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Losing to Win (Clearwater)

Page 6

by Dobson, Marissa

  He kissed the top of her head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  She glanced up at him. “Don’t lie to me. It does matter to you.”

  She was right. Would he stay in Clearwater if his family chose to remain in North Carolina? He knew he would…now, with Rebecca by his side. Clearwater gave him a fresh start and possibly a new life that included Rebecca.

  * * *

  Dawn peaked through the sheer curtains hanging from the patio door. Sleep barely touched JC through the night, and when it did, it left him with nightmares. Being back in his hometown, seeing the service men and women at every turn had brought back the memories of his final mission. He had worked with a therapist months before and the dreams disappeared, for the most part. Since settling in Clearwater, the terror had left him. He needed to return to his new home soon.

  When he took off his prosthesis so he could attempt sleeping, he was concerned Rebecca would cringe. But she surprised him. Instead of turning away, she clung to him tighter. She was truly an amazing woman.

  She yawned. “The time change is playing with your sleep schedule. You barely slept. Maybe we should make arrangements for dinner instead of lunch.” She curled in his arms, her left leg and arm draped over him, cuddling close.

  “We leave tomorrow night. If I’m going to convince Mom to move, it has to be today. Then we can relax and enjoy family time.” He draped his arm over her. “You didn’t sleep much either. If you want to stay behind, I’ll understand.” She had been his rock through this and he wanted her with him, not only to convince his mother, but to be next to his side.

  “No, I’ll go. Unless you want to spend time alone with your family?” Her gaze met his.

  “I want you there with me. I just didn’t want to pressure you.”

  She laughed, sliding her hand up his chest. “I don’t want to walk on eggshells around your family.”

  “I don’t want that either.” He placed his index finger under her chin, lifting her lips to his for a soft meaningful kiss. “My family can be a bit overwhelming. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

  “Your family is an extension of you. I’m looking forward to all the embarrassing stories they can tell me about.” She kissed him again. “I need to shower.”

  “Maybe I should join you.” He winked.

  “We’ll never make it to your family’s house if we end up fooling around in the shower. I’ll take a rain-check for when we’re back in Clearwater.”

  Watching Rebecca pad naked to the bathroom caused his shaft to harden with desire. He wanted to follow her, to see the soapy water cascading down her silky body, but there would be another day for that. Right now he had to get dressed and prepare what he’d say to convince his mother to move.

  Chapter Nine

  JC opened Rebecca’s door just as Lee jogged up to them.

  Lee approached them, his arms crossed over his chest. Anger sparked in his eyes. “I didn’t think you were coming back? Mom said you were, but I figured you had to get back to your new life and job?”

  “Boy, I hope you haven’t lost your manners while I was gone.” JC frowned.

  “Sorry.” Lee held out his hand. “I’m Lee. It’s nice to meet you, Rebecca.”

  She accepted his hand. “Same to you. I’m sorry we left before JC had time to talk with you last night. That was my fault. I was tired after the plane ride.”

  Lee poked his finger at JC’s chest. “It’s your fault. You left us. You left Laya and me to handle everything. Poor Laya’s got so much to handle, and I have football practice starting in two weeks. Why’d you bother to come back?”

  “Lee, I’m sorry you had to pick up some of the slack with me gone. I had to go. Today, I’m here to take everyone out to lunch, to enjoy some family time. I’ve missed you all.” JC had always sheltered the kids, doing his best to allow them each to have a childhood, but when he left, Laya and Lee had no choice but to take over. Lee resented it, and while that tore at JC’s heart, he had no real choice. He was useless to his family before.

  “We don’t need you here.” The muscles in Lee’s neck bulged.

  “Damn it, Lee, stop acting like a spoiled brat. I know you had to give up partying with the team and cruising the streets, but damn it we’re talking about our family. Your siblings needed you too.” JC’s anger peaked. He was tired of Lee acting like he was the only one that gave things up to help. “What the hell did you want me to do? I was a mess when I returned from duty. I wasn’t any good to anyone. Leaving was one of the hardest decisions I made, but it was right for the family.”

  “You’re wrong. Mom was worse when you left, she cried all the time. When you were on a deployment she worried, but when she sat by your bedside she realized she could have lost you. Then you just picked up and moved across the country. It broke her. Kelly cried for you, night after night. Nothing any of us did would comfort her. She’s finally getting over missing you. She asks for you, but there’s no fighting at bedtime. Do you realize what coming back will do to Kelly? She woke up this morning searching for you and when she couldn’t find you she went back to bed crying. You’re the only father she’s known. Hell, you abandoned us all.” Lee uncrossed his arms, and for a moment, JC thought his younger brother was going to hit him. Instead he took off running down the street.

  JC leaned against the car. His heart sank. Was coming back a mistake?

  “JC.” Rebecca laid her hand on his arm.

  “Oh, Rebecca, I’m sorry you had to witness that. Let’s go inside. I’ll deal with Lee when he comes home.” He glanced down the sidewalk to see Lee rounding the corner. He pushed away from the car.

  “JC, wait.” She pulled his arm. “Lee is upset. I think some of his anger stems from missing you. It wasn’t just your mother that nearly lost you, it was your whole family. You’re their hero. They look up to you and you’ve been a standup father to them, especially the younger ones.”

  “I did my living through Lee. He has my dreams of playing football and going to college. To see him so angry, breaks my heart. I don’t know how to fix it.” He shook his head.

  “I think he wants your freedom. With you here, being the man of the family, he had it. Maybe the possibility of going to college in a year and leaving his family behind, he feels guilty. You said you did when you joined the Marines and when you moved to Clearwater. Go find him and tell him the reason you’re here.”

  “What about you?”

  He had to go after Lee, but he couldn’t just leave Rebecca standing on the sidewalk. Who knows how long he’d need with Lee.

  “I’ll go inside. I have a feeling your mother has some questions she’s dying to ask me about what’s going on between us.”

  He shook his head, sliding his arm around her waist. “I won’t put you through mom’s interrogation.”

  “It won’t be that bad, and maybe I can soften her decision on the move. Now go on.”

  “Are you sure?” He looked for a hint she didn’t want him to leave.

  “I’m sure. I’ll see you inside.”

  He leaned and kissed her. “You’re amazing.” He went after Lee, knowing Rebecca could handle his mother. He was more worried about the knowledge that he was falling in love with Rebecca.

  * * *

  Rebecca took a deep breath and knocked on the apartment door. She needed a swift kick on the behind for offering to go in alone, but JC needed to work through his issues with Lee without her. She either waited in the car or went inside.

  Jackie opened the door. Her slightly greying hair was pulled back in a clip. “Rebecca? Where’s JC?”

  “He went after Lee. They need to talk. I thought I’d wait for him here. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Jackie stepped aside. “No, come on in. Did Lee run-off at the mouth again? He never knows when to keep his damn trap shut. If he goes making JC feel guilty about coming home there will be hell to pay.”

  Rebecca shut the door and glanced around the room. The small apartment was fairly quiet. Lay
a sat on the sofa with a school book on her lap.

  “Did you bring JC back?” Kelly peeked over the back of the sofa. She was in her princess pajamas and had tears streaming down her face.

  The little girl pulled Rebecca’s heartstrings. She walked closer to the sofa, hoping to offer what little comfort she could. When she bent, almost eye level with Kelly, the little girl climbed over the back of the sofa. “Aww sweetie, JC will be here soon. He’s just downstairs talking to Lee.”

  “You swear?”

  “I promise.” Rebecca made a cross over her heart. “You should go get dressed so you’ll be ready when he arrives.”

  Kelly swung her arms around Rebecca’s neck. Rebecca lifted her.

  “Kelly, I’m sure Rebecca doesn’t want to carry you around. Now get down.” Laya scolded her younger sister.

  “She’s fine.” Rebecca moved Kelly to rest on her hip, her arm tight around the girl’s back. “You’re just excited to see JC, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve missed him.” Kelly whined, snuggling her head against Rebecca’s shoulder.

  “I know, sweetie.” She wanted to do something to ease the little girl’s pain. If Jackie declined the move it would be hard on Kelly when JC left again.

  “Laya, why don’t you take Kelly to get dressed and make sure everyone else is ready too. I want to talk to Rebecca alone.” Jackie nodded.

  Laya had to pull Kelly off Rebecca before she was able to do as her mother asked. She left Rebecca and Jackie alone in a heavy silence that seemed to fill the small apartment. Rebecca wondered how nine people lived in such cramped quarters. The living room was barely big enough to allow six people to sit. It had to have been worse when JC lived at home.

  “Don’t judge me.” Jackie sat down on the recliner.

  “I wasn’t. I was actually admiring how spotless the apartment is. Parents with fewer children have a hard time keeping up with all the toys and clothes lying around. Your home is so tidy.” Rebecca sat on the sofa across from Jackie.

  “I can’t take credit for that. Laya does most of the cleaning.” Jackie smiled, glancing around her home before her attention fell back to Rebecca. “I’ve thought about JC’s offer.”

  Rebecca fought the urge to ask what she had decided. Pushing Jackie might put her further from a positive decision. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt JC’s chance at having his family closer.

  “Aren’t you going to ask what I’ve decided?”

  Rebecca shook her head, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “I figured you’d prefer to wait for JC. I’m only here to support JC, not to force you into anything you don’t want to do.”

  “So if I said we were staying here, you wouldn’t pull that guilt shit you did last night?” Jackie’s tone made Rebecca cringe.

  “I apologize if I came across harsh. I only told you the truth and hoped you would consider moving a good opportunity—for you and the kids.”

  “I can see in my son’s eyes that you mean a lot to him. He seems to like living in Clearwater.” Jackie turned to study the picture of her son in his dress blues. His face so young and innocent, it had to be shortly after he enlisted.

  “JC might stay in Clearwater, but not because of me. He’s gained peace there. I’ve seen a change in him after being home one day. This visit has brought back his anxiety and stress. I don’t think he could live here again. He’d lose all the progress he’s gained. You have to realize that.”

  “Are his nightmares back?” When Rebecca remained silent Jackie added. “He tried to hide them, but the walls are thin here.”

  “Yes, last night.”

  “But not in Clearwater?”

  Rebecca didn’t have any first-hand knowledge, only that he had told her he hadn’t had any since he moved to Clearwater. “None that I know of.”

  “I saw the tension in him last night when he was here. I don’t want to be the one to cause him any further grief in his life. He’s a good boy and deserves to be happy, that’s why I’ve decided to go to Clearwater, as long as the kids agree.”

  The door creaked. JC and Lee entered the apartment. Both were smiling and JC had his hand on Lee’s shoulder. “Did I hear you right?” JC approached his mother.

  “It’s not up to me. The kids have to have a say in this, especially the older ones.”

  “JC!” Kelly ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, crawling onto his lap. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Are you really certain you want to move?” Lee questioned his mother.

  “Everyone sit. I’ll gather the kids for a family meeting.” Jackie rose from the chair and walked down the hall.

  “What did you say to her?” JC sat next to Rebecca, Kelly still clinging to his side. He wrapped his other arm around Rebecca’s shoulders.

  “Nothing,” She whispered and leaned against him. “She sees what being back here is doing to you.” She tickled Kelly’s stomach. The little girl giggled. Rebecca was happy that JC would have everything he wanted, which she hoped included her.

  Chapter Ten

  With a positive consensus reached, JC’s family would move to Clearwater on the condition he found them a rental home before the school year started. It meant his family would have to move twice, but at least they would all be together.

  Instead of going out for lunch, they ordered pizza and spent time together as a family. JC and Rebecca cuddled on the sofa, Kelly dozing in his arms, while his mother sat across from them.

  “Why don’t you ship what you don’t need over the next few weeks to the new house? We can buy new furniture in Clearwater and you won’t need a moving truck?” JC made a mental list of everything to be done.

  “What about the cars? Lee’s got your old one, and there’s mine. I’m not sure they’ll make it, but we can’t be without a vehicle.”

  “Clearwater is a small town. The house will only be a few blocks from the high school so Lee doesn’t need a car right away. I can get you one before you arrive.” JC smiled. “I don’t want you and the kids doing that long drive, especially in two separate cars. Flying would be easier.”

  “Flying is expensive.” Jackie didn’t seem convinced.

  “Driving is too. Hotel rooms, food, and gas, it all adds up.”

  “Okay. I’m still worried about a job.”

  “Don’t be,” Rebecca replied. “A friend of mine is a secretary for Dr. Bowmen, an OBGYN in Clearwater. She’s retiring and needs someone to replace her. JC said you do that type of work. I scheduled a phone interview for Monday, if you are interested in applying. The only catch is, Dr. Bowmen needs someone to start in three weeks.”

  “Wow, you’re amazing.” JC leaned toward her, careful not to disturb Kelly, and kissed Rebecca. “That’s tight, but we’ll make it work. Once we get back to Clearwater tomorrow, Rebecca and I will start searching for a rental.”

  Kelly’s eyes shot open. “You’re leaving? You can’t! Please don’t leave me!” Tears fell down her little cheeks, breaking JC’s heart.

  “Oh, Kelly, we’re going to be together soon. All of us. We’ll just be apart for a short while.” He picked her up, cuddling her against him, and rubbing small circles on her back.

  His mother rose, arms stretched to take Kelly. “I think she needs a nap. She didn’t sleep well last night.”

  “It’s okay, I’ll put her down.” JC stood, contentment filling his heart.

  * * *

  Rebecca leaned in the doorway of Kelly’s bedroom, watching JC interact with his sister. She was more of a daughter than a sister to him. Maybe it was because Kelly was the youngest at only four, with nearly a five year age gap to the next sibling.

  “Did Mom scare you off?”

  “No. I just wanted to talk to you alone.” She entered the room and shut the door behind her.

  “Did Mom say something that upset you?” He frowned.

  “No. I was thinking about Kelly. She’s really attached to you.” She moved closer to him.

  “I know. Leaving tomorrow is
going to be hard on her.”

  “And hard on Laya and Lee for the next while until Kelly sees you again.” Rebecca glanced down at the sleeping child. “I was thinking…why don’t we take her home with us?”

  “What?” His voice rose, shock clear in his tone.

  “Hear me out.” She rested her hand on his arm. “The rest of the family will be joining you in a week or two, three max. Why not bring her with us now. She needs you.”

  “I’m still at Cameron’s. I can’t spring a kid on them. Even if I could, there’s no room.”

  She took a deep breath, wondering how he would feel about her next statement. “You could stay at my place. I have a guest room. Kelly can sleep there.”

  “I have to work. The shop isn’t the best place for a child.”

  “I’m part time at Express-Ohh’s. I’ll watch her while you’re at work, and when we both have to work we’ll make arrangements. It’s only temporary. We can make it happen.” She rubbed his arm. “I know seeing Kelly so upset breaks your heart. If your mom is okay with Kelly coming with us, then why not? It will give Lee and Laya a break as well.”

  “You’re sure you want to do this?”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t. We’ll find your mom a great rental, and everyone will be together in a few weeks.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight. “Thank you.”

  * * *

  By the time they arrived at Rebecca’s apartment, Kelly was so exhausted she could barely keep her eyes open. JC turned to Rebecca, catching a glimpse of Kelly from the corner of his eye. She was stretched out across the backseat, asleep. “I’ll take her up, tuck her into bed, and then I’ll come back for our bags.”

  “The bags are light, I can grab them.”

  He glanced back at Kelly, the muscles in his shoulders tightening. “Are you sure about this? I could get a room for us at Winterbloom.”

  “Stop worrying. I want you both here.” Rebecca laid her hand on his thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Now come on, she needs to be in bed.”


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