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The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust

Page 60

by Gilbert, Martin

  50 Nissan Oren, ‘The Bulgarian Exception: A Reassessment of the Salvation of the Jewish Community’, Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem), volume 7, pages 83–106.

  51 Michael Bar-Zohar, Beyond Hitler’s Grasp: The Heroic Rescue of Bulgaria’s Jews, pages 259–60.

  1 Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, page 17.

  2 Quoted in Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, page 18.

  3 Testimony of Fanny Raskow, 3 January 1999, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 8611.

  4 Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, page 107. The boys’ mother and sister Mina were arrested on 25 November 1942, imprisoned, and then deported to Auschwitz, where they were murdered.

  5 Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, pages 141–43.

  6 Per Kristian Sebak, letter to the author, 9 January 2001.

  7 Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, page 17.

  8 Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, page 21.

  9 Arieh L. Bauminger, The Righteous, pages 64–66 (based on Bauminger’s conversation with Mrs Samuel on 10 November 1968).

  10 Report of 29 December 1942, Office of Strategic Services, Washington DC, quoted in Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, page 11.

  11 Samuel Abrahamsen, Norway’s Response to the Holocaust, page 12.

  12 Gideon Hausner, Justice in Jerusalem, page 256. In 1997 Yad Vashem issued a collective certificate of honour to all members of the Norwegian Resistance: Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 616a.

  13 Information provided by Leif Arne Mendelsohn, Oslo, letter to the author, 10 May 2000.

  14 Hannu Rautkallio, Finland and the Holocaust: The Rescue of Finland’s Jews.

  15 Eichmann trial, testimony of 10 May 1961.

  16 Leni Yahil, ‘Denmark’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 1, page 364.

  17 Leo Goldberger (editor), The Rescue of the Danish Jews: Moral Courage Under Stress, pages 130, 163.

  18 ‘Members of the Danish resistance involved in the rescue of Danish Jewry’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 62168.

  19 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 82643.

  20 ‘Church attic in Gilleleje church…’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 62165.

  21 Norah Levin, The Holocaust, page 706.

  22 Leni Yahil, ‘Denmark’, in Encylopedia of the Holocaust, volume 1, page 364.

  1 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1769.

  2 Elisabeth Maxwell, ‘The Rescue of Jews in France and Belgium During the Holocaust’, The Journal of Holocaust Education, Summer/Autumn 1998.

  3 Yehuda Bauer, American Jewry and the Holocaust, page 246.

  4 Alexander Rotenberg, Emissaries, page 257.

  5 Marianne Picard, ‘Il fut le seul…’, Mémoire Vive, March 2002.

  6 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, document NG-4578 (1) of 28 August 1942.

  7 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, document NG-5127 of 2 September 1942.

  8 Winston Churchill, speech of 8 September 1942, Hansard (Parliamentary Debates, Commons), 8 September 1942.

  9 The Times, 9 September 1942.

  10 The Times, 11 September 1942.

  11 ‘View of the Château de la Guette children’s home’, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 04962.

  12 Carl Hausman (Karl Haussmann), letter to the author, 20 December 2001.

  13 Gilbert Blum (the boy who was saved), ‘De vrais amis’, Mémoire Vive, March 2002.

  14 Felice Zimmern Stokes (Felice Zimmern), letter to the author, 17 December 2001.

  15 Felice Zimmern Stokes (Felice Zimmern), letter to the author, 31 January 2001.

  16 Felice Zimmern Stokes (Felice Zimmern), letter to the author, 17 December 2001. In 1970 Felice Zimmern Stokes submitted the details of the life-saving deeds of Gaston and Juliette Patoux to Yad Vashem. As a consequence, they were recognized as Righteous Among the Nations.

  17 Narrated in Past Forward (the Newsletter of the Shoah Foundation), Spring/Summer 2001.

  18 Inès Vromen, letter to the author, 3 September 2001.

  19 Philip Jacobson, ‘Rusty Bike Shipped to Israel to Honour Wartime Heroine’, Sunday Telegraph, 25 March 2001.

  20 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5380.

  21 Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Skobtsova, Elizaveta (Mother Maria; 1891–1945)’, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, pages 1362–63.

  22 Madeleine Steinberg (née White), letter to Yad Vashem, 14 June 1998, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 4349.

  23 Madeleine Steinberg (née White), letter to Yad Vashem, notarized on 13 December 1985, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 4349.

  24 Dr A. N. Oppenheim, letter to Yad Vashem, 13 February 1998, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 4349.

  25 Sofka Skipwith, letter of 14 October 1985, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 4349. Sofka Skipwith published an account of her time in Vittel in her book Sofka (London, Hart Davis, 1968).

  26 Odette Meyers, ‘A Long-Delayed Public Thank You to Chavagnes-en-Paillers’, Hidden Child newsletter, volume 9, no. 1, Spring 2000.

  27 Quoted in Carol Rittner and Sondra Myers (editors), The Courage to Care: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust, page 102.

  28 Alexandra Tuttle, ‘Marking a Blessed Conspiracy’, Time magazine, 5 November 1990.

  29 Quoted in Milton Meltzer, Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust, ch. 6.

  30 Quoted in Alan Riding, ‘Jews Found Haven in French Town’, New York Times, 31 October 1999. Robert Daley had just published a novel, The Innocents Within, which included a similar scene.

  31 ‘Portrait of Pastor André Trocmé’, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 22341.

  32 Quoted in Alexandra Tuttle, ‘Marking a Blessed Conspiracy’, Time magazine, 5 November 1990.

  33 ‘Studio Portrait of Dr Roger and Danielle Leforestier’, caption, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 40339.

  34 Pierre Sauvage, ‘“Weapons of the Spirit”: A Journey Home’, The Hollywood Reporter, 17 March 1987.

  35 ‘Eva Ahlfeld, a Jewish child in hiding, poses with the two children of Pastor Marc Donadille’, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 01110.

  36 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 3211.

  37 Helen Resnick (Hélène Federman), letter to the author, 24 October 2001.

  38 Helen Resnick, ‘I was almost eight in 1942, when we arrived at La Garneyre…’, manuscript, enclosed in letter to the author, 30 August 2001.

  39 Gisele Feldman, letters to the author, 12 March and 2 May 2001.

  40 ‘Name: Irene Freund’, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet ID2191.

  41 ‘Rita Goldstein poses with a group of girls at a Catholic orphanage in Millau, where she was hidden during the war’, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 99369. Rita Goldstein later married Roger Waksman, who had been given shelter for more than a year by the Lefèvre family, near Grenoble.

  42 ‘Audrée Fain and her three daughters…’, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 95947.

  43 Martin Randanne and Marc-Alexis Roquejoffre, Monsignor Piguet, un évêque discuté.

  44 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 6968.

  45 ‘French Bishop Honoured for Holocaust Action,’ Jerusalem Post, 25 June 2001.

  46 Betty Eppel (formerly Berthe Lewkowitz), letter to the author, 10 February 2002.

  47 ‘Berthe Lewkowitz, and her brother, Jacques, with their rescuers…’, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 04993.

  48 David Eppel, ‘Key to Righteousness’, Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 2000.

  49 Professor Amos Dreyfus
, ‘A Young Widow with Three Children’, manuscript, enclosed with letter to the author, 21 February 2001. Juliette Bonhomme (then Juliette Bazille) was awarded a Diploma of Honour by Yad Vashem on 23 March 1995. During the war, Professor Dreyfus (now living in Israel and named Amos) was named François.

  50 Peter Hellman, letter to Yad Vashem, 29 November 1979, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1032. Hellman’s book, Avenue of the Righteous, contains a chapter on Laporterie.

  51 Mary Stewart Krosney, ‘Gallant Christian Honoured on Remembrance Hill’, press release, Holyland Features, Christian News from Israel, August 1980.

  52 Harry Zeimer (Moussia Erlihmann’s husband), letter to the author, 11 June 2001.

  53 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 518.

  54 ‘No Child’s Play: Children in the Holocaust—Creativity and Play’, exhibition at Yad Vashem, opened 13 October 1997.

  55 The Reverend Pierre Golliet, letter to the author, 9 April 2001.

  56 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 804.

  57 ‘Les Raisons de l’Engagement de Mme J. Brousse, Annecy, 1979’: sent by Madame Brousse to the author, 27 May 2001.

  58 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5960 (Prittet); file 5752 (Viollet).

  59 Note by Abbé Gallay, 19 November 1984. Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 4363.

  60 Mordecai Paldiel, in conversation with the author, 27 December 2001.

  61 Walter Reed, ‘Children Protected by Swiss Red Cross’, Aufbau (German refugee newspaper, New York City), 21 September 1999.

  62 Walter H. Reed (born Werner Rindsberg in northern Bavaria in 1924), letter to the author, 10 January 2001. His parents and two younger brothers were deported in March 1942 from Germany to Poland, where they were murdered.

  63 Serge Klarsfeld, Memorial to the Jews Deported from France, page 642.

  64 ‘Looking For…’, Hidden Child newsletter, volume 9, no. 1, Spring 2000.

  65 Greta Herensztat, letter to the author, 8 October 2001.

  66 Francis J. Murphy, Père Jacques: Resplendent in Victory, pages 90–92.

  67 Lorraine Beitler, ‘Lucie Dreyfus, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, and the Holocaust’, manuscript, sent to the author, 17 December 2001.

  68 Information provided by the Beitler Family Foundation (sponsors of a permanent Dreyfus Exhibition), Lorraine Beitler, letter to the author, 18 January 2002.

  69 Saul Friedlander, When Memory Comes, page 90.

  70 ‘Saved by the Corpse on Top of Me’, Hampstead and Highgate Express, 26 March 1993.

  71 Lady Lipworth (Rosa Liwarek), in conversation with the author, 24 March 2002.

  72 Serge Klarsfeld, Memorial to the Jews Deported from France, pages 642, 645.

  73 Josie Martin (Josephine Levy), quoted in Tom Tugend, ‘French village honours “hidden child” survivor of Holocaust’, Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 2000.

  74 ‘Righteous Among the Nations—per Country & Ethnic Origin,’ 1 January 2002, Yad Vashem Department for the Righteous Among the Nations (list sent to the author on 29 January 2002). The exact French figure is 2,171.

  75 Douglas Davis, ‘Quiet saviour on the island of Jersey’, Jerusalem Post, 30 January 2000.

  76 Testimony of Francis Le Sueur, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 8718.

  77 Serge Klarsfeld, French Children of the Holocaust: A Memorial. New York: New York University Press, 1996, page 8.

  1 ‘Righteous Among the Nations—per Country & Ethnic Origin,’ 1 January 2002, Yad Vashem Department for the Righteous Among the Nations (list sent to the author on 29 January 2002).

  2 Indépendence, September 1942.

  3 Herr von Bargen (delegate of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the German military governor of Brussels, telegram dated 24 September 1942, quoted in Lucien Steinberg, La Comité de Défense des Juifs en Belgique, 1942–1944, page 79.

  4 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1025.

  5 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 329.

  6 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 229.

  7 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 99.

  8 Bronia Veitch, recollections, enclosed with letter to the author, 18 August 2001.

  9 Bronia Veitch, letter to the author, 18 August 2001.

  10 Bronia Veitch, recollections, enclosed with letter to the author, 18 August 2001.

  11 Nicole David, letters to the author, 29 October, 6 November 2001.

  12 Maxine Steinberg, ‘The Trap of Legality: The Association of the Jews of Belgium’, in Patterns of Jewish Leadership, page 369.

  13 Alexander Levy, letter to the author, 9 December 2001.

  14 Gay Block and Malka Drucker, Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage in the Holocaust, page 108.

  15 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 99706.

  16 Mordecai Paldiel, ‘The Rescue of Jewish Children in Belgium During World War II’, in Dan Michman (editor), Belgium and the Holocaust: Jews, Belgians, Germans, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1998.

  17 Information provided by Janek Weber, letter to the author, 28 October 2001. Janek Weber had been saved by non-Jews in Cracow (see chapter 7). He met Charlotte Birnbaum in Antwerp in 1959 and married her a year later, settling in London.

  18 Beatrice Michman, Never to Be Forgotten: A Young Girl’s Holocaust Memoir (excerpted in Imprimis, Because Ideas Have Consequences, volume 28, no. 4, April 1999).

  19 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 04792.

  20 Cecile Seiden, ‘In Honour of My Righteous Rescuers’, part of the New Jersey Holocaust Curriculum, under the heading ‘To Honour All Children: From Prejudice, to Discrimination, to Hatred…to Holocaust’.

  21 Alain Goldschläger, letter to the author, 6 August 2000.

  22 ‘No Child’s Play: Children in the Holocaust—Creativity and Play’, exhibition at Yad Vashem, opened 13 October 1997.

  23 Elisabeth Maxwell, ‘The Rescue of Jews in France and Belgium…’.

  24 Information provided by Jacky Barkan (Borzykowski), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 04992.

  25 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 2698.

  26 Benek (Baruch) Sharoni, ‘Man’s Humanity to Man’, Mizkor, October 2000.

  27 ‘200 Jews Owe Life to Belgian Priest’, New York Times, 28 December 1945.

  28 Information provided by Jehuda Yinon (Leon Fischler), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 05695.

  29 Information provided by Thea Rothenstein, one of the girls who was saved, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 78027.

  30 Information provided by Janine Gimpleman Sokolov (Ursula Klipstein), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 99696.

  31 Information provided by Marguerite Birnbaum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 09409.

  32 Information provided by Annette Lederman Linzer, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 89342.

  33 Flora M. Singer, letter to the author, 25 September 2001.

  34 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 84.

  35 Michel Reynders, ‘Father Bruno (Henry Reynders), His Life, His Work, Biography of a Righteous’, manuscript, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 84.

  36 Dr Michel Reynders, letter to the author, 28 February 2002.

  37 Michel Reynders, ‘Father Bruno (Henry Reynders), His Life, His Work, Biography of a Righteous’, manuscript, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 84.

  38 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 30789.

  39 Joseph Berger, ‘A Monk, a Saviour, a Mensch: Nine Jews Gather in New Jersey to Remember the Man Who Rescued Them From the Nazis’, New York Times, 5 July 1992.

  40 Flora M. Singe
r, letter to the author, 12 October 2001.

  41 Paul Silvers (writing from Boulder, Colorado), ‘Remember Père Bruno’, manuscript, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 84.

  42 Martin Glassman, letter to the author, 5 September 2001.

  43 Shyam Bhatia, ‘My Saviours in the Holocaust’ (Cirla Lewis’s story), Observer, 14 September 1997.

  44 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 7465.

  45 Walter Absil, ‘Miracle at Avenue Louise’, manuscript sent to the author, 25 October 2001.

  46 Walter Absil, letter to the author, 5 September 2001.

  47 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 648.

  48 Ruth Zariz, ‘Luxembourg’, in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 3, page 928.

  1 ‘Righteous Among the Nations—per Country & Ethnic Origin,’ 1 January 2002, Yad Vashem Department for the Righteous Among the Nations (list sent to the author on 29 January 2002).

  2 Louis de Jong, ‘Jews and Non-Jews in Nazi-Occupied Holland’, in Max Beloff (editor), On the Track of Tyranny, pages 145–47.

  3 Edith Velmans, Edith’s Book, pages 93–94.

  4 Edith Velmans, Edith’s Book, pages 96–97. Edith remained hidden under a false identity at the zur Kleinsmiedes’ until Breda was liberated in September 1944. Her parents and brother did not survive.

  5 Diary entry, 10 July 1942, Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl, page 17.

  6 Diary entry, 11 July 1943, Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl, page 76.

  7 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 15120; also Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 28. The story of the rescue work of the Bogaards is among those recounted in Debórah Dwork, Children with a Star.

  8 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 0655.

  9 Eda Shapiro (editor), ‘The Memoirs of Victor Kugler, the “Mr Kraler” of the “Diary of Anne Frank”’.

  10 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1790.

  11 ‘Postscripts’, Jerusalem Post, 17 January 1977.

  12 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 926.

  13 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 97262.

  14 Alexander Zvielli, ‘The Price of Courage’, Jerusalem Post, 2 March 1979.


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