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Paper Dolls, Book One

Page 35

by Emma Chamberlain

  The car began to come level though and I knew I’d have to stop daydreaming about her.

  “Okay,” I finally said, turning to face the front since I knew we were close. “Turn up here on the right.” I felt better now that I’d eaten but I didn’t really want to hike at all. I just wanted to stay in the car and watch her a while more.

  Boring. I thought again. No wonder she was going stir-crazy with me.

  “Right up there,” I said, pointing to the unofficial lot. It was so unofficial there was no marker at all plus there was still a little bit of snow to roll over as we pulled right in.

  I could see the faint remembrance of the familiar trail through the trees. It was the sort of thing that’s invisible until it’s obvious.

  “Okay,” I said, opening the door and getting out.

  It took her a second to turn the car off. I couldn’t tell if she was struggling with it or just unsure of where we were.

  “What is this place?” She asked once she was outside with me. “Are we even supposed to park here?”

  It was off a busy road. She was right to be skeptical.

  “We’re okay,” I said, taking her hand in mine and pulling her to follow me off into the trees.

  I hadn’t hiked in a while. Last time I hiked was before I met Avery.

  Often in summer I’d hike the cliffs at the beach and the large hills that looked out over the ocean in the far distance near my home. Winter had drained me I guess. I’d been inside more than I knew.

  At a certain point I got tired of trying to keep up with Avery and I let her hand go.

  The sound of her breathing made me feel safe. I didn’t like the sound of mine.

  By the time we were halfway up I was already tired.

  We had to climb, I knew that going in. But I wanted her to see this place. It’d always been one of my favorites nearby.

  She dropped back and looked at me, an unfathomable look on her face. “I like you outside. I like you everywhere but real light is better. You, look unreal in a good way.”

  “I think the elevation’s making you delirious,” I joked.

  “Or maybe I was always this way,” she laughed, screwing her eyes up.

  “Hmm… Jury’s out on that one,” I said, trying to walk and breathe and talk.

  I felt dizzy but I wanted to get there for her.

  “I can always give you a ride up,” she said, turning her back toward me.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” I said. Truthfully, I just knew if my body touched hers I’d be completely helpless again only this time helpless and halfway up a mountain. Which probably wasn’t a good thing.

  “You couldn’t. I’m strong like an ox,” she joked.

  “Fine,” I said, already exhausted.

  I braced myself on her shoulders and jumped.

  Surprisingly, she caught me effortlessly. “Up we go,” she said, walking on up the mountain, up through the trees.

  I tightened my arms around her neck and let her be the strong one again and again.

  “It’s bad I’m already dizzy, isn’t it?” I wondered aloud.

  “Na, unless you hike up mountains a lot. Then, I’d be worried.”

  “I like hiking, sometimes,” I said. “But I usually do it alone… And very slowly.”

  I was starting to realize, compared to Avery I did everything slow.

  “Well, that’s why you have me. I’ll carry you anywhere you need to go.”

  I let my head fall down onto my arms and drank in the sound of her small struggles as she carried me.

  I wondered when she would get tired but it didn’t seem she ever could.

  “Can I come down now?” I asked. I didn’t like being the slow one or the weak one.

  I just wanted to exist.

  She let me down and we walked a while more.

  Occasionally Avery would say something sweet.

  Occasionally I would be mean and make fun of her.

  My throat got dry and I cursed that sad excuse for a hamburger as we finally made our way through the final bend in the trees.

  When we finally got to the spot I hadn’t expected it.

  I guess it’d been a long time since the last time I came.

  Before us were the hot spring pools, the ones out of the way that most people didn’t even know about.

  The sight of the small pools completely empty filled me up with relief.

  I didn’t want anyone else to bother us. I didn’t want to see Ben or Avery’s friends or some horny strangers I didn’t care about.

  I just wanted to see her.

  I walked close to the first pool and knelt down to untie my shoes.

  My favorite pool was still a little ways down but it couldn’t hurt to get ready.

  “Holy crap,” she said, looking all around. “This place is amazing. How’d you know about this??

  “It helps to run in rich circles. People always suggest the most beautiful things for fear they could never impress.” I had already kicked my shoes off and taken off my socks. “Come on,” I said, walking down a little ways and taking my sweater off as I did.

  The area around the pools was all natural rock with very little brush.

  If the clouds were mild or nonexistent, the sun hit this part of the mountain a lot in one day so the snow melt had been pretty thorough. There were clouds now but the melting damage had already been done. Snow only lay off in the shade beneath the evergreens and the rocks weren’t even slippery right now.

  My favorite pool went right up to the edge of the cliff. I walked aways to get to it and looked out at the dark clouded sky and the large freshwater lake down below on the solid land. One look was all I needed. I gave up my clothes and slipped myself right into the hot water to escape the thoughts of the day.

  My muscles felt instantly tender.

  I sighed as I laid back and allowed myself to get lost in the steam.

  Avery moved in next to me after taking off her clothes and getting in. “Feel better?” She asked.

  “What do you mean?” I wondered, anxiously. I hadn’t done this for me…

  She wanted to go somewhere.

  “I mean. You seemed kind of tense,” she said. “And I wondered if you’re feeling better now that we’re here.”

  “Oh,” I said, sighing. “I’d just been sort of slapped with reality back then… It’s probably good you wanted to do something.”

  “What do you mean? What reality?” She got closer, putting a hand on my arm. I felt that familiar electricity. It was like that day at the piano when Avery kept touching me but she didn’t even know she was doing it.

  “This trip,” I breathed deeply… I didn’t want to look at her. “It’s been like this amazing little bubble for us and it’s going to end.”

  “Oh,” she said. Her grip tightened on my arm. “Yeah, it sucks but at least we have right now. I’m not sure what’s going to happen when we go home. I don’t want to go. I’d rather just live in my car.” She sounded bitter, but sad, like she knew the inevitable reunion with her dad would lead to nothing good and that saddened me.

  “I wish I was better at being more like you,” I said, pulling at her leg beneath the water and moving her to hover over me so she’d have to straddle me like I wanted her too.

  Her body slid easily to answer my moves.

  There was no one around. No one to see what I’d been wanting to do ever since we left the pool.

  “I have to confess something,” I said, looking up at her body and her face fresh from exercise.

  All of a sudden I couldn’t stop my hands as they roamed her body beneath the steam, touching her everywhere, taking advantage, sliding up her legs and around to her ass. These weren’t light touches. My body knew what was happening way better than my mind did. I placed pressure where I had found it affected her and I withheld touch from the places she’d want me most since I knew she’d grow thirsty for me.

  “Yeah? Tell me,” she said. Her breathing was getting irregular and she w
as closing her eyes and trying to control herself while I played.

  “I didn’t bring you up here so you could see the pretty pools and the wonderful nature…” I swallowed hard, feeling my extreme pleasure from just doing this.

  Touching her was more than sensual. Touching her was tantamount to devoting oneself to pure sensation. It was like somehow I’d decided all I could do anymore was feel her. All my other goals, all my other wants, all my other needs just shut right down. It’s like how they say blind people can hear and smell better than those who have sight.

  I may as well be blind with the way I was feeling her.

  Here, like this, Avery was everywhere and everything. The whole rest of the world may as well just drop away.

  Us here and that view...

  I heard a quote from Brokeback Mountain in my mind...

  {...} that old, cold time on the mountain when they owned the world and nothing seemed wrong…

  “Then why,” Avery pushed out. “To make me crazy?”

  “No,” I said, so thirsty for her skin I could already taste it. “I brought you up here because I knew this would probably be the only place we could be alone. The only place that wasn’t that boring hotel room that drove you so mad.”

  I took my hands to the bottom hem of her suit top and pushed it up, hearing as she took in a sharp breath before helping me and throwing it all the way off. If anyone came up here we would certainly here them come first.

  “I approve,” Avery breathed, all frazzled but suddenly beaming.

  I hadn’t the time to listen, not with her perfect breasts so close to my thirsting tongue.

  I leaned my head forward, pulling her body into mine with my hands at her ass.

  Her perfect nipple, now wet and hard in my mouth, helped to finally begin to fill me and satiate. The calm invaded and I longed for it solemnly. I had a storm inside that only touching her could calm down.

  Avery’s hands came up to hold at my head and out of her mouth I heard a gasp as I sucked.

  “What is it?” I asked, leaning back and away from her just to tease.

  “Nothing. DON’T. STOP.” She urged my head back, wanting my mouth on her.

  I pulled her nipple back into my mouth and hummed as I sucked and tugged, playing with the tip with my tongue and hearing her struggle in her to feel less and breathe more.

  “Fuck,” she whispered, arching into me.

  She was pulling me into her so hard it only made it funner to try and fight her and pull away.

  We didn’t fight much and I usually did what she said. I was playing with her now and I liked it.

  My hands tugged at the hem of her bottoms beneath the water. Heat was everywhere and everything. The steam rose around us almost burying us like a thick and palpable mist going upside down.

  To most, heat would be an unbearable thing. I welcomed it, craved it like this.

  When I chanced a look up at her body and then her face I nearly caved into myself. I was so fucking lucky.

  Teeth to perfect skin. I bit up her breasts lightly, going slow and taking one at a time. I teased at the pain because I loved her too damn much to pierce her beautiful tenderness.

  When I finally got up to her neck I couldn’t help myself licking like a cat, trying to scratch at her pulse point and find her weak spots.

  “You taste so good,” I breathed huskily. All her sweat was salty in a good way and she tasted like Avery. Only Avery could taste this good.

  “Vi,” she said, pushing my head back a little, to look down. There was something wild in her eyes. Like she was channeling some animalistic force. “Bite me.”

  Despite myself I started to grin like an idiot. Of course she’d want that. I wanted that.

  Laughter tickled up my throat but I managed to hold it inside.

  “Mmmm,” I hummed, teasing the skin of her neck with my tongue for just a second more, before dragging my top teeth back down the front of her body, making my way back over her collarbone to find her breast. I nibbled softer now, just to be a jerk as I made my way down, down, down. I was torturing her and loving it, playing like at any second I could just snap and make myself bite down.

  “Uggggh,” she groaned. “Baaabe.” She was getting impatient. The teasing was getting to her and it only made me smile more knowing that she couldn’t wait for me to mark her. I pushed my hands down her inner thigh beneath the water and pressed my thumb deliberately at her sex as I played.

  To tease was such a delight. I knew I had her just waiting for me and it was usually the other way around.

  I wanted more than anything to play more with her, to test this out more.

  I moved my mouth away from her, craning my neck so I’d be back by her ear again. “I’m not biting you until you take these off,” I said, pulling down hard on her bottoms. The position we were in made it impossible for me to do away with them and I needed them gone. I needed to know that when I wanted to touch her there, there would be no obstruction.

  She quickly found her feet, swaying a little from what I’d just been doing to her. But she managed to push her bottoms down and slip them off, tossing them over to join her top. She came back at me, jumping just a little to straddle me again.

  “That’s much better,” I said, running my hands greedily up her thighs until my thumbs could reach where her bottoms used to be and I could touch her skin there and revel in the sweetness of the soft skin near her hips.

  Knowing it would kill her, I licked up the inside of her breast, dodging the center entirely just to drive her up the wall. “Are you sure you want me to bite you?” I asked.

  “Yes, I want to look in the mirror and see where you’ve been.” She got the words out through gasps. “And I want to feel you.”

  I liked the way she breathed. I liked that it was obvious she was overcome already, even though I’d done virtually nothing at all, just tasted her here, just touched her right there.

  “I’ve never done this before,” I said truthfully, rubbing her skin with my face and hoping I could do it. Just having her on me was driving me nuts.

  Nat bit me hard but I was never good with expelling much strength or slowing things down this way. I was more the one being taken. Everything I did to Nat physically, by default, was just tame. With her I really was the submissive one. I don’t know how that happened, it just did.

  With Avery we were both sort of equal. At least, she wanted us to be. Everything she did to me I wanted to do to her. It was like an addiction; this retaliation.

  Thinking about all of it really made me aware.

  I got up the courage, turning my mouth into the side of her breast and using a hand to hold it in place as I sucked her skin into my mouth and bit down, trying to be strong.

  “Ahh,” she cried. Her body pushed into me and she shivered, not from heat, but from me. “Harder,” she said, pulling my face into her skin to try and get me to oblige.

  For a second I did nothing. I knew she’d feel bad and let go. Which she did.

  I ran my tongue to her nipple again and sucked a lot harder, tugging further away. Her nipples were super sensitive and I could tell when the pain came because she moved differently.

  I could bite her again but I wanted to play with her first. This slow probing nature of my exploration of her senses was bringing me to life.

  “I’ll do it,” I said. “Just gimme a second,” I breathed. I’d been pushing into the front sides of her pelvic bones with my thumbs, holding her body down ontop of mine and trying to keep her on me. Truth was, when I touched her like this she was accidentally rubbing me so right.

  I don’t think she even knew.

  My heart hurt with how great it felt. So I took my time in teasing her. As desperate as she was, she was driving me mad with desire, causing my sex to contract and feel played with.

  “Okay.” She opened her eyes and caught mine. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  “No,” I lied, my smile betraying me. “Why?” I asked. Begging for her t
o want to punish me.

  She reached down, letting her hands glide over the tops of my breasts and then down to my nipples. She pinched them through the fabric of my suit. “You will. Because I know showing you is better than telling you.” She leaned into my face. “And we’ve got a lot of time for me to show you.”

  “Uhhhhh—” I moaned freely, my whole body lighting up with sparks. When she touched me like that I lost myself or found myself, it’s hard to say.

  I couldn’t wait anymore. I wanted to be the one shutting her up.

  I moved my face back into her breast, sucking her nipple into my mouth again but this time opening my mouth so wide that I could bite the entire area just outside the radius of her areola, skipping all the extra sensitive skin. I knew she wanted me to hurt her but I didn’t want to be overly cruel. When I finally bit, her entire body twitched and convulsed.

  As soon as I did this I slid my fingers right inside of her. Beneath the water I could feel the difference between the real water and the inside of Avery so creamy and soft.

  Her walls clenched around me instantly as I sucked at her breast and bit her there as hard as I ever could.

  Chapter Forty


  She entered me and bit at the same time, making me fall over her body, screaming out a sound I’d never heard. I was cumming already. Just a few thrusts and her biting me but I wanted more. I wanted her everywhere. I leaned back and pressed my lower body down into her hand and then leaned in so her face was close to my neck. “There,” I whispered.

  I didn’t care if people could see. No one would say anything. All the people that mattered knew about us and if Ben saw it, all the better. I was Olivia’s and she was mine.

  “Are you sure,” she asked dreamily.

  “Please, do it.” I pressed her. Raising up and coming down again on her hand. I didn’t want to stop and I could feel myself building again. I knew if she bit me while I was riding her hand I would cum again all fast and intense just like that.

  “Okay,” she said sweetly. I felt her tongue come out and lick at my pulse as her teeth sank down into me and she bit me hard with an intense force of purpose.

  I pitched down again, taking as much of her as I could inside. “God,” I ground out, feeling my body spasm, knowing that her beautiful mouth was bringing me to all of these highs. I fell limp back onto her, out of energy, out of mental power. I couldn’t do anything but hug her and let her support me.


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