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The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key)

Page 10

by Michelle Dare

  “I won’t side with him. I belong here, with Luke, and the rest of the Azures.” It’s the truth. This man, who I’ve never met, dares to threaten these people with war. No, I will not side with him.

  “My visions can change, my dear. They change due to your decisions. You have the ability to stop a war before it starts.”

  Luke stands abruptly. “I won’t let her go with him. Or with Sage,” he growls.

  “Easy, young prince. I didn’t say she would have to go with him, but her actions are the catalyst. Everything hinges on her and how she and you respond,” she replies pointedly.

  He rakes his hand through his hair. “What do we do? How do I keep her safe, and here, without causing war? Although, I would love a chance at him. If it weren’t for the potential loss of life, I’d let him bring a war to our borders. It would be my pleasure to cut him down.” I cringe at his words. The idea of Luke being the killer, which Oliver told me about, is nothing I want to ever witness. It’s bad enough in my head, let alone seeing it in real life.

  “Your Highness,” Stephanie addresses him in a calm tone. “Take a seat. You’re startling the princess.” He peers down at me and his eyes soften. Sitting by my side, he takes my hands in his again and looks at me with an apology clearly written all over his face.

  “You need to remember, Prince Lucas, Alison isn’t of our world. Our ways are not her own. It’s going to take her a bit to get used to everything. She has a kind heart and is a peacemaker by nature. Yes, she will stand up for herself or those she loves, but she’d much prefer not to fight or argue. If you care for her, you’ll remember this when in her presence. She’s heard about you and what you’ve done. Be easy with your words.”

  Luke drops his gaze from mine and hangs his head. I turn to the seer and chastise her. “Don’t make him feel guilty for being himself and protecting those in his kingdom. Yes, I’ve heard he’s a killer, but I bet many men in this realm are. Do I want a war? No, especially not because of me. Now tell me what I can do to prevent it?”

  She seems unfazed by my outburst. “King Pine will not rest until he’s laid his eyes on you and spoken with you. His ultimate goal is to bring you to his side, but I think you can appease him, for now, if you meet and talk to him.”

  “No!” Luke shouts. “He could kill her if she were to meet with him in person.”

  “That is why you and Prince Elliott will be by her side. Also, as much as you and Oliver Sage have hatred toward one another, he would never allow the king to harm her. He would lay his life down for her, even if it meant going against his ruler. Yes, he’s a fighter, but he has a soft spot for her.”

  “He doesn’t even know me,” I interrupt.

  Stephanie smiles. “Like I said, this world isn’t the same as yours. You were promised to him many years ago. Just because he never met you, doesn’t mean he doesn’t care for you. Oliver has lived his life waiting for his chance.”

  “He didn’t even know I existed.”

  “He didn’t? King Pine has seers, remember. Oliver knew you were out there and was biding his time until you came to meet your father. I don’t believe his feelings are on the same level as your prince here, but if you choose a life with him, he would spend his days putting you first and living to make you happy.”

  How can someone who doesn’t know me feel this way? It doesn’t make any sense, but then again I’m talking to someone who can look into the future.

  “Wait a minute,” Luke interrupts. “How do you know how Alison will be treated by Sage? You’ve seen her future with him?” Is that jealousy I hear in his voice? Does he think I’ll choose Oliver over him? I thought I made my intentions known when I said I’d like to stay here with him.

  “The future isn’t certain. Princess Alison can select which path she walks down. I’ve seen both futures, one with you and one with Oliver. Only she can choose. Not me. Not you. But we’re getting off-topic. I came here with a warning and now must go. There is a lot for you to do and prepare for. King Pine will be at our borders in two week’s time.

  “He’s giving you some time, Princess. He believes Prince Lucas will show you a side of himself that will make you want to leave. He doubts how genuine Luke is with you around. He’s also preparing his army for battle. I suggest you do the same. The Azure Army is the strongest around. They need to be prepared to face their opponent. Even if the princess agrees to meet with him, his men will be lying in wait. It would be foolish not to have your own men standing behind you.”

  She stands and we follow. Stepping close to me, she clasps my free hand in both of hers. Her eyes twinkle in delight. “It’s truly been a pleasure meeting you. You’re a phenomenal woman, and I know the best is yet to come. Always remain true to yourself and follow your instincts. Everything else will fall into place.” I nod and squeeze her hand. Luke escorts her outside. I hear him talking, but can’t make out the words. As I inch closer, he returns.

  He walks to me and I can see the hesitation in his eyes. His arms lift slightly, although fall back to his side. His hands form fists. I know he wants to hold me, but he’s unsure. Stephanie said a lot in the short time she was here. I bet he’s wondering if I want to be with Oliver. I need to ease his turmoil.

  I close the space between us. Lifting my hand, I rub my thumb over the stubble on his cheek. “Luke, if I wanted to be with Oliver I wouldn’t spend the night with you. I’m not that type of woman. I don’t mess around with different men. If I’m here with you, then it’s only you. I’m not even thinking of other men.” Taking a deep breath, I get ready to admit something I’ve been keeping to myself. “You’ve held a piece of my heart since the first dream we shared. Every dream since, you’ve had me yearning for your touch. Now that I’ve slept with your arms around me, and felt your lips on my own, I can’t walk away. Please trust me when I say I don’t want to be with Oliver. I don’t want to live in my father’s kingdom. I do want to meet him, though, especially if it can help prevent war. I want to know the man who my mother fell in love with. I need to.”

  His shoulders lose their tension and he rests his forehead on mine. “Ali, you have no idea how much your words mean to me. Seeing you with Sage would kill me. You’re mine and have been since that first dream.”

  He captures my lips with his. There’s a possessive heat to his kiss. His hands grip my hips, bringing me flush against him. Why can’t I just get lost in his touch and not think about all that could go wrong? I know I need to meet with my father, but what if something happens, and Luke gets hurt? Or Elliott or one of his men? I don’t want that resting on my shoulders.

  I break away from him. “I need to speak with my father. I have to do everything I can to prevent your kingdoms from going to war.”

  “I don’t like it. You could be hurt. He could capture you and take you from me.”

  “You heard Stephanie. It needs to be done.”

  “She also said the future changes.”

  “She did, and I want to change it for the better, not the worse. I need to do this.”

  Two weeks fly by in the blink of an eye. Luke and I have grown closer. We haven’t crossed the line into sex yet, but damn it’s been hard to hold out. He insists we wait, and even though I’m growing impatient, I know it’s the right thing. Every day I give another tiny piece of my heart to him. Every day I fall deeper under his spell.

  Ryland received word, a few of days ago, that my father is expecting him to turn me over to him this morning along with Oliver Sage, or to be prepared to face his wrath. A messenger was sent back saying the Azure family stands with me and that no one would be handing me over. Ryland did convey that there could be a meeting where I’ll get to speak with my father. He also said Oliver would be released back to King Pine as a show of good faith. He doesn’t want to start a war, but if need be, the Azures are prepared for battle. My father agreed to the meeting, and in kind, will be handing over the Azure prisoners he has within his walls.

  Stephanie visited shortly after we got wo
rd that he agreed. She said the king knows I’m my own person, however will be doing everything he can to sway me to his side. By him releasing the men he has as prisoners, he’s hoping I’ll see he’s a good man. She said we also need to be prepared, in case he tries to capture me. There is some uncertainty with her vision, and she stressed for us to be on guard, which worries me.

  I’ve been given a short sword and taught basic moves by Elliott. Luke has been busy preparing the Elite and the army. We’ll be taking the Elite and some army soldiers with us to our meeting, as per Stephanie’s suggestion. The Elite will be arriving on their dragons, including me with Luke. The other men headed out early this morning on horseback, along with Oliver Sage. There aren’t enough dragons in the kingdom for all of the men. Luke explained that most battles are held on the ground, but he needs to be sure he can get me out of there quickly if he has to. The Elite will surround and protect us until we are back safely within the walls of the castle.

  Twice this past week, I’ve gone on flights with Luke and Tali. Both were at night and each time I was more at ease on her. She seems to like me better, even greeting me first last time, instead of Luke.

  We’re currently making our way to the building where the dragons are kept. I’m dressed in black pants and an azure top. I had no idea you could dye a fabric the exact color of a flower. My shirt is proof. It was Luke’s idea. He said he wanted King Pine to see where I stand, and that I have no intention of going with him. He said my father would be doing all he could to sway me, so why not play dirty as well, and show up in azure.

  Luke is dressed in full armor. You know how when you read books where there’s a knight in shining armor, and you imagine how he would look? Well, I can tell you that your imagination could never do justice to the real thing. The man walking beside me, with his hand on the small of my back, looks like a force to be reckoned with. It’s sexy as hell. I almost became a puddle on the floor when he first stepped into my line of sight this morning.

  His hair is combed back from his face, his beard has grown a little fuller, but he still keeps it neat. The armor is a brilliant steel blue. It magnifies the intensity of his blue eyes. There’s an eagle on the breastplate with its talons spread wide and feathers sticking out on either side. The eagle is the symbol for the Azure Kingdom. On his right arm is a lion, which he told me represents the elite group he leads. There is a matching steel blue cape that billows behind him while he walks at my side. I can’t keep my eyes off of him. I’m surprised I haven’t walked into anything yet from lack of paying attention. The way the armor molds to his body does very wicked things to me.

  He stops in front of the door where the dragons are. I almost run smack into it. Luke chuckles. “You really should watch where you’re going,” he says with mirth.

  “I can’t help it when you look like that.”

  He reaches an arm around my waist and draws me to him; my chest presses close to the cold of his armor. His lips claim mine and the world falls away. It’s only Luke and me in the moment. The way he holds me tenderly. The way his lips and tongue move with my own. I really wish we didn’t have this whole potential war hanging over our heads.

  Luke breaks our kiss first. “We need to get going. They’re waiting for us.”

  It takes a minute for my mind to clear. I look around and see the members of Luke’s Elite watching us. They’re each dressed in the same armor. Elliott is leaning against the building with a wide smile. I blush and bury my face against Luke. The cold metal of his armor, and the men staring at us, effectively puts a damper on my far from innocent thoughts.

  Luke places his arm across my shoulders and leads us into the building first. Each man finds and brings out his dragon. We all go outside to the cliff we will soon jump from. Elliott positions his dragon in front of Tali. His dragon is black as night. All of the other dragons range in color from green to red. Luke’s is the only white one and Elliott’s is the only midnight one. My guess is it’s just another way to distinguish status amongst the warriors. Luke explained that he normally leads his men, but since he will have me with him, Elliott is taking the lead spot to provide further defense.

  We climb on Tali’s back and I’m surprised with the agility Luke has in the armor. He says it’s due to practicing with his men while wearing it. They try to get as used to it as possible. Although, he said he would rather not wear any. I gave him the evil eye when he told me that and said he needs to keep it on and keep himself safe. He smiled, however didn’t say anything further.

  I notice the change in Tali’s demeanor. Normally she nuzzles me and seems equally as curious about me as I am of her. Today she’s completely focused on the task at hand. Her eyes are thin, amethyst slits, her body taut, she’s poised for what’s to come.

  My stomach drops as she dives from the cliff. Squeezing my eyes shut, I hug her neck. Luke has one protective arm around the front of my waist, but I still hold on for dear life. When we even out, I open my lids and see the other dragons have formed a protective circle around us. I don’t think I’m worth all of the extra protection, but Luke insists. He said that I’m treated as anyone in the royal family would be.

  This is no leisurely flight through the sky. We’re going faster than ever before and are flying straight ahead. Straight toward my father.

  King Pine

  Out in the distance the Pine castle looms, and there are men on the ground below us. Tali is making wide circles while half of the Elite land. Elliott is already on the ground and signals it’s clear for us to land as well. Tali’s feet hit the grass gracefully, but she hangs back from the line the other dragons on the ground have formed. The rest of the men drop behind us to keep us surrounded. Half dismount, half stay on. The members of the army are standing in front of the dragons. They’re the first defense. It’s amazing to see the seamless formation of the men. No words are spoken, they all know what to do.

  Luke jumps down from Tali first and holds out his hand to help me. We slowly walk to the front of the line. Luke is one side of me, while Elliott flanks the other. Both of their faces are hard, and I can see why so many are afraid of Luke. He doesn’t scare me, though. He and Elliott provide me great comfort knowing they’re on my side.

  When the army parts to allow us through, the other few Elite men, who left their dragons, are with us. Luke had told me there are a few contingency plans in case something goes wrong. He didn’t provide me with any details. He only said that no matter what I’ll be taken care of. But what if something happens to him or his men? Who will take care of them? That thought has been circling in my mind since he told me there are plans.

  With the sun shining brightly above, I shield my eyes to look in front of me. As we step closer, towering pine trees block out some of the rays and allow me to see better. We are officially on the border of the two kingdoms.

  Standing directly in front of me is a man who makes me falter in my steps. He looks exactly like me: same dark hair and slender nose, tall and thin, but he’s in armor. It’s an evergreen color with the head of a wolf on front. He’s the exact height as me. I can’t help but stare. I notice he’s doing the same thing. His mouth is hanging open as he takes me in. This is my brother, Reid. He lunges forward, but before he reaches me, Luke shoots out his arm and hits him in the throat. Elliott swiftly moves me behind him, however I shift to peer around him to see what’s going on.

  Reid stumbles back grasping his throat. Men from the other side advance as does the Azure Army. They’re standing toe-to-toe. I start to shake, unsure of what’s going to happen. I’ve lost Luke in the mix and only see a wall of men and Elliott in front of me.

  “Enough!” a loud voice bellows. “Stand down. All of you.”

  “We don’t take commands from you,” I hear Luke seethe. He’s still close.

  “I was talking to my own men, but I suggest your men back off as well.”

  “We will do no –”

  “Luke,” Elliott interrupts from his place before me. Then I see hi
m. My Prince and defender. The man who makes my stomach flutter in excitement and can knock someone down with one look. The man, who people fear, but also look up to within his own kingdom. The man who every night wraps me tight in his embrace and remains there until I wake.

  Over the past two weeks we’ve grown closer. So close, I started calling him mine as he has done from the beginning with me. He turns to look at his brother and then his eyes fall on me. They soften a bit. He knows Elliott kept me safe. I take a step forward and Luke meets me in the middle, while Elliott walks around him to ensure Luke’s back isn’t left unguarded. These two move fluidly with one another.

  Luke looks down at me and places a gentle kiss on my nose. “Are you ready?” he asks quietly.

  I can only nod. I’m not ready. Nowhere close to it, but time waits for no one, and I need to finally meet my father. Luke’s hand protectively settles on my back as he brings me forward with him. We pass the line of the Azure Army and stop beside Elliott. There is a tall, imposing figure in front of me. He has dark red hair and a long, matching beard. He’s in armor that matches Reid’s and is wide like a linebacker.

  I stop a few feet from him. Luke and Elliott are with me, and at some point, Oliver joined us along with one of the other Elite. Reid has regained his composure and is standing beside our father. They look nothing alike.

  “My daughter finally comes home,” the king states with a smile, but this is not a warm, welcoming smile. No. It’s one of triumph. He must think I’m here to go with him.

  My fear begins to melt away and my resolve builds. Maybe it’s all of the strong men around me. Maybe it’s the strength I’m borrowing from Luke, since he seems to have enough for ten men. I’m not sure where it comes from, but I’m going to harness it and use it to speak with my father. The man who has been absent all of my life.


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