Sinful Needs (Wicked End Book 2)
Page 48
“Fucking hell!” Brandon’s entire body shuddered several times as he pumped semen into her unexpectedly. “Holy shit! How’d you do that without fingering me?”
She took a few breaths, then replied, “I just did everything else that gets to you.” She collapsed over him and buried her face in his hair. “Love you so much.”
“Love you too, Tink.” He sighed. “I came so hard, I can’t move.” He wanted to hold her, but his arms wouldn’t respond to commands yet. After a few minutes, he slowly wrapped his arms around her. “Can’t wait till you’re my wife.” He kissed her neck and shoulder. “Can we set a date?”
She closed her eyes, still slightly nervous. “I guess.”
“That means you don’t want to.” He knew her long enough to know short answers were forced. “Are you ready for that step?”
She nodded her head. “Just not today.”
“No. Not today.” He chuckled, shaking them both. “Tour ends in September, but we can choose any time in between if you don’t care about location.” He squeezed her. “Do you wanna do it back in Baltimore?” They both had a few friends still living there.
She lifted her head. “No. Here or California. Either way, some will have to fly in.”
“True.” He smiled and kissed her lips. “How about here, on November 11th next year?”
Her eyebrows narrowed. “That’s pretty exact. Why that date?”
“That’s the day you said yes.” He held her face in his hands. “The best day of my life.”
She couldn’t fault his logic. “Sounds like a great day to get married.” She hated to say it, but they had things to do before their flight. “We have to get up and get ready.”
“We packed last night.” Brandon was stalling.
Mackenzie looked him in the eye. “You know what I mean. Today is the last day of the year. It’s the busiest trading day. I need to make sure Andrew contacts everyone so they have his phone number in case they have last minute trades or questions. If I hadn’t promised you, I would be staying home again.” She felt guilty leaving on the last day of the year.
“You can check your phone and email in the air,” he told her. “Most of your musician clients will be at the party. Andrew can handle the Florida accounts. Relax and believe this is gonna work.”
“OK.” She had relied on only herself for so long, it was hard to let go. “You’re right. I trained them. They can do it without me.”
He kissed her nose. “Thattagirl. Let’s get going so I can show you off at this party.” His eyes closed as she climbed off him, leaving his body cold. “Wait. I forgot Dominic’s birthday present.”
“It’s ready to be picked up,” she assured him. “It’s on the list of errands before we head to the airport.” She collected comfortable clothes to wear for the day. “That gift was quite thoughtful. Where did you come up with the idea?”
He sat up and threw his legs off the bed. “The first time I met him was when we opened for them years ago. When I stepped off the stage, he told me I had real talent. We talked for a while, and he told me about his guitar collection. That morphed into influences. He mentioned wishing he had been able to meet Randy Rhodes, who died while he was working with Ozzy.”
“Ah. I get it.” Mackenzie knew he was sentimental, but wasn’t sure if Dominic was.
Brandon grinned. “Wait till he sees this thing!” He knew the Gibson Les Paul signed by Randy Rhodes was perfect. “Hope they were careful when they restored it.” He had bought it at an auction, but it wasn’t in perfect condition.
“They told me it was almost exactly as it was originally.” She moved to stand in front of him. “He’s gonna be floored.”
“He always gave me great advice, so I thought I’d give something back to him.” He took her hands in his and looked up. “Can I announce our engagement at the party, after midnight maybe?”
She nodded. Their lives couldn’t be more perfect. Standing by his side forever was reality for her. All the heartache they went through made them a stronger couple.
“Tink.” He stood and tugged her into a tight embrace. “It’s you and me now. Forever.”
About the Author
Bella Jeanisse hails from New York City. At the age of 10, Bella picked up her first guitar, and she was instantly hooked. Because of her deep passion for tall men, rock music, tattoos and motorcycles, she has gotten to know many musicians and roadies over the years—in every possible way.
Although she has been writing risqué stories about musicians for many years, she has just recently taken these tales to the next level, revealing, through her protagonists, the hold some of these men still have on her. They have inspired more than they ever imagined.
Bella now lives in Florida with her three sons, juggling domestic responsibilities, a social life, her career as an IT professional and her writing as carefully as possible. These responsibilities do cross paths occasionally, as seen in her first collection of short stories, Insatiable Appetites. Her life is busy, yet very fulfilling.
The Triple Threat universe is growing and will include future titles such as Reckless 2: Tragic Soul, Gasoline 2: Evolving Urges and Triple Threat 3: Dual Desires. Soon enough, readers will get to know such bands as Silverblade, Main Street, Winter Winds and Brass Monkey. So many hot rock stars, so little time to make them come to life.
Interact with Bella on Twitter @BellaJeanisse or Facebook. Join other fans in her Facebook group. She would love to hear from you!
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Thanks for reading Sinful Needs. We appreciate your interest in our books. As a courtesy, we’ve included the following Sneak Peek chapters from books we think you might also enjoy. Happy reading!
Sneak Peek: Tragic Soul
by Bella Jeanisse
Chapter One
The Saturday after Christmas, I woke up alone in Paulie’s bed. We had been together for four months. So far, things were going good. I turned over and looked around the room. He was nowhere to be seen.
“Paulie?” I fell back on the pillow.
His voice came from beyond the closed bedroom door. “Be right there, Crystal.” Seconds later, the door opened. “Sorry. I let you sleep. You feeling OK? When I got up, you barely moved.”
I stretched. “Think so. A little achy maybe.”
“Was I too rough last night?” He sat on the bed next to me and laid a hand on my thigh.
Shaking my head, I replied, “No. I mean my muscles.” My eyes closed, and I groaned. “Not now.”
“Now what?” Paulie lay down next to me and pulled me into his arms. “You work out too hard yesterday or something?”
We had not seen each other for five days. He spent that time in Long Island with his family. Natalie, who was his cousin and my friend, had gone with him. They came back the night before. He picked me up just before heading home.
“Hey.” He squeezed me. “What is it?”
I let the image of the night before go and sighed. “I think my period’s gonna start.”
“Last time it wasn’t bad at all.” He kissed my temple.
Knowing he had only seen one cycle, and it was a mild one, I grimaced. “Sometimes it gets pretty bad.” I didn’t want to be graphic, but thought he needed to know. “If it starts, I may wanna go home.”
Concern in his voice, he asked, “Do you wanna stay here today?”
“No. My paren
ts are expecting us.” It was a family tradition to have extended family over the weekend after Christmas. Many would be traveling in. “I’ll let you know if it gets bad.”
He nuzzled my neck. “Will it be worse since you haven’t had a period in like three months?” His hand lazily caressed my arm.
I sighed. “I doubt it. That’s not how it usually works.” I didn’t want the day ruined, but I had no control. With my gynecological issues, there was no telling what it was going to be like.
“I’ll be by your side if it’s bad. Promise.” He pulled back and let me fall onto my back. Then he climbed on top of me. “Love you.” He pressed his lips to mine. “Let’s go make breakfast.”
I smiled and looked into his eyes. “Love you too. Good idea.” I sighed. “Guess I haveta get up.”
“Yep.” Paulie got to his knees and tugged me to a sitting position. “Eggs or eggs?”
Rolling my eyes, I replied, “How can I choose?”
I knew his cooking skills were limited, having taught him almost all he knew. After putting on one of his t-shirts, I followed him to the small kitchen. It didn’t take us long to make and eat breakfast. Then it was off to my family’s home.
“Who’s gonna be there?” Paulie asked as he drove across town. He didn’t express his anxiety, but it was obvious to me.
I closed my eyes. “My brothers.” The groan from him was soft, but understood. When he met them a few months prior, they went into protective mode fast. “They’ve chilled out about the age difference,” I assured him. He being 21 and me 18 upset Cameron more than Gavin, but Chad set them straight for me.
“Please don’t tell them you spent the night at my place.” His knuckles turned white when he gripped the steering wheel harder. “I’m sure that would earn me a broken nose.”
My hand moved to his thigh, and I squeezed. “I won’t say anything. They won’t harass you. Promise.”
“How’d you know?” He didn’t sound convinced.
I sighed. “My dad really likes you. Cameron won’t confront you again.”
“If he takes a swing, I’m hiding behind Chad.”
Unable to help it, I burst out laughing. “Natalie’ll protect you.”
“I’m not hitting your brother.” He glared at me for a few seconds. “That’d really make a great impression.”
Slowly, my laughter died. “It’s gonna be fine. Please, relax.” We were quiet until he parked a few houses down from my parent’s place. “Paulie? I’ll stay by your side the whole time.”
“OK.” He turned off the engine. “Wait. What if you have to pee?”
I giggled. “If you need to follow me to the bathroom, I guess I’ll…”
“It’s not funny.” Paulie angrily got out of the car. “Cameron scared the shit outta me. Before he left last time, he told me he’d hunt me down if I hurt you.”
“Fucking asshole.” I stood across the car and waited for him to come to me. “I’m gonna tell him to back the fuck off.”
Paulie’s eyes widened as he approached me. “No. Don’t. I don’t want him to know his threat worked.”
“What’d ya mean, worked?” My eyebrows furrowed. “You sayin’ you don’t love me?”
He groaned. “No.” He grabbed my hands and pulled them to his chest. “I meant I’m kinda afraid of his wrath if we ever have a fight.”
“I won’t tell either of them if we do.” I stepped forward and leaned my head on his strong chest. “You should know everyone there.”
We stood there for about a minute before heading to the house. I gripped Paulie’s hand tightly as we walked through the front door. He squeezed mine as we made our way from room to room, greeting family, friends and neighbors. We found Chad and Natalie near the back door.
“Hey, man.” Chad put out a hand to Paulie. “Glad you didn’t have to work.”
Paulie was a bartender at Charlie’s, a popular local bar. “ ’Sup, Chad.” He gave Chad a half hug. Then he turned to Natalie. “Glad to be back too?”
“Yeah.” Natalie grinned as he hugged her tightly. “Missed my boyfriend.” She pulled back, grabbed Chad’s hand and gazed into his eyes. “Couldn’t stay away.”
I was happy for Chad, but still just a bit jealous. They were good together. Natalie had not dropped him as I had worried. We went on many double dates, which told me how happy Chad really was. I had never seen him so happy.
“Crystal?” my mother, Pam called to me. “Can you and Natalie help me set up the buffet?”
I let Paulie’s hand go. “We’ll be right back.”
“Lemme help.” Paulie’s eyes widened when they set on Cameron in the next room. “Uh, well maybe…”
I tugged him into the kitchen and gave my oldest brother a death glare. “Don’t you dare bother him today.”
Cameron put his hands up. “I was just comin’ to say hello. Swear I’ll keep the threats to a minimum this time.” He grinned and nodded his head at Chad. “I got my minions watching out for you anyway.”
I glanced at Chad who shrugged. Then I turned back to Cameron. “There’s nothing to worry about. Paulie’s good to me.”
“Better be,” Cameron mumbled and walked to Gavin, the middle child of my family.
Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “Fuckin’ pain in the ass. Ignore him.” My brothers went overboard way too often.
“Wow, three times in one year?” Josh, Chad’s oldest brother shouted as he walked towards my brothers. “Is this a new record?”
I had to smile. Josh was right. They rarely visited, but that year they had come to see me play a show, for my mother’s birthday and Christmas. It had not happened since they moved away. Me, Chad and our brothers growing up living next door to each other made us almost as close as siblings.
Focusing on what my mother needed, I turned to the oven, where several hot dishes waited. The four of us worked together, and the buffet was ready quickly. The room soon filled, as everyone smelled the amazing spread.
After dinner, Chad turned to my father. “Pop, you mind if we go hang out in Crystal’s room?”
“If the door stays unlocked.”
I glanced at Chad, shocked he didn’t say open. Chad shrugged and led the way upstairs. Paulie and I followed, hand in hand. Since we started dating shortly before I left home, he had never seen my room.
“Daaamn,” Paulie said as he glanced around the room. His eyes roamed over the Gasoline posters covering the walls. “You’re obsessed, huh?” He laughed.
I scowled at him and slapped his arm. “I’m not obsessed.”
“Only about Tommy Fischer,” Chad clarified as he grinned. “She’d jump him in a heartbeat.” He dodged my hand, when I swung at his arm. “It’s true, baby.”
Natalie stepped in front of him and looked up at him. “You promised.”
“I can’t help it.” Chad sighed. “I been calling her ‘baby’ forever. What’s the big deal?”
Paulie tugged me aside. “I kinda don’t like it either.” He held me close. “I just deal with it.” He kissed my forehead. “It’s not like he hits on you or somethin’.”
“OK.” I had worried he was jealous.
Chad and Natalie dating had changed a few things for Chad and I. Unlike when he had been with other girls, he didn’t come onto me when we were alone. The last time we had kissed was the night he had caught Paulie and I in bed. It was different for us both to be happy in a relationship, but a good different.
I turned my head when music was suddenly playing. Chad put the radio on. My CD collection was in my dorm. I lay my head on Paulie’s chest and listened to Linkin Park’s “Bleed It Out.” My body moved to the quick beat, not quite dancing.
“I like this one too,” Paulie said as I felt him banging his head to the beat.
When the song changed to “Forever” by Papa Roach, I grinned. It was slow and had a bit of a sensual feel to it. I put my hands in Paulie’s back pockets and swayed my body to the music.
“I saw these guys once at Irving P
laza,” Paulie whispered into my hair. “Amazing show. I’d love to see ’em again.”
“Sounds good.” I bit my lip and pulled his body closer. Within seconds, I felt his cock start to harden. “Feels good.”
Paulie bent down. “Chad’d kill me if he could hear what I’m thinkin’.” He exhaled across my ear. “Fuckin’ you up against that wall. Your back pressed up against Tommy Fischer there.”
I shivered, wishing we were alone. “If only.”
“When we get back, you’re mine.” He walked me backward until I hit the wall and pressed his body into me. “All mine.” He growled softly, lips near my ear. “Gonna—”
Chad cleared his throat. “Uh, I’m in the room, guys.”
I blushed, realizing we had become oblivious to the other couple. “Paulie, stop.”
“Soon.” He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and sighed. Then he stepped back. “Sorry, Chad. Got carried away.”
Chad exhaled loudly as he tried not to glare. “I get it, but don’t wanna see it.” He looked to me, a jealous expression crossing his face. “Maybe we should go back downstairs.”
I shook my head and crossed the room to him. “Not yet. We could play a game or something.”
Natalie laughed as she watched her cousin. “I’m not playing strip poker with you. I seen enough.” Her cheeks reddened slightly as she made a face of disgust. “Ew.”
I took me a few seconds to understand what she meant. Then I remembered the picture she saw on my phone, and that she had seen Paulie naked in my dorm room. It never dawned on me how that affected her.
“Not what I was thinking,” I assured her. “I meant like a board game.”