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Torn: Part Two (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (The Torn Series Book 2)

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by Corgan, Sky


  Part Two


  Text copyright 2015 by Sky Corgan

  All rights reserved.

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  On the floor, I show much resistance. In the play area, it's a completely different story. There are rules to how these things are supposed to go. If the Dom is good, I have no trouble following them. Sometimes, letting go is the best release ever, but it has to be for the right man—for the right reasons.

  “How do you want it?” Looking cool and composed, Sir Jeremy leans against the wall in the private play area he took me to.

  He told me his name while we were at the bar.

  I saunter up to him like a cat about to pounce on prey, my fingers slipping inside the lining of his open shirt to trace the tight fabric back and forth. “I thought you said you were going to break me?”

  “Well, I wouldn't be much of a Dom if I didn't take what you want into consideration, now would I?” He stares down at me in amusement, though there's definitely lust behind his eyes as well.

  “Give it to me as hard as you've got. And don't stop until I say so.” I withdraw my hands to give his shoulder a playful punch before turning and walking back towards the middle of the room.

  “Standard safety words apply.” He pushes himself off of the wall.

  “I don't need them.” I cast a backwards glance at him, and the corner of his lips quirk into a smirk.

  He takes a few lazy steps over to a metal folding chair in the corner of the room. For a moment, I think he's going to sit down and ask me to take off my clothes. That's how a lot of Doms start. They like to watch women undress. I can put on a sexy little strip tease if that's what suits his fancy though I'd much rather have him undress me. As long as we eventually get down to the pain and fucking, I suppose that's all that matters.

  He pulls the chair around and pushes it towards me. “Hike up your skirt and sit straddling the chair. Facing me.”

  It's an interesting request which instantly gets my curiosity piqued. I do what I'm told, struggling slightly to pull the tight leather skirt that I'm wearing over the curvature of my hips. It's designed to be pulled down, not up, and I hope that the stretching doesn't ruin it. I'm not one to argue with a Dom though unless he's being a prick, especially not one so handsome.

  I lower myself onto the chair like I'd lower myself onto a cock, legs spread wide, back slightly arched. Sir Jeremy blatantly checks me out, his gaze falling to the globes of my ass, completely exposed with only the string of my thong covering my crack. Then it dips further down to the lace tops of my stockings. He seems pleased enough, his expression growing predatory.

  “Do you like what you see?” I reach back to slap my backside.

  “No touching.” He shakes his head. “Only I can touch you for the rest of the night.”

  I like the sound of that—the thought of his hands upon me. My body hungers for his touch—for his wrath. Already, I can feel moisture gathering between my legs, and we haven't even begun. The night is so young, and I'm so ripe for a good scene—for a good fucking.

  “Whatever you say, Sir.” I grin.

  A sharp tug on the back of my head makes me gasp. He moved so quickly that I barely had time to prepare for it, fisting his hand in my hair. In an instant, he's behind me, his hot breath teasing my neck, his soft lips whispering over my shoulder.

  “Is something funny, Piper?”

  “No, Sir,” my voice sounds almost foreign to me.

  “Good. There isn't going to be anything funny about the way I'm going to use and fuck you.” His grip tightens on my hair, making my neck ache slightly. “I'm going to do everything that I want to you tonight.”

  My body sings to life under the weight of his words, my nipples beading hard inside my corset. Yes, please, use me. Fuck me hard. Be harsh and unwielding. I dare not say any of that though, because I know he doesn't want my words. He wants my screams. My moans and my whimpers.

  He reaches his free hand around and lightly gropes one of my breasts though it causes little sensation through the thick fabric of my corset. Even worse, the lack of power behind his touch. It's meant to tease, and it works. He knows I want him to tear down the front of my corset like a bodice ripper romance so that my breasts spill free over the top, then have him completely ravage me. He's going to take his time, though, make my body ache for him until I'm so pent-up from our play that I explode into orgasm the second he sticks his dick inside of me.

  “Is that so, Sir?” I strain my head to look back at him. If I can goad him enough, he might get to the pain sooner.

  Fire crawls across my skull as he forces my head back in place. “You're a very bad girl, aren't you? I think I knew that the moment I laid eyes on you, though. Do you know what happens to bad girls?”

  “They get punished, Sir?”

  “They get punished,” he parrots. “Now get your ass up. And stick it out. You deserve a round of spankings.”

  Mm, spankings. Certainly a good start.

  I lift my body, pushing my hips back as I lean over the chair. Thankfully, he lets go of my hair, allowing me to move freely though I know not to cross any boundaries.

  He disappears behind me, and seconds later I feel the delicious sting of his large palm slapping my backside. It's immediately followed by another strike on the opposite cheek. One after the other, he hits me again and again. The burning intensifies though I refuse to cry out. Even when it's at its worst, I won't cry out. It pisses off a lot of Doms. After all, this is what they live for, hearing the sounds of pain. There's a sadistic part of me that enjoys knowing I'm withholding that pleasure from him though. Plus, it will only make him spank me harder.

  “You have no idea the trouble you're in,” he tells me as he pulls the crotch of my panties aside, exposing my pussy to the cool air.

  My clit throbs from the sudden sensation of cold meeting hot. My body is already warmed up, and I wonder if he can see how wet I am. He probably felt it when he pulled my underwear aside.

  He redirects his hand, spanking my exposed lips. My breathing grows ragged from the sharp stimulation to my core, each strike sending tendrils of pleasure racing through me. It feels heavenly, and I don't want him to stop. I'm so turned on that he could probably spank me until I climax. It's never happened before, but there's certainly a first time for everything.

  “Is that enough for you?” he growls.

  “No, Sir,” I purr.

  The rhythmic slapping stops, and Sir Jeremy slides into my peripheral vision only seconds before I feel his hand on my throat. He squeezes, though not hard enough to close off my airway completely. His other hand holds the back of my head, locking it in place.

  “I bet you think you're really cute challenging me. You have no power here though. You're nothing.” His face is so close to mine that I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Tequila. Faint yet distinct.

  The look in his eyes makes me want to shrink back a little. He seems genuinely angry though it's hard to tell if he's just acting or not. Scenes are all about projecting, leaving the real you behind and falling into some carnal place where only sexual instinct matters. If I did piss him off, I might
be in for more than I can handle. He's been pleasantly unexpected so far. There's no telling what he's going to do to me. Even though it's illogical, I'm more excited than scared.

  “You are going to be quiet and complacent from now on, do you understand?” He doesn't even wait for my response before walking back around me. His hands return to my chest, this time to unclasp the front of my corset. The heat of his chest against my back and the tightness of his arms around my shoulders makes it feel almost like an embrace. At that moment, it's oddly comforting, but my mind is reverse-perverting the image. His touch should be sexual to me, not soothing. Why do I feel like this?

  By the time he reaches the bottom of the clasps, I'm back in subspace. His hands move up my body, and he does exactly what I need him to do. My head tilts back against him and a tiny moan escapes from my lips as his palms envelope my breasts, squeezing and massaging them to the point of pain. My nipples bead between his fingertips, the rough skin of his fingers pinching at them and sending electricity to that sweet place between my legs.

  He pushes my ass down so hard that my pussy slams against the chair. Another shudder races through me, consuming me. Then his hands are in my hair again, pulling my head back and forcing me to jut my chest out as he bends me into an awkward position.

  “Are you finally going to be a good girl?” he asks, his voice breathy with desire.

  “Yes, Sir.” I nod the best that I can.

  “Good. Then get your ass back off of that chair.” He withdraws from me, and I quickly comply, gripping the back of the chair, holding my body weight up as I prepare for more spankings.

  His hands return to me in a different way, curling around my hips. Before I have a chance to turn around and see what he's doing, pleasure surges through me as I feel him bury his mouth between my legs.

  “Oh,” I whisper, feeling his tongue slip between my wet folds. He licks and sucks aggressively, his tongue probing in and out of me with precision.

  I give in to pleasure, moaning shamelessly while he eats me out. It feels so good having him inside of me, any part of him.

  A blush covers my cheeks as he moves up to ring the tip of his tongue around the tight muscles of my ass, and I quickly reposition my hips to accommodate him, practically bending over the chair. He slides my underwear down for better access, then returns, exhaling hot air on my pucker as his mouth goes to work on it.

  My sex clenches when I feel his finger join the party, pushing between my pussy lips. He slips it inside, fingering me rapidly while he continues to kiss and lick my asshole.

  After several minutes, he withdraws his finger and moves back down to sucking on my clit. This time, he's a lot rougher, pulling the tiny bud between his lips and applying enough pressure to make me squirm. I let out the first cry of the night, somewhere between pleasure and pain, and he instantly backs off, spanking my ass a few more times instead.

  “I want to suck your cock now,” I say.

  “I'm not done yet. You can suck my cock when I say you can.” He licks up the length of my folds before flicking his tongue across my button so rapidly that I see stars.

  Damn, was he ever holding back. Within seconds, I'm shattering all over his face, my thighs trembling as my body makes a feeble attempt at steadying itself. My fingers curl into the back of the chair, and I try to control my breathing as the contractions wreck me.

  “That's it, come all over my face like a good girl,” he growls into me, his tongue still making delicate passes around my core, probably feeling my contractions play against it. “Now you may sit.” He stands finally, and I lower myself onto the chair, grinding on it slightly to milk out the last few ounces of pleasure that my body has to offer. “I certainly hope you don't think that was the end of it, because I'm just getting warmed up.” Sir Jeremy casts a glance back at me while he goes to take a bundle of rope off of one of the shelves in the room. My blood heats up again from the sight of it. Things are about to get a lot kinkier.

  He tosses the rope on the floor and walks around me. “Get on your knees.”

  As soon as my ass leaves the chair, he's flinging the chair across the room. I cringe at the sound of metal clattering on cement.

  Sir Jeremy stands behind me, groping my breasts roughly and pulling me back against him. I lean into him, feeling the outline of his cock against my head, wondering what he'd do if I turned around to take it out of his pants. I decide to press my luck, moving to do just that, but no sooner do I turn than he has his hands in my hair again, keeping my head in place.

  “No misbehaving,” he tells me before slapping me gently across the face. It's a good warning. I hate being slapped, and I don't doubt he'll do it a lot harder if I try to disobey him again.

  “Yes, Sir,” I mutter.

  Sir Jeremy reaches past me for the rope, then he pulls my arms behind my back to start binding my wrists together. I kneel there patiently, wondering what he plans to do to me next. While I enjoy rope bondage, it always seems to take forever. I much prefer a pair of manacles.

  As soon as my wrists are securely bound, he places surprisingly gentle kisses on my neck. I crane my head for him, enjoying the sweetness of his lips. It's a nice balance to the pain I was feeling earlier. He's definitely good at this. Better than I expected when I first laid eyes on him.

  The gentility only lasts for a few seconds though. Before I can fully enjoy it, he's on his feet again, standing in front of me this time. When he pulls me up into a kneeling position by the hair, I know what he wants. His free hand goes to his zipper, pulling it down. I'm more than hungry for him—have been waiting for this for quite a while.

  His cock is every bit as big as I imagined it would be, the tip already glistening with a bead of pre-seed. It looks like I'm not the only one who is all worked up. I stick out my tongue obediently, allowing him to spank his glans against it a few times before he shoves himself inside of my waiting mouth. He presses his dick all the way to the back of my throat, showing no mercy. My gag reflex doesn't go off though. I've sucked enough cock to be very good at this.

  Teasingly, I refuse to wrap my lips around him. It's not my goal to make him think that I'm bad at oral, but I refuse to give him all of the control, and judging by the way that he won't let up on my hair, he's determined to take it.

  “You're resisting, but I can make you suck me off.” Amusement is plain in his voice.

  With both hands on the back of my head, he thrusts into me hard and fast. I try to stay strong, but I can only handle so much. His helmet spears the back of my throat and pushes past it, my mouth making gurgling noises as saliva builds up inside. After several moments, I'm forced to swallow, my lips suctioning around him. He groans in pleasure and what I also assume is victory. There's no point in fighting anymore. It will be a lot better for both of us if I just give in. And perhaps he'll be less rough.

  He pulls away from me completely, and I choke on the stickiness swimming inside my mouth before swallowing it down. Sir Jeremy's hands never leave my hair, and he gives my face another gentle slap, looking completely wicked. “You think you can win, but you can't. I'm going to get what I want from you even if you fight me every step of the way.”

  I like the sound of that. And I like that he has the balls to fight back. Less experienced Doms would get flustered and give up. Not Sir Jeremy though.

  “Now open your fucking mouth.” He forces me onto him again.

  This time, I'm ready, lessening the torture by slurping on his dick like a giant man-flavored popsicle. He tastes like sweat and sex and sin, all of the things I need right now. Before long, I'm drunk from the taste of him, drowning in the sensation of feeling his girth stretch my jaw. Reveling in the velvet of his skin gliding over my tongue. I worship his cock while he punishes me with it, a fine balance of Dominance and submission that pushes boundaries but doesn't spill over them.

  After what feels like an hour but was probably closer to five minutes, he pulls his dick out of my mouth and stands. “Get up.”

Having my arms tied behind my back makes the task difficult, but I'm able to struggle to my feet. Some girls would be embarrassed by how awkward it looks, but I know this is exactly what he wants to see. The smirk spreading across his lips tells me it amuses him.

  As soon as I'm up and stable, he clutches onto my arm and leads me to a table against one of the walls. Then he grabs me by the hair and shoves me down until I'm bent over it. I lay there obediently, feeling the cool surface against my skin. It's a nice sensation with all of the heat flowing through me. He steps out of sight, and I listen to the sound of foil crinkling. He's getting ready to fuck me. My clit pulses in approval.

  “Are you ready for me to stick my dick inside of you?” He hoists my right leg up onto the table for better access.

  “Yes, Sir,” I whisper, closing my eyes and waiting for that euphoric moment when our bodies are joined.

  “I didn't hear you.” His voice is an angry roar, his hand suddenly pressing down on my neck, sending pain rocketing through me.

  “Yes, Sir,” I reply way louder than intended. The force of his palm on my neck was so unexpected that I momentarily panicked.

  He lets up immediately, and I twist slightly to see him. His cock is standing at attention, his hand lazily stroking it.

  “I'll give you my cock.” He places a hand on my ass and steps up behind me.

  I feel just his tip sliding between my lips. Then a second later pain tunnels through me as he plows into me balls deep in one quick thrust. My back arches and I let out a sound somewhere between a moan and a hiss, my eyes clenched so tightly that my face hurts.

  He pauses for a moment, perhaps concerned by my expression. It's not until I open my tear-lined eyes that he begins thrusting hard and fast. The pain I was feeling melts into pleasure as he pumps into me, the friction and the stretching sensation making my pussy throb around him.

  “I've been wondering what you'd feel like since the moment I first laid eyes on you,” he tells me before grabbing my wrists and tilting his hips slightly.


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