The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust

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The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust Page 61

by Gilbert, Martin

  15 Karen Glaser, ‘Wartime Heroics of Dutch Woman Are Recognized’, Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 2000. Elizabeth Browne had just received the Righteous Among the Nations award on behalf of her parents, at the Israeli Embassy in London. Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 8808.

  16 Desmond Brown, ‘Israel Honours Two Toronto War Heroes’, National Post, 9 February 1999. The other honorand was Sandor Tonelli (see chapter 16).

  17 Testimony of S. Abrahams-Emden, 25 April 1977, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5.

  18 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5.

  19 Testimony of Selma Klass-Aronowitz, 12 July 1977, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5.

  20 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 99723.

  21 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 90666.

  22 Steffi Robertson (née Tikotin), letter to the author, 25 October 1994, quoted in Martin Gilbert, The Day the War Ended, page 224.

  23 Information provided by Krik Arriëns, letters to the author, 31 January, 12 March 2002.

  24 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 89823.

  25 Interview with Dr Tina Strobos, Gannett Suburban Newspapers, 5 March 1992.

  26 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, file 90231.

  27 Eva Fogelman, Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust, page 81.

  28 Tina Strobos, The Book of Courage: The First Annual Act of Courage Awards, Victims Assistance Services Brochure, Hudson River Museum, New York, 4 May 2001.

  29 Roberta Hershenson, ‘Dutch Rescuer to Give Talk’, New York Times, 26 March 1995.

  30 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 90790.

  31 ‘Juliette’, in Paul Valent, Child Survivors of the Holocaust, page 130. Paul Valent was himself hidden as a child in Budapest with his parents.

  32 André Stein, Hidden Children: Forgotten Survivors of the Holocaust, pages 4, 7.

  33 Professor Robert Krell, letter to the author, 1 May 2002.

  34 Lore Baer, letter to the author, 6 August 2001.

  35 Lore Baer, letter to the author, 2 December 2001.

  36 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 05043.

  37 Dr Jozeph Michman, introduction to Righteous Among the Nations Lexicon, volume 1: Holland.

  38 Grace Bradberry, ‘Surrey’s Own Oskar Schindler’, The Times, 1 March 1999. After the war, Henk Huffener moved to Britain, where he became a British citizen. He was the thirteenth Briton to be honoured by Yad Vashem.

  39 Benek (Baruch) Sharoni, ‘Man’s Humanity to Man’, Mizkor, October 2000; Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 67.

  40 Jozeph Michman, ‘Westerweel, Joop (1899–1944)’, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 4, page 1648.

  41 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 87556.

  42 Joop Schijveschuurder, My Miracle: Haarlem, 1940–1945, pages 103–4.

  43 Joop Schijveschuurder, My Miracle: Haarlem, 1940–1945, page 165.

  44 Elizabeth Schmitz, speech of 6 July 1992; Joop Schijveschuurder, My Miracle: Haarlem, 1940–1945, page 176.

  45 Rudi Vis, letter to the Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 2001.

  46 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 01055.

  47 ‘Yad Vashem Honour for Dutch Couple’, Jerusalem Post, 3 February 1978.

  48 Gertrude Krol-Mann, testimony submitted on 7 December 1977 to Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1228.

  49 Karst Smit, letter of 5 August 1973, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1228.

  50 Hudson Talbott, Forging Freedom: A True Story of Heroism During the Holocaust.

  51 Donya Meijer, letter to the author, 7 May 2001.

  52 Ilana Drukker-Tikotin, letter to the author, 10 September 2001.

  53 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 25307.

  54 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 42667.

  55 ‘US Soldier Finds Father in Holland’, New York Times, 3 June 1945.

  56 Letter of 6 June 1945, provided to the author by Leo Stock’s son, Dr Ernest Stock.

  57 Edna Heruthy, letter to the author, 2 January 2002.

  58 Cecile Kahn-Kanner, letter to the author, 6 May 2001.

  59 Cecile Kahn-Kanner, letter to the author, 6 May 2001.

  60 Cecile Kahn-Kanner, letter to the author, 6 May 2001. In 1947 Cecile Kahn emigrated from Holland to Israel. Just over a year later, during the second truce called in the War of Independence, her husband was killed in an Arab attack on the town of Modiin.

  61 Louis de Jong, ‘Jews and Non-Jews in Nazi-Occupied Holland’, in Max Beloff (editor), On the Track of Tyranny, page 150.

  62 Benek (Baruch) Sharoni, ‘Man’s Humanity to Man’, Mizkor, October 2000.

  63 The award was made in 1987. Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1148.

  64 Gustel (Augusta) Mozes, story communicated by Maurits Eduard de Vries, letter to the author, 27 January 2002.

  65 Maurits Eduard de Vries, letter to the author, 1 June 2001.

  66 L. I. (Jehoedah) Troostwijk, letter to the author, 2 June 2001.

  67 Levie Kanes, manuscript (sent to the author on 27 December 2001). Levie Kanes’s grandfather, also named Levie, and his wife Ester Hamburg, perished on 23 April 1943, having been deported to Sobibor. Their eldest son, Maurits Kanes, together with his wife Rebecca Winnik and their two small children, were murdered at Auschwitz on 29 July 1942. Their daughter Anna Kanes and her husband Ezechiel Bruinvelds were also killed at Sobibor. Levie Kanes’s father, Salomon Kanes, was murdered on 16 January 1944 in Auschwitz. In all, only five members of the baby’s extended family of several hundred survived the Holocaust. One of them was his mother, who survived Auschwitz, returned to Holland and regained her son.

  68 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 05722.

  69 Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Overduijn, Leendert (1901–1976)’, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 3, page 1100.

  70 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1228.

  71 Doug Sweet, ‘Couple’s heroism honoured: Montrealer’s grandparents risked their lives to save Jewish children from the Nazis’, Montreal Gazette, 16 October 1997. Hendrik and Grees Jager were both honoured by Yad Vashem in 1997.

  72 Simon Kuper, ‘Tarnished Glory’, Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 2001.

  1 Dr Salim Diamand, Dottore! Internment in Italy, 1940–1945, page 10.

  2 Yehuda Bauer, American Jewry and the Holocaust, page 285.

  3 John Follain, ‘Village Hid Jews from Nazis’, Sunday Times, 18 January 2001.

  4 Goebbels diary, 13 December 1942, Louis P. Lochner (editor), The Goebbels Diaries, page 181.

  5 Quoted in the New York Times, in a reader’s letter, 17 August 2000.

  6 Meir Michaelis, Mussolini and the Jews, page 306.

  7 Meir Michaelis, Mussolini and the Jews, page 335.

  8 Meir Michaelis, Mussolini and the Jews, pages 306–7.

  9 Daniel Carpi, Between Mussolini and Hitler, page 121.

  10 Quoted in the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, advertisement, New York Times, 10 April 2001.

  11 Meir Michaelis, Mussolini and the Jews, pages 306–7.

  12 Alexandar Matkovski, A History of the Jews in Macedonia, pages 197–200.

  13 Alexandar Matkovski, A History of the Jews in Macedonia, pages 197–200.

  14 Mario Lattes, letter to the author, 9 April 2002.

  15 Letter of 26 February 1996, Yad Vashem, Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 36.

  16 Quoted in John Follain, ‘Village Hid Jews from Nazis’, Sunday Times, 18 January 2001.

  17 Quoted in John Follain, ‘Village Hid Jews from Nazis’, Sunday Times, 18 January 2001.

; 18 Philip Friedman, Road to Extinction, page 418.

  19 Ruth Gruber, ‘Wartime Bravery of Nuns Recognized by Yad Vashem’, Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1999.

  20 Lisa Davidson (Yad Vashem spokeswoman), quoted in an Associated Press obituary of Cardinal Palazzini, Globe and Mail (Toronto), 16 October 2000. Palazzini was appointed Cardinal in 1973. He was recognized as a Righteous Among the Nations in 1985.

  21 Meir Michaelis, Mussolini and the Jews, pages 367–68.

  22 Luisa Naor (née Franchetti), ‘Italian Jews at Risk during WWII’, manuscript, sent to the author on 27 February 2002.

  23 Adriana Luzzati, testimony sent to the author, 12 March 2002.

  24 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 37984.

  25 Bat-Sheva Savaldi-Kohlberg (Giuliana Basevi’s daughter), in conversation with the author, 24 December 2001.

  26 ‘Testimonianze dell’Olocausto: Documentary Evidence of the Holocaust’, Italian Immigrants Association, Israel, factsheet.

  27 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 02470.

  28 Dr Ziga Neumann, ‘Solemn Declaration’, 24 September 1963, Yad Vashem, Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 51.

  29 Dora Herczog Levi, letter to the author, 2 March 2002.

  30 Ursula Korn Selig, ‘My name is Ursula Korn Selig…’, manuscript, enclosed with letter to the author, 5 December 2001; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 15810. Father Schivo was honoured as a Righteous Among the Nations in 1986.

  31 Dr Marcello Morpurgo, letter to the author, 30 December 2001.

  32 Marek Herman, letter to the author, 20 December 2001. Marek Herman was himself hidden by Italians, and later fought as a partisan.

  33 Elia Levi, letter to the author, December 2001.

  34 Elia Levi, letter to the author, February 2002. The book was Aldo Zargani’s Per violino solo (Edizioni Il Mulino).

  35 Michael Posner, ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’, Globe and Mail (Toronto), 30 December 2000.

  36 S. T. Merhavi, ‘Earthbound Angel’, Jerusalem Post, 10 November 1978.

  37 Dr Alexander Ramati, as told by Padre Rufino Niccaci, The Assisi Underground: The Priests Who Rescued Jews, pages 100, 121. Ramati had first met Father Niccaci when, as a war correspondent attached to the Polish armed forces, he entered Assisi at the time of liberation.

  38 Testimony of Leah Halevy, 2 April 1974, Yad Vashem, Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 876.

  39 ‘Righteous Among the Nations–per Country & Ethnic Origin’, 1 January 2002, Yad Vashem Department for the Righteous Among the Nations.

  40 Testimony of Ada Vitale, sent to the author, 12 December 2001.

  41 Marina Löwi Zinn, ‘Material Submitted to Yad Vashem’ sent to the author by Marina Zinn, 26 December 2000.

  42 Marina Löwi Zinn, letter to the author, 26 December 2000.

  43 Information communicated by Jay Shir, in conversation with the author, 31 December 2001.

  44 Albert Amato, letter of 12 December 1987.

  45 Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ exhibition, 2000; Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 4128.

  46 ‘Rijeka’ (Italian ‘Fiume’), Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1972), volume 14, col. 185.

  47 Liliana Picciotto Fargion, ‘Note biografiche dei decorati con medaglia d’oro’, in Giuliana Donati, Persecuzione e Deportazione degli Ebrei dall’Italia durante la Dominazione Nazifascista, Milan, 1975, pages 52–53.

  1 Tibor Hegedus, letter to the author, 22 February 2001.

  2 Album of Rescuers: Humboldt State University, website:

  3 Leslie Blau, Bonyhad: A Destroyed Community.

  4 ‘Ida Peterfy, Nun Who Helped Save Jews, 77’ (obituary), Jerusalem Post, 18 February 2000.

  5 ‘Hungarian Hero Fought Nazis, Soviet’, Globe and Mail (Toronto), 5 March 2001.

  6 Testimony of ‘The Only Jewish Child in Munkacs’, Encyclopaedia of the Diaspora (in Hebrew), volume 7 (Tel Aviv, 1959), pages 499–502; Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 88.

  7 Elie Wiesel, Memoirs: All Rivers Run to the Sea, page 63.

  8 Information provided by Renate Schonberg Winston (one of the two girls saved), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45879.

  9 Mordecai Paldiel, The Path of the Righteous, pages 310–11.

  10 Reverend David McDougall, Jane Haining, 1897–1944, page 26.

  11 Quoted in Joe Quinn, ‘Honour for Scots Holocaust heroine’, Express, 23 November 1997. On 8 December 1997, in Glasgow, Jane Haining was posthumously granted Righteous Among the Nations status. Her sister, Agnes O’Brien, received the award on her behalf.

  12 Testimony submitted to Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5012.

  13 Paul Friedlaender, testimony submitted to Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5012.

  14 Pal Foti (Paul Friedlaender), conversation with the author, 24 March 2002.

  15 Itzhak Steinberger, testimony submitted to Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5012.

  16 Randolph Braham, The Politics of Genocide, volume 1, page 340.

  17 Mordecai Paldiel, Sheltering the Jews. Reviczky was posthumously granted a Righteous Among the Nations award, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 72.

  18 ‘Portrait of Angel Sanz-Briz…’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45684, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, February 2000.

  19 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 46.

  20 ‘Portrait of Maximilian Jaeger…’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45654, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, prospectus, November 2000.

  21 Mordecai Paldiel, The Path of the Righteous, page 320.

  22 Randolph Braham, The Politics of Genocide, volume 2, pages 788–89.

  23 Lutz papers, Yad Vashem archive, file 46.

  24 ‘Portrait of Dr Harald Feller…’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45652, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, February 2000.

  25 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 121.

  26 Ernie Meyer, ‘“Italian Wallenberg” to Be Honoured for Saving Jews’, Jerusalem Post, 22 September 1989.

  27 ‘Portrait of Carlos de Liz-Texeira Branquino,’ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45665, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, February 2000.

  28 ‘Portrait of Friedrich Born’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45659, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, February 2000.

  29 Randolph Braham, The Politics of Genocide, volume 2, page 1123.

  30 Kinga Frojimovics, Geza Komoroczy, Viktoria Pusztai and Andrea Strbik, Jewish Budapest: Monuments, Rites, History, page 344.

  31 Eugene Levai, Black Book on the Martyrdom of Hungarian Jewry.

  32 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 2002 (Jeretzian), 2002a (Nagy).

  33 Dan Danieli, Captain Ocskay, A Righteous Man.

  34 Mordecai Paldiel, letter to Dan Danieli, 1 September 1997, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 7587.

  35 Exchange of letters between Mordecai Paldiel and Dan Danieli, June and July 1997, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 7587.

  36 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 90791.

  37 Anna Porter (Vilmos Racz’s granddaughter), The Storyteller: Memory, Secrets, Magic and Lies, pages 187, 194.

  38 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 05820.

  39 Desmond Brown, ‘Israel honours two Toronto war heroes’, National Post, 9 February 1999. Tonelli, then aged eighty-five, was living in Toronto. The other honoree was Jan Schoumans (see chapter 14).

  40 ‘Portrait of Monsignor Angelo Rotta…’, United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45669, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, February 2000.

  41 Information collected by Sara Reuveni, in charge of the Hungarian section of the Righteous Among the Nations Department at Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 7690.

  42 Meir Wagner, The Righteous of Switzerland, page 181.

  43 ‘Portrait of Franz Bischof’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45660, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, February 2000.

  44 ‘Portrait of Friedrich Born’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 45659, citing Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ Exhibition, February 2000.

  45 Pal Foti (Paul Friedlaender), ‘The Survivor’s Tale: 50 Years Ago the Holocaust Reached Hungary’, AJR Information, April 1994.

  46 Manuscript sent to the author by a friend of David Peleg, 1 September 2001.

  47 ‘Gabor Vermes’, note sent to the author by Gabor Vermes, 8 March 2002.

  48 David Peleg, letter to Yad Vashem, received 18 May 1971, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 722.

  49 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 722.

  50 Jeno Levai (editor), Hungarian Jewry and the Papacy, pages 44–45.

  51 Eugene Levai, Black Book on the Martyrdom of Hungarian Jewry, pages 358–59.

  52 Per Anger, With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, pages 68–69.

  53 Judy Stoffman (Rose Rosner’s daughter), in conversation with the author, 12 February 2002.

  54 Speech by Mordecai Paldiel, Yad Vashem, 25 September 1989, in awarding Giorgio Perlasca a Medal of the Righteous. Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 3911.

  55 Gabor Sztehlo, In the Hands of God, pages 121–22.

  56 Pal Foti, in conversation with the author, 24 March 2002.

  57 Pal Foti (Paul Friedlaender), ‘The Survivor’s Tale: 50 Years Ago the Holocaust Reached Hungary’, AJR Information, April 1994.

  58 Manuscript sent to the author by a friend of David Peleg (who was also saved by Pastor Sztehlo), 1 September 2001.

  59 Gabor Sztehlo, In the Hands of God, pages 139, 147.

  60 Pal Foti (Paul Friedlaender), ‘The Survivor’s Tale: 50 Years Ago the Holocaust Reached Hungary’, AJR Information, April 1994.


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