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Once Upon a Time

Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  “You should see your lips right now, stretched wide around my dick. You’re a good little girl that is hungry for my cock.” He started lifting his hips, thrusting his dick farther into her mouth, and causing her to gag. He growled out, “That’s it, baby. I’ve been thinking about you doing this for a long time, wondering what your sweet little mouth would look like, feel like stretched around my shaft.”

  She panted, breathed out through her nose, and moved past the need to gag every time his dick hit the back of her throat.

  “I’m going to drinking my cum, forcing you to swallow it until it’s coming out between your lips.” He was so hard and unrelenting as he lifted his hips in time with bringing her head down into his lap.

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but allow him to use her as a vessel for his orgasm. He started breathing heavier, tightened his hold on her hair, and cursed continuously. A deep groan left him, and then she felt the hard jets of his cum move down the back of her throat. He kept his hold on her head, forced her mouth to stay on his dick and for her to swallow him. His cum slipped out of her mouth, and he yanked her head back. She breathed out roughly, tried to catch her breath from the lack of oxygen, and felt his semen slip down her chin and land on her breast.

  He pushed her back so she sat on her heels and stared up at him. Jackson stared at her breasts and she knew he was staring at his seed that lined her chest. He reached out and ran his thumb over her nipple, collecting the semen and bringing it to her mouth. There was more of his cum on her chest, but what he collected he made her suck clean from his digit. “Go on, eat it, swallow it, and moan because it tastes good.”

  She opened her mouth when he pressed his thumb to the seam of her lips. Holding her gaze with his, and suctioned her lips around his finger, sucked slow and hard, and dragged her tongue along his salty and smooth skin. He made a low sound in his throat and then pushed her back with enough force that she fell on her ass. Her legs fell open, and she saw him look between them.

  “I’m going to color your flesh with my belt, my hand, and my teeth.”

  Genuine fear slammed into her when he stood. He was semi-hard still, and she gasped out when he took a step closer.

  “I’m a sadistic bastard, and I’m going to make you my good little masochistic slut.” He stopped an inch from her and used his foot, which was encased in expensive leather, to nudge her legs farther apart. “Does that frighten you?” he said in a low, deadly voice. It should. It should scare the shit out of her, have her running in the other direction, and have her saying fuck this whole job. She did need the money, but what she wanted more was the dark and erotic promise Jackson had just made.

  “Touch your cunt.” He grabbed the base of his shaft, stroking himself lazily while he waited for her to comply, clearly.

  Placing her hand between her legs, Belle felt her slippery flesh and started moving her fingers up and down her slit.

  “Rub that hard little clit, make yourself nearly come, and then I want you to stop.”

  She panted and started rubbing herself, feeling her desire start to move higher. She was already so aroused that as soon as she touched herself she felt on the verge of coming. She watched him remove his belt, feeling her heart rate start to increase.

  “Don’t stop touching yourself no matter what I do.”

  She squeezed her other hand in a fist beside her, rubbed her clit fast and hard as she felt her climax start to rise, and stared at his cock. He was hard again, log and thick, and so tempting that all she could think about was feeling him moving back and forth inside of her. This evening wasn’t anything but sex with a wealthy man, and she was getting paid to be his little whore. But lord help her, she wanted to be his whore right now, because all she could think about was coming hard and long.

  But then she saw the flash of his silver belt buckle as the moonlight hit it, and then felt the sting as he brought that leather down on her outer thigh. She cried out, but the immense and powerful pain gave way to something warm and pleasurable. He slapped the belt across her other thigh. He did this over and over again, not especially hard, but with enough force that she felt it down to her very bones. The safe word was on the tip of her tongue because of the intensity of this situation, but she clamped her mouth shut. He was breathing heavily, as if he couldn’t control himself. Sweat could be seen lining his forehead, and then all of the sudden he stopped hitting her with the belt, as if he knew she was about to come.

  “Stop touching yourself.”

  She rested against the floor, panting and staring at the ceiling, knowing that she wouldn’t survive tonight if he kept this up.

  “Follow me, Belle,” he said, his belt still wrapped around his hand, and his now hard cock still exposed. She moved to stand, but he tsked again. “Stay on your hands and knees. I want you to follow my command because it turns you on.” He crouched on his haunches, and his dick was so close to her face now. “It turned you on to be my little whore, doesn’t it?”

  She licked her lips, tore her gaze away from his cock, and nodded. “Yes.”

  He grinned, but it wasn’t one of pleasure or amusement. “Of course you do, because if you didn’t you wouldn’t offer your body up for a paying customer.” He stood, and she wanted to bite back that she had never done anything like this, that he was the first man she had slept with for money, and that if not for her sick sister she wouldn’t have to resort to this. But of course she didn’t say anything, because one¸ she didn’t need to explain herself to him, and two, she knew he wouldn’t care.

  She followed him to a bedroom, still on her hands and knees like some kind of animal, but he was right. She was getting more aroused with every move she made, and with every glance she took at the belt. Her thighs still burned from his erotic abuse, and she knew that before the night was over more of her flesh would be red and hot to the touch.

  “Stand and move into the middle of the room.”

  She did as he said, but despite the sliver of light coming from the window she couldn’t see much. Glancing up, she saw some kind of pulley and hook system above her. He came closer, walked around her, and she swore she could feel his hands on her when he wasn’t even touching her. His presence was so intense that she couldn’t help but hold her breath. Even in her heels he was so much taller than her, and his broad shoulders blocked out everything behind him.

  “I’m going to make you scream for more, and make your flesh glow red from my delicious torment.”

  Belle didn’t move, because she knew she didn’t have any kind of control over what was about to happen. She looked down at the belt that was still wrapped around his hand, and wondered how many women he had brought back to his place for this exact scenario. But the question on her mind was how far he would go, and how far she would allow him to go before she used her safe word. Belle wasn’t even experienced in BDSM, and aside from a few spanks on her ass from an ex this situation was pushing the envelope. But she also didn’t deny that she had enjoyed every minute of it thus far.

  “I know you’re thinking how far I’m going to go.” He took a step back, set the belt on the small end table by a bed hidden within the shadows, and then went to unbutton his shirt. He stared at her as he removed each button, and once he had his shirt undone he tossed it on the ground. His dark hair was perfectly placed, and the side of his face that was scarred only made him seem more dangerous. “You like looking at my scars, Belle?”

  She shook her head, feeling guilty that she had been staring. Obviously that was why he stayed in his home, became a recluse, and she was only making it worse for him. Belle watched the hard, huge muscles of his chest flex, but she was riveted to the scars on one side of it. He had gotten so damaged in that car accident, and although she didn’t want to think of him that way, he had definitely turned into the monster that everyone whispered about behind his back. He was cruel in the way he held himself, in the way he looked her up and down, and the way he curled his lip as if he anticipated what he was going t
o do to her.

  He was still in those loose slacks with his hard dick hanging out from the fly. She was so aroused, so wet and needy for him, and she knew he would torture her before he gave her pleasure. The air around them was heated, and there was a glint of excitement in his eyes.

  “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare.” She answered him, but her voice cracked on the last word from her fear, arousal, and deep-rooted need to see exactly how far he would go. The man standing before her was still cold and hard in appearance and attitude, but there was something different with him since he had been in that accident. He was harsher somehow, void of emotion almost, and she was right in the middle of his desires.

  Was there something wrong with her because she’d enjoyed getting beaten with his belt? Was she sick in the head because she ached for more? There had been times during sex where she wondered about what it would feel like to be held down, forced to submission, and have pain with her pleasure. But aside from those light taps, she had never been vocal about what she wanted in bed. But those times she had been in control. Right now Jackson was the one that held all the cards. He had the belt once again in his hand, and was smiling at her with just a curl of his lip.

  The strange thing was Belle hadn’t even realized the pain that he obviously liked with his pleasure was something she liked, too, craved even. She hadn’t realized what she had been missing until she was in this situation.

  “I’m about to give you far more than you think you can handle.”

  For several long seconds all Jackson did was stare at Belle as she stood before him naked and looking so fucking good that he was starving for her. What she didn’t know was that he remembered her. He had watched her, knew her routine, and was aware of the reason she was at the escort service to begin with. Before his accident, which had left him so horribly scarred on one side of his body that he had become this recluse, he had wanted her like a fiend for his drug of choice. She was tall and lean, with a body made of curves and skin. Belle was creamy and soft that he wanted to mark it up so good and hard that she could see his brand of ownership on her whenever she looked at herself.

  He saw the way she kept watching him, staring at the side of his body that was ghastly in appearance, scarred from the car fire, from the pieces of metal that had had to be extracted from his flesh, and from the skin grafts he’d had to have done. He was still at the top of his empire when it concerned reining over his investments and Wall Street. But where he used to have women fawning all over him, he now stayed in his penthouse, conducted business through satellite and Internet, and had women come to him. Pussy was easy to come by, especially when he had the wealth to back it up, but he wanted a female that would not shy away from the darker pleasures he wanted. Before his accident he had suppressed his darker, basic and primal urges. But after staying away from people, isolating himself, and growing angrier at life and what he had become, he took his nickname of The Beast and made it his reality. He no longer hid who he was on the inside, because now what he wanted was the pain and degradation along with the pleasure that came with it. His evil, which he had hidden on the inside, now matched his horrid appearance, and he was embracing it.

  He tightened his hold on the belt wrapped firmly around his hand, and the material creaked from the strain. The images of bringing the smooth leather down across her body had his cock throbbing, despite the fact he had made her swallow his cum back in the living room. “Place your hands above your head and spread your legs shoulder width apart.”

  His room was set up for the things he liked to do sexually. They were dark and taboo things, activities that made women cry for more, and beg for release, but also left marks on their bodies. He was about to experience Nirvana with Belle, but what she didn’t know was that he had been preparing for her arrival, anticipating the fact she would be his. He wouldn’t let her go unless she realized that he had claimed her. It would probably seem strange to her, given the fact they had never spoken, but before his accident he had wanted her, and after he had been damaged he had retreated from his wants and desire. But not anymore.

  He watched her get into position, and palmed his dick as his balls throbbed for release. She looked fucking gorgeous spread out for him, obeying every word he said. Yes, she had to do what he ordered, but she had stayed, and therefore she wanted it, too. Besides, her rosy nipples were hard, and he knew her pussy was soaked. She truly was his sweet little masochist, and eagerly awaited more of his delicious torture; that was clear in the way she panted. From a distance he saw the way her pulse beat wildly at the base of her throat. He was going to lick and bite at her flesh until it was red from his abuse.

  He moved closer, tilted her chin to see her face better, and didn’t stop himself from running his tongue up the length of her neck. She shivered under his touch, and he dug his fingers further into her skin. He knew she’d have small bruises in the morning, and he growled low in his throat because of that. Moving away from her a foot, and then walking around her body, he made her hold the position she was in with his silence. Her ass was lush, and the big globes made his fingers itch.

  Above her was a pulley system with a cord that was adjustable.

  “What is that?” The shaky quality of her voice turned him on even more. It was her hesitance of the unknowing that had the bastardly beast inside of him coming forth with a vengeance.

  “It’s so you can’t move when I’m beating this beautiful little body of yours.” He attached her hands to the leather restraints, and then took a step back to admire his work, after adjusting the height so she was forced to stand on her toes to keep her balance. Because she was on her toes her entire body was stretched long, and all he could think about was running his tongue along every inch of her, memorizing her body like the feral fucking beast he was. Jackson moved behind her again, and when she looked over her shoulder at him he brought the belt down across her ass. She cried out, her entire body went tense, and he grinned. The belt left a welt mark along both cheeks of her bottom, and when he ran his hand over her flesh it was hot and raised to the touch.

  “Turn the fuck around. You do not move or speak without me telling you to specifically do just that.”

  Her eyes widened, but she obeyed, and he patted her bottom gently.

  “Good girl, Belle.” He let the belt unravel from his hand and took a step toward her. Without responding to her question, he pulled his arm back and brought the now longer strip of leather forward. The sound of it hitting her flesh, and then of her gasp of pain, had him closing his eyes and groaning in pleasure. It was like this rush of endorphins filled him knowing he caused those feelings within her. He looked at her ass, saw the red line that had instantly popped out along her creamy flesh, and his cock jerked forward at the sight. He got rid of his pants as quickly as possible, and then stood just as naked as she did. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, and he growled low.

  He brought the leather down across her ass once more, and she cried out again, but this time she moaned softly. Jackson moved to the side so he could see her face, and saw that her eyes were closed and that her lips were parted. He slipped his hand between her legs, felt her tremble from his touch, and when he pulled his fingers away from her pussy they were soaked with her cream. “Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes.

  He held his hand up for her to see the soaked fingers, brought them to his mouth to suck them clean, and then leaned in. “I remember you, Belle.”

  She made another small sound.

  “I used to watch you at those functions as you served the men and women that I loathed, but was forced to have niceties with because of their money.” He leaned in an inch. “I wanted you, wanted to fuck you raw, full you with my cum, and make you hurt until you came.”

  She did make a small noise now, one of need, shock, and maybe a little bit of fear.

  “And then I was basically stalking you, requesting your catering crew, and specifically wanting to you to be at any and all functions I was to

  “What?” she said so softly he almost didn’t hear her.

  He went to face her again, because he wanted to look right in her face when he spoke about this to her, wanted her to know that he meant every word he said.

  “You knew me?” she said with a shocked tone in her voice.

  “I knew you.” He smoothed a finger along her collarbone, ran it along her nipple, and watched as the tip hardened for him. “I wanted you the moment I saw you, wanted to break your innocence, to tear it away so the only thing you wanted was me, and that the only person that pleased you was me.”

  “I-I don’t understand any of this.” She shifted on her feet, and started looking genuinely uncomfortable.

  “You don’t need to understand anything aside from the fact that you’re here now, that I want you, and I don’t plan on letting this be the last time you and I are in this situation.” He leaned forward so he could smell the sweet floral scent that covered her body. “I want you for myself, want you to only be my whore, Belle.” He inhaled deeply and groaned out. “I know why you are doing this, know about your sick sister, but if you can understand that you’re mine, than you’ll understand that I’ll take care of you as long as you say you’re mine.”

  She stared at him with wide eyes, and he saw the shock and fear cover her face. “Be your what?” Beads of sweat covered her forehead.

  “Be mine. Only mine, Belle.”

  She looked around the room, glanced at the door, and he knew she was contemplating if she should have run when she had the chance. “This is crazy.” She sounded like she was speaking to herself. “No, you don’t know me, don’t know anything about me.” She started struggling hard, faster, but the bonds on her wrists were secure.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Belle, so struggling is fruitless.”

  She breathed hard from her anxiety, and he cupped her cheek. She stilled instantly, and he stared into her dark brown eyes. Her black hair was loose around her shoulders, and he pushed the strands away. “I know you, all about you, Belle. I know your sister is sick, and without money sent to her she can’t get the treatment she needs.” He kissed her lightly on the corner of the mouth, wanting to be more forceful, but also wanting her to accept what he said. “I know that you’re a struggling student, only twenty-five with a bright future ahead of you.” He kissed her chin. “You decided to work at the escort service to get the money your sister needs, but tonight is your first job.” He leaned back and griped her chin in a forceful hold. “And your last job.”


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