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Nicholas (Members From Money Book 10)

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by Katie Dowe


  Has this billionaire met his match?

  A sexy billionaire romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Kelsey doesn’t believe in happy endings.

  Perhaps being raised by an abusive, alcoholic dad does that to you.

  Besides, she has no time for love while owning a successful chain of fried chicken restaurants.

  Especially not after the man she thought she loved ran away with much of her hard-earned money.!

  And then Nicholas, the son of a petroleum billionaire, walks into her life.

  As much as she tries to ignore his smoldering hot looks and sexy personality, she can’t deny the unbelievable chemistry between them…

  And neither can he!

  But when one hookup changes their world forever, will Kelsey be able to tear down the barriers over her heart and accept Nicholas as the only man for her?

  Find out in this steamy billionaire romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to smoldering sex scenes between two hot billionaires.

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2017 to Katie Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Bonus Book – The Asian Billionaire's Forbidden Match

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chaper 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

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  Chapter 1

  Twelve-year-old Kelsey Jordan dashed the tears from cheeks and with a determination borne from constantly telling herself that it was going to get better, she went into the tiny but neat kitchen to find something to eat.

  She dug into the cupboard going onto her toes to be able to see inside. There was nothing there except sardines, a few slices of stale bread, and baking powder. She took the bread out and her expression brightened as she remembered the few pieces of chicken she had hidden away in the small refrigerator. Cooking had been her solace ever since her mother had died in childbirth two years ago along with her baby brother. Her father had taken drinking to a new level after that and had ignored his only child to fend for herself. She had gone from being a happy child looking forward to having a brother to teach things to to being the object of her father’s disappointment and misery. He would come in drunk every evening and would look at her and then he would start screaming at her. She had made the mistake of answering him back one night and he had given her a backhand that had sent her flying across the little room. Kelsey had crouched in the corner holding her cheek and feeling the tears sliding down as she looked at him. He had stood there looking at her for a moment and had then gone into the room he had shared with her mother.

  Tonight he had come home even grumpier and drunker than she had ever seen and had ended up twisting her arm behind her as he asked her about dinner. He had gone out back a few minutes later, much to her relief, and she had come into the kitchen to try and find something to occupy her mind with. She had made the decision several weeks ago that she was going to open her own restaurant and that she was going to have so much money that no one would ever be able to treat her like her dad did! It had started when she begun to experiment with chicken. Her mother had had a special touch when it came to frying chicken and Kelsey had often sat on the stool and watched as she sieved the flour and sprinkled the baking soda into it.

  She had tried it for the first time when she had worked over at the next door neighbor’s house picking up leaves and watering the plants. The kindly woman had given her a large chicken and freshly cut vegetables and a pack of rice to go and make dinner. Kelsey had looked at the large bird on the counter with a knitted brow and had started cutting into the soft flesh. Her first result had been slightly raw and burnt in some places, but she had tried until she finally gotten it right. It was one day last week when the heat was pelting outside and the fan was wheezing to keep up with the hot air floating round that she had decided that she was going to add something else to the mixture she always used. The result had been amazingly good and she had recorded it in her little journal, experimenting with other herbs and spices each day.

  She put the pieces of chicken onto the counter, making sure it was clean, and went about creating her masterpiece with a smile on her chubby homely face.

  “Hopefully, he will be hit by a truck and die and never come back home,” she muttered as she mixed the batter. She blinked guiltily realizing that as bad as he was he happened to be the only family she had! She quickly took back the wish and continued her work.


  Fourteen-year-old Nicholas Peterson pushed back his unruly tangle of wheat blonde hair out of his face and stared at the sixteen-year-old boy in front of him. Brady Benjamin was the bully at the private school they attended and made the younger boys’ lives a living hell. He was tall for his age and was the only child of an actress mother who was never around and a big shot lawyer father who made sure everyone knew how important he was. Nicholas was the last child of the wealthy Peterson family and was spoiled by his mother as the baby of the family.

  “What, are you scared?” Brady sneered as he stared at the beautiful boy in front of him. Nicholas had started pumping iron in the well-equipped gym in their massive home along with his brothers, David and Graham, and it showed in his physique.

  “Of a fairy like you?” Nicholas drawled, his spirit lifting at the thunderous expression on the boy’s swarthy face.

  “You are dead!” Brady screamed as he made the lunge. Nicholas, who had seen it coming, stepped aside smoothly and the boy ended up against the fence, his breathing labored. Brady was tall but not well proportioned and that was the problem. Nicholas, on the other hand, was light on his feet with a well-toned body that was as a result of genetics as well as the work he had put in.

  By this time, a crowd had gathered around them. The school was situated on the crest of a slight incline and overlooked the exclusive neighborhood it was in. The Petersons contributed heavily to the building fund and was always given special privileges, but there was a zero tolerance when it comes to physical altercations and everyone knew it.

  “Come on, Brady,�
� Nicholas taunted. “Is that the best you can do?”

  The boy made another lunge which was blocked by Nicholas as he grabbed him around the neck in a chokehold and held on tight. “Say you are sorry,” Nicholas said softly as his hold tightened. Brady was wheezing by this time and a quietness had descended among the rest of the children gathered there.

  “Sorry,” he gasped, feeling his body weakening as the air was backed up in his lungs.

  “We cannot hear you.” Nicholas looked over at the others and singled out his best friend Peter who had been an object of Brady’s bullying for the past few months. “How about you, Peter?”

  The tow-headed boy with the reddish hair and light green eyes shook his head tentatively.

  “You see that, Brady? They did not hear that poor excuse of an apology.”

  “I am sorry!” he burst out. “Please let up.”

  Before Nicholas could respond, a deep authoritative voice called out. “Break it up now.”

  The crowd dispersed at once leaving the two boys and Peter standing there.

  “He almost killed me!” Brady sputtered, putting a hand to his neck.

  “Stop being such a baby. It was nothing,” Nicholas told him dryly.

  “Peterson and Benjamin, go to my office at once,” Mr. Bailey, the headmaster, told them, firmly expecting to be obeyed.

  “Brady started it, Mr. Bailey,” Peter spoke up, his voice tentative.

  “Go to class, Mr. Gayle.”

  Peter looked at his friend and then walked away.

  Nicholas squared his shoulders and went off in the direction of the office building.


  “Darling, you are overreacting,” Sarah Peterson said mildly as she sipped her pre-dinner cocktail in the living room. “Nicholas already told us his side of the story and he was just defending poor Peter.”

  “There are ways of doing so without resorting to violence, Sarah,” Graham Senior said grimly as he marched over to the window overlooking the east garden. It was June and the air was heavy with the smell of flowers and fruits. “That idiot Malcolm Benjamin could have sued us or bring charges against us for assault.”

  “They are both minors, so I strongly doubt that.” Sarah shook back her wheat blonde hair so much alike in texture and color like her youngest son. Her emerald green eyes that he had also inherited gleamed with humor and pride that her son was defending a friend of his. Her two older boys would never be caught dead getting their hands dirty in a fight. They took after their father in every way.

  “You are encouraging him, Sarah.” Graham’s sharp grey eyes looked at the beautiful and cool woman he had married almost twenty years ago.

  “I am happy that he stood up to that bully, darling.” She put away her glass and came towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I am applauding him.”

  Meanwhile, up in his large untidy room, Nicholas was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head and staring up at the intricate pattern of the ceiling. So he had been suspended for three days. So what! So his father had reamed him out about getting physical and smearing the Peterson’s name. So what! He chuckled as he remembered how Brady had cringed as he had walked by him deliberately as he left the headmaster’s office. A scowl clouded his brow as he remembered that he had a soccer match tomorrow and he was suspended. Grace had come up to him and whispered in his ear that she wanted him to be her first. She was captain of the volleyball team and head cheerleader. She had also been going out with his sixteen-year-old brother until recently, which made her very attractive to him. Nicholas had discovered his sexuality when he was only twelve years old and realized that he was quite attractive to the opposite sex. He had had his first sexual encounter with a girl from his class by the name of Brianna. It had been fumbling and awkward, but it had not been bad.

  A discreet knock sounded on his door, and he ignored it pretending to be asleep.

  “I know you are not sleeping, Nicholas. You usually don’t go to sleep until around ten.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to talk.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “I am coming in anyway.” David pushed the door open and came inside. He was sixteen and the second of the Peterson’s children. He was tall and slight and had dark brown hair just like their older brother and father and the same grey eyes. He was far too serious and was determined to learn the business from top to bottom the way his brother Graham was doing. Nicholas had no such interest.

  “Dad is quite miffed at the way you handled the situation.”

  “Miffed?” Nicholas burst out laughing as he looked at his brother. “Be careful, David, your feminine side is showing. Who the hell says ‘miffed’?”

  David stiffened as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. “No wonder you are always getting in trouble. Why don’t you try and be a Peterson like the rest of us?”

  “You take the name way too seriously, dude,” Nicholas said carelessly as he eyed the older boy. Even though he was ready for bed, his dark hair was groomed and his pajamas tidy and well pressed. Nicholas had turned up his air conditioner to full blast because he had no intention of taking a bath and his suite of rooms gave the maids dramatic sighs as they tried to tidy up even though he told them to leave it. “I was defending my best friend and I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

  “And now you are suspended which frankly I have no idea why since we contribute so much to that school.”

  “Rules are rules and they should apply to everyone. Don’t be such a snob.”

  “I am not.”

  “Aren’t you?” Nicholas’ heavy blonde brows lifted. “Check yourself out in the mirror and try and tell yourself otherwise.”


  Kelsey stared at her body in tiny cracked mirror in her small room. She was sixteen years old and school was finished for her. She had barely made it through high school, but thanks to her next door neighbor Mrs. Lowe who had made sure she had bus fares and something to eat when she came home from school, she had. The woman had become like a mother to her and was the one who encouraged her to continue to experiment with her cooking, especially her fried chicken. “You have something here, my dear,” the elderly woman had told her as she had tasted her latest attempt. “This is quite something,” she had murmured, biting into the crispy chicken and closing her eyes as she savored it. “You will soon be giving the colonel a run for his money.”

  “I am going to be extremely rich,” Kelsey had told her solemnly.

  The woman had looked at her startled for a moment and then nodded. “I suspect you will be.”

  Now she stared at herself in the mirror. Her view was distorted by the jagged crack but was clearly defined. She had grown out of her ‘baby fat’ and had turned into a slim curvaceous woman with generous breasts and a tiny waist. Her smooth cocoa brown complexion was flawless and her large dark eyes stared back at her as if not able to believe that this was really her! Her lips were full and her nose had a slight bend to it, keeping it from being too straight. She had never relaxed her thick dark hair and had it braided at the side of her neck. She looked like her mother and she suspected that that was one of the reasons why her father could not stand the sight of her. She blinked for a moment as she thought of the man who had made her life a living hell every chance he got. It had made her stronger and more determined to become someone that could not be pushed around. She was going to become a force to be reckoned with! Graduation had come and gone and she had been handed her diploma with only Mrs. Lowe being there to see her collect it. Her father had told her that she was going to end up pregnant and unmarried so what was the use anyway? She was going to prove him and everyone around her wrong. She knew that going off to college was as futile as reaching for the stars, but she had applied for a job at Edna’s Fried Chicken and she was going to start working on Monday. The woman had told her gruffly that she was too young to be on the paycheck, but because she had known her mother and that ‘no account’ father of
hers, she was going to give her a chance. As soon as she saved up enough, she was going to buy out the restaurant and turn it into her first friend chicken chain. She even had a name for it already! ‘Sweet & Tasty Fried Chicken.’ She had the perfect sauce and was planning to persuade Ms. Edna to let her introduce it eventually. She smiled tentatively as she felt the stirrings of excitement in her bosom. She was going to make it!


  Nicholas looked at the woman lying on the bed as he shrugged into his faded jeans. It had been pleasurable but had become quite boring within the last few weeks. Marion Lakes was a divorcee and a little younger than his mother but had come on very strong when they had been at the party last month. She had invited him over to her apartment and had taken off her clothes as soon as he had come inside, revealing her lush white body which had gotten him up all riled up. He had noticed with detached amusement that as an eighteen-year-old he had managed to have her screaming out his name and begging him for more.

  “Darling, I thought you were staying longer?” She pouted as she watched the rippling of his muscles.

  “I have to get back home before I am disinherited,” he said sardonically. “You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

  “I miss you already,” she purred, stroking her flat stomach and heading downwards. Nicholas looked at her in amusement.

  “I am still here for now.”

  “I thought you could come and stay the weekend,” she purred as she sat up. “You can tell Sarah and Graham that you are spending the weekend at Peter’s.”

  “I don’t lie, not to my parents.” He shrugged on his shirt. “And besides I have to prep for some coursework. My father is on my ass about getting straight As.”

  “When am I going to see you?”

  He pushed back his unruly wheat blonde hair and secured it with an elastic band to keep it out of the way. “When you see me,” he said laconically. “I have to go.”

  His long strides ate up the spacious area of the living room and he let himself out of the building with a sigh of relief. He nodded to the guard and accepted the keys to his fast sports car. He had not lied to Marion. He had a ton of work to finish up before going back to college in September. His brother Graham was established at the company and was already making strides and David was in his last year at Harvard business school. Nicholas had decided to go to Wharton instead. All three of them were being groomed to run the company. Peterson’s Petroleum had grown in leaps and bounds and was one of the leading oil companies in the world. Not to mention the fruits and vegetables section of the company which David was itching to take over. Both his brothers were already decisive on what they wanted to do except him. He was going to college because his mother had pleaded with him and he actually found that he was quite good at whatever he put his mind to. He would go to college and after that he was going to hightail it to Europe and do whatever the hell he wanted to do. He was not going to stay in some office and sit behind a desk. He was not built for that!


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