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When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All)

Page 7

by Wells, Victoria

  Joining Ava at the counter, dropping an herbal tea bag in each mug, Starr cried, “Look at my life! It’s a mess! On top of already having drama, I had to go add drama on top of drama by getting pissy drunk and marrying the Mack Daddy of Mack Daddies! And to make matters worse, I wake up booty butt naked not knowing if I’d slept with Mr. Mack Daddy! How freakin’ pathetic!”

  The sympathizing young women tried to contain the giggles that were hopelessly escalating into robust laughter. After dropping the tea bags in the mugs, Starr in her normal dramatic flair imitated a pimp stroll with a bounce each time she spat out Mack Daddy. Explosions of laughter filled the confines of the small kitchen as the posse watched her perform.

  Fuming she didn’t understand what was so funny. Here she was pouring her heart out and they were laughing at her!

  “What the heck is so funny?”

  “You! That’s who! Mack Daddy of all Mack Daddies! That is so played out!”

  “Oh shut up, Karen! You get on my nerves!”

  “And what’s up with that little pimp bounce you got going on?” Ava ribbed, holding her stomach to keep it from bursting wide open from laughing so hard.

  Fury curled her hands into tight fist as Summer snapped her fingers and sang, “Mmmm, Mack Daddy, Mack Daddy…mmmm, Mack Daddy, Mack Daddy.”

  More laughter bounced off the walls as Summer’s petite body did the old school dance, the Whop, as she sang.

  Oh, okay. I’ll fix these little immature heifers. I’m trying to have a serious heart to heart about my sorry, pitiful life, and they got jokes.

  Casually walking over to the sink, Starr turned on the cold water. Lifting the spray nozzle, she aimed her weapon… and fired. They never saw it coming. All clowning came to a screeching halt as laughter turned into screams and squeals.

  The stampede of running feet in the direction of the narrow doorway, sounded like a heard of wild buffaloes. Starr sniggered at the comical sight of the women pushing, shoving, elbowing, and squeezing their way out of the space. Her kitchen would be a wet mess, but she didn’t care. It felt good playing the childish prank on them.

  Starr’s face held a smug, satisfied smirk. That’ll teach them to mess with a Queen Bee in her own hive!

  Twenty minutes and three frizzy, wet heads later, Starr pleaded with the disgruntle young women, “Come on, y’all suppose to be my girls. Don’t do me like this. I was only playing.”

  “Playing my foot! You got us looking like a bunch of wet rats!” Karen snapped, throwing her an evil glare as she touched her damp hair.

  “Look, I said I was sorry.”

  “Okay, okay, we forgive you.”

  Summer rolled her eyes at Ava. “Speak for yourself, suck up. I just got my hair done today.”

  Ava roughly nudged Summer in her side with her elbow.

  “Ow! Girl! Your boney elbow hurts!” Summer hissed.

  “Whateva.” Ignoring Summer, Ava shifted her hips to face Starr. She was given another chance to be there for her friend. This time around, she wouldn’t mess up by saying something that was insensitive. If anything, she learned from her recent ordeal with Starr that ill spoken words hurt, and had the potential to kill a friendship. Getting back to the purpose of their meeting, she asked, “So what is it you really want?”

  Hunching her shoulders, Starr didn’t know what to tell them. Should she be completely honest and tell them she’s been attracted to Kevin since NJ’s christening? Should she tell them how he made her feel attractive, sexy and desirable? Something a man hadn’t done in years. Or how being in his presence for that short period of time made her forget all about her worries, simply because he was there?

  In spite of his womanizing ways, Starr was honest about her feelings for Kevin. If they didn’t like it, that was their problem. She was grown and any decisions she made she ultimately had to live with them. “I really want to get to know him.”

  Taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten, Karen was trying to get her thoughts together. No way was Starr serious. Getting involved with Kevin was asking for trouble…big time. She had seen her sister go through enough heartache behind a man. “Starr, are you sure about this? What if―”

  “What if what?” Starr interrupted a little on the unnerved side. She wasn’t about to let Karen pull her big sister act on her.

  Quickly wanting to diffuse the tension before it had a chance to build; Ava gently rested her hand on Starr’s thigh. “Honey, please don’t get upset. Your sister is only concerned for you, just as we are.” As she spoke Ava looked to Summer, who nodded her head in agreement.

  “I appreciate your concern, really I do. But none of you know or understand what I’m going through.” Turning an unshed tearful gaze to Karen and Summer, she pointedly accused, “Both of you have children.” She let out a pent up breath of frustration. “And Ava, you’re always talking about you don’t care one way or another if you ever have any.”

  Before she could go on, her sister challenged, “You’re right. I don’t understand how getting to know Kevin has anything to do with having a baby.” Yes, her sister was grown and had a right to make her own decisions. But she could not, and would not, see her go back to that place after Marcus walked all over her, ruining her emotionally and financially.

  Not able to hold the tears back that were stinging her eyes, Starr spoke straight from her heart. “Because Karen, when I’m with him he makes me forget just how messed up my life is. He makes me feel beautiful every time he looks at me like I’m the only woman in the room. He makes me laugh; something a man hasn’t done in a longtime. And yes, he may be a womanizer, but if staying married to him and possibly getting my heart broken may be my only chance of becoming a mother, then I’m willing to take that risk.” At least this time around, she’d have something of value from a broken heart. This time she wouldn’t walk away empty and alone.

  Each woman in the room felt the raw pain that seeped from Starr’s soul. Circling her in an embrace, cocooned in love, each vowed their devoted and unwavering support. Each also prayed the journey would be one of healing and not desolation.

  Chapter 12

  Standing back, she studied her handiwork. Wanting to make a good impression, she dressed the table with a freshly starched white linen tablecloth. White bone china trimmed in silver, polished silverware, crystal wine goblets, and long stemmed white candles held in sterling holders, beautifully adorned the table.

  A small smile played at the corner of Starr’s lips as she appreciated how elegant her table looked. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear she was standing in one of a five star restaurant. “I ain’t neva, I mean neva go through all this trouble for a man. Shoot, I got it lookin’ like the Four Seasons up in here.” She openly praised herself, proud of her domestic skills.

  Earlier in the day, Starr had called her dinner date, husband, for suggestions on dinner. Rattling off a list of foods he enjoyed, which was everything, she was pleased he wasn’t a finicky eater. When he mentioned seafood, she had the perfect meal in mind.


  Hurrying from the dining room, Starr briefly stopped at the mirror hanging on the wall in the cozy vestibule. Checking her reflection, everything looked good, not a hair was out of place and what little makeup she had on was flawless.

  Opening the door, she stared up at the gorgeous man towering over her. Whew! Lord! This man is too fine for his own good!

  Kevin was leisurely dressed in a navy short sleeve polo shirt, well-worn jeans, that weren’t too baggy or too tight, and dark brown leather casual loafers. Her eyes lazily traveled the length of him. She appreciated how his broad shoulders and chest tapered into a slim waist that flowed into a pair of muscular, sturdy legs.

  What have I gotten myself into again? Starr mused as she literally salivated.

  “I brought this for dinner…Can I come in now?” Kevin requested as the corners of his mouth twitched halfway between a smirk and a smile. The unmistakable attraction that jumped off every time
they were near each other was magnetizing. How could he not feel it? Starr was mouth watering in a soft pink, just above the knee sundress, hugging every luscious curve. As usual, the hair was fierce. He wondered what it would feel like between his fingers as he made love to her.

  The extended muscular arm snapped Starr out of her momentary stupor. Reaching for the bottle of wine, she apologized. “Oh, I’m so sorry Kevin. I don’t know where my manners are.” Waving her free hand, beckoning him, she stepped aside to allow him entry. “Come on in.”

  The tight cozy confines of the vestibule made her dizzy. The heat from his solid body and woodsy sent of his aftershave caused Starr to swoon as their bodies, breasts to chest almost made intimate contact as he walked past her the short distance into the living room.

  Nice. Kevin surveyed his new surroundings. The walls throughout were painted soft beige, with the baseboards and crown molding painted in an off white. Each window was adorned with wood shutters the same off white color giving the space an exquisite, airy appearance.

  The overstuffed pastel blue sofa and loveseat, decorated with cream and royal blue throw pillows, begged to be lounged in. Hardwood floors so highly polished, one could actually see their reflection. In front of the sofa was an antique cedar chest with a hand blown glass vase holding dry flowers as its centerpiece served as a coffee table.

  Pointing with his eyes to Starr’s fresh pedicure in the color of mauve, he asked, “Should I take off my shoes, too?” Some folks were funny about their flooring. He didn’t want to offend her by walking on her beautiful hardwood floors with his shoes on.

  Looking down, wiggling her toes, Starr giggled. “No, you don’t have to. I just like walking barefoot whenever I can. Know what I mean?”

  Kevin chuckled. “A woman after my own heart. I hate wearing shoes, too.” Following suit he stepped out of his loafers explaining, “My momma said when I was a baby I used to take off my diaper and shoes every chance I got.”

  “Is that so?” She smiled lifting an arched brow as she moved towards the front door. “You can take off your shoes, but under no circumstance are you to remove your diaper.”

  “You-who! Starr! Starr!” An older woman’s voice called out capturing Starr’s attention before she could close the door.

  Sucking her teeth, here we go. Putting on a plastered smile, Starr waved. “Hi Mrs. Virginia, how are you?” Because the older woman was her elder, she was bound by duty to respect her. However, at times the elderly woman grated on Starr’s last nerve.

  “I’m good. I see you have company.”

  See what I mean?

  Mrs. Virginia winked at Starr, making a poor attempt at whispering. The woman was so loud the entire block probably heard her raspy voice from years of smoking Winston’s. “It’s been a long time since you’ve had male company.”

  Mrs. Virginia was one nosy old biddy. Every time someone came to visit she had her head hanging out the screen door peeping. If it was someone she didn’t recognize, she had the annoying habit of making some inappropriate, unsolicited remark… like she was doing right now.

  An impish, childishness came over Starr. Leaning out the front door, she loudly whispered imitating Mrs. Virginia’s raspy voice. “He’s not company. He’s my husband.”

  The deer in the headlights gaze was priceless. Starr closed the door not giving the older woman time to recover. Once back on her square, the elderly woman would want to know when the marriage had taken place.

  Kevin chuckled as Starr turned to face him. “Now why did you shock that poor old woman like that?”

  “What? I only told her the truth.” Unconsciously, she demurely lowered her eyelids and softly whispered, “You are my husband. Aren’t you?”

  The sweetness of her voice along with the meaning of her words made Kevin want to take her right there, up against the wall. She was staking her claim. And for some reason the very thought of her sexy subtle possession didn’t bother him.

  Starr’s stomach did flip-flops as Kevin closed the distance and ever so gently lifted her chin with his forefinger. Leaning down, softly kissing her lips he huskily whispered, “That’s what I’ve been told.”


  Leaning back in his chair, content from a very full belly, Kevin easily mused, I can get used to this.

  “Girl, I didn’t know you could cook. You got a brotha wanting to come to dinner every night!”

  He knew he was a little on the excited side, but dayum, not only was the girl super fine, she could cook her butt off. That was a major plus. Kevin was a connoisseur when it came to a good meal. The fresh Caesar salad, grilled lemon peppered mahi-mahi, sautéed asparagus, and penne pasta literally melted in his mouth. He could tell all the ingredients used were fresh, not frozen nor from a can or a jar. He was out done when she pulled his favorite dessert, a homemade banana pudding from the fridge. He was further impressed when she retrieved a pint of heavy cream from the fridge, confectionary sugar from the cupboard and commenced to whipping up a batch of fresh whipped cream.

  Since meeting Starr, he had always liked her. What was not to like? She was beautiful, classy, and intelligent. She had moved up another notch in his book. The woman could not only cook, but could eat! He hated when women nibbled on lettuce and carrots during dinner, their hungry stomachs shouting angry growls. The fact she was comfortable eating in front of him was definitely a turn on.

  Again, for the second time that evening she lowered her eyes from his penetrating gaze, blushing from his compliment. “Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed your dinner.”

  A sensation of pleasure flowed through her entire body. It had been such a long time since she truly enjoyed the company of a man, a very handsome man. Kevin was easy going, a great conversationalist, and comical in his own quirky way. With him, she was free and didn’t feel the need to put on airs while in his presence, especially when it came to eating. Usually she was self-conscious while eating on a date. She always felt as if her dinner partner was counting every calorie she’d put in her mouth. As if they could see the pounds piling up on her hips and thighs. But not with Kevin, he didn’t even flinch when she dug in for seconds. So what she wasn’t a size two. She loved every curvy feminine inch of her well toned, size twelve sexy body. Thank you very much.

  “Enjoyed it! Girl, I already told you I’m trying to be fed like this every night.”

  Giggling, Starr stood up and was heading into the kitchen. “Come on fool and help me clear the table.”

  “Clear the table? Woman, I’m ready to kick back and chill. You know watch some cable while the wifey, that would be you, clean up.” He leisurely teased as he folded his hands behind his head and crossed his feet at the ankles.

  Like a flash of lightening, Starr was standing directly in front of the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on. Hands on her hips, head cocked to the side, “Say what?”

  Looking up into her mocked scolding features, he further taunted, “You heard me little woman. The only thing missing are my six sons ripping and running all up in here.”

  “Six sons! How about six daughters climbing all over you putting ribbons and barrettes in your hair!” Quickly covering her mouth holding back laughter. “Oops, my bad. I forgot you’re just as bald as Mr. Clean!”

  Without warning, Starr felt herself being pulled onto his lap. Strong muscular arms wrapped around her in an affectionate, crushing embrace as she felt the rumbling vibration from Kevin’s chest as he laughed. “I see you got jokes.”

  Closing her eyes for a split second, she allowed herself to be absorbed in his embrace. In his arms, she felt as though the heavy weight she’d been carrying for weeks was no longer a burden. If she could stay right here forever, all would be good.

  Starr let out a small sigh. As wonderful as this felt, she couldn’t get her hopes up. Extracting herself, she stood, taking a step back. Playfully swatting him with the dishtowel, she ordered, “Yep, now come on and get to steppin’ if you every plan on me cooking you another meal.”
  “A’ight lovely, I hear ya, I hear ya.” Kevin chortled as he gathered the rest of the dishes and followed the hip swaying, sassy woman into the kitchen.

  This evening was getting better by the minute. From the moment he entered her home, Starr had been at ease with him. From the gentle kiss he gave her, to the easy flowing conversation, and now their playful bantering was only making his decision about their future that much easier. He knew what direction he wanted to take the relationship. But was Starr willing to follow along?

  Chapter 13

  The moment of truth was demanding to be heard. All evening the couple tipped toed, danced around and skirted the issue at hand. Nervously Starr sat on the loveseat, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she stared at her hands neatly folded in her lap. Earlier in the day she’d hyped herself up to believe she was ready to handle Kevin, now she wasn’t so sure. What if he didn’t take what she was willing to give?

  “What’s the matter, Starr?”

  The deep, sexy hypnotic drawl made her shiver. “Just a little on the nervous side that’s all.” She honestly admitted as she nibbled at her lip between her teeth.

  “You want me to get you another glass of wine?”

  Vigorously shaking her head, she declined. “Uh-uh, no thanks. I’m fine.” Last time I had drinks with you I ended up butt naked. Or did you forget?

  Kevin chuckled. All during the meal, she nursed one glass of wine. It was apparent she was being extremely careful with her alcohol consumption. “It might help you relax.”

  “No. I just want to get this talk over and done with.”

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she wanted to kick herself. She didn’t mean to come off like that, didn’t mean to sound as if this whole situation was trivial or insignificant. When she opened her eyes and saw the muscle in his jaw tighten, immediately she went into damage control mode.

  “I mean…I’m just as anxious to see what your thoughts are since we haven’t had a chance to discuss everything until now.”


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