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Nicholas (Members From Money Book 10)

Page 18

by Katie Dowe

  “I want you to take me where I love to go,” she whispered and pulled down his head and he crushed her lips with his, pulling her underneath him and covering her body with his!


  He told her about growing up with parents who had never hugged him or interacted with him in any way. “I thought it was a way of life until I went to college and I met some of my roommate’s parents and saw the love there and the relationship they had and never realized that I was craving more.” He rested his head on her forehead, his semi-erect penis inside her. “I want a life with you, Kimberly,” he whispered, taking her lips with his again, his touch gentle.

  “So do I.” She arched her body against his, and with a groan he moved inside her, his breath shuddering inside his chest.


  “So, when are we going to meet this mystery man of yours?” Simone asked her. They were at Deidre’s apartment where they were spending New Year’s Day together. The guy she had met in Tuscany, Lorenzo, had come over for the Christmas holiday and they had spent the entire time together, but he had to go back yesterday because something had come up with the farm. So both friends had decided to keep her company for the holiday. Kimberly’s mother had gone to a concert.

  Kimberly hesitated. She had thought about what she should tell her friends and her mother. After that night when he had told her about his predicament, he had spent the night with her and they had talked way into the night, but they had stayed away from trying to find a solution. The fact remained that they were in a forbidden relationship, and although she knew she could not give him up now, she was not going to dwell on it.

  “There is something I need to tell you.” She took her wine and wandered over to the sofa closest to the fireplace. Her friend’s apartment was in one of those ultra modern buildings that always looked pristine and very clean and shiny. She had inherited money from her aunt who had died a year ago and had decided to invest into the apartment.

  “I told you he is Japanese, right?” she asked them. They nodded and looked at her curiously. “Ever heard about Kamato Holdings?”

  “Of course,” Deidre said immediately. “We have done business with them in the past. They own supermarkets and stores all over the country and even a hotel downtown. Why?”

  “His name is Peter Kamato,” she told them wryly.

  “You are dating a billionaire?” Simone looked at her in shock.

  “It’ a little more complicated than that.” Kimberly put aside her wine glass and sat back in the deep seated sofa. She told them the Japanese tradition and how he was supposed to marry a Japanese girl who was already picked out for him.

  Her friends stared at her in amazement. “What are you going to do?” Simone asked her quietly.

  “For now? Nothing.” She smiled slightly. “I have never felt this way about a man before and I am not willing to just let him go like that and he feels the same way. However, I am not going to stand in the way of him getting the company that rightfully belongs to him.” She looked down at her clasped hands. “We have several months before he has to make good on his promise, so we will be spending as much time as possible together.”

  “Honey.” Deidre came over and sat on the arm of the sofa. “It sounds so romantic and it also sounds as if you love him and he feels the same. I am romantic enough to believe that it is going to work out.”

  “I am not going to be thinking that far,” Kimberly admitted. “But I cannot help but think about the girl who was chosen for him. What if she is in love with him and do I have any right to be standing in her way?”

  “I strongly doubt that,” Simone said dryly. “These matches are not designed for love. It is either there is something mutually beneficial to the parties involved or the parents want to control the person the son or daughter marries. I am sure it’s the latter because Kamato Holdings is a billion dollar company and does not need anything else to make it viable.”

  “I am definitely not going to be on the favored list,” Kimberly said ironically. “I am a black woman with no money, so I am definitely not suitable.”

  “We do not choose who we love,” Deidre said with a wistful smile. “We cannot help how we feel towards another person, and as long as it is set in motion, there is no way we can stop it.”


  “I spoke to him for the first time, Charles, and we actually had a conversation.” Mitsui’s face was lit with a smile. They were spending the day cuddled up to each other in front of the fire. He had ordered take-out and they had eaten and then relaxed. Her husband had gone for the day and night and she remembered feeling so happy that he was out of the house. Peter had not come home the night before and she suspected he was spending time with her. She looked like such a beautiful vibrant girl, and she could see why her son would be attracted to her.

  “And what is the relationship between you now?” Charles asked her gently. He had encouraged her to change the way she dealt with her son and be the one to reach out.

  “He is not one for conversations, but when he comes down in the mornings, he would ask me how I am doing and he never usually asked that,” she responded.

  “So, it is improving?” he commented, hugging her to him. He had fallen in love with her and did not know what was going to happen, but he knew he was happy for the first time since he had lost his beloved wife.

  “I would like to think so.” She rested her head against his chest. “I am going to keep trying.”


  “We are going out,” she called him the next day. She had closed the store on New Year’s Day and they had opened back up today with the snow pelting down and covering everything in sight. She had ridden her bike in spite of it and had rushed inside the store almost freezing to death. They had not had a lot of customers today because of the weather and she was considering closing early.

  “Where are we going?” he asked her indulgently. They had gotten closer since he had confessed to her and now she found she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

  “How about going away for the night at this little inn in the country that I hear serves the best lamb chops?” she suggested.

  “I would love that,” he said softly. “I will pick you up shortly. I just have to get some things done and then I will be right there.”


  John Kamato rolled out of bed and shoved his hands through his dark hair streaked with grey. He had told his wife that he was going on a business trip, but he had lied, not that he owed her any explanation anyway. He looked up as the girl strolled out of the bathroom, completely naked. She was blonde and blue eyed and he had been seeing her for the past two months and he could not get enough of her. She made him feel like dynamite in bed, not like his icicle of a wife. She was a little on the young side, being only twenty-six and a little empty headed, but she more than satisfied in the bedroom. He had set her up in an apartment and paid all her bills and tried to get away to be with her whenever he could. He did not feel any sense of guilt whatsoever because it was not like he was in love with his wife and he did not owe her any loyalty.

  “Hi daddy,” Stephanie said with a giggle as she waltzed over to him, her large breasts bouncing. “What do you want me to do for you now?”

  “You know what I want,” he growled, pulling her down on his lap. She always excited him and he had met her as he was looking at a building they had acquired. She was working in one of the supermarkets he owned and recently she told him she wanted to quit the job and stay at home. But he did not believe in taking care of someone who stayed at home all day, no matter how much they excite him!

  Chapter 6

  Their love bloomed! It was as if the forbidden aspect of it intensified it more. They spent every available time together and they made love whenever they got the chance. He kept hoping that she would get pregnant and his father would be forced to realize that the arrangement between him and Natsuko would be null and void, but he admitted reluctantly to himself that he did not want a
child with her that way. He took her out to places and spent every special moment together. He insisted on giving her gifts, expensive gifts that she argued with him about.

  “I don’t need gifts, Peter,” she told him firmly when he brought an exquisite pair of diamond earrings for her on Valentine’s Day weekend. They had planned to spend the time at home because she had told him she did not want to spend the time with other people around but just with him. They were aware that the time was coming when he would have to make a decision that would affect them drastically.

  “I don’t see anything wrong with giving the woman I love gifts,” he told her firmly. She went still and looked up at him. He was busy unscrewing the wine to pour the liquid into the glasses. They had not told each other of their love, but it was always implied.

  “I love you too,” she told him softly. He looked up at her, his dark eyes speaking volumes.

  “I know,” he said thickly, moving towards her.

  “Stop!” She put out her hands to halt his progress towards her. “You are not the only one bearing gifts. She pulled off the loose black cotton dress she had on and he felt himself hardening fiercely when he looked at what she was wearing. It was red! An all-in-one teddy with deep plunging neckline that stopped just above her navel and the legs were cut high above her thighs showing glimpses of the curl of hair on her pubic area. Her nipples were large and transparent through the sheer material. “Take off your clothes,” she ordered huskily. He felt himself shudder as he undressed. The women he had been with before had always been content for him to take charge and he had done so because he was used to it, but with her it was different, she was confident and lacked guile and was not hung up on him being in charge all the time.

  He stepped out of his underwear and held his throbbing penis in one hand, looking at her. He was bursting! She had on black heels and walked towards the table to pour a glass of wine taking it over to him for him to take a sip, which he did and she took one after. She did not swallow all of hers but went down on her knees before him.

  “What are you doing?” he asked her in a strangled voice.

  “Shh,” she whispered, taking his penis in her hands. The liquid was still in her mouth and when she closed her mouth over him, the sensation of the cold liquid against his skin almost drove him crazy! She pulled him inside her mouth swirling the wine around his penis sucking on the tip of it. He felt his control crumbling like a tower of dominoes crashing to the floor. She was not finished with him yet. She cupped his testicles in one hand and squeezed gently, spiraling him almost over the edge. He was not going to last long he knew that, his body shuddering as he felt the sensation washing over him.

  “I can’t hold back,” he told her tightly, and with a hoarse cry, he joined her on the floor and entered her immediately. He clung to her and took her lips with his hungrily, his thrusts urgent and demanding. He knew he could not wait on her and with a cry that sounded tortured he emptied himself inside her! She came soon after and he was still spilling his seed inside her as if he would never stop, his body shuddering on top of hers!


  “What if you are pregnant?” he asked her quietly as they lay in bed after with her resting her head on his chest. They had finished the bottle of wine and ate the éclairs he had brought as well.

  She lifted her head and looked down at him. “That’s not the answer, Peter, and we both know it.”

  “I am not letting you go, Kimberly,” he warned her, his intense dark eyes holding hers. “I don’t want to live without you.”

  “Do you think I want to be without you?” she asked him softly, combing the soft dark hair off his forehead. “I shudder to think about it, so I don’t, but getting pregnant as a way out is not the solution. I just have to believe that it will work out somehow.”

  “I am supposed to have dinner with her and her parents on Sunday,” he murmured and felt her stiffened slightly against him. “If you tell me it is hurting you for me to do so, I will find a way to skip it.” He held the back of her neck and forced her to look at him.

  “How can I, Peter?” she asked him sadly. “How am I going to tell you to ignore your family’s tradition because of some unreasonable jealousy I am feeling?”

  “You have no need to feel jealous, baby,” he insisted. “I am yours only and you know that.”

  “I know.” She climbed on top of him. “I need to be reassured.”

  He did so quite effectively.


  Kimberly told her mother about him. She had invited her over for Sunday dinner and she had accepted, knowing that if she stayed home she would be thinking of him having dinner with her and her parents and it would drive her crazy.

  He had called her during the day and had told her he would come over later and asked her please not to think about it too much. She had told him she would go over to her mother’s for dinner.

  The end of February was drawing near and the weather was still bleak and unpredictable. Snow had fallen the night before and gave the place a beautiful white glare that looked dazzling to the eyes. Her mother’s place was situated way back from the road that gave it a seclusion and privacy that made it like a serene and secure haven. The trees that lined the driveway were covered in snow and the swing in the front yard moved back and forth eerily. Kimberly remembered days on the swing when she came home from school and how she would dream that she had a brother or a sister to play with, until with a determination that had served her well throughout life she had started to entertain herself by teaching herself games that boys usually played. Her father had built a tree house for her and she had spent a lot of her time there just camping out.

  “How are you, dear?” Karen asked her as she placed a bowl of fresh fruits in front of her. They were in her cozy kitchen with the smell of pot roast beef simmering on the stovetop and an apple pie cooling on the rack.

  “I am okay,” Kimberly said with a smile, popping one of the grapes inside her mouth. “I was thinking about dad and how much I miss him.”

  “I miss him too.” Her mother poured two cups of tea and slid one over to her before taking a seat beside her. “Everything all right?”

  “I met someone,” Kimberly closed her hands around the warmth of the cup and stared down into the dark brown liquid. “We have been seeing each other for the past six months.”

  “And yet I have not met him,” her mother murmured.

  “It’s complicated,” Kimberly said with a little laugh. She told her mother about him and about the situation. “Sometimes I feel like we are cheating on that poor girl. I convinced myself at one point that I have to end it, Mom, but I can’t find the strength to do so. He said he is willing to give up the company but he is not willing to give me up. How can I ask him to do that?”

  “I have a feeling he is not asking you to do that, dear.” Karen looked at her only child searchingly. She had watched her grow up strong and very opinionated and watched her blossom into a beautiful young woman who knew what she wanted and did not settle for anything else and she was so proud of her. “It’s not a love match as you said and as he told you too and I cannot imagine marrying someone I am not in love with, but then again I am not used to that. He met you and it changed things for him, so can you even imagine how confusing it must be for him?”

  “When I am with him, I feel like I have it all. I don’t care about his money and I never asked him about it, all I want is him but I cannot tell him to come and live with me and let us get married and we will work it out.” She sighed and stared down at her rapidly cooling tea. “We have such a short time left together and I am so scared of losing him.”

  “It will work out.” Karen reached out and squeezed her daughter’s hands lightly. “In the meantime, I would like to meet him.”


  He had reservations about meeting her mother because he could not take her to meet his parents. “I know why you are not able to, Peter,” she had told him quietly. “I have told my mom about the situat
ion and she wants to meet you.”

  ”Are you sure she does not hate me?” he asked her soberly. He had come over like he promised and she had launched herself into his arms as soon as he opened the door. He had held her to him tightly, lifting her petite frame and taking her over to the sofa where he cradled her in his arms.

  “I have told her how wonderful you are, so how could she?” she asked him saucily. She had seen the haunted expression on his face and knew that the dinner had been hard on him.

  “You did?” he rested his head against hers and sighed, closing his eyes. All through dinner he had been thinking of her and could not wait for it to end so that he could come over to be with her. He had been forced to sit in the living room and try and have a conversation with Natsuko. The poor girl had kept her eyes downcast for the entire time and had answered his questions in monosyllables. He had a glimpse of what marrying her would be like and he would prefer death over it. With a sudden movement, he pushed up her t-shirt and cupped her unfettered breasts in his palms, his thumbs passing over the nipples. She arched her back and when he bent his dark head to take a nipple inside his mouth she dissolved. He sucked the nipple inside his mouth urgently, one hand reaching underneath her t-shirt to move the edge of her panties to seek her wetness. He worked two fingers inside her rapidly, and Kimberly clamped her thighs closed and moved against his thrusts. He eased her off his lap and onto the couch, kneeling over her, his mouth still on her nipple. She opened her legs wide as he increased the thrusts of his fingers inside her. He left her nipple and ventured down, his mouth going on her mound, his fingers still working inside her, his teeth grazing her. He removed his fingers and it was replaced by his tongue as his hands held her legs aloft as he brought her to the peak of pleasure, his tongue moving inside her, tasting the passion and desire that flooded his mouth!


  They had dinner with her mother on Monday evening, and she took an instant liking to him. He was so quaintly formal and although a little aloof, Karen was fascinated at how different he was and how his face softened whenever he spoke to or looked at her daughter. He was clearly in love with her and it was very obvious.


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