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When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All)

Page 9

by Wells, Victoria

  Tears streaming down her face she swore, “I’m going to get you Kevin Dawson if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Chapter 15

  In nervous anticipation, Starr chewed the inside of her cheek. Kevin had called early this morning asking her to come with him to meet his mother. Though she was nervous, she was giddy knowing he wanted her to meet his mother.

  Lowering her eyes, she inspected herself, making certain the short-sleeved lavender linen dress she wore wasn’t too short. Slightly leaning over, she inspected sandal-covered feet checking for any chips of nail polish on her manicured toes. Flipping the visor down, she next peered into the mirror searching for any wayward strands of hair. Growing up her mother had always drilled into her, “Always put your best foot forward when meeting someone for the first time.” According to her momma that included being properly dressed and making sure your hair was in place and not a nappy mess.

  Keeping his eyes on the road, Kevin reached over and flipped the visor back up.

  “Hey, I was using that.” Starr said trying to suppress the irritation in her voice.

  Taking her hand he kissed it. “Baby, you look fine. Stop worrying.”A surge of heat and chills shot through her at the same time from his moist lips making contact with her skin. “Who said I was worrying.”

  Chuckling he answered, “You’ve been restless ever since you got in this car.”

  Starr let out a soft groan. “That obvious, huh?” Of course, she was nervous. After all, she was meeting her mother-in-law for the first time.

  Kevin smiled. “Uh-huh. Don’t worry, Momma’s gonna love you. Trust me.”

  She wanted to tell him that the last time she trusted a man she ended up with her heart broken in a million and one pieces. “Easy for you to say. And how you know she’s gonna like me?” She grumbled crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Because she will.” He assured as he brought her hand to his lips again, this time kissing her wrist at the pulse point.

  “Oh…okay.” Starr stammered as her heart rate increased from the sweet caress.


  “I told you she would like you.” Kevin whispered in Starr’s ear as they sat snuggled on the sofa with a photo album on their laps.

  Upon introductions, the petite, elderly Mrs. Dawson drew Starr to her bosom in a motherly embrace. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

  Finally meet me. Starr hid her surprise as she returned the embrace. She wondered if Kevin had told her of their haphazard Vegas nuptials. No, Kevin would have told her. He wouldn’t let her walk in there blind…would he?

  All of Starr’s stressing had been for naught. Mrs. Dawson made her feel welcomed from the moment she invited her into her home. She had been the perfect hostess. First offering, then insisting Starr join her in a glass of iced tea and a slice of lemon cake.

  Kevin playfully feigned jealousy. “What? I don’t rate some tea and a slice of my Momma’s lemon cake?”

  Starr’s heart melted when the little lady placed a tiny hand on each side of his face pulling his forehead down to meet her lips. “Of course Momma’s baby can have some tea and cake.”

  The tender sentiment between mother and son was what Starr longed for. She wanted a man to love her and give her a wonderful son like Kevin. Ava was right. Looking at Kevin and his mother, she didn’t want her child to be fathered by some unknown donor. A wave of sadness washed over her as she painfully wondered if she would ever have either. Just because they decided to be friends didn’t mean he had fully committed himself. Lord, please, all I want is a good man to love me and give me a child.

  Sitting across from her youngest son and his new lady friend gave Beverly hope. She studied the couple as they looked at old baby pictures of Kevin and his older brother, Richard Jr. A faint, demure smile touched her lips as she nodded her silver head. She’s the one. Beverly was observant of the way the younger woman’s eyes sparkle and how her laughter came out melodious as she ooh’d and ahh’d over the baby pictures. She noticed how each time Starr lightly tapped her son on the knee before saying, “Oh, look at you. You were such a cute baby.” Or “Aw, look how chubby you were.” And when she broke out into a fit of giggles hugging the photo album to her chest with Kevin attempting to pry the album from her clutches, Beverly knew she had stumbled upon, the picture.

  “Momma, I asked you, begged you to take that picture out.” Kevin groaned in embarrassment, his caramel coloring turning a tinge of pink.

  “Stop being a baby. It’s an adorable picture.” Starr teased.

  “Let me see.” Beverly said reaching for the photo album although she was aware of the picture, which brought her son embarrassment.

  Sticking her tongue out at Kevin like a five-year-old, Starr tugged the album from his grasp and handed it to Beverly.

  A fond smile curved her lips as she looked at the toddler in the picture. She remembered that warm, sunny afternoon like it was yesterday. The day was an Easter Sunday. The then three-year-old Kevin had become irritable dressed in the little three-piece navy blue suit and dress shoes. As Beverly talked with the Pastor’s wife, Kevin had maneuvered out of her line of vision. Sitting down on the lush green manicured lawn, the toddler proceeded to remove every stitch of clothing. Everything. Richard Sr.’s deep rumbling baritone laughter caught his wife’s attention causing her to spin around.

  “Oh, my Lord! Richard, this is not funny! Put that camera down and get your son!” Beverly yelped as she watched in horror her baby boy running stark naked squealing in delight on the front lawn of the church as his daddy snapped picture after picture.

  Starr threw her head back and laughed until tears came from her eyes as his mother recanted the story of that afternoon long ago. Even Kevin chuckled though he heard the same version of the story a hundred times. “Oh, my. Look at the time,” Beverly noted out loud, as she looked at her watch. “My quilting club will be coming over shortly.” Turning to Starr, “Do you know how to quilt dear?”

  Starr shook her head. “No ma’am.”

  “Well, maybe Kevin can bring you over the next time my club meets and I could teach you.”

  Starr felt honored Beverly was inviting her into her circle. “I would love for you to teach me how to make a quilt.”

  Saying their goodbyes at the door, the elderly woman hugged the younger woman. “It was a pleasure meeting you.” Although Starr had just promised to come back to learn quilting, the older woman emphasized with a sincere smile, “Don’t let this be your last time coming to see me.”

  “It won’t be. I promise.”

  Kevin gently squeezed Beverly in a bear hug. “I’ll call you later pretty lady.”

  “All right son.” Before she released her hold, she whispered, “I like her. She’s good for you son.”

  Watching the couple stroll hand in hand, Beverly whispered a prayer of thanksgiving. “Thank you, Lord. You have answered my prayers. Starr’s the one. I know she is.” Closing her door, she was confident by next year this time she would be a grandmother.

  Chapter 16

  “You two stop that running!” She yelled behind the tiny balls of energy making a path between the throngs of shoppers. Dodging in and out between the sea of people was making it almost impossible to keep her focus on them. The last thing she needed was for some crazy, sick pervert to be within close proximity lurking in the shadows. If anything happened to those kids, she would have to hop the first plane out of the country to hideout in a cave.

  The energized toddlers obediently slowed their running to a slight jog at the sound of the stern, yet loving adult voice.

  “Okay, Auntie Ava.” The two cherub faces sang in unison as they returned the few feet they had gotten away from their auntie.

  Smiling down at the beautiful pair, she stretched out her arms prompting them each to take a hand. Ava loved spending time with her godchildren, NJ and Autumn. When Summer expressed she needed to “get these kids out of my hair” so she could shop in peace for a party dress, A
va jumped at the chance.

  Taking the kids to the food court in the King of Prussia Mall for ice cream was the perfect distraction to allow her the time she needed to find the perfect dress to wear to Kevin’s big bash. He was throwing a huge party announcing the official launch of Dawson’s Investments. And she couldn’t do that with two very active toddlers underfoot. She was grateful when Ava volunteered. “You go ahead in Nordstrom’s, and I’ll take the guppies to get something to eat.”

  Summer raised a suspicious eyebrow at her sister-friend. Yes, she was grateful; however, she wasn’t totally convinced she should trust her babies with Ava. It wasn’t that she was afraid of them getting hurt while in her care. She was more afraid of Ava allowing them to get into mischief. You see, Ava found everything the spirited tots did hilarious.

  She would never forget the last time she allowed her to baby sit. The evening started off like any other evening, godmother and godchildren enjoying their special time together. Ava fed the kids dinner, bathed them, and the trio retired to the family room to watch a Disney movie. After the movie, she had taken the kids to their room to read them a bedtime story. Halfway through the story, the telephone in the other room began to ring. Leaving the children for no more than a minute to answer the phone, she heard Autumn’s high-pitched screams. Thinking something awful had happened Ava dropped the phone as she ran back into the kids’ room.

  Autumn was beside herself as she screamed bloody murder. Whether it was curiosity or good old-fashioned meanness, Ava wasn’t sure. All she knew was once she saw the scene in front of her she fell to the floor on her knees turning beet red from laughing so hard.

  NJ dumped almost an entire container of baby powder all over his sister’s head, and was in the process of christening himself, as he vigorously shook the remaining powder coating his dark, thick, silky locks.

  Poor Autumn kept slipping and falling on the hardwood floors coated in the powder as she hysterically attempted to make her way to Auntie Ava for shelter from her impish brother.


  “You know what.” Summer responded, still eying Ava suspiciously.

  Attempting to appear dumbfounded, “Noooo, I don’t’ know,” Ava answered.

  Nodding her head Summer insisted “Yeeees, you do, Ava.”

  NJ and Autumn looked back and forth between Mommy and Auntie. Both were silent, as if their young minds tried to comprehend what was going on. Mommy looked a little upset. Auntie Ava looked as if she wanted to laugh.

  Throwing up her hands in the air she huffed, “Come on Summer that was last year. I didn’t know NJ was gonna turn Autumn into Casper the Friendly Ghost.”

  Crossing her arms across her chest, Summer pointed out, “And what about two months ago?”

  Nervously, Ava shifted from foot to foot. She did have to bring up that little incident. See, this is the reason why she didn’t have any kids and didn’t want any. Spending a few hours with them and then giving them back to their momma was just about all she could handle. Unconsciously, she shrugged her shoulders. How was she to know that after watching Finding Nemo the little self-proclaimed abolitionists would free the expensive, colorful exotic fish from their daddy’s aquarium?

  “You know Nick is still pissed about his fish,” Summer snapped. She had to put up with hearing him grumble and complain about his dead tropical fish for two weeks. Finally, she had to tell him, “Get over it! They’re only fish!”

  Ava rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “I know… I know…I said I was sorry a hundred times already.” Did she have to hear how pissed Nick was every time this subject came up? She truly was sorry and grateful at the same time.

  She was sorry the kids had gotten into the expensive aquarium. What was she supposed to do? She couldn’t hold her pee all night. After all, people did have a right to use the bathroom! She couldn’t help it if her godchildren were inquisitive.

  Grateful Nick hadn’t taken her up on her offer to replace the two fish, which met their early demise, thanks to the itty-bitty freedom fighters. Why in the world would anyone pay two hundred dollars for one fish? Certainly not Ava. Sista, had bills to pay. Lucky for her, they hadn’t gotten to the other exotic fish in the tank, which were twice as expensive.“Summer, I got this. I promise.”

  Taking her friend by the shoulders, she turned her in the direction of her destination. Gently giving her a nudge, she said, “You go find your dress. I won’t let my little guppies out of my sight.” For good measure, Ava crossed her heart and hoped to die.

  Letting out a little chuckle, Summer stooped down to eye level with her babies. Giving a penetrating stare, she looked from one to the other. “NJ and Autumn, I want you to be good for Auntie Ava…okay.”

  Bobbing their heads up and down, they promised to be good. “Okay Mommy.”

  The penetrating, you better behave yourselves or else, stare was replaced by a genteel smile. “Good. Now give Mommy some kisses.”

  Tiny arms encircled Summer’s neck as wet kisses landed on her cheeks before she went off on the search to find the perfect party dress.

  Snuggly holding onto each tiny hand, Ava made her way through the throng of shoppers. Now that her little cherubs had full tummies, off to Build-A-Bear they went.


  Browsing the designer dresses, Summer felt as if someone was watching her. However, every time she’d look over her shoulder she didn’t see anyone. Hunching slender shoulders, she turned her attention back to finding the perfect dress.

  Veronica Taylor slowly eased from behind the mannequin that concealed her thin frame. She couldn’t help herself. She had to get a better look at the petite woman her coworker Amy all but knocked her over to get to.

  All the sales associates were aware of the women who came into the designer dress department dropping big bucks. Though Veronica had never seen this one before, it was obvious that she was a spender since Amy literally charged after her like a raging bull. It annoyed Veronica when she did that. For once, she would like to benefit from one of the extravagant shoppers. She too, could use a big, fat commission. The extra money would definitely come in handy since her daughter was now in high school. Like all fifteen-year- olds, Tanya wanted the latest fashions her classmates sported. Whenever Veronica offered to design something nice for her, Tanya’s response would be, “Mom, I don’t do homemade clothes.” Or “I’d rather go to the thrift store and get last year’s labels.” Remarks like those cut deep. How could she tell her daughter if she hadn’t been deceitful and greedy she could have potentially been a top designer?

  As annoyed as she was with Amy, she was glad this one time she hadn’t been aggressive, approaching the customer, and taking the young associate’s sale. She stood glued to the floor as Amy greeted the woman. “Hi, Mrs. Stiles, how are you today?”

  Mrs. Stiles. It can’t be. She looks so young…so beautiful. Veronica thought as she wondered if the petite woman was Nick’s wife. She had heard that after all these years he had settled down and married.

  As she eyed the beautiful woman, Veronica’s stomach began to churn. If only she had played her cards right it would be her shopping at Nordstrom’s, instead of working here as a part-time, weekend sales associate. She should have kept her big mouth closed and not brag to her ex-boyfriend at the time she was pregnant. Telling him she was pregnant with Nick’s baby had backfired. It hadn’t taken long for him to calculate that he may be the father of her baby after their one night of sex.

  Veronica had been angry with Nick because he had canceled on her again. And to make matters worse, he was neglecting her in the bedroom. Business meetings and late nights at the office had consumed him. Weeks had gone by since they had been intimate. Feeling neglected, out of spite, Veronica agreed to have dinner with her ex. Several drinks later, accompanied by bad judgment, she ended up in bed with her former lover.

  Not once did she feel any regret or remorse. In her heart, at the time she felt justified by her actions. It was only a one-time thing, w
hich would never happen again, is what she told herself.

  Her ex, however, felt differently. Losing her once to Nick was enough. Accepting his offer to dinner and then making love to him was all the encouragement he needed.

  Everything blew up in her face when the former lover kept stopping by her place of business and incessantly calling her on the phone. She wanted him out of her life. She had everything going for her. She was pregnant with her wealthy boyfriend’s baby and he had just given her a sizable amount of money to open her first boutique. He was even offering marriage and the house with the white picket fence. Becoming frustrated with her ex’s advances she blurted out, “You need to stay away from me. I’m pregnant with Nick’s baby.” She even went as far as to boast, “And even if this baby isn’t his, he’ll never know it.”

  Her blabbing was the beginning of the end for her. The bottom fell out when the ex-lover went to Nick telling him everything and demanding a paternity test. Not only had he revealed the one-night-stand, he told Nick how she had confessed that once she got her business up and running, she had planned on ending the relationship. He enjoyed adding more salt to the wound as he went on to tell Nick how Veronica only stuck around for the right opportunity to hit him up for the money she needed to open her boutique. Her pregnancy had been that golden opportunity.

  The joyful, squealing of a small child brought Veronica out of her miserable musing.

  “Mommy, Mommy…Daddy’s here, Daddy’s here!”

  Veronica further concealed herself, as she watched a little boy no more than four years old enthusiastically run to the woman, hugging her around the legs. Her heart pounded in her chest. The child was a carbon copy of the man from her past.

  The little boy was eager to tell the woman, “Him has Autumn. She sleepy.”

  The petite woman giggled as she threaded her fingers through the child’s dark, curly locks gently correcting his grammar. “NJ, it’s ‘Daddy has Autumn and she’s sleepy.”


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