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Sinful Needs (Wicked End Book 2)

Page 38

by Jeanisse, Bella

  Austin called from the bed. “Leave him alone. He needs time to process this. When he’s ready, he’ll come out.”

  Scott nodded. “You’re right. I’m gonna go take a shower in your room, Kenzie. OK?”

  “Sure.” She sat on the bed. “What if he can’t deal with this? What if I pushed him too far?”

  Austin rolled towards her and wrapped his arms around her. “He had his eyes closed the whole time. I think he was imagining it was you. Seeing Scott was a shock.”

  “Oh.” She understood. “He’s mad at himself, then.” When the bathroom door started to open a while later, she looked up. “Hey, baby.”

  Brandon felt a little better. “Hey.” His eyes flitted around the room. “Can we go to bed? I wanna hold you.” And remind myself that I’m not bi, he didn’t say.

  “Scott’s using that shower.” She stood and put her arms around him. “When he’s out, I’m all yours.”

  Seconds later, Scott strolled into the room. “We still good?” He stood close to Brandon.

  It took Brandon time to answer. He didn’t blame Scott for what happened. “Yeah. I just need to—to well, wrap my head around this.”

  “Come on.” Mackenzie gathered their clothes. “You need sleep.”

  Chapter 40

  Scott woke up the next morning feeling as if something was different. Sex with Brandon was nothing like with Austin. It felt good, but with Austin, there was love and affection, deep feelings. That was what he needed in his life. Drooling over his best friend who was getting married was pointless.

  He studied Austin’s face, inches from his. They had slept in each other’s arms. Images from the night before flooded his mind. They hadn’t talked about it afterwards, just went right to sleep. It was better that way. Things had sunk in overnight. He was going to let Brandon go. Austin was his future.

  Shifting his body, Scott groaned. Their morning erections rubbed against each other. After the night he had, sex was not on the menu that day. Austin’s leg was over his, so he couldn’t get out of bed without waking him. Scott slid his hand up Austin’s back slowly. He lazily caressed his skin, smiling. On the trip down, he let his fingers trail over Austin’s ass.

  “I love you, Austin,” he whispered.

  Smiling, Austin replied, “Love you, too.”

  Scott jumped. “Shit. You’re up?”

  “Yeah. Felt your hand on my hip.” Austin sighed. “You finally said it.” He tugged Scott’s body to his again and held him tight. “Glad you got what you wanted last night. Is it over now, or do you wanna see if he’ll let you fuck him?”

  Eyes closed, Scott admitted, “He’ll never let me do that. It’s over. Just hope he doesn’t regret it.”

  “That could be a problem.” Austin exhaled loudly and kissed Scott’s forehead. “If he does, we’ll deal with it together. Kinda looked like he was into it, though. He might have been imagining you were Kenzie. That could be weird.”

  Scott swallowed hard. “He was. He kept saying her name. Another reason it needs to end. He doesn’t want me.”

  “Let’s see how awkward breakfast is.” Austin suddenly rolled them, until Scott was on his back. “So now that you admitted your feelings, can we make love face to face? I wanna kiss you and hold you when we cum.”

  Nodding, Scott tried to hide his fear. It was irrational, but he still thought telling Austin he loved him would bring their world crashing down on them. He watched Austin reach over to the nightstand for the bottle of lubricant.

  “No condom?” Scott’s eyes opened wide. He loved feeling Austin bare, but the after-effects of Austin cumming in him were uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. “But—”

  Austin interrupted, “I know we have things to do today. I just wanna feel you for a bit. Then I’ll put one on. Promise.”

  Instead of balking, Scott moaned. Austin had pushed two fingers into him. He grabbed the pillow under his head while lifting his hips. Grinding into Austin’s hand, he gasped. Any doubts were gone. It was only pleasure.

  When Austin removed his fingers, Scott begged, “Fuck me, please.”

  Austin smirked and got into position. Scott’s package pressed to his belly as he lay down on him. “You ready?” He pressed the head of his cock to Scott’s ass and waited for an answer.

  “Yes. Please. Now.” Scott felt desperation come over him. Then relief when Austin pushed in. He wasn’t sure what to do in that position though. It was a first for him.

  Grabbing Scott’s thighs, Austin lifted them up to give him better access. Then he thrust in further. “God, you feel good.” He sighed. With a few more strokes, he was in balls deep. “Love you so much.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to Scott’s.

  Scott shivered and put a hand on the back of Austin’s head. “I love you too.” It felt so good to say it aloud. “Love you.” With the next thrust, Scott’s head went back. “Oh God.”

  Then Austin’s phone alarm went off. They ignored it. Scott’s went off as well. Still they continued. When there was a knock at the door, Austin groaned loudly.

  Austin called out, “Yeah?”

  “How do you use the coffee maker?” Mackenzie asked.

  Scott’s legs dropped back to the bed. “We better give up before something else happens.” He shook his head when his phone rang. “Seriously?” Austin handed it to him and he leaned on his elbow. “Hey, Chico.”

  “You’re not gonna be late this time, right?” Chico sounded odd.

  Wincing silently, Scott replied, “We didn’t forget.” He grimaced. Austin was fucking him again, but the position was causing pain. “One sec.” He buried the phone in the mattress. “Austin, stop. That hurts.” They were late usually for the same reason they could be that morning.

  Austin looked into Scott’s eyes. “So sorry.” He gave Scott a quick kiss and pulled out. “We’ll finish this later,” he grumbled to himself as he walked to the bathroom.

  “We’re just getting up,” Scott said to Chico. “We won’t be late.”

  Chico groaned. “You’re not fucking, right?”

  “Not anymore.” Scott chuckled when Chico reacted as expected. “Relax. Austin’s in the shower. We’ll be there.” He got up and used the bathroom, before throwing pajama pants on. He was still laughing when he got to the kitchen.

  Mackenzie smiled at him. “What’s so funny?”

  “Chico called, and I teased him as always.” Scott grabbed a bag of coffee beans from the refrigerator. “If he didn’t freak out every time I talked about fucking Austin, I wouldn’t do it. But he makes it so easy.”

  Brandon walked into the room. “Hey.” He was exhausted. Strange dreams kept him awake half the night. When he woke up, Mackenzie was already gone.

  Smiling, Scott looked him over. Then his expression changed. “What’s wrong?”

  “Um, well… I’m kinda confused about last night still,” Brandon admitted. “What we did. It was weird for me, after.”

  Scott took a step towards him. “It was the last time.”

  “Mornin’.” Austin called out as he came in the room. He had on jeans, but nothing more. Leaning over Scott, he kissed his lips. “Hey, sexy.” He slapped Scott’s ass. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” Scott answered with a grin, handing him one of his energy drinks.

  Brandon’s mood changed instantly. “You told him. Finally!”

  “Yeah.” Scott didn’t turn to Brandon but continued to look into Austin’s adoring eyes. “I did this morning. Thanks to you.”

  Eyebrows furrowed, Brandon waited for an explanation, but none came. “Uh, what did I do?”

  “Last night.” Scott moved into Austin’s embrace. “When we were… When you fucked me, it wasn’t what I expected. I missed Austin.”

  Brandon didn’t understand that fully, but it sounded a lot like things between him and Mackenzie. How no one made him feel like she did. He was relieved that Scott got him out of his system. That meant he didn’t have to tell Scott they went too far, a
nd he wanted to end their exploration.

  “I’m happy for you guys.” Brandon put an arm around Mackenzie’s shoulders.

  Something reflecting light caught Austin’s eye. “You guys got engaged?” He grinned at Scott, hoping he would one day go for that. “Congrats.”

  “Thanks.” Brandon kissed Mackenzie’s lips. “Now we just have to help Chico.”

  Scott’s head lifted. “He called. He don’t sound good. Maybe we should call Ashley and see if she could visit. He needs her in his life more often.”

  “Wait. Why not Margarette?” Mackenzie didn’t see any difference in the two.

  Austin looked up. “He loves Ashley. He just hasn’t admitted it yet. He’s even more stubborn than Scott.”

  “But what about Jake and Bridgette?” She was getting quite confused. “How do you guys keep these things straight?” She shook her head. “Can’t he just choose one woman?”

  Brandon pulled her closer. “Chico has serious commitment issues. His father left when he was a kid. He won’t let one of his girls go unless he has to. Julian being in the mix makes Ashley a priority for him. It works out though, since he is most definitely in love with her.” He paused. “I’m sure Jake and Bridgette will be a short term thing. Chico shouldn’t have to worry about it, though.”

  “So who’s calling her?” Scott asked.

  Mackenzie sighed. “Fine, I will. Should I put their flight on your credit card?” she asked Brandon. When he nodded, she got to work.

  By the time they reached the recording studio, in Austin’s truck, Ashley was packing to leave that night. Brandon planned to pick her up, and they were to bring her to the studio with them the next day. They were all excited but decided to keep it a secret. Chico could use the surprise.

  Austin drove through the gate and into the underground garage. They had high security to keep unwanted cars out at least. Pedestrians were another story. He parked in a corner, hoping the elevator or stairs would be fan-free.

  Everything seemed quiet. Scott looked around and saw no one. It was nice for a change. They hadn’t announced that they were recording that week, so maybe no one knew yet.

  Outside the truck, Austin took Scott’s hand and kissed it. "Maybe next we can talk about coming out to the rest of the world?”

  “One thing at a time.” Scott smiled. Then without thinking, he kissed Austin’s lips.

  Austin’s eyes widened. He saw a young woman take their picture with her phone. He pulled back and prayed she kept it to herself. “Let’s get inside.” He pulled Scott behind him as he practically ran for the elevator.

  “Hey. What spooked you?” Scott was completely clueless. “Austin, chill out.”

  Brandon and Mackenzie hurried to keep up. “Austin, what’s the rush?”

  When they piled into the waiting elevator, Austin sighed. “I saw someone, and I didn’t want to be mobbed like last time.” There had been fans hanging around daily while they recorded their last album. “Last thing we need today.” He knew Scott would break down if he were outed publicly.

  Jake and Chico waited upstairs in Studio A. They normally used the largest one available, so they could spread out when needed. Jason, Jeff, Daniel and Jim were also there. They didn’t trust their equipment to just anyone.

  The album’s producer, Kris Tokken, walked into the lounge where the band had been waiting. “I’d like to start with “Lost Control,” since you’ve played it live a few times already. This way we can release that as the first single. Have you come up with an idea for the album title yet?”

  Jake, who spoke for the band a lot, put a finger up. “Normally, we take the most common theme and create the title from it. Seems this one is about changes. All of us are going through something. What do you think of Revolution?” They had previously discussed it, knowing it would be questionable.

  Kris tilted his head a few times and tapped his chin. “I’ll have to see if there are any other albums out there with that name besides the Beatles. But at this point, sounds good.”

  Mackenzie stayed on the couch watching for the most part. The guys were brought into soundproof rooms when they were needed, to record their part. After listening to the results, some parts were done over again. It took hours to get that first song even close to done. That didn’t include background vocals or mixing.

  She checked her phone every once in a while, knowing she may have clients who needed her. Just before lunch, a text from Sasha came in.

  Have you seen this picture yet?

  She clicked on the link and her jaw dropped. “Oh, my fucking God,” she muttered. Then she looked up. Brandon was playing the acoustic section of “Lost Control.” She stood up and searched for Austin. He was listening to playback. It couldn’t wait. She rushed over to the window and waved at him.

  Austin waved back and smiled. Then he noticed the look in her eyes. Something was very wrong. He put the headphones down and opened the door. “What’s up?”

  “Come ’ere.” She grabbed his arm and tugged him to a private bathroom. After locking the door, she turned to him. “You have to see this.”

  Taking a step back, Austin put his hands up. “Uh, Brandon would kill me if we fucked in here without him. I think Scott would have something to say about it too.”

  “No, you ass.” She shook her head and brought the picture back up. “Someone posted this on Instagram, and it’s everywhere.” She handed him her phone.

  Austin stared at the screen in disbelief. “You gotta be kidding. He’s gonna freak the fuck out.” On the screen, was a picture of him and Scott kissing and holding hands. It had to be the bitch in the parking lot. No one else saw them. “What the fuck now?” He looked to her for an answer.

  She could see the pain in his eyes. He knew what they were in for and it wasn’t going to be pretty. “I don’t know.” She put her arms around him. “We’ll have to decide what to say to people.”

  “We have to go back before someone notices.” Austin wasn’t sure how to tell his bandmates either. “Don’t say anything yet, OK?”

  They went on for about another hour as if nothing happened. Pizza arrived for lunch. Both Austin and Mackenzie barely ate. They worried about the fallout.

  Another text came to Mackenzie’s phone. This time it was Jesse.

  I thought they wanted it a secret?

  There was another link. She clicked on it and her face paled. It was a Wicked End fan site with a popular weekly blog. The headline read, “Wicked End’s bassist and rhythm guitarist gay? You decide.” There were more photos than just the one of them kissing. In a few, they were quite close, hands on each other in some. It painted a picture of the truth.

  Austin noticed her expression first. He knew it had gotten worse. He pulled out his phone and searched for their names. It had gone viral, and not many of the comments were kind. He glanced at Scott, and his chest ached. It was what Scott feared. The world knew. Well, at least they knew part of the truth.

  When Scott’s phone rang, Austin grabbed it before he could answer. “What the hell?”

  “We need to talk.” Austin looked around the room. “Kenzie, can you tell everyone else? Me and Scott are gonna go somewhere private.”

  Jake groaned. “If I can’t have sex in the studio, neither can you.”

  Austin glared at him. “Shut up.” He led Scott to the bathroom. It was the only room they could be alone and not heard. “I gotta tell you something, but please don’t get upset. Just listen.”

  “You fucked Mackenzie earlier?” Scott scowled. “I thought you said—”

  “No.” Austin could see why he assumed that though. “It’s something else.” He paused and fidgeted. “Someone saw us this morning.”

  Scott cocked an eyebrow. “Saw us what?”

  “Kissing,” Austin whispered. “They took a picture. It’s out everywhere now.”

  Feeling like his world had just come crashing down; Scott’s legs went out from under him.

  “Fuck!” Austin caught him but ha
d to get down on the floor to hold him up. “I’m sorry. We can fix this.”

  Scott didn’t move.

  “Chico!” Austin shouted.

  There was a knock on the door. “You OK?” Chico asked.

  “No.” Austin tried to lift Scott, but he was dead weight. “He passed out when I told him.”

  Chico opened the door. “Wow. Guess he didn’t take it too well.” He lifted Scott up easily. “Not sure how we can spin this one.”

  “I don’t think we should.” Austin followed Chico to the lounge. “I think we should tell the truth.”

  Heads all turned in Austin’s direction. Jake spoke up first. “What do you think the fans’ll say?”

  “Some might be pissed off.” Austin shrugged. “But they were pissed off at our last album, too. People will complain no matter what you do. Maybe us coming out will help other kids struggling with it. How many guys admit they’re bi? Not many. I can name one in the rock world. Everyone else is gay. That’s not such a big deal it seems. OK, maybe it is, but I hate hiding who I am. I love Scott, and nothing’s gonna change that.” He glimpsed at Mackenzie. “I like to fuck women, too. Why do I have to choose in public?”

  Chico put Scott on the couch and turned to Austin. “You shouldn’t have to.”

  “Huh?” Brandon was confused. The one guy who was disgusted by their relationship, at least when he could see evidence of it, was backing Austin coming out?

  With a sigh, Chico continued, “Look, I may not like seeing or hearing them messing around, but why the hell should they pretend not to be together? I’m willing to risk the fans revolting, so they can live like the rest of us do.” He sat down and folded his arms over his strong chest.

  Chapter 41

  Once Scott was awake, they cut the day short. Getting to the truck proved much more difficult than they foresaw. People with cameras were scattered all over the parking lot. Bringing security with them was definitely the right move.

  Although they were escorted to the truck, it didn’t stop the questions from flying. “Why are you hiding that you’re gay?” “Is the whole band gay?” “Are you a couple?” “Do you plan to get married?” “Are the groupies that brag about you paid to say that you’re good in bed?” “Is the band breaking up over this?”


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