The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust

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by Gilbert, Martin

  61 Pal Foti, in conversation with the author, 24 March 2002.

  62 Eric Saul, ‘Visas for Life’ exhibition, prospectus, November 2000.

  63 Per Anger, ‘Introduction’, in Raoul Wallenberg, Letters and Dispatches, 1924–1944, page 229.

  64 Ingrid Palmklint and Daniel Larsson (editorial group), Raoul Wallenberg: Report of the Swedish-Russian Working Group.

  65 Agnes Hirschi (who was among those in the shelter), in conversation with the author, 28 April 2002.

  1 Lea Goodman, letter to the author, 13 August 2001.

  2 Julien Hirshaut, Jewish Martyrs of Pawiak, page 109.

  3 Suzan E. Hagstrom, Sara’s Children, page 122.

  4 Ernie Meyer, ‘Saying “Thanks” to Denmark’, Jerusalem Post, 7 February 1973.

  5 Leon Weliczker Wells, The Death Brigade (The Janowska Road), page 66.

  6 Paul Trepman, Among Men and Beasts, pages 206–7.

  7 Kazimierz Iranek-Osmecki, He Who Saves One Life, pages 287–88.

  8 ‘Lea Kalin…’, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheet 09342.

  9 Abraham Zuckerman, A Voice in the Chorus: Memoirs of a Teenager Saved by Schindler, page 51.

  10 Translated by Zvi Gill (formerly Zwi Glazer) from his book Paper Bridge, published in Hebrew in Tel Aviv, 1996; Zvi Gill, letter to the author, 5 June 2001.

  11 Hana Greenfield, Fragments of Memory, pages 41–43.

  12 Anna Ostrowiak, ‘Soldier showed mercy amid brutality’, Miami Herald, 25 December 1999.

  13 Anna Ostrowiak, letter to the author, 4 February 2002.

  14 Jack Brauns, ‘Memoirs’ (draft), page 155.

  15 Jack Brauns, letter to the author, 21 March 2001.

  16 Zev Birger, No Time for Patience: My Road from Kaunas to Jerusalem, pages 74–75.

  17 Elisabeth Maxwell, ‘The Rescue of Jews in France and Belgium During the Holocaust’, The Journal of Holocaust Education, Summer/Autumn 1998.

  18 Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.

  19 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photo Archive, Worksheets 66619 and 81603.

  20 Zabecki, Wspomnienia, page 126.

  21 Reuben Ainsztein, Jewish Resistance in Nazi-Occupied Eastern Europe, page 695.

  22 Testimony of Josef Reznik, Eichmann trial, 5 June 1961, session 64.

  23 Henry Wilde, letter to the author, 23 June 2001.

  24 Information provided by Sinai Leichter, letter to the author, 20 November 2001. Maryla Chodnikewicz, like Sinai Leichter, was from the Polish town of Kielce. When she visited Israel to receive the Righteous Among the Nations award, she stayed at Sinai Leichter’s home.

  25 Isabella Leitner, Fragments of Isabella; A Memoir of Auschwitz, page 54.

  26 Rudolf Vrba (with Alan Bestic), I Cannot Forgive, pages 90, 100–2.

  27 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 1029.

  28 Letter from Anne Rose to the ambassador of Israel, London, 21 March 1961, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 109.

  29 Letter of 28 December 1976, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 109. In 1954 Charles Coward’s story was the subject of a book by John Castle, The Password Is Courage. In the film, Dirk Bogarde played Coward. Coward was helped in his rescue efforts at Monowitz by a Jewish prisoner of war there, Yitzhak Perski, who, like Coward, had served in the British army in North Africa and Greece before being captured by the Germans. One of Perski’s sons, Shimon Peres, was later (three times) Prime Minister of Israel.

  30 Testimony of Jakub Lichterman, in conversation with the author, Cape Town, 1985.

  31 Ilana Turner, letter to the author, 22 January 2001.

  32 Leslie Blau, letter to the author, 26 December 2000.

  33 Testimony of Celina Manielewicz, Jerusalem, 7 November 1958; Yad Vashem Archive, 03/1108.

  34 Ben Edelman, Growing up in the Holocaust, pages 251–53.

  35 Sara Hannah Matuson Rigler, letter of 20 October 1988, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5872.

  36 Sara Hannah Matuson Rigler, letter of 20 October 1988, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5872.

  37 Interviews carried out in 1988 by Richard Woolfe, producer, BBC Television, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5872.

  38 Hannah Sara Rigler, letters to Mordecai Paldiel, 22 November, 9 December 1988, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 5872.

  39 Roman Halter, letter to the author, March 1993, quoted in Martin Gilbert, The Boys: Triumph over Adversity, page 269.

  40 Roman Halter, ‘Before and After’, Journal of the ’45 Aid Society, number 18, December 1994.

  1 Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Is Goodness a Mystery?’, Jerusalem Post, 8 October 1989.

  2 Agnes Hirschi, letter to the author, 20 March 2002.

  3 Michel Reynders, ‘Father Bruno (Henry Reynders), His Life, His Work, Biography of a Righteous’, manuscript, Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive, file 84.

  4 Information provided by the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, New York, on its website.

  5 Wladyslaw Bartoszewski and Zofia Lewin, Righteous Among Nations, page 39.

  6 Harvey Sarner, Rescue in Albania, page 63.

  7 Tzvetan Todorov (editor), The Fragility of Goodness: Why Bulgaria’s Jews Survived the Holocaust, page 40.

  8 Edith Velmans, Edith’s Book: The True Story of How One Young Girl Survived the War, page 241. Tine zur Kleinsmiede died in 1994, at the age of one hundred.

  9 Quoted in Rob O’Neil, ‘Helping Hand for Old Heroes of Holocaust’, Los Angeles Times, 1 August 1996.

  10 Margaret Kagan, manuscript, sent to the author 10 August 2000. I was myself present on this occasion.

  11 Samuel Oliner, untitled article in The Month magazine (London), January 1994.

  12 Ephraim Lahav, ‘German Friend Settles in Israel’, Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, 24 April 1970.

  13 Mordecai Paldiel, ‘Helmrich, Eberhard’, in Enclopedia of the Holocaust, volume 2, page 654.

  14 Yad Vashem Righteous Among the Nations Archive file 9557. (As of 2002, Major Plagge had not been recognized as a Righteous Among the Nations.)

  15 Odette Meyers, ‘A Long-Delayed Public Thank You to Chavagnes-en-Paillers’, The Hidden Child newsletter, volume 9, no. 1, Spring 2000.

  16 David Eppel, ‘Key to Righteousness’, Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 2000.

  17 ‘Les Raisons de l’Engagement de Mme J. Brousse, Annecy, 1979’, sent by Madame Brousse to the author, 27 May 2001.

  18 Quoted in Carol Rittner and Sondra Myers (editors), Courage to Care: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust, page 102.

  19 Desmond Brown, ‘Israel Honours Two Toronto War Heroes’, National Post, 9 February 1999. The other honorand was Sandor Tonelli.

  20 Cecile Seiden, ‘In Honour of My Righteous Rescuers’, part of the New Jersey Holocaust Curriculum, under the heading ‘To Honour All Children: From Prejudice, to Discrimination, to Hatred…to Holocaust’.

  21 Dr Michel Reynders, letter to the author, 28 February 2002.

  22 Joseph Berger, ‘A Monk, a Saviour, a Mensch: Nine Jews Gather in New Jersey to Remember the Man Who Rescued Them from the Nazis’, New York Times, 5 July 1992.

  23 Quoted in John Follain, ‘Village Hid Jews from Nazis’, Sunday Times, 18 January 2001.

  24 Benek (Baruch) Sharoni, ‘Man’s Humanity to Man’, Mizkor, October 2000.

  25 Mordecai Paldiel, letter to the author, 17 January 2002.

  26 Pierre Sauvage, ‘“Weapons of the Spirit”: A Journey Home’, The Hollywood Reporter, 17 March 1987.

  27 Mordecai Paldiel, letter to the author, 26 April 2002.





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