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Cuffed Page 3

by A Muse

  “Finding my own mermaid would lead me into the depths of my passion. She would then lift me up to the heavens in her arms.”

  I lie back completely and snuggle into your pillows. I hum a bit. Then I sing a few words of your favorite song. You chuckle once more, causing me to stop so that I can bask in the sound.

  “What are you doing?” you ask. I smile.

  “I am just lying in bed, chatting with you.” I answer not mentioning that I am in your bed.

  “Go on, tell me more about the story,” You prompt. I take a moment to remember where I had left off. You remain quiet, simply breathing in my ear. I listen to that for a few moments before I begin to speak.

  “I sit forward to open the drain. Standing, I wring out my hair. I notice you leaning on the wall, smiling. I pause, wondering if I should act normal and try to hide. Or, should brazen it out and approach you naked? I decide to go with brazen. I come to you wet and clean. I kiss you, soaking you with my wet hair that I have draped over my shoulders.”

  Your breath speeds up and I hear a light groan. I grin and wiggle under the covers pulling them to my waist.

  “You are fantasizing,” you state quietly. “I am loving it!” Your encouragement makes me feel that my fantasy is productive. Your silence tells me to continue.

  “I whisper, ‘Hello Hun.’ You grab my butt and kiss my neck. I sigh, ‘Why do I want you immediately, even after I have just had you?’ You look at me and smile but don't answer me for several moments."

  “I wouldn’t be able to answer with your naked body against me in the light of day.” You tease causing me to gasp dramatically. Your breath is faster and deeper. “I might eventually say something cocky to try to bluff you. To hide how shocked I am to find you there. Maybe like… ‘You haven’t just had me. I have been at work.’ Or something along those lines.”

  “Uhm hmm,” I hum as I turn to my side to get more comfortable. “Shall I go on?” I ask as you mutter something. I hear you shifting in the seat of your cruiser.

  “Please, Babe, go on, I am very interested.”

  “You let me back you to the bed and push you down. I throw my dripping hair back over my shoulders as I straddle you. You kiss me and then just look at me.”

  “Yes I do love to look at you.” You agree as your voice deepens. “If you were naked and wet, straddling my lap in broad daylight, I must admit I would look at you as long as you would let me.” This statement makes me wetter than just being in your bed and wearing your shirt does.

  “Really baby?” I moan out as I turn to my back and touch my clit gently. “My being naked in the daylight is that big of a deal to you?” I encourage.

  “Oh Babe, I am a man,” you growl. You curse loudly. I hear more rubbing noises.

  “Pants a bit tight officer?” I tease. I sink a finger over my hard clit, gasping as I do.

  “What are you doing?” you demand. I still my finger. I pant heavier.

  “Uhm,” I moan, stalling. I hear you shift again.

  “Are you touching my pussy?” you demand. I nod first then answer you.

  “I did for a second,” I confess.

  “FUCK!” you yelp a bit loudly in my ear. “You don’t do phone sex,” you remind me. I sigh as I remove my finger from my aching clit.

  “No, I am no good at it,” I agree. You growl a bit before answering me.

  “Babe, we are having a kind of phone sex right now,” you whisper softly. I raise a brow and gasp.

  “Oh you’re right!” I respond. Your chuckle warms me, making me more brazen. I want to please you. “Shall I go on? Tell you more of the story I am going to write?” I tease. I writher a bit as I spread my legs wide under your covers. My juices trickle down my ass to your clean sheets.

  “Oh hell yes!” you agree, groaning.

  “Are you touching yourself?” I quietly demand.

  “You know I am!” you grit out. You sigh heavily. “It will be three days before I see you,” you continue between pants.

  “Uhm,” I moan again wanting you to be surprised. I don’t tell you that the trip was cancelled because of enclimate weather. “The story will go on something like this,” I tell you. I am loving your sex voice and your husky noises. “I’ll say something to get you hotter for me like… ‘In my mind I had you in the tub,’ I confess blushing beet red and look down at your shirt front. ‘Ahh,’ you sigh and pull me tighter to you. ‘Tell me what you did in the tub,’ you say quietly. I stammer out, ‘You know,’ mortified that you almost caught me.” I stop talking as I touch my clit again breathing faster now, listening as you masturbate to my words.

  “Fuck! You make me crazy,” you moan. I sigh softly as I circle my clit faster.

  “You make me crazy too,” I whisper as I arch, wetting your sheets more. I draw my legs up and plant my feet, spreading my knees wide.

  “Your noises, how you move as we fuck,” you continue raggedly. I moan and begin rubbing my clit faster up and down. “Yes, Baby, yes!” you grunt. I slow my finger; I want us to come together our first time having phone sex. “Finish the story,” you order. I am quiet for several moments as I try to gather my thoughts.

  “I think you would say something to tease me too. Maybe… ‘But I want you to say it to me,’ you insist as you raise my flushed face gently. ‘I played with your pussy and thought of you.’ You kiss me hard and throw me over on the bed....” My words trail off. I gasp loudly as I begin to rub my button hard against my pubic bone. I moan and you gasp louder.

  “Rub my pussy for me, Baby,” you demand. I moan louder now. My embarrassment is gone as my orgasm approaches.

  “Am! … I am,” I say brokenly. I writhe, kicking off the covers. “Feels so good, I’m soaked! I want you to be inside me now!” I insist bluntly.

  “Yes baby, I want to be inside you too! Love your moans, and you’re doing this with me!” Your voice deepens to a growl and I shiver arching into my fingers. “I’m so close Baby, are you gonna come too?” I moan and arch higher, getting noisier.

  “So close… yes… come!” I scream as I spasm hard slamming my legs closed on my hand without stopping my finger.

  “Aahh, gawd, Babe! Fuck yes! Fuck me!” I scream out as I squirt hard, totally drenching your bed.

  “FUCK YES! YES!” I hear you shout realizing that I have dropped the phone. I reach for it and bring it to my ear. Your deep groans and gritting teeth come through as if you were here on top of me. I shiver and remove my fingers slowly. I melt back into your pillows. I pant and shift to get comfortable. You regain your composure quickly. I hear you relax back into the seat with a groan. “Well shit!” you sigh and I giggle. “I have to go home and change my damn uniform!” I bite my lip and don’t say anything. “You still there love?”

  “I’m here,” I say softly. I smile, thinking of your surprise at finding me in your bed, if you really do come home to change.

  “That was amazing,” you praise me warmly. “I never thought you would do that with me.” I smile and blush as I sit up to look at the mess I have made on your side of the bed. I grin and decide I am going to leave it there.

  “I wanted to before,” I confess quietly. “I just…” I trail off and flop back, crossing my legs tight.

  “I know why,” you say gently. “I love what we have.” You sooth and I relax.

  “So are you really gonna come home and change?” I ask. “The last time your uniform was wet, you wore it that way for your entire shift.” You are quiet for several moments. I am content to just listen to you breathe.

  “Come home?” you say calmly.

  “Yes, you said you were coming home to change,” I agree, not catching the slips I have made.

  “That I did,” you purr.

  I sigh and yawn sleepily.

  “Babe, that was incredible, but you sound exhausted.”

  I sigh again at your kindness to me.

  “Long day,” I agree and pull your covers back over me. “I may sleep for a while.” I say and you make a noise.

  “You do that sweetheart,” you encourage. I am too tired to realize I am busted.

  “K, Officer Hottie,” I tease calling you by my nickname for you.

  “Sleep well, Punkin,” you say softly. “I will see you real soon.” Your words should warn me but my satisfied brain is shutting down.

  “Good night,” I say and hang up, tiredly. I pull a pillow to my chest and hug it. I smell you all around me. I smile and drift to sleep, snug in your bed.

  Chapter 4

  I wave at sergeant Kilkenny, as I head to your office. I notice the closed blinds and the closed door. I blush as I remember the last time I was in there with you, during similar circumstances. I knock. You bruskly tell me to enter. I raise a brow. The look on your face tells me it has been a bad day. A “quickie” lunch is out of the picture.

  “Wanna tell me about it?” I ask softly. I come to the desk and sit on the edge, closest to you.

  “Fuck babe, I want to kill that asshole right now, not talk!” you bark. I don’t flinch, knowing you’re not angry at me.

  “Alright babe, I’m gonna go. You call or text later, if you want.” As I start to rise, you grab my wrist hard.

  “I want you… I want you to stay.” Your words confuse me, but I sit and wait on you to speak. “I am so pissed,” your words fade as your fingers continue to grip my wrist. You rise suddenly and pull me up, practically dragging me to the door and out towards the stairs. I allow this, knowing you need to dominate for a time. I smile and feel myself shiver a bit. You take me to lock up and relieve the officer on duty. You push me into a cell and follow with a strange look on your face.

  “Tell me how I can help you David,” I offer as you push me against the bars, roughly.

  “You can shut up and fuck me,” you growl meanly. I gasp and then moan as you slowly remove your handcuffs and dangle them in front of my face. “You can fight me a bit and protest as well, but know this, if I mark you, and I will, I am not going to care if the marks show.” While your “sex voice” makes me wet, your words convince me that today is going to be the start of a new chapter in our relationship.

  “But officer,” I say softly, grasping the bars behind me hard, “I didn’t do anything wrong.” The look on your face warms me. “I don’t know why I was brought here,” I continue role-playing, but your hands on my waist stall my voice. And your growl makes me gasp, for real, this time.

  “I brought you here to fuck you senseless,” I swallow and feel you pull one hand free of the bars. “I brought you here because I want to prove to you that I can be all that you need Sarah, anything, in any way.” I frown at this but only nod as you clasp my wrist in cold steel. I watch your face, not what you are doing, as you raise my arm above my head and run the cuff through the bars.

  “I need to be in control, complete control, today.” You fish out my other hand and raise it, too. The click is like a signal and your hands and mouth attack me simultaneously. I moan and fist my bound hands. Your tongue is rapacious and I allow you to ravish my lips and mouth harshly. Your hands pull at my skirt and you stop kissing me and look down as you realize that I am not wearing panties. That is your ultimate turn on.

  “Oh hell,” you breath. I turn red and close my eyes.

  “I can explain officer,” I say shakily. “I was going to see my… lover, and I was going to surprise him with lunch sex,” my voice trails off weakly. Your fingers ruffle my hair gently. I gasp as you rub two fingers over my wet clit. “Aw gawd!” I cry out as you drop to your knees. I look down and watch you as you look at my bare pussy, hungrily.

  “This looks tasty,” you growl. I gulp a huge breath as your tongue dives deep between my lips, hard on my swollen clit. You swirl your tongue and push a finger deep inside me. You stop licking me and look up slyly. “It is,” you state and settle to eating me out. You add a second finger causing me to writhe and moan as I fight the metal restraints. My legs lock, my knees weaken as your tongue finds that tiny dip under my clit and laps it hard. I raise a leg and rest it on your shoulder using it to pull you tighter. You grunt and drill that spot harder, using your buried fingers to pull at my g spot. You stop abruptly and move out of my desperate hold.

  “No no no!” I protest and you stand with a hard smile.

  “I didn’t say you could come yet,” the harsh words make me wetter and more desperate to orgasm. You unbutton your shirt and pull it off, throwing it to the bunk behind you. I watch you reveal your fit body and groan as it occurs to me that I can’t touch you. I watch as you sit and pull off your boots then your socks. You stand and unbuckle your utility belt and wrap it over your sidearm. You lay that beside you and unbutton and unzip your pants.

  “I get the feeling you are a juicy type of girl and I don’t have an extra uniform here.” The teasing reminder that can you make me squirt reddens my face again. I try to hide my face against my upraised arm. “I’m right!” you bark. I look at you again, so glorious in your nudity.

  “Yes, I’m… juicy,” I agree in a whisper.

  “I figured,” you spit out coming towards me with purpose. “I want you to make such a mess that I have to mop it up and bathe us both to get your cum off.” The blunt statement makes me groan and I feel my hot cum slide down my thighs.

  “I see that you are going to accommodate me.” Your words continue to stroke my lust. I watch your angry face as you lift my legs and boost me up the bars to straddle your hips.

  “Wrap those long legs around me tight.” Your command is followed, without delay.

  “Good girl,” you breathe against my neck as you bite the skin hard and suck strongly. I writhe and your cock finds its way to my wet slit. You bite harder and I moan a protest moving my hips to impale myself. Your fingers dig into my hips harshly. “I want to mark you,” you state quietly as you lick the dark mark you made on my pale throat.

  “Yes!” I agree carelessly. “Mark me, make me yours!” I demand. Your sucked in breath pleases me as you slam your dick in fast and hard, pushing me harshly against the bars. I grunt and rattle the cuffs as I try to reach for you. “Fuck me!” I scream and squeeze you hard between my thighs as you pound me faster. Your face slowly rises to mine and I kiss you maniacally, our teeth clashing, as my lip gives and I taste my blood on our tongues. You grunt and suck my abused lip gently. This makes me tighten on you further as I grind on your impaling cock.

  “That’s it cowgirl,” you grit out, “ride your stud!” I nip your lip sharply and grip the bars behind me as I use my arms to raise and lower myself on your dick.

  “Cowgirl up!” I gasp harshly and feel your fingers dig in harder on my hips. Your face is still angry but I can also see that your lusts and my submission are calming you down. Your eyes soften as you see the mark you have made and I throw my head back as I move faster. “This stud is gonna be dry as a bone when I’m done with him,” I pant out. Your groan and your jerking cock tell me that I have made you so hot that you aren’t thinking of protection... again. I don’t mention it either. You freeze. Then pound me harder, using your hold on my hips to move me faster.

  “Fuck Sarah!” you yell. I nod and feel myself coming wetly as you fill me with spurt after spurt of hot cum. You collapse on me and I feel the bars bruising my back and butt. I shift under your weight and smile as I kiss your head softly.

  “David,” I whisper over and over, kissing where I can reach. “My officer,” I sigh as I feel you coming back to yourself, slowly. You pull away and look at me strangely.

  “Oh hell, Sarah! Did I hurt you?” I smile and shake my head.

  “Not at all!” I deny vehemently. “I loved it David. It was hot and so good!” You smile then and kiss me. You lower my legs but stay inside me. I tiptoe and kiss your chest and neck. You move slowly, grinding my clit against your stomach.

  “Does that feel good?” you taunt. I nod and arch trying to get closer. “Do you want to come again?” you ask meanly. I open my eyes and watch your face.

  “Only if it pleases you, Off
icer,” I say meekly, still riding your cock. You stop moving and watch me work myself desperately on you.

  “It pleases me to have you ride me until you scream and soak us both.” You arch into me harder and I move in a grinding motion again, using my grip on the bars as leverage. You gasp and look down to enjoy the sight. I raise and lower myself frantically now.

  “Oh David you feel so good inside me!” I gasp as I feel you moving too.

  “Yes! Nothing has ever felt as good as your pussy,” you praise. Your fingers bite deep again on my tender hips and you raise me up to straddle you again.

  “Fuck yes!” I agree to this new position. You let me ride you until I begin to tighten again in pre orgasmic spasms.


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