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WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne

Page 24

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Why are you awake so early?” She wanted it to come out a lot stronger than a whiney child, but she’d lost seconds before burrowing into the pillow with the blankets up to her neck. Nice and warm and toasty, she thought. No matter what the calendar said, it was rarely warm enough to roast early in the mornings when the ocean was at your back door.

  “It’s natural,” he answered without remorse, setting her cup down and going back to the business pages.

  “I can’t go back to sleep now.”

  “Hmm…” Tanner watched the form next to him twist and shift in an effort to find her spot again.

  “It’s your fault,” she said testily, throwing herself to her back and staring at the ceiling. The room smelled of coffee and marmalade. Damn him.

  “I know.”

  “Do you care?”

  “Not particularly,” he chuckled and offered her the cup when she was sitting upright again. When she took the cup, his hand went back for the plate he’d made for her, handing that to her next.

  “Where’d you go?”

  “The grocery up the street while you were sleeping,” he answered, turning the page of his paper and adjusting it to continue reading.

  Vianne looked around the paper at the clock and back at him with a little frown.

  “That must have been early,” she sighed and drained the coffee. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he laid the paper along his stretched out legs. “You sound nervous, Vianne.”


  “All unfamiliar territory,” he guessed with a small nod. It wasn’t anything new. He probably knew more about Vianne Summers than any person alive. He took her hand, carrying the fingers that curled around his to his lips. “You haven’t taken the rings off. I’m glad.”

  “I keep waiting to wake up, Tanner. Nothing personal, honestly, but I had to have been out of my mind to have…to…I never planned to marry again,” she finished with a sigh.

  “Too late for that,” he grinned boyishly, reaching for the phone on the side of the bed. “This thing went off about an hour ago,” he dropped it into her lap.

  Vianne groaned but wasn’t sure if was because of the phone or because of his maddening behavior. Why wasn’t he fitting into anything she considered normal in her brain? She was still glaring as she scrolled through the menu and found her message.

  Tanner barely had time to grab the half full cup from the surface of the bed when she bounced and was on the floor, phone closed but in her hand as she paced.


  “…no problem. I need to get dressed,” she chewed on her cheek thoughtfully, mentally going down the checklist of questions she’d been thinking about. “I need to get a camera guy,” she walked into the closet, the sound of sliding hangers next.

  She held a pair of simple slacks and a light sweater when she felt the palms on her waist. Damn! The man moved like a stalking tiger!

  “Why do you need a camera guy?” He finally gave into the urge that had been boiling inside him since she woke up. His mouth bit down on the flesh where the tiny strap kept sliding over the cap of her shoulder.

  “I…you can’t…Tanner, I have to go. I have an interview at eleven,” Vianne let her head fall against him. The warm, confident palms glided around her waist and beneath the satiny fabric of her top.

  “It’s not even nine,” he chuckled. “Do you have a camera here? That you use when you’re alone?”

  “Yes.” So where did your brain go, woman? Somehow it shut down when his palms cupped her breasts and she could feel his cock between the cheeks of her ass. Hard and insistent, his hips rotated and stroked himself against her. And she loved the way it felt.

  “Then I can be your camera guy,” Tanner took the clothes from her hands and dropped them to the floor. Then he took her palms and put them on the wall, his hands sliding heavily and hungrily down her body to the point where they touched. He stretched the elastic of the satiny bottoms she wore and pushed them down her legs, his palm lifting one leg and placing her foot on the bench.

  “Tanner…” Vianne loved the feelings he sent coursing through her so quickly. The rational side of her said it would all go away in time. But she had now and he wanted her. And god knew, she wanted him!

  His hands slid back beneath her top and she pushed against him.

  This time she felt flesh against her ass. Then one of his hands was stroking through the swollen cleft, one finger and then another sliding inside, stretching her seconds before she felt the head of his cock pressing for entrance. An entrance her body refused to deny him.

  “I wanted you from the first minute I woke up this morning,” he whispered against her throat. He rolled the pert nipple around in the center of his palm before raking his nails over it, the sound of her gasp and clench of her pussy around his cock sending his hips forward.

  He watched her fingers tense and curl against the wall, the sound of her rough breathing sending his palm gliding over her stomach to stroke the pulsing nub.

  Christ, she felt good. Beyond good, his body corrected with each thrust she accepted and met.

  Vianne felt the edge of his teeth along her throat at the same time his fingers stroked and pressed on her clit. Somehow the lightning jumped from the nipple he had caught between his thumb and finger and the clit that screamed for more. Her body exploded in a long burst of hot fire. Her hips thrust back and inner walls of her pussy clamped down and held him.

  She was positive she’d lost the ability to breathe. The air was trapped and frozen just as her body didn’t move for a long minute. Her outer body at least. Her inner one was clenching and grasping and squeezing the hard male without remorse. In the fogged daze that followed the mind shattering explosion, she heard him call her name. She felt his body shudder, his arms crossing around her and holding her snugly against him.

  A warm, moist tongue scraped along her throat.

  “Christ, woman…how you get my blood boiling from nothing to blister is amazing,” Tanner breathed, kissing the mouth tilted to the side before he carefully pulled free of the muscles that held him captive.

  “Me?” She somehow turned and slumped back on the bench, head against the wall and eyes closed. “I was just pulling clothes out to wear.”

  “We have time for a shower and you can brief me on what’s taking our Sunday away from us,” Tanner took both her palms in his and tugged until she stumbled forward with a sigh. “I need to learn how to work with you in the field anyway.”

  “Somehow you don’t strike me at the submissive camera guy type,” she tossed out, stepping around him and setting the temp on the double headed shower. She quickly brushed her teeth before joining him beneath the spray. “And don’t hog my shower or you’re kicked to the other one,” she warned with a low snarl, nudging him with her hip.

  Vianne yelped when the drizzled of cold liquid fragrant soap struck her shoulder and a pair of strong hands began lathering her. Literally from head to toes. By the time he was working his way back up her legs, she was pressed against the tiles, eyes glazed and blond hair a curling wet mass.

  “You sure you want to threaten me?” Tanner pressed against her, his cock already semi-erect and hungry for more. “I’m a man who finds his wife unbelievably sexy and can’t think of much but how each piece of furniture can be used erotically,” he lowered his mouth to hers. “Including the shower.”

  “Eleven,” she squeaked out, palms up and against a very solid, immovable chest. “And a thirty minute drive.”

  “Negotiate with me, Vianne,” Tanner chuckled against her skin, his tongue licking over the water and ending by nipping her ear.

  “I’m thinking negotiate isn’t the right word,” she shoved against him, locked her elbows and managed to hold him out. “Blackmail is illegal, mister.”

  “Caught,” he winked, twisted and kissed her. “But we have lots of time.”

  Vianne felt the cool air as he left her in the shower, whistling and w
rapping himself in a thick towel. Then she realized that her knees were shaking. Since when did a man do that to her? Since when did she have stand up sex in her own closet? She quickly finished her shower, a small towel wrapped around her head until she was dry and in her clothes.

  Ignoring Tanner’s stare at her while she dressed, now that was a new experience.

  He had cleaned up the tray he’d brought to the bedroom and the newspaper was neatly stacked on the desk in the other room when she walked out. He offered her a cup of fresh coffee, his hand brushing the loose, thick curls touching her ear.

  “Pretty. So where’s the camera?” He followed her eyes since she was in the middle of a long drink. Tanner went to the built-in shelves behind her desk, lifted a few books off the top and the camera from the highest shelf. “Haven’t used it in a while, have you?”

  Vianne frowned, drained the cup and set it on the counter. Long legs crossed to him and took the video camera from his hands. It was a tad on the heavy side, compared to the newer models. And dusty.

  Both of them coughed when she blew on the surface.

  “I think it might be time to get a new one,” she opened the side and checked the batteries before hitting the power button and frowning. Nothing happened. She kept her gaze down, silently counting.

  “Fortunately, I happen to have one in my car,” Tanner worked at controlling his laughter as he carefully removed the camera from her hands and set it on the desk. “I think you can donate it to the Smithsonian.”

  “Well…don’t be so smug. Phones do the short bits now and I haven’t been off alone somewhere in a few years…obviously,” she bit the corner of her lip and went behind the desk, moving papers around and finding her note book and pens. She lifted the small backpack from the floor and began adding things to it. “You don’t really have to do this, Tanner. I can call the station and get someone on call.”

  “And miss out on serious bonding time with my wife? Not on your life,” he went into the bedroom and returned with a wallet he tucked into the side pocket of his cargo pants, keys dangling from the other hand. “Ready when you are, Miss Summers.”

  “We can leave here about ten-fifteen,” Vianne absently lifted the remote and aimed it at the TV nestled into the shelf, the news channel coming up in bright color. She upped the volume without turning to look at it as she began straightening her desk, going through mail and tossing things into the shred pile.

  Until she heard her name coming through the morning.

  “And taking the channel and friends by surprise,” the perky young announcer behind the desk offered a broad grin at the photos flashing across the screen. “Our own Vianne Summers was sighted tying the knot with millionaire philanthropist Eric Tanner Clayton this past weekend! We here at Channel Five Today wish her and the new husband the very best of congratulations on their marriage!”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Oh, fuck,” Vianne stared for a long, silent minute before swiveling and blinking up at Tanner where he’d frozen across the room. “Did you tell…”

  “I fucking did not,” he ground out angrily, his knuckles white around the keys.

  “I…they probably have people waiting for limos to arrive. I’m a little noticeable,” she said quietly, her head shaking. “It would have been nice if they contacted me before blasting my personal life all over the screen.”

  “You want our marriage kept a secret?” Tanner knew he had a tenuous hold on his temper at best and he didn’t want it unleashed on her. “I’m going to get the camera out of the SUV to make sure it’s charged.”

  Vianne slumped back in the chair. “Not a secret, exactly,” she said to herself when the door slammed. “I’d rather it didn’t happen at all…” She sighed heavily and let her head thump against the cushioned headrest of her chair. She squeezed her eyes closed tightly. She wasn’t exactly running him off.

  Oh, god, she was starting to like having him around.

  Tanner slammed doors. He figured it beat the hell out of slamming his fist into the wall of the condo. He had the case from the concealed spot beneath the back tire and walked back inside. He was hoping she’d been too distracted to listen to the words that had been spoken. But how the hell they’d uncovered his whole name when she hadn’t, was a little disconcerting.

  He didn’t need the camera in the house. Hell, they’d be leaving and going in the SUV in half an hour and he knew it was well charged. He was particular about that.But he did need to breathe and he did need to get out of the house before he exploded about news that should have been personal ending up blasted on the television on Sunday morning.

  He frowned. He couldn’t remember hearing Vianne swearing like that before. But given some of the places she’d been during her life, he’d have bet she knew all the good sailor words. He chuckled at the thought, meeting the wide eyes when he closed the door behind him.

  “Better?” Vianne asked cautiously.

  “I didn’t mean to…” Tanner sighed thickly. “I don’t care for personal shit on the news. Especially about me or you.”

  “And you chose to hook up with a reporter,” she pointed out. “And I’m going to interview a candidates’ wife and eventually turn the conversation to their personal life. I’m not sure you really want to be there, Tanner.”

  “It’s something I should have come to terms with a long time ago,” he answered, extending his palm. “If you have the address, we can head out. I’ll drive slow so you’re not too early.” He saw the doubt on her face. “I want to be with you, Vianne. I’ll be quiet and observe and listen. My word.”

  Vianne nodded and checked the pack she’d set on top of the desk. Notepad, pens and other little things that might come in handy along with her phone.

  “You’re angry,” she said quietly, looking up and facing him in time to back against the desk as he came forward. How the man managed to pin her in place with that dark look continued to fascinate her. He had a wild fire in his eyes that made her breath freeze in his throat. She was glad her hands were empty because they fell to the edge of the desk and gripped it. It was either hold onto the desk or climb on it to get away. Not that she really wanted to get away…she swallowed hard.

  “No, baby, I’m not. Not after a few minutes to think about it,” his hands came up and framed her face. “I should call and thank them. I’ve wanted to climb on the roof and shout to the universe that you were mine. Now technology has done it for me,” he whispered seconds before his mouth covered her, all the honesty and sincerity in his words shared in the kiss. “So now the world knows you belong to me.”

  “Lord, where do you get those words,” she whimpered, fingers open and curling around the edge of his shirt. Mostly to keep from melting into the floor.

  “I’m been saving them for you for a very long time.” Reluctantly, he backed away and took both her palms in his. “Let’s go before I make you late for your appointment.”

  “But you’d be sorry,” she promoted, grabbing her pack and keeping up with him.

  “Not for at least an hour,” he said with a chuckle, the feel of her free hand slapping at his arm and making him grin. “Tap our destination into the GPS.”

  “I need more coffee,” Vianne dropped her pack to the floor and fastened the seat belt before following orders.

  “Our first stop,” he promised, reading the directions and heading them out with a glance at the gas gauge. “I’ll fill up, you get a coffee and a big bottle of water.”

  “Deal,” Vianne yawned, her palm up over her lips. “Excuse me.”

  Tanner managed to keep questions inside him as they neared the address she’d programmed into the GPS. It surprised him when she came out with two waters instead of her coffee, her answer a little shrug.

  “This is better for me,” she answered, her legs crossed beneath her and notebook on one thigh and pen busy either writing or tapping on her cheek.

  “You intend to antagonize her, don’t you?”

  “Such a harsh accusation
,” Vianne murmured, checking the notebook one last time before closing it and tucking it into the pocket of her light pack. “I intend to conduct a civilized interview about politics and all that it entails. Details make the story and while I don’t necessarily believe all should always be made public, I do firmly believe that collateral damage is wrong so they can chase a high level position supposedly representing the American people.”

  “Uh-huh,” Tanner saw the feral look in her eyes.

  “I don’t like unanswered problems. And whatever her father is up to, that not only has her mother dragged into it, but strangers, is making me twitchy,” Vianne ignored his laughter.

  “I’ve heard some scary things about Vianne Summers on assignment,” Tanner admitted slowly. He’d managed to collect stories about her for the last several years. He’d started to think himself a closet stalker where she was concerned.

  Vianne froze and didn’t look over at him.


  “Hmm…quite the disciplinarian and feisty,” he chose his words very carefully.

  “I get the feeling you’re being very polite right now, Tanner. Not that you aren’t normally polite, but I know when things aren’t going the way I want, I’m a bitch and everyone knows it and avoids me when they get on my wrong side,” Vianne only sounded a little contrite. “Mostly when it involves the places I’m at and people being hurt that I thought I could stop,” she said after a long quite few minutes. “It…it got so frustrating. So…it hurt…and the longer I was there, the more it seemed like little pieces of me just vanished.”

  “That’s why you quit taking overseas assignments a few years ago,” Tanner had been as surprised by that decision as her bosses.

  “I never told anyone,” she said softly, staring blindly at the dashboard, then at his hands on the steering wheel. “I told them I had family issues to deal with and gave the assignments to others who wanted to climb the ladder. I was a wreck and not really any good for the places I was or the stories I wanted to do.”


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