. “Thank you for that. But, I’m not talking about being afraid for my safety. I’ve just been afraid of so many things. My life has been so…so…” She took a tremulous breath. “I can’t even explain it.”

  “But one day you will.”

  Davia looked into his eyes. His words were prophetic. “Yes. One day I will.”

  “So you’re saying that there is more that you have to tell me about yourself?”

  Davia lay back on the bed with a sardonic laugh. “If you only knew.”

  Justin gazed down at her thoughtfully. “You’re right, if I only knew.” He gave her a sad smile. “But something tells me that tonight is not the night.”

  “No, it’s not.” Davia could hear the pain that she had caused by continuing to shut him out. It was time to lighten the conversation. “Tonight I’ve got to come up with a plan to stop your mother from killing me.”

  Her words had their intended effect. Justin broke into a gale of laughter. “You’ve got her number, that’s for sure.”

  “If she had stared any more daggers at me at the dance, I’d be dead now.”

  Justin squeezed her derriere. “No, you wouldn’t. I wouldn’t let you die.”

  Davia whispered seductively, “And what would you do to save me?”

  “I would have given you mouth to mouth.”

  She growled, “Show me.”

  He did.

  * * *

  The call that came from Katherine Miles a week after the ball didn’t surprise Davia. She had known that it would come. Unfortunately, it arrived at a bad time.

  Business at Small Sensations was skyrocketing, and Davia’s workload was heavier than ever. Sleep was at a minimum as she continued to spend long hours at the office. She was on overload, and it was compounded by her refusal to skimp on her time with Gabby. She had vowed that it would never happen again. Yet, that left little time for Justin. Since their night of passion, telephone calls had been their means of communication and they each anxiously anticipated the next time that they could be together. Absence did make the heart grow fonder.


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