Bone Walker: A Paranormal Romance (Eternal Soul Book 1)

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Bone Walker: A Paranormal Romance (Eternal Soul Book 1) Page 7

by Idella Breen

“No, your hands were just blocks of ice. The temperature must have dropped since I came here.”

  She nodded as the waiter came over to take her order.

  “I want what she’s having, please.”

  “A coffee and the breakfast burrito?” He confirmed.

  Angela smiled. “Yep, that sounds right.”

  The waiter nodded and scribbled it down on his notepad. “Be right out.”

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled. “No problem. I’ll just get your coffee. Two creams and two sugars?”

  “Yeah, sounds wonderful.”

  After he left my friend began stripping off her winter gear. First, her beanie came off, it was decorated with snowflakes in a variety of colors, then her scarf and thermal line coat came off.

  “You look like it was freezing outside.”

  She leveled me with a look. “Honey, there were flurries when I left my apartment. This get up was a necessity. You’re going to freeze on your way home. You might want to take a taxi or the bus. I didn’t drive, or I’d offer you a ride.”

  I shuddered at the mention of public transportation but played it off with a shrug. “I think I’ll stick with walking. It will be good for my allergies.”

  She looked at me strangely before shrugging. She had just opened her mouth when the waiter came back and set down a steaming mug.

  “Thanks, you're a lifesaver.”

  He chuckled. “No problem. Your orders should be out soon. Can I get you anything else?”

  I shook my head. “No thanks.”

  “Okay, well enjoy.” He walked off to help another table.

  Angela moaned and wiggled her butt in her chair as she sipped her coffee. I snorted.

  “If you love it so much why don’t you marry it?”

  “I tried, but he kept disappearing every morning. Mr. Coffee is an elusive lover. One moment, he’s whispering sweet nothings to you, the next he’s in someone else's kitchen giving them the time of their life. Just when you think you’ve tied him down…” She sighed wistfully and took another sip.

  “You’re so weird, Angela.”

  “That’s why you love me. You get my personal brand of crazy.”

  I nodded. “And you get mine, I suppose.”

  “That’s right. Now, tell me why you suddenly called me out for breakfast. Not that I’m not happy to be spending time with you, believe me when I say that it’s been way too long since we just hung out, but you sounded stressed over the phone.”

  I took a sip, of my now cooling coffee, to collect my thoughts. “Is it possible to be in a waking dream and not know it?”

  She frowned. “You mean like something from Inception?”

  I thought about the movie and nodded. “Just like that.”

  “Why? Are you having nightmares again?”

  I shook my head. “Not exactly.”

  Angela set her mug down, and studied me for a moment, before leaning forward and whispering, “Does this have to do with being attacked? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I was touched by her concern and I wanted to tell her everything that had happened. Even if she didn’t understand, Angela always had a way of making me feel better about the worst situations. Just like how she helped me through the death of my foster mother during college. My best friend always knew what to say or do. As I opened my mouth to tell her, June’s voice entered my mind. “…you can’t tell anyone about me or your memories. No one can know that things are different this time…”

  But surely, I could tell Angela, right? Besides, it was all a dream. Dreams can’t hurt people, right? But what if it wasn’t all a dream? What if it was all real? Could it hurt her then?

  I felt a now warm hand gently squeeze my arm bringing me from my thoughts. I looked up into Angela’s worried gaze. “Are you okay, Eliza? Did someone try to hurt you again? Are you sure you don’t want to stay at my place? You don’t seem yourself.”

  The concern in her gaze assured me that I could tell her anything and it would work out. I opened my mouth, “Angela-“

  “Eliza, what a coincidence it is meeting you here?” A voice, as smooth as silk, cut me off making my heart leap into my throat in the process. I looked up into the dark gaze of Kaleb.

  “Kaleb? What are you doing here?” I all but yelled, still trying to calm down.

  He looked around before meeting my gaze. “Apparently, I’m getting breakfast. I assume you are doing the same?”

  I flushed at his words and was about to say something equally stupid when I was reminded of my company by the clearing of a feminine throat. We both looked at Angela who was all but glowing in attraction to the overly handsome man next to me. The same man that had admitted to being a demon only a week ago. That is, if I wasn’t losing my mind, and had imagined the entire thing. I had to get him away from her either way.

  “Who's your friend Eliza?”

  I frowned. He sounded way too interested to be a good thing.

  “Angela, meet Kaleb. I met him at my art show.”

  He received her hand, kissing her knuckle, before smirking in all his deadly glory. “Pleasure. Kaleb Cole, at your service.”

  “Aren’t you cute?” She giggled. My frown deepened. Angela only giggled when she was flirting. This wasn’t going well. I needed to get him away from her.

  “Are you eating with anyone Kaleb?” She asked.

  He pouted and shrugged. “Sadly, it seems I was stood up by my date. I was just on my way out when I spotted a familiar face.”

  Angela tried to hide her glee at hearing this, but it was a waste of time. I internally groaned as I knew what was coming next.

  “Why don’t you join us then? We don’t mind, right Eliza?”

  I stood as I noticed our waiter coming over with our food. Finally, my luck was working for once. “Actually, I have to go.”

  She frowned. “Don’t be silly; we just got here.”

  “You mean, you just got here. I’ve been waiting here for a while, and now I’m leaving.” I felt a pang of guilt as I watched her face fall. I hated doing this, but I hated the idea of Kaleb being around my best friend, more. Especially, if he was, in fact, a demon. God, I was going crazy.

  “Oh, sorry about that.” She muttered.

  I turned to the confused waiter. “Can you please put one of those in a to-go box?”

  “Um, sure.” He said, and placed one of the plates down on the table in front of Angela, then walked off.

  We waited in an awkward silence for the moment it took the waiter. I shuffled from foot to foot. The restaurant was bustling with life and sounds from people enjoying meals with loved ones. As an observer, their lives all seemed so uncomplicated, while mine felt like it was spiraling out of control. If that wasn’t a depressing thought to top it all off, I might be losing my mind.

  “Here’s your box, Miss.”

  I jerked a little, but quickly recovered, and took the offered box. I turned and slapped a twenty on the table startling Angela in the process. She had been picking at her food. “I’ll call you.”

  I said, then grabbed Kaleb’s hand, dragging him away from one of the only people that mattered in my life. He let me pull him all the way out of the restaurant before I released him. When I turned around, he was smirking.

  “What?” I snapped.

  He shrugged. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “You might as well have,” I yelled then turned to walk away but was stopped by a hot hand on my shoulder. I turned back to him.

  “Why don’t I walk you home? It’s dangerous around here.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I think I would know.”

  “Maybe Angela would like some company then. I’m sure she’s a bit lonely after her best friend so rudely left her on her own.” He turned to go back into Bear’s, but I grabbed his hand.

  “Fine, you bastard. Walk me home.”

  “My pleasure.” He chuckled, and pulled my arm through
his, wrapping them around one another, and pulling me snuggly into his side.

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Only when it suits me.”

  We began walking in the direction of my apartment with him leading. I don’t know what concerned me more. The fact that he knew where I lived or that I was alone with a man that could possibly be a demon.

  “No need to be so tense. I promise, I don’t bite.”

  “How can I be sure?”

  He held his hand over his heart. “Scouts honor.”

  “Do you even have a heart?”

  He simply smirked. “Smart girl.”

  “Shut up.”

  “I assure you that I mean you no harm. It wouldn’t suit my purpose.”

  “And what exactly is that?”

  His eyebrows went up. “Don’t you know?”

  I frowned. “Should I?”

  “I guess it’s against the rules for her to tell you much. Makes sense.” He mused.

  “Are you going to tell me or just leave me in the dark?”

  “The dark is exactly where I want you, my dear.” He grinned, and for a moment the light around us shifted just right, and the man holding my arm in his grasp wasn’t a man at all. He was a grotesque creature. He defied all logic with his disfigurements: horns curved like rams, blood red eyes that looked hungry, teeth jagged and sharp like sharks, and skin like smoked stone. The scent of smoke surrounded me, and it made my eyes water. Then like a mirage in the desert, he was back to normal. A good-looking man. I jerked my hand from his grasp and trembled. I suddenly felt tired, weak. I sighed. “What do you want from me, Kaleb?”

  “What we all want from you.”

  I met his dark gaze. “And what is that?”

  “For you to make a choice that will benefit us. That is all Eliza. We just want you to choose.”

  I looked around and was surprised to see we were in front of my apartment building. I turned back to him. “Why.”

  “Because my girl, it is why you were born. Your pain is my pleasure, your suffering is my nectar, I stand for all of your hate and anger. The hate and pain gathered from lifetimes of injustice. I offer you the power to take your revenge against the light. All you have to do is choose me.”

  I shook my head. “Not today, Kaleb. I won’t make a choice today. Leave me now. Your smell is making me sick.”

  He chuckled. “My apologies, Ms. Trust. The smell of a demon can overwhelm a mere mortal. I’ll have to keep that in mind when I’m around you.”

  “Or you could just stay away from me.”

  He shook his head. “Where would the fun be in that?”

  I nodded. “Leave me now. I want to be alone.”

  “As you wish.” He gave a low sweeping bow before continuing on his way. I watched until he rounded the corner and was out of sight before I walked inside to escape the chill that had settled deep within my bones. It had been warm in his presence. Maybe that had to do with being a demon. Either way, I was now freezing, so I quickly entered the elevator. I just wanted to go back home and climb into my warm bed.

  “Why?” I whispered into the silence of the hallway, as the elevator closed, shutting out the chill of Fall.

  Chapter 7

  I was chopping carrots, for the chicken noodle soup I was attempting to make for dinner when there was a loud thumping at my front door.

  “Who could that be?” I wondered and left my carrots, that looked more like hamster food, because I was never good at chopping, or cooking in general for that matter. Angela was always trying to teach me a few things, but they never seemed to stick. I paused while unlocking the door, my hand hanging awkwardly in the air. What if it was Angela? I don’t know if I was ready to face her just yet. The peephole in my door had been busted before I rented the apartment. The landlord hadn’t been too forthcoming with the details of how it happened; I had my suspicions that either an angry boyfriend or girlfriend was involved, but I had managed to get a little bit off my rent because of it, and I had the repairman fill it with plaster. Now, I was regretting that decision.

  I huffed. “What’s the worst that can happen?”

  Then I opened the door. A body all but fell on top of me causing me to yelp. “What the-”

  I caught the body, and stumbled a little, only to see the white gold strands of hair that only belonged to one person I knew. “June?”

  She stepped back, and I gasped. She was deathly pale, but there was an unhealthy blush on her cheeks that suggested either she was drunk, or running a high fever. Her usually soft voice sounded hoarse as it disrupted me from my thoughts. “Sorry, I tripped.”

  “Are you okay? Come on in and sit down.”

  She stumbled a little, and I grabbed her by her shoulders to help steady her. She let out a pained gasp.

  “What? Is something wrong with your back?”

  “It’s nothing.” She whispered as she let me lead her into my living room, closing the door behind us.

  “You look horrible.”

  “It’s nothing, really. I’d like to stand if you don’t mind.”

  She resisted with surprising strength when I tried to push her down onto the couch.

  “June, what’s wrong with you?

  “I’m fine-“ She yelped when I slapped her on the back.

  “Uh huh, I’m sure you are,” I said as I drew off her leather jacket. It was a new one; probably a replacement for the one she gave me. It was a nice caramel color that went well with her hair.

  “Eliza, you don’t need-“

  “Lift your arms.”

  She sighed and attempted to do as I instructed. She was wearing a black shirt, but it felt wet, and my concern grew as I slowly lifted it around her head. I gasped. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight of her back. It was a ripped and bloody mess.

  “What the fuck, June?”

  “Don’t Eliza.” She warned.

  “Don’t fucking what? Worry about you? You know what? Don’t answer that. Stay here!” I yelled and left her to get the first aid kit that I kept in my kitchen for cooking mishaps. I came back quickly, and she was right where I left her, gripping her jacket to her chest. She looked over her shoulder. “Eliza, don’t look at me like that. I’m-“

  I held up my hand. “Don’t finish that sentence. I’ll lose it if you do. Just…just let me help you. Please. I…I need to do something.”

  She nodded.

  “Can you lay down on the couch? You’re too tall. It will be easier for me to treat you.”

  She walked over and laid down on her stomach.

  “Thank you,” I whispered as I set to work

  I had to stop several times, to take a deep breath, and still my shaking hands. I did the best I could, to wipe off the blood and clean the wounds of dirt, but there honestly wasn’t much that I could do. June told me it wouldn’t help to wrap it. She instructed me to just clean it with alcohol and let it air dry. It didn’t feel like enough. Nothing I did ever felt like enough. I wanted to cry, to relieve some of the frustration, but my eyes were dry. Even my own body was rebelling against me.

  I finished and surveyed the damage. There were raised welts, as well as long slashes as if nails had dug in and dragged along her back. It was going to scar, I thought absently and cleaned up my mess. Thankfully, it wasn’t bleeding anymore, but her back looked like she had been put through the shredder. I stood from my kneeling position and winced as my knees cracked. My legs had fallen asleep. I looked down at the woman on the couch. She had fallen asleep too. How she did with the pain, she must have been in, was a mystery to me, but it was probably for the best. People healed better when they were sleeping.

  I went back into the kitchen, setting the first aid kit down on the table, and turned around only to stop when I noticed the chopped carrots. A thought came to my mind, as I gazed at the small pieces of orange that were too small for their purpose, I hadn’t chopped the carrots. I had diced them.

  Bursting into tears, I wailed. “I can’t even chop
carrots properly.” I gasped in between sobs as they racked my body. Sinking into the chair at the table, I laughed and cried until my belly hurt, and my eyes were sore. Then I poured a glass of water and took two aspirin. I grabbed the whole bottle of pills, and poured another glass of water, taking both into the living room, and setting them down on the coffee table. She would need them in the morning. I took a seat in the armchair across from June.

  Our position had been reversed. It wasn’t that long ago, but it felt like years now when in fact it had only been a little over a month since the first time she saved me. I pushed the thoughts from my mind. I could think about it tomorrow. I glanced up at the cheap plastic clock, a Walmart special, hanging on the wall above my television. Ten o’clock. A little early but I was beyond exhausted. I don’t think I’ve ever had such an eventful week. I pulled the blanket off the back of the chair and wrapped it around myself. It would be best to leave June uncovered. A sheet might irritate her wounds. Snuggling down, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


  “Get some bitches!” I jerked awake and looked around in confusion.

  “I said, get some bitches and some cha-ching.”

  “Shit!” I jumped up, throwing off the blanket in my mad dash to get to the kitchen, where my purse was. Digging through it, I pulled out my cell phone. I already knew who was calling by the ringtone that she had put on my phone without my knowledge. She was always changing it every time I slept over at her place after a drinking binge.


  “What the hell was that yesterday at breakfast?”

  “Shit, Angela. I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, you better be. If you didn’t want to hang out with me, you could have just told me you were feeling sick.”

  “What?” Now I was confused.

  “I get that you were sick. You should have just said so.”

  “No, Angela. I just didn’t want to talk to Kaleb. He’s not that great of a guy.”

  “What are you talking about, Eliza?”

  I frowned. “Kaleb? The guy that showed up. I don’t like him. I didn’t want you to meet him.”

  “Who is Kaleb? I’m talking about how you puked all over the waiter when he brought out our order. You didn’t have to force yourself to go out with me if you were that sick. I wouldn’t have been angry if you canceled. Are you feeling better now?”


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