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When Opposites Attract

Page 10

by Romina Valdes-Alsina

  "Of course! Oh, my gosh you have to tell me everything!" We were jumping around when Angel came up to us.

  "So everything's okay?" He asked.

  "You two make such a cute couple! I can't believe I never noticed!"

  "Shhh!" Angel and I hushed her trying to lower her volume.


  "No one but you and Pete know."

  "Who's Pete again?"

  "Angel's best bud."

  "Oh!" Hailey said as it dawned on her and smiled at Angel.

  "Actors get ready!" Mrs. Dawson said or rather screamed at us.

  I started to panic. "Hailey, help me get ready!" I said then looked at Angel.

  "See you later!" I smiled up at him and he flashed me his sexy grin. I got my dress and hurried to the girl’s dressing room. There were two dressing rooms and this one was rather empty and thank the lord Sakura was not here. Hailey did my hair first. It was a simple updo that had a romantic Juliet feel to it. She pinned my curls in place and added a hair accessory while I did my make up. After we were done we both crammed ourselves into a tiny room set up for getting dressed. She opened up the bag and took in the cream colored dress.

  "Oh wow, Ana, it's gorgeous and very Juliet."

  "I know right." I agreed while taking off my sweats. She helped me into the dress and took a step back.

  "You look stunning!"

  "Thank you," I said and did a little curtsy. I looked through my bag making sure I had everything when I found Angel's necktie.

  "Shoot could you, please, find Angel and give this to him." I handed her the silk tie with ruffles. "Please make sure he ties it correctly."

  "Okay," she said making her way out of the dressing room.

  "And make sure he ties it right!" I called after her.

  "I'll try!" She yelled over her shoulder as she ran out of the girl's dressing room.


  I stood on my side of the stage, Angel is supposed to be on the other, but I can't see him.

  "Ana!" I heard Hailey call from behind me. I turned around to see her run up to me in her costume as well. "Angel is in place, everything looks perfect."

  "Awesome, and you look beautiful." I gave her two thumbs up.

  "Well you did help me." I smiled at her and we high fived.

  Then we both turned our attention to Sakura as she walked out on stage in a really cute red dress and her infamous push up bra.

  "Hello everyone," she said in her fake, sickly sweet voice.

  "I'm Sakura and I'll be your host for the day." I heard some guys whistle, probably the football team. Sakura smiled and winked at them. I rolled my eyes.

  "I would like to start the show by introducing Craig Nakamura and Hillary Stewart performing act 1 scene 1. She bowed a little showing her cleavage, which made the football team way louder than they should have been. All the partners get 1 scene in the play. It sounds crazy but it was actually a really cool idea. Everyone blended well together, after two scenes Sakura came back out.

  "Next we have Angel Sanders and Anastasia Somerville." I could feel the hatred in her voice when she said my name. I was already super stressed out and nervous, I'm not in the mood to deal with her pain in the ass attitude.

  "But before they begin I would like to comment on how hard these two worked on this." Where was she going with this? "I saw it with my own eyes, but I think they took this project a little too far. Why don't you two come out and join me." I had no other choice but to walk out on stage. Angel did the same. I walked out with my shoulders back and head held high.

  "I love you, Ana!" Someone yelled from the crowed followed by a round of applause. "You look awesome!" Yelled someone else. I flashed a smile and a little wave. I looked at Angel as we both stood on either side of Sakura. I looked from his handsome face to her smug one. Gosh I hated her. I wonder how much trouble I would get into if I punched her stupid nose into her skull.

  "These two took it so far, I think they may have developed feelings for each other." The crowed laughed. They actually laughed. I looked at them in awe. Without thinking I took the microphone from Sakura and pushed her back a little. She almost twisted her ankle in her high heels, but managed to regain her balance. I looked at everyone and waited for the laughing to subside.

  "I don't know why you are laughing. It's not funny. It's true." Everyone stayed quiet that time. "What no comments? For your information Angel is nicer, funnier, smarter, and cuter than any jock I have ever met. I have had more fun with him than any other guy I have ever been with. So what if he dresses the way he does? I don't care and I don't care what you think either. Plus, why do we even care, they’re just clothes, it's just music? What is the big deal? I'm done with my little rant now, if you don't mind we are going to begin. I turned on the wireless microphone I had been given and took my place. A shocked Angel did the same, and a surprised and pissed off Sakura stormed off stage.


  Anastasia walked to the back and turned around cueing me to start. She laced her arm through yet another extras arm and they pretended to have a conversation. I walked over to Luis, we had to borrow him to play the servant.

  "What lady is that which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight?" I asked Luis.

  "I know not, sir." He replied then went back to cleaning the prop he was polishing. We went about our scene, we had practiced it so many times that it was pretty much second nature.

  "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." She acted surprised by my touch then a small smile to form in her lips and she took my hand in both of hers.

  "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this, for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."

  "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" I said getting closer to her, an inch away from her lips. She backed away let go of my hands and walked around me putting space between us.

  "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer."

  "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." I said moving in closer to her.

  She inched her head back a little. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."

  "Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take." I told her in a lower voice then cupped her face and without thinking too much, kissed the most popular and desired girl in front of our whole year. I felt her cheeks warm up underneath my finger tips, then confirmed it when I pulled back and looked at her. "Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged."

  She gasped. "Then have my lips the sin that they have took."

  I chuckled. "Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again." I brought her to my lips again. We got a few whistles this time.

  "You kiss by th' book." She said with a small smile.

  "Madam, your mother craves a word with you." The girl that played Nurse said and took her away. Then the light dimmed. When we were off Ana and I looked at each other both of us more relaxed we still had to play other characters in a few more scenes but everything was now out in the open and we did the big scene. Two huge weights lifted from our shoulders. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss.



  Angel and I skipped school. I would never have done it but Hanadi let me since I went to school after my dad's death. Angel told his mom he was tired and was taking a day off. Since he barely ever skips his mom let it slide. Angel's mom is at work so we were hanging out at his pool. I never knew he had a pool. It was a nice surprise, I have always wanted a pool. After the stress with Sakura and the show and the nerves it was an awesome way to relax. Plus a pool beats a shocked student body that can't wait to see the infamous new couple any day.

  "You were amazing." I complimented Angel. I was sitting at the edge of the pool in my pink and orang
e bikini. Angel went in the pool then walked up to me and rested his arms on my knees.

  "You were ten times better than I was. he way you told the school off and literally pushed Sakura off the stage." He said with a chuckle.

  "I love you." I said looking straight at him.

  "I love you too." He looked up at me. "You know I never thought I would be telling you that."

  "Me neither," I agreed.

  "Well are you coming in or what?"

  "Nah, my hair."

  "Typical prep," he said with a mischievous grin.

  "Whatever," I said I was going to get up when he grabbed my hand and pulled me in.

  I shrieked and braced for when the cold water would touch my sun-warmed skin. I swam up and took a deep breath; relieving my surprised lungs.

  "Angel!" I screamed. "You suck!" I hit the water with my fists.

  "You know you love me," he said backing away, he hesitated and added, "Barbie."

  That pushed me over the edge and I jumped on him like a ninja! I even made some ninja sounds but he was a lot stronger than I was. I mean he wasn’t built like a football player would be but he's got something going on. "You're going to pay for that!" I told him, but it was no use he pinned me against the side of the pool. He brought his face right up to mine; we were nose to nose.

  "Oh yeah? How?" He whispered in my ear. A shiver went through me.

  He smiled at my soft spot for him, but I wasn't going to give up that easily. With his brown eyes looking at me, and his black hair all messy I almost gave in, but no way will this boy push me around. I reached out and touched his hair.

  "You have curly hair?" I asked surprised.

  "Only when it's wet." He said still holding me against the wall. Not moving, not in the slightest.

  "Oh yeah." I said remembering him in elementary.

  "And don't try to change the subject."

  "It was a good try though."

  "Anastasia," I laughed.

  "There is no way you can keep me here like this. I can get away any time I want."

  "Oh yeah how?" He asked again. I shrugged.

  "I guess like this." I whispered moving closer. Bringing my lips up to his. His arms soften and he moved slightly to the side giving me a chance to escape. I quickly ended the kiss and escaped, swimming to the other side of the pool. He slowly swam my way and I got out of the pool; which was my mistake.

  "You think you're so smart." Angel taunted as he slowly got out of the pool. I immediately started to back away. I stuck out my tongue out at him, which only made him start to walk (very fast) towards me. I ran away and soon he was hot on my tail.

  "Don't you know it's dangerous to run around a pool!”? I yelled over my shoulder.

  "Then you should stop,” he whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He spun me around really fast making me very dizzy. All I did was scream, and before I even had the chance to realize what was happening I was inside the pool again. I took a little while under water, since the cold water helped with the dizziness. By the time I came up Angel was serious, all traces of happiness gone.

  "Penny for your thoughts?" I asked putting my arms around his neck.

  "A penny is all they're worth?" He asked with a smirk on his, yummy, lips. I giggled but his face quickly returned to its previous state.

  "How do you think everyone at school will react?"

  "I don't really care." He looked at me.

  "You don't care? You're head cheerleader, don't you feed off of what people say and think about you?"

  "Wow harsh cliché you got there. You make it sound like I'm a leech." I said dropping my arms from his shoulder.

  "Oh no I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that." He said grabbing my arms and putting them back. Bringing me closer.

  "It's okay." I said forgiving him instantly at the sight of his cute worried face. He relaxed and smiled at me, obviously glad that I wasn't mad.

  "I guess I do care, I mean I am human and a teenage girl, but I try my best to move on and usually I do."

  "How do you do it?"

  "With my head held high, shoulders back, and I never back down. No one can tell me what I can and can't do."

  "I can see that. You know you never seize to surprise me, love."

  "Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet." I said with a wink.

  He laughed. "So, I pick you up Monday?" I nodded.

  Chapter 21


  Anastasia stayed over the whole day. It was great and my mom had to work a double shift, so we were alone. We were both used to being alone, so we just cooked dinner and ate. I put my mom’s food in the microwave then went to drop Anastasia off. I drove up her drive way and stopped in front of her door. I walked out and opened her door. She smiled up at me and got out of the car. She tripped and almost fell, but I managed to catch her in time.

  "Sorry," she mumbled embarrassed.

  "Everything all right?" I asked as I helped her straighten up.

  "Yes... yeah I'm just nervous and I was thinking about school Monday, I wasn't watching where I was going, but I'm fine."

  "You sure?" I asked looking into her diamond like blue eyes.

  "Mhm," she nodded her head and managed a small smile.

  "Okay." I leaned down and touched her lips with mine. Her lips were soft but cold. I didn't deepen the kiss, even though I really wanted to. Feeling Anastasia right now in my arms I could tell she wasn't really in the mood for hot and sexy, so I settled for a sweet goodnight kiss. I pulled away and looked at her. She still had her eyes closed. She breathed in deeply and placed her forehead against my chin.

  "Thank you," she sighed.

  "No need, I love you." I said as I brought her closer and hugged her. I smiled like I always do when I'm with her. There was a moment of silence and then she pulled away.

  "I should probably go inside."

  "Right," I said slightly disappointed.

  "It's not that I don't want to be with you, I do, but I want to shower. I'm kind of tired and I just ruined a perfectly sweet moment." She said looking down and shaking her head. I laughed.

  "Don't worry about it, love. I'm a man, I can take it." She smiled up at me.

  "Okay good night." I kissed her cheek.

  "Good night," I said then watched her go up the front steps and wave good-bye before disappearing into her house. I smiled to myself, got in my car, and drove home. As I drove home I started thinking about my dad. I don't know why, but the thought snuck into my head and glued itself there. After a while I couldn't take the subject anymore and just turned on the radio and blasted the music up high. When I got home my mom's car was parked outside. I went in and saw her sitting alone in the kitchen table eating her dinner.

  "Hey, mom," she looked up from her book.

  "Oh hey, honey, you know the food came out great. You’re best yet."

  "Thanks, Anastasia was here so she helped me out."

  "Well then tell her I loved it." I slowly walked over and sat down across from her.

  "Something wrong?" She asked.

  "Does something have to be wrong for me to talk to you?"

  "Well no, but usually when you talked to me something is."

  "I just wanted to talk to you, I mean I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

  "Yes and I'm sorry, it's just that I have been so busy and-"

  "Why do you work so hard if we don't really need the money?" I asked interrupting her.

  "Well I enjoy working and its not like you need me around and your father...." I looked at her and she was holding back tears.

  "Mom, just because I don't need you doesn't mean I don't want you around. I want you to talk with me about nothing and I want you to spend time with Anastasia and get to know her, because she’s incredibly special. I don't want you to cry every time we bring up dad. I want you to move on and be happy again and bake like you used to, because I miss you and how you were before."

  "You think I don't miss you too? I just can't be all al
one in this house-"

  "And you think it's fair to leave me alone in it?" I asked feeling my temper going up. I barely talk to my mom and I don't want to spend that time I have with her arguing, but I can't stop myself. "You don't think I miss him too? Don't you think I also feel sad every time think about him? I hate the thought that he's dead, but he wouldn't want us to be crying over him all the time, and I know people always say that, but it's true! Death happens and people move on. I wish it never did happen, but it did; nothing I can do about it now! And I already lost my dad, I don't need to lose my mom too." I lowered my voice and mumbled the last sentence. I didn't yell at her, but I was harsh about it.

  I walked out and went upstairs to my room. I thought about cutting myself for a few minutes, but decided against it. I got my IPod and plugged it in and threw myself on my bed. After a few minutes there was a knock on my door. It didn't take a psychic to know who it was. She came in and I turned my head to stare at her. She sat down next to me. I didn't move and when she noticed she pulled my earphones off.

  "Listen to me." She said sternly. I stared at her. "You don't have to talk, in fact I don't want you too, for once just listen." I nodded and she continued. "I loved your father so much. So it's very hard for me to let him go and move on, but that doesn't mean that you were wrong. I do have to move on and be here for you and I should be happy and stop working so much. Which, even though I love working, I got to admit I am sick of that hospital. I do miss you and it's not fair that you have had to grow up so fast and that I left you alone to deal with your dad's death by yourself. I was selfish and a bad mother."

  "Not all bad, I turned out okay." She smiled.

  "Yes you did and I am so proud of how you have handled this situation. I promise I will do better and lay off the overtime. I will also talk to Anastasia and tell her all these embarrassing baby stories about you and get to know her. I will try to move on."

  "That's all I ask." I said and gave her a hug.

  "I love you mom."

  "Love you too, now go ahead shower and get to bed."

  "Mom I'm seventeen."

  "Yeah well I have a lot to make up for, so come on." She said and then got up and left me alone. I got my phone.


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