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When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All)

Page 22

by Wells, Victoria

  Everyone in the room laughed as Nick ducked behind Patrick.

  After introductions were made, the men migrated back to the den with the children in tow to finish watching the football game, while the women congregated in the kitchen getting acquainted with Donna. Donna was pleased that Beverly truly adored her child. Of the many tragedies in her marriage, a meddling mother-in-law who thought her son could do no wrong had been one of them.

  Not only was Beverly kind, but the other women also made her feel welcomed and part of their tight knit group. She enjoyed how the older women shared their wisdom. What she found even more impressive was how the younger women were attentive and respectful of what the older ladies had to say. They discussed everything from dating, to raising children, to marriage, and sex. Yes, sex! Donna wished she had brought her note pad. That Joan and Beverly was a mess! They could recite a number of positions from the Kama Sutra! The easy going discussion and bantering between the generations was refreshing. Just knowing that her girls had wonderful friends and older women who’d become surrogate mothers to them made her heart happy. Later over dinner, Patrick and Nick explained how they’d met years ago. Both their companies were trying to take over a small failing international cargo shipping company in New Orleans. Being from the area and coming from a family in the shipping industry since the early eighteen hundreds, Patrick had the advantage. Nick had been a formidable opponent. If Patrick’s family business hadn’t been stable and well versed in shipping and Nick had the resources back then that were at his fingertips now, Patrick didn’t doubt he would have added the small, failing company to his growing empire. After all was said and done, the men parted amicably, each respecting the other’s professional and business integrity.

  Starr and Karen stared wide-eyed at Patrick upon hearing who he really was. They were stunned as they heard along with everyone else over dinner what he did for a living.

  Out of curiosity Karen had asked, “What does he look like?” before she had gotten the opportunity to meet Patrick face to face.

  Starr had seriously responded, “Like a card carrying Hell’s Angel member. Girl, he scared the mess out of me when he opened mommy’s front door. I thought he had her tied up somewhere.”

  Patrick openly shared with his new family how he had been suffocated living his life in the shadows of his father and forefathers. Five years ago he semi-retired and turned the helms of the company over to his younger brother. His dream had been to ride his Harley cross-country and overseas. Living a life on the road had transformed him. For the first time in years, he felt free with his long hair and full beard. He was free, yet lonely. That rainstorm that dark, stormy night on the country road had been a blessing, an answer to his prayers.

  Patrick racked up major cool points with the women. Smitten with Donna, he had uprooted himself to set out on a mission to capture her heart. It hadn’t been difficult for him to leave everything behind in New Orleans setting up new roots in rural Virginia where he owned a vacation home. The beautiful lady with the sad eyes tormented him day and night. All he could think about was how he was going to love the sadness away.

  Feeling a little refreshed, Starr sat up sliding her foot into her shoe. On second thought, she kicked the shoe off deciding to go barefoot. Crossing the room pulling open the door, Kevin stood on the other side.

  Concern was etched across his features as his eyes washed over his wife. She had disappeared without saying anything to him or their guests. Lately she hadn’t been feeling well, complaining of feeling run down. When he voiced his concern, she’d brush it off. “Probably just caught that bug that’s going around at work.” Bug or no bug, if she didn’t get any better he was taking her in for a check-up.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, just a little tired. I had to lie down for a few minutes. I was on my way back downstairs.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Kevin frowned.

  “You just stop it. You know I was up late last night and again at six this morning. A sista is tired.”

  Uncrossing his arms, he placed his hands on her shoulders. “You should have let your mom and Karen help you.” His tone was firm, yet she heard the love and concern.

  Looking up into his dark eyes, the butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach. She would never get used to nor tire of how much he loved her. Smiling she softly admitted, “I wanted to make our first big event special by doing everything myself.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, kissing the top of her head, he gently chastised. “Now your hard head is paying the price.”

  Covering her face with her hands, she leaned into his chest. “I know, I know. I should have accepted the help.” Up until now, she hadn’t thought about how much fun it would have been working in the kitchen with Donna and Karen. Just like old times.

  Kevin automatically wrapped his arms around her. “Come on, little woman everyone’s asking where you snuck off to.”

  Walking hand in hand, fingers intertwined, Starr saucily joked, “You could have joined me.”

  “Stop being a tease Mrs. Dawson.”

  Coming to the bottom of the stairs, Starr disengaged their fingers. Stepping in front of her husband, Starr made her way into the den with the rest of the family to let them know she was okay, just needing a little breather.

  Certain his eyes were on her, for good measure she swayed her hips seductively, sending out that erotic pull she had over him. Glancing over her shoulder, she purred, “I’m no tease, Mr. Dawson. You’ll see…later tonight.”

  Heat rushed throughout his entire body, settling dead smack in his groin. He became hard as steel watching her strut her sexy self into the den. Oh, dayum! I need some fresh air.

  Stepping out onto the front porch, he rubbed a large hand down his face. That wife of his had set his blood on fire. He prayed the cold December air would cool him off. He wanted her so bad until he ached. He was tempted to take her back upstairs.

  For goodness sake, he very well couldn’t go barging into the den throwing his wife over his shoulder caveman style and carrying her off to his cave making wild passionate love to her. Can I? Sure I can. Kevin laughed at the absurd thought. Starr would have a fit if he embarrassed her like that.

  Sitting his large frame down on the top porch step, Kevin inhaled the crisp air, willing his body to obey. It didn’t help that visions of his beautiful wife, writhing beneath him were dancing in his head. Or how his hands were suddenly warm in the cold air as he imagined them roaming over the slopes of her breasts, down her belly, between her¾.

  The loud barking dog broke into his reverie, capturing his attention. Coming to his feet, the hairs on the back of his neck bristled as his nostrils flared. He didn’t like it one bit the way the man walking the dog was studying him or his house. Being raised on this block his entire life, he knew all his neighbors. This man was unfamiliar and Kevin didn’t trust him.

  “You lost?” Kevin asked, almost snarling as his body went into combat mode.

  The man looked Kevin over, as if sizing him up. “Nah man, just walking my dog.”

  Cutting the man another glance, he made his way back into the house. This doesn’t feel right. He just couldn’t shake the feeling that the man was doing more than walking his dog.

  I’m going to have Frank Bass check this out. If this man was lurking around and up to no good, Frank was the best private investigator to have on the job. Frank was the guy all the big corporate cronies went to, to dig up well hidden dirt.


  Gingerly sliding his hand from beneath his wife’s hip, Kevin eased out of bed careful not to wake her. Looking down at her, a smile touched his lips as he watched her sleep. He softly chuckled remembering all of the sensual taunting she’d done early and hadn’t lived up to any of it. When her head hit the pillow, she was out cold. It reminded him of the night they married in Vegas. Except this time, she was out from working hard preparing a holiday feast and not from a drunken stupor. He was so proud of his
baby. She had been the perfect hostess making sure everyone was well fed and having a good time. Leaning over he gently kissed her on the cheek. “I love you,” he tenderly whispered.

  Down in his office he dialed the private line of Frank Bass. The late hour of which he was calling wasn’t an issue. Detective Bass was accustomed to getting calls at all hours of the day or night. The voice that came over the line was thick with sleep. “Bass. Talk to me.”

  “Hey Bass, this is Dawson.” Over the next twenty minutes, Kevin informed the detective of the shady man who appeared out of nowhere and a little too interested in what was going on in his home.

  After going back inside, Kevin noticed the man hadn’t moved from his position. Primal instincts were pulling at him. Kevin’s senses were heightened. Danger reeked all around him. Hissing a string of expletives under his breath between clenched teeth, his hand was on the doorknob when he felt a strong, firmness grip his shoulder.

  Fury coiled through him as the strong hand stilled him. This predator was an imminent threat to his family. As a man, he vowed that nothing or no one would bring harm to his family. Not bothering to shrug the massive hand, he turned the doorknob.

  Before he could fully open the door, the deep voice warned, “Son, think wise before you go out there.”

  On his way to the powder room, Patrick observed Kevin intently gazing out the window. When he came back out, Kevin had remained unmoved. Whatever or whomever was out there, had his tall frame so tense, it looked as if he would snap in two. Hearing the angry hissing, the older man knew there was a problem on the other side of the door.

  Turning around Kevin glared into sky blue pleading eyes. At that moment his anger was somewhat quenched. Patrick was right. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin the day for his family and friends, especially Starr. He wouldn’t disappoint her by acting a fool.

  Kevin freely told Patrick his concerns when he encouraged, “Talk to me, son. Something obviously has you on edge.” After telling Patrick of his suspicions, the older man offered to slip out the back door unnoticed to check things out. He reasoned with Kevin it would be better for him to go out there and feel the man out. “More than likely if he’s up to something, he won’t suspect we’re kin.”

  Kevin curiously watched as Patrick approached the man engaging him in conversation. When Patrick leaned down and began to pet the dog, a smirk curved his lips. He had to give it to Poppa Patrick the man was smooth. He had gotten the lurker to let his guard down to the point where he went from petting to rough housing with the large dog. It was amusing watching the older man rolling around on the ground with the dog. He was very agile for a man in his late fifties. The dog’s excited barking could be heard up and down the street. Thank goodness everyone was engrossed in having such a good time no one seemed to notice the ruckus.

  Ending the conversation, both men shook hands. Patrick slowly sauntered down the sidewalk paying close attention to the vehicle the man and the dog climbed into. What he also noted was that there was a woman in the passenger side. Unfortunately, he was unable to make out her features. However, all was not a lost cause. His astute mind, dealing with fluctuating economies for decades, had a knack for remembering figures.

  Slipping back inside through the way he left, he stealthily made his way back to Kevin. A broad grin spread across his face as he tapped the side of his forehead. “I have a thing for numbers.”

  Kevin’s visage considerably brightened as Patrick rambled off the license plate of the car the man got into. Giving him a pound with his fist, “Thanks, Patrick, you the man.”

  The older man chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, we’re family.” Slapping Kevin on the back, he said, “Come on son, let’s get back before the folks come looking for us.”

  Easing back in bed next to his sleeping wife, he gently snaked a muscled arm around her waist. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep sigh of relief. Detective Bass would get the investigation rolling tomorrow in the morning. Kevin questioned the detective about it being Christmas morning. The man let out a deep chuckle. “Man, holidays don’t get in the way of an investigation.”

  Pulling the woman he loved closer to the fit of his body, he prayed Bass would soon have some answers for him.

  Chapter 34

  Christmas Night

  Stretching, the female figure lying in bed smiled not so much from sexual satisfaction, she’d had better, but because she hadn’t spent Christmas evening alone. Her new lover was selfish. He only cared about taking care of his own needs, leaving her frustrated. Before her mind could wander to Kevin and how good he would have made her feel, her thoughts were interrupted.

  “How are you coming along with our little project?” The masculine voice questioned next to her in the dark.

  Glad she was in the dark, the young woman rolled her eyes. It took all her strength to keep from loudly sucking her teeth. What the hell does he mean ‘our little project?’ I’m the one doing all the work, taking all the risks. The showdown in the ladies’ room with Starr last week came vividly rushing to her mind. Humph, he was nowhere around if Starr and her crew of witches had commenced to beating her and her cousin’s tails, old fashioned North Philly style. The only thing he had done was laughed in her face when she told him about the incidence.

  He really didn’t want Starr, just her money. And now that he found out she was married to Kevin, he seemed even more pressed with getting his claws into her. Well, not her per se, but more like her bank accounts.

  She wanted to tell him, “You can forget it. Starr ain’t neva leaving that man for you.” What? Was he crazy? Yeah, that had to be it. No woman in her right mind would leave a catch like Kevin Dawson. As much as she hated to admit it, Starr was one lucky woman.

  Breaking into her thoughts again, he snapped, “Don’t you hear me talking to you?”

  Blowing out an angry breath, he could’ve reached over and choked her. He should’ve known she wouldn’t deliver. All that talk about being able to come between Starr and her new man was a bunch of bull. The skank lied about having Kevin’s nose wide open. A few months had gone by, and he was no closer to Starr than he was years ago when she got fed up and kicked him to the curb.

  He had had enough. He was doing things his way. He needed that money by New Year’s Eve or else…No, he wasn’t going to think about what could possibly happen to him. He didn’t have time to dwell on that. He needed that money, at least a little bit of it. If he at least showed up with something, it might buy him some more time. His creditors were becoming impatient. New Year’s Eve had been his last and final extended deadline.

  With the impending deadline hanging like a boulder ready to come crashing down on his head, fear and anger seized his being. Bolting up out of the bed, he stormed over to the light switch on the wall. Flicking the light on, he bellowed, “Get the hell out!”

  If you want anything done you gotta do it your damn self! And he knew exactly what he was going to do. At this point, he would do whatever was necessary to get out of the trouble he had gotten himself into. The irony of it all was that a woman had been his downfall.

  For the first time in his life, he’d met his match; a woman just as cunning and wicked as he was. He fell in love with Lolita at first sight. And she knew it, too. Taking advantage of this knowledge, the beautiful, exotic woman with the almond shaped eyes and hourglass figure, drained every cent he had. He had even gone to the maddening point of getting not two, but three jobs, working like a dog to give her what she wanted.

  This beauty had him trained like a circus seal. When working three jobs hadn’t fed her appetite for wanting to dine in the best restaurants and shop in the most expensive boutiques. The fool started gambling in hopes of hitting a big pot. The first few ventures in the illegal gambling house were profitable. With his winnings, he had lavished every dollar on the love of his life, giving her whatever her heart desired. Misery soon set in and his lover floated on to the next sucker as he dug himself deeper and deeper into a pit of sub
sequent losing streaks. Owing the Black mob thousands had brought him to this very hour of despair.

  The young woman stared at him in disbelieve. What did he expect from her? Miracles? Every little scheme she tried hadn’t worked. Starr and Kevin’s relationship was solid. What was she supposed to do? Hand Starr over to him on a silver platter?

  “Please, I tried everything. Isn’t there another way you can get the money?” She questioned her lips trembling. So what he hadn’t been the best lover she had. That hadn’t matter. All that had mattered was that she didn’t have to spend Christmas alone wishing she was the one celebrating the holiday with the one man she would never have. So being with him, bad sex and all had been better than being alone.

  Stalking over to her clothes on the floor, he snatched them up flinging them in her direction, not caring that every piece he flung hit her in the face.

  Spending the day with her had been an absolute waste. Having burned bridges with family and friends, having her there with him hadn’t seemed like a bad idea; at least he got a free meal and sex out of it. She had been so happy he invited her over to his studio apartment; she hadn’t balked when he told her to bring groceries if they were going to celebrate their first holiday dinner together.

  In her naïveté, she had prepared a spread for a king. After dinner, he had taken her to bed with the sole purpose of relieving his sexual needs and nothing more. He could care less if she’d got any pleasure out of their coupling. She wasn’t worth the effort of pleasuring.

  “I said get out of here. Don’t you worry about how I’m gonna get my money,” he growled at her through clenched teeth.

  She hadn’t moved quickly enough for him. Yanking her off the bed, he roared, “I’m not playing with you! Go! Get out!”

  Scrambling to gather her clothes as he dragged her to the door, she cried, “Wait! Let me put my clothes.”

  “Hurry up!” He barked, as he stood naked with his arms crossed over his chest.


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