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Once Upon a Time

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  He knew that she had to feel the same way. The sensation he had when she looked at him, when she stared right into his eyes, and the way her cheeks flushed, told him this was not a one-sided emotion.

  He reached out and brushed another piece of hair away from her face, and then he leaned in, closed his eyes, and inhaled deeply. God, she smelled so good, so fresh, clean, and of lemon. He grew harder, his dick pressing against his slacks and urging him to be buried deep inside of her pussy. A low groan left him, and he lifted his head slightly. Her lips were a deep red, dark in appearance because of the shadows in the room. He wanted to kiss her, wanted to have his lips on hers and urge her to wake so she could see that this was really happening. And then he didn’t deny himself, didn’t try and reason with his body that he was going about it the wrong way. She was unconscious and here he was kissing her.

  He pressed his lips to hers, groaned deeply at the softness of her mouth, and knew he’d never get enough.

  Aurora slowly opened her eyes, feeling her belly churn and her head pound in pain. She lifted her hand and touched her forehead, closing her eyes and waiting for her nausea to leave. Was she back at her dorm? How had she gotten here? Opening her eyes again, she watched a light flash across the ceiling room—a passing car.

  A passing car?

  She slowly rose, looked around, and realized she was not in her dorm room. Where in the hell was she? Sitting on the bedside table next to her was a glass of water and a bottle of pain relievers. Had Melanie taken her somewhere? It seemed highly unlikely, but it was obvious she wasn’t at the party anymore. Her belly churned again, and right before she vomited everywhere she grabbed the small wastebasket on the ground by the bed and emptied her stomach. When the dry heaves started and she knew there wasn’t anything else left to throw up, she lay back on the bed and sighed.

  She went into the bathroom and flicked the light on. She saw granite counters, a shower big enough to fit three adults, a claw foot tub, and gleaming tiles. The sink had a state of the art spout and handles, and when she placed her hand under the faucet the water turned on by itself. She should be more afraid of how she had gotten here, but with the warm water on her hands she didn’t care. Splashing some water on her face and then rinsing her mouth out, she stared at herself in the mirror.

  Her eyes had rings around them and the blueness of the color stood out against her pale skin. She looked like shit. There was a small bottle of mouthwash on the counter, and without thinking about using someone else’s things she grabbed it and rinsed her mouth until it felt clean. Turning toward the door, she switched off the light and stepped back into the room. She felt better, but the glass of water and pain relievers beckoned her.

  The room was tastefully decorated, well, as decorated as she could tell given the fact she couldn’t see much since it was dark. But there was a minimal amount of light coming in through the window, so she could see a few things: sleek bedroom furniture, wall art that was dark and light slashes of color, and a chair in the corner.

  She froze, her heart starting to race and fear slamming into her as she saw someone sitting in that chair. The shadows concealed them, but a strong presence surrounded her. It was like another entity was with them, filling the room, and instantly having her body pliant. It was the strangest sensation, and when the person stood and stepped into the light, her heart completely stopped beating when she realized who it was.

  “It’s okay. No need to be afraid,” he said slowly, softly. It was like he was trying to ease her because he could tell she was afraid. Aurora was breathing harder all of a sudden. Her heart was in her throat, her palms were sweaty, and her brows knitted low as confusion filled her. Grey Dawson, her chemistry professor, moved into the moonlight that spilled through the window.

  “What am I doing here?” She glanced around the room, so damn confused as to what was happening. “How did I get here?” He looked good, sophisticated even though he wasn’t in the classroom. His shirt was undone at the first few buttons, and she could see his smooth chest from where the material had parted. His slacks were dark and his hands were shoved in the front pockets.

  “I saw you at that party and knew you needed to be in a safe place for when you woke, so I brought you to my apartment.” His voice was so deep, so masculine, that she felt her body react instantly. He moved over to the lamp on the bedside table, turned it on, and light washed the bedroom in a soft, warm glow. He stared at her, watched her with those cold, calculating dark eyes, and she felt her inner muscles clench in desire. There was something about him, something that told her that this man would change everything she ever believed in, change the entire make-up of who she was.

  Aurora had felt that attraction, that chemistry from the moment she stepped into his classroom and stared at him. He had watched her as he lectured, stared right into her soul as he spoke. She looked down and saw how hard her nipples were, felt how they poked through her shirt, and knew that if she were smart she’d leave his apartment. God, she was in the apartment of Grey Dawson, her chemistry professor and the man she had wanted since she started his course. She felt her nipples throb in desire, and when she looked at him again she saw his gaze penetrating her even more. She quickly covered her chest with her forearm.

  “You don’t need to hide yourself from me, Aurora.”

  She swallowed hard. “W-what?” God, what was he saying?

  He didn’t respond right away, and instead grabbed the glass of water and a few pain relievers from the bottle. Then he moved toward her and held them out, and she stared at his strong, big hand.

  She took the pills and water, thanked him softly, and then put them in her mouth and swallowed them.

  “If you really want to leave I can take you back to your dorm, but maybe you’d like something to eat?”

  She shook her head. “No thank you. My stomach is a little queasy still.”

  He nodded but didn’t move back, and she felt her temperature rise at his close proximity. His hair was dark and short, and perfectly styled. His complexion spoke of a Mediterranean heritage, and her pussy got wet. God, did she get wet for this man, and all he was doing was staring at her.

  She swallowed, knowing that wanting him was all kinds of wrong, but unable to calm the need to lean forward and kiss him. Aurora lowered her hands, and felt her arousal spike even higher when he lowered his gaze to her breasts once more.

  “Mr. Dawson, I don’t think me being here is a good idea, even though I am thankful you didn’t leave me passed out on that lawn.” Her cheeks heated at the embarrassment that she had done something totally out of the norm for her.

  He moved closer, and she tilted her head back and stared into his dark eyes. When he lifted her head even higher with a thumb under her chin, she stopped breathing altogether. He searched her face with his gaze, and she swore he was going to kiss her, just lean down and press his lips to hers. This was wrong because he was her instructor, and being with him would be a scandal. But Aurora wanted him, wanted to feel his big hands tearing her clothes away because his composure had been broken. She wanted to crack the hard shell that made up Grey Dawson.

  “Let’s get you some warm tea to settle your stomach.” He turned before she could respond, and she had no choice but to stay in the room and look ridiculous, or follow him out and see this through.

  When she stepped out of the bedroom it was to see a simplistic living room and kitchen. There was a TV hanging on the wall, and a large window showed the lights from the large buildings. They appeared to be a few stories up as she could see a park across the way, but not any cars or streets.

  The sound of clanking glasses had her turning and facing Grey again. He poured steaming water into two cups, put a teabag in each of them, and then looked at her again.

  “You want honey or sugar?”

  She shook her head. After a few minutes of walking around, looking at the thick, leather bound books on his bookshelves, staring at the few pictures he had sporadically placed, she finally mov
ed over to where he stood by the kitchen counter. There he was, right on the other side of the breakfast counter, his hands on the dark granite, strong, long, and having her imagine them doing deliciously erotic things together.

  “Couldn’t you get into trouble having a student here?” she said, her throat constricting and so dry from her nervousness.

  He didn’t respond right away, but then he glanced down at his cup. “When you want something badly enough, the risk is always worth the consequences, Aurora.” He slowly lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “But this isn’t just about you being here because I saw you passed out at that frat party.”

  She rubbed her hands on her thighs, feeling her heart beating in her throat. “It’s not?”

  He slowly shook his head.

  “What is it about then?”

  He didn’t respond right away, just looked down at his cup once more, grabbed the string to his tea bag, and started slowly raising and lowering it back into the cup. “This has to do with me wanting you, and taking you away from that filth and chaos. You don’t belong there.”

  He wanted her. Holy shit, her professor wanted her like she wanted him.

  “And you want me. I know it, know it by the way you look at me, by the way you lick your lips as I stare at you, and at the way your pulse beats faster at the base of your throat during lecture.”

  She knitted her brows together, not sure where this was going. A part of her knew this was wrong and being here meant something far more than what she had initially thought. Did she want Professor Grey? Yes. God, yes. But she also wasn’t about to ruin her first year at school because of her impractical desires, or have him lose his job for fraternizing with a student. Although she knew that he probably wouldn’t get fired, since sexual relations with a student were just frowned upon, the ramifications of having a tarnished reputation had to be just as bad.

  “Tell me you want me, too. Admit it, Aurora.” He moved out from behind the counter, a cup in his hand. When he stood right in front of her, she tilted her head back and stared up at him. Grey could speak so precisely, so eloquently that she just got sucked into his world whenever he lectured. There was nothing else when he was right in front of her. He was gorgeous and strong, a genius in his own right, and here she was, in his home, standing right in front of him. Her pussy was so wet she couldn’t even stand comfortably.

  “Tell me, Aurora,” he said softly.

  “Yes.” That was the only thing she could say at the moment, the only word her brain could form.

  He set the cup down on the counter, and the ceramic clanking against the granite seemed overly loud. “Do you want to leave, Aurora?” he said in a deep, low voice.

  She should, because that was the right thing to do. But instead she shook her head and said softly, “No, Mr. Dawson. I don’t want to leave.” And as if her words had set something in motion, Grey had his hands in her hair, pulled her forward and claimed her mouth.

  Her chest heaved up and down and she tried to suck in air between his kisses. Every erogenous zone in her body tingled. This was so crazy, but felt so right.

  He moved them backward, holding her close, and then stopping when they reached his room. He shut the door behind them, and there they stood, in the center of the room, staring at each other, but neither speaking. The sexual chemistry was off the charts, and she wanted to go further, to just be bared in every possible way to this man. It was like they didn’t need to speak to understand each other, to know what the other wanted.

  “I’ve been watching you, Aurora, waiting for my chance to have you to myself.” He started undoing his belt. “Since the moment you were in my class, sitting there alone, so quiet, so fragile looking.” He slid the belt free from the loops. “Does that frighten you, princess? Does it scare you that I’ve been waiting for the right time to take you into my clutches, that I have been infatuated with you, with the idea of you?”

  She shook her head, because as crazy as all of this was, she had wanted him desperately, too. There was just something about him that drew her in.

  “Take your shirt off,” he said in a low and deep voice that had everything in her rising up forcefully.

  Of course there was that little voice inside of her that said she needed to go, to leave his apartment because this could cost them both everything, but she was too transfixed in this one moment to do much of anything aside from what he wanted her to do.

  Aurora gripped the edge of her shirt and pulled it up and off her head. The air was cool and her skin puckered with goose bumps. She was intoxicated from the sensations moving through her, and she didn’t want it to end. She wasn’t drunk, was conscious of her actions, and she wanted her professor like she was some kind of dirty little schoolgirl.

  His gaze was penetrating, like he was actually reaching out and stroking her skin with that alone.

  “The pants, princess. Take them off.”

  God, he called her the endearment so softly, so heatedly, that she was feeling a desire to just throw herself in his arms and beg him to fuck her.

  “Now, little beauty. Do it for me, and show me who you belong to.” His voice didn’t even sound like him anymore, and she could tell that he was barely holding onto his control.

  Aurora did as he asked, and then when she stood there totally naked for him, bared to her instructor because he had ordered it so, she watched as the lust on his face morphed into one of ownership. As if he controlled the strings to her she stood and pushed down her pants and underwear. She was so cold all of a sudden, but then a blast of heat filled her. Beads of sweat covered her flesh in dewy moisture, and only got worse when he took that last step toward her.

  “If only you could see yourself right now, how you look to me.”

  She heard the pleasure in his voice. This was wrong on so many levels, but on the tail end of that thought she realized that only other people would think it was wrong. She felt so good, so easy and comfortable with him, and although it could be considered a twisted situation, how could she lie to herself and deny how she really felt? He moved closer and touched a finger to her bare shoulder.

  That small feeling was so overpowering.

  “Sit down for me.” He started undoing the button and zipper on his pants, slid them down, and then went to take off his shirt. When she was sitting on the bed, the sight of his hard, tanned flesh right in front of her and his massive erection standing at attention between his thighs, he reached out and ran his fingers over her lips.

  He moved back toward her and slid his hands up her thighs. A tingling sensation settled even more fiercely between her legs. He moved his hands in slow but demanding movements, and the air was literally sucked from her lungs. The urge to run, yet submit at the same time, rode her high. The slight pressure he added to her belly and the way he moved the pad of his index finger along her navel had her nipples hardening. He was meticulous and gentle as he touched her.

  “Lay back for me,” he said and looked into her eyes.

  She didn’t hesitate, although she knew she should have. Grey smoothed his hands on her exposed abdomen again. “Your skin is so soft, so perfect.” He then cupped her breast. Before she could tell him to stop, he was leaning over her. His breath was warm as it bathed her nipple. The peak hardened painfully, but pleasure also filled her. She involuntarily arched her back, causing her breast to brush along his lips.

  He groaned deeply. “Yes, that’s it, princess. Just let me be with you.” He was breathing heavily. “I knew you’d be like this, so receptive to my touch, so needy for me.” He moved lower and murmured against her skin right before he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Over and over he moved his tongue over the peak, and then gently tugged at it. “You want this just as badly as I do.” He sucked on her nipple more furiously until arcs of pleasure and pain coursed through her body like lightning bolts.

  She was going to come from the act alone.

  He sucked harder and faster.

  “Oh, God. Yes.”

bsp; He moved a hand between her legs. “You’re soaked for me, Aurora.” He moved his mouth up her chest and settled at the crook of her neck. He panted against her throat, sucked and nipped at her skin until she was arching against him.

  “Come for me, princess.”

  A low, desperate sound left her when he applied even more pressure, moved the base of his palm against her clit and rubbed in slow circles.

  “Unravel because of me.”

  She opened her eyes wide as pleasure stole her breath. “Yes.” She arched her back, and cried out as pleasure and pain became one. She was needy for him, desperate to feel him pumping inside her until she couldn’t move, couldn’t walk, and couldn’t even breathe.

  He didn’t stop grinding his palm against her clit, or sucking on her neck in long, gentle sweeps of his tongue and teeth. Aurora felt like she was exposed in such a way her very soul was on display.

  She opened her mouth, wanting to tell him it was so good, but words failed her. He pressed the weight of his body down on her and lowered his face so his mouth was right by hers. Grey ground his erection into her belly and a gasp left her.

  “You feel how hard you make me, how much I want you?” His strength was immense as he held her down, kept her stationary, and ground his dick into her belly. Grabbing her behind the knee and pulling it up and out, he took advantage of her surrender and nestled his waist between her legs. A small, needy sound left her when she felt his hard cock right up against her pussy. He was so big, so massive everywhere that she felt tiny.

  For several moments all he did was thrust against her. With his mouth at her neck, and him running his teeth and tongue along her overly sensitive skin, Aurora closed her eyes and just let herself feel.

  “This is so right, little beauty, so fucking right that once I am inside of you it will be Elysium.” His scruff scraped her throat, and a small mewl left her.

  “Maybe on some level I should know that what I am doing with you is wrong, but I want you too fucking badly, Aurora.” He thrust against her harder this time. “I am too determined to make you mine.”


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