
Home > Fantasy > Cuffed > Page 2
Cuffed Page 2

by A Muse

  Chapter 3

  I smile at my reflection in the full-length mirror. Sexy new clothes and spanking new boots, oh you are going to love this I think to myself. Once again, my secret fantasy begins, but this time it feels different, more alive. I feel so sexy. I need you now. This need only increases as I brush my hair, leaving it long and silky, as you love most. I look one last time in the mirror.

  “Show time!” I whisper nervously.

  I grab my phone and quickly text you a naughty note. “I want to do it in your squad car while you are on duty.”

  You reply quickly, making me smile. “Don’t tempt me, Babe.”

  My answer is naughtier now. “I want to tempt you. I want to ride you with your uniform on. Ride you so hard that I make your uniform sticky. I want to have you tell me ‘No! Babe, we can’t! Just blow me.’ I want to be so sexy to you that you can’t stop from pulling up my skirt and playing with my dripping pussy. Then I want to ride your face and come until you want inside me so bad. I pull off your face, attempting to crawl down on you, but you are stronger than me. You stop me before I can impale myself on your hard cock.”

  Your slow response worries me. “Are you trying to seduce me on the phone? Are you serious about coming here and really doing as you say?”

  I respond quickly now, getting hotter for you as I write my fantasy. “Tell me what you would do, Officer Hottie.”

  You take even longer to respond and I almost lose heart, then my phone vibrates against my breast. Excitedly, I read your text.

  “You kiss me again as I feel your cum dripping on me flowing from your hungry snatch.” A sensual smile develops as I read your words again.

  Fully enveloped in my rapidly expanding fantasy I respond brazenly, “You drop me down on your big dick, knowing I am too tight for that much that fast. I grind down, forcing all of you inside of me. I scream, ‘Fuck me HARD! Take me NOW! POUND ME! I want bruises from your belt and sidearm. Oh honey I’m so close to coming. I have wanted you to let me do this for so long.’ Your body armor hurts my nipples. Your hard dick stretches me so painfully. You are so hard as I grind on your zipper. ‘Hmmm, so close to coming for you, gonna squirt all over that gorgeous cock." I promise breathlessly.

  I smile as I climbed into my truck. I quickly turned on the police scanner knowing that I will be able to find you without you knowing. Your response is much quicker, “I grab you hard and start to lift you but you come. You grind down on me, making me shoot inside you. You say that you can feel my dick jerking as I fill you full of cum.”

  I stop at a stop sign and read your response. I am wet and panting. I finally catch your location. I laugh knowing that your location is very isolated. I text quickly, giggling as I hit send. “I come harder and scream writhing on you, ‘Yesss, thank you.’ I kiss you and fall still letting you hold me for a few minutes. I get up and leave so you can get back to work.”

  The vibration of my phone between my legs startles me just as I pass your parked squad car. I gun my engine and fly past you way above the posted speed limit. Your flashing lights make me smile and I pull over behind a large billboard. You step out and run to my door. I roll down the window and think how good you look in uniform.

  “What the…” your voice is surprised. I lean back revealing my new, very sexy outfit. As you come to grips with what my appearance must mean, you stutter, “You… the text? You really want to fuck me in the squad car, full uniform and while I’m on duty?” I nod and look down.

  “Those pants can’t hide that erection.” I state opening the door slowly. “You game, Officer Feel Good?” I tease. I love how you are mesmerized by my generous curves and long, loose hair.

  “You dressed to seduce me,” you accuse. My smile fades. “You thought your texts wouldn’t do the job?” you demand while reaching for me. I melt into your powerful embrace, intoxicated by your masculinity. I cling to you passionately. You kiss me hard. Your hands caress my anxious body. I return your caress, pulling desperately at you. You stop kissing me and quickly pull me to the car. You open the back door and recline, giving me full access. I straddle you and kiss you hard. You again touch my hair. It is everywhere. “We have to be quick,” you husk. I smile reaching for your zipper.

  “I can do fast,” I promise taking out your cock. I lick my lips knowing we don’t have time to allow me to suck you as my hunger demands. I move to mount you. You grab my soft waist, digging in your strong fingers. I begin to impale myself.

  “You are dripping wet, just like you said in your text.” You groan, making me even hotter. I pant as I take you deep. I am so tight that I have to wiggle and struggle to get you fully inside me.

  “Fuck Babe, YES!” you breathe. I gasp as I settle on your lap, leaning forward for a rough, passionate kiss. Your armored vest hurts my breasts. I groan as you lash my mouth with your hungry tongue. Your hands grope me roughly. I grind down fast. I know I will come hard and drench you as I promised. You thrust up into me while mauling my breasts. I break our kiss, enabling me to lean back and ride you harder.

  “I am so close already,” I warn. You raise your head to smile at me.

  “Come Baby,” you encourage quietly as you grope my ass under my bunched up skirt. “Drench me and let me fill this tight pussy full of cum.” Your words send me off. I scream as I ride you faster, harder.

  “Ahh, fuck! Thank you Officer,” I cry. Your hands grip me harder. I buck and come, making a beautiful mess on your uniform.

  “Yes fuck,” you agree as you thrust up hard, coming deep inside me. I feel each jerk as I moan and thrash. “Hell honey, keep going, love how hard that pussy grabs my cock when you come.” Hearing this, I orgasm again, squirting my juices out hard, soaking us both.

  “Ahh, so good, you are so big and hard!” I pant out as I stop moving. I kiss you, snuggling for a few moments. I sigh, kiss your jaw and move off your still semi erect dick. I look at your soaked uniform smugly. I give you a little wave as I head toward my truck. After all you are still on duty.

  I will want more when I come home,” your voice follows me. I nod as I climb into my truck. “Maybe lots more,” you warn darkly. I shiver as I start the truck and fasten my seatbelt. I pull out, heading home. Once more, I wave at you still standing beside your cruiser. All the way home, I wonder what “lots” might be. My phone buzzes and I see your picture on the screen. I open the phone quickly. Your words ignite my heart.

  “I will want you in that red nightgown, your hair not braided, asleep, or at least in bed. Tonight, I plan to fulfill one of your fantasies. One that you don’t know I know. Until then, I want you to KNOW that all I can smell is YOU!”

  Chapter 2

  As I pushed my way into the crowded police station, dragging a large, yelling man, all eyes turned toward me. The desk sergeant recognized me and hurried out to grab the bound man.

  “Sarah?” Sergeant Kilkenny asked. He looked at my dirty, torn clothes, and my tangled hair. He knew there had to be a good explanation. “Are you ok?” I nodded grimly as I shoved the struggling man.

  “This jerk jumped me on campus!” I gritted out, glaring hard at the man. He was a big man. But when he grabbed me, he had bitten off more than he could chew. “I bet all y’all will find he is the one that has been attacking women at the university.” I looked over his security guard shirt and uniform pants with disgust. “If y’all do find out he’s a real security guard, better not let me find out!” I smiled at the officer and turned to go. A tall angry policeman stood in my way making me nervous for the first time tonight. My eyes widened. I fell silent.

  “In my office,” was all he said. I looked back at the angry perpetrater, before I followed quietly behind the officer’s angry strides. I closed the door. He frowned looking over the disheveled mess I presented. “I believe we discussed how you would react if someone grabbed you?” His growling voice made me shiver. I felt moisture begin to gather between my legs. I nodded and looked down. Staring at him in uniform was making me even wetter. “We talk
ed about how you would live to fight and all that. No fighting, no mouthing, or sassing either.” I nodded, still staring at the floor. His shiny boot tips came into view and I smelled his hot musky scent. His finger under my chin made me more nervous. “Nothing to say?” he quizzed as he raised my face.

  “Yes officer, I listened,” I agreed and watched his eyes darken as he growled again.

  “Not very fucking well!” he scoffed. I watched him lock his door and close all the shades. I frowned, then my eyes widened.

  “You can’t be serious!” I yelped, backing away. The desk stopped my retreat.

  “What? You can seduce me in my cruiser, but I can’t have any of my own fantasies?” I flushed at that reminder of my horniness.

  “I’m sure you do, Babe, but in your office?” I protested, swallowing hard as he caged me against the edge of his desk. “You know I am noisy, and everyone would know exactly what we are doing!” I stopped speaking and watched his eyes as he look down at my torn shirt and exposed cleavage.

  “Are you hurt?” he husked and I shook my head. He kissed me softly and then took my mouth hard. As I kissed him back, he lifted me quickly, setting me on his desk. “I want everyone to know exactly what I’m doing to you. I want them to hear you fight to be quiet.” I flushed and kissed him hard again. His hands finished what the perp’s filthy hands had started. My officer ripped my blouse open, stopped our kiss, and looked down. I watched his face. His smile always made me feel so sexy. “You have bruises honey,” he stated with concern. I shrugged.

  “I’m pale, I bruise easy. You, of all people, should know that,” I answered gasping as he went to his knees. He kissed the darkly smudged bruise left by the man when he grabbed me around the waist. I held his head and arched back. He pushed at my skirt and I moved to help him. He pocketed the lace thong and leaned forward to kiss my thigh. I watched; gasping again as his tongue rubbed on another bruised spot. His sweet actions almost broke my bravado. I moved to show him another bruise. He kissed and licked it too, then rubbed his face gently on my soft stomach. He looked up. I smiled, cupping his jaw and rubbed my bare feet on his thighs.

  “Later, I want to know every detail,” he ordered. I nodded as his mouth moved closer to my soaked slit. “Everything he said, and did, and how the hell you got him tied up, and dragged here.” The growled words on my pussy made me whimper. He pulled me to the edge of the desk as he abruptly buried his face and his tongue. I wrapped my legs over his shoulders and tugged on his head. He munched and slurped making me tremble as I clasp him closer.

  “Your mouth is so good, David,” I praised as I rode his face. My orgasm was coming on fast. As my juices flowed, he tongue fucked me faster, seeming to want the wet noises he was making. I trembled and gasped out incoherent words as his tongue brought me so close to coming. Then he stopped! I whimpered as he rose and took out his hard cock. He cupped my face and I nodded. I moved without any hesitation to take him deep in my mouth. He fiddled with my messy bun until the full length of my hair fell down my back. I moaned on his dick, which made him groan loudly. I swallowed him down more, deep throating him; a skill he truly cherished. He pulled my hair and then froze as I cupped his nuts and pushed them up against his body. I stopped sucking and rose, turning my back to him. Pushing his papers to one side of his desk, I sat down. With a small smile on my face, I stared at his desk chair.

  “I’d love you to eat my pussy again, Office Hottie,” I teased, spreading my legs open wide. I begin touching myself slowly, knowing it would drive him crazy. He sat down carefully, unable to tear his eyes off my fingers. I leaned back and rested my legs on the chair’s arms, pulling him toward me. “Mmmm, I’m so wet, Babe, wet for you.” I teased. I rarely did this in front of him. I knew that I was making him hotter, and harder, for me. I rubbed my clit in tight circles and fell back writhing. I was fully enjoying how naughty I was being for him. His fingers on my thighs made my hand still, but he said to keep going. I did and felt his hands rub up and down my inner thighs. His breathy pants pleased me and I spread myself wide, so he could see all of me. He grunted as his hands grabbed my thighs harder.

  “Are you doing this because of what I did that night after you attack me in my squad car?” His question surprised me. I stopped and rose up to look at him.

  “I’m doing this because I knew you would like it.” I smiled when he looked up and then he buried his face again. His tongue on my clit made me shriek a bit. I fell back and gasped as I covered my mouth with both hands. He lashed my clit and stuck a finger into me deep rubbing my pussy fast in a “come here” motion, continuously hitting my g-spot. I fought the pleasure and the deep stimulation as he surrounded my clit, lashing it bottom to top, over and over again. His talented tongue was too much. I came hard, screaming behind my hands. He licked faster and harder, making me come again. I wailed under my hands, squirting violently. He shoved back from the desk quickly, to avoid being drenched, chuckling to himself. David rolled his chair up close again as I quivered and panted. He stood, jacking a bit on his dick.

  “I am going to fuck you while your pussy is still convulsing from your orgasms, Teach,” his gravelly voice made me groan “YES!” from under my hands. “You are going to scream for me, scream loud, as you come on my cock,” he threatened. I rose up, ready to take him. He grinned at my wide eyes. He shoved into me hard but my small cunt fought his intrusion. He grunted, shoving harder with his strong thighs, ramming his cock in and out of me so I creamed constantly.

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight around my cock,” he praised. I watched him take me as he gripped my hips hard. “Love your face and how you move.” he growled as he unrelentingly thrust into my willing slit. I panted, getting more excited as he said these things. “You fucked me in my car, squirting all over my uniform. I smelled you all night! I knew that if I didn’t come home and fuck you again I would go insane.”

  These confessions made me lean closer to him, changing the angle of his penetration. I kissed him, desperate to stop his vocal seduction. He kissed me and pulled my legs high over his waist. He slammed faster as I began to grind up and down with his thrusts. He tore off my mouth and watched my face. “Come for me, Sarah!” he ordered as I leaned back, still holding his waist with my legs. He caressed my thighs then my calves, as I ground harder and faster against his dick.

  “You come, David!” I said as I fought my orgasm, wanting to feel his cum inside me. “I want you to come inside me, bare, no protections of any kind.” I smiled as it occurred to him that we were having unprotected sex again this week. He gritted his teeth and I saw him fight the temptation.

  “We shouldn’t Babe,” he said quietly, but kept moving.

  “No, we shouldn’t,” I purred as he watched my face.

  “Holy fuck,” he cried out as he came hard inside me. I felt his cum wash my cervix as his cock jerked hard. “You redheaded temptress!” he accused as I rode his orgasm without stopping, even when he did. I squeezed him hard inside me. He grabbed me again to stop the motions.

  “Oh yea, Babe,” I crooned and held him harder against me.

  “Sarah, you are so dangerous to my peace of mind,” he grumbled as he fell over me. I held him tight.

  “Well you blow my mind, too,” I praised. His hardness jerked one last time, then fell still.

  “Fucking A right I do Honey,” he agreed arrogantly, chuckling. I laughed too as he pulled off me slowly, my legs falling away. He sat down and I moved to cuddle him in my breasts. He wrapped around me hard and groaned. I held him tightly, knowing he was worried about my antics at the university.

  “You go straight home,” he ordered and I nodded. He handed me one of his t-shirts to put on and I handed him my ruined bra and shirt for evidence. He smiled as his tee fell to my thighs with the shoulder seams falling to my biceps. “We will discuss this later.” He warned and I nodded again. He smiled again and I looked down to read the legend too. “On a slow day we say, ‘Halt police.’ On a busy day we say, ‘They ran.’” I
giggled then I kissed him and opened the door turning with a wink.

  “I didn’t scream,” I reminded him with a smug grin. He moved towards me and I left hurriedly. I knew I would get it later and that sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.

  Chapter 3

  “While I bathed I thought of you,” I said softly into the phone, loving the catch in your breath. I smile, stretching back on your bed. I am wearing one of your uniform shirts. I touch the collar, pulling it to my nose, smelling you on the cloth.

  “I think of you, too,” you confess. I become still. “So what were your thoughts about?” you continue when I don’t answer.

  “I’m thinking of making another story for you. You come home early. You find me in the bath. My yards of hair wet and smelling of lavender, the bubbles are almost gone. Even though the water is tepid, there I sit, humming and smiling, lost in a happy memory. Your chuckle surprises me. Realizing that it is you, I giggle happily.”

  “I would love to catch you in my tub, naked, wet and humming happily.” Your voice had deepened as you talked to me. I sigh, loving the urgency of your “sex” voice.


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